Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: June 2018 (Page 3 of 8)

Return of Tha Gnat

Its been a while since YHC had the Q at Folsom for a bootcamp beat down. With the heat coming hard and heavy, you start to wonder how many might just fart sack rather than post in the humidity. This AM was no different. The humidity was rather non pleasant due to the bit of rain late yesterday, but I remain optimistic because of the Fire these Folsom PAX have under them. Huck is already present as I pull into the park. At 5:20 I step out of my ride to stretch. You realized very quickly that the freakin summer gnats are back and back strong.  More headlights roll in as Huck and I try to figure out how to breathe without inhaling a cloud of these pests. A new truck is spotted thinking “FNG?” Nope just Allen Tate in yet another one of his vehicles. It’s time.

warmarama-Omaha was quickly made due to the amount of gnats in the start area. So we mosey. Continue to the flag pole. Yes, YHC forgot the shovel flag.

Now warmarama-LBCs, SSH, Merkins all x20IC.  Then Moroccan NightClubs while Huck gets the six.


Mosey back to the large lower parking lot for some Triple Nickel. I know, it’s usually hill work but we used the parking lot which has a pretty nice grade to it. 5 Burpees at the top, run to the bottom for 5 plank jacks. Repeat x5. Mumblechatter by a couple PAX asking what is Triple Nickel. After an in-depth explanation from YHC, there was still a question about the running part in between each exercise. Those claim that it was 10 runs not 5?! Well, I started to wonder if we were actually at Midoriyama. Anyway, I continue to explain. Finally, all is understood? So, continue until all PAX are finished. Still, tons of gnats and some were looking for water to wash them down.

Mosey to top corner of the lot for 4-corners. This should’ve also been easy to understand but math questions come up again. Q calls for 4 exercises. SSH, LBCs, Squat Jumps, Flutter kicks. Corner 1-all 4 x10 each, corner 2- all 4 x20 each, corner 3-all 4×30, corner 4-all x40 each.

Mosey to shelter for a few more. Dips, Freddie Mercury, sandy V, Step Ups all x15 IC

running out of time, mosey back to start. Again, the gnats are extremely thick so we try to hurry through the rest.

announcements- Clown car July 4 to The Fort, July 4th 4-Miler, Metro convergence

prayer requests, Each other, Allen Tate family, praise from Pastor Clever on his mission trip

YHC took us out

honor to lead you men. Thanks for all the encouragement and crap talk. I know the men got a good amount of protein inhaling gnats. I honestly had more to write here, but the Folsom PAX are nagging the heck out of me to get the B.B. up.


I know I had it here somewhere!

Tuesday at the Storm can be a grab bag of fun sometimes. You never know what you’re going to get, no show Q’s, Mayor being Mayor and sometimes your weinke disappears. The latter is what happened to Sargento this morning. YHC ran the 4 miles from home to get in a little last minute training for his upcoming race and he’s sure the weinke left the house with him. YHC even checked his pockets a couple of times en route to make sure it was still there. Everything was ready, speaker for the tunes, weinke, PAX.

Warm Up:

Goofballs of course 1×5 IC I think

Don Quixotes x10 IC?

Gorilla Humpers x10 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey around the parking lot up and around to the big speed hump. There the PAX found YHC’s portable speaker and his weinke. Wait, where is the weinke? Dang, Q fail. Oh well, here goes.

The Thang:
AMERICA – an escalator doing 10, then 20 then 30 reps of each exercise.

A – American Hammers

M – Merkins

E – Flying Squirrels (there aren’t any good E exercises)

R – Rockette Dips

I – Imperial Rockette Walkers

C – Crab Walk Inch Worm

A – Annies (if you don’t know look it up)

There was a train somewhere in there so we did 5 burpees for that.

We had the good fortune to listen to YHC’s U2 playlist while pushing the rock in preparation for their upcoming concert. Some PAX didn’t fully embrace the tunes but that’s ok, YHC will bring something else that most wont’ like again soon I’m sure. The concert was killer by the way!

To wrap up we tried some Austin Ass Kickers. They’re hard to keep a rhythm with.

I think that was time.

Prayer Requests – Can’t remember (this is a great reason to get your BB done before too long) sorry men.

Moleskin – I love leading workouts and hopefully everyone doesn’t mind putting up with me from time to time. I don’t look forward to writing BBs though and it’s even harder when you’ve lost the weinke to refer back to. Better luck next time.


Mighty Sweet Little Pec’s

(Rudolph) I was gone too long, sick and exhausted from the beach. Time to Q some Painlab, despite the fact that my neighbor and new member Pedal bailed on me for Boot Camp!  We march on….

Tube and Short Sale took the PL pull, and we focused on 3 areas: cardio, strength and stretch.

Cardio Phase 1:  8 minute clock, AMRAP with 10 squats, 10 merkins, 10 ice skates, 10 shoulder taps.  No rest.

Cardio Phase 2:  4 Round HIIT:  20 seconds on, 10 seconds off of these 4 exercises, x 4 rounds: Squat, Shoulder Taps, AMERICAN Hammers, Mountain Climbers.

Strength Training:  grab a kettlebell and let’s get to work:

Russian Swing x 2 sets
Cleans x 2 sets
Presses x 2 sets
Snatch x 2 sets
Deadlift x 2 set
100 lb Farmer Walks

Short sale had to split (going to a devotional hike, this guy is strong with the force!), Tine and I did 5 minutes of stretch/yoga then the gang landed.  Some sweet Mary Time and the crew was saved by the bell from Burpees.

Great talk during PLab, the talk the night before from SS was inspirational, and great to catch up with with Tube, strong work!  A pleasure to lead and glad to be back!

***all F3 crew make sure to see who is on Twitter or Slack, I was surprised how many people Saturday do not have one of these communication tools. Make sure to stress this to our Pax everyone!!

Luke B.

(Linus) I arrived promptly late for EC this morning and found the Boone Bound crowd protecting the non permited 24/7 non-towing non-enforced parking lot.  I thought I was arriving late for my own Q!!!; nerves settled when I remembered they were heading for the hills, I set up the shovels and moseyed around Grier for a sluggish warm up which I un proudly posted to Strava.  Most of the PAX showed up at 7 and it was about then we decided we may want to push on a workout.  Disclaimer, warm up, (numbers in line this time), here we go:

SSH – Always start with this for Short Sale, 20 in cadence

Merkin – Stopped at 10 in cadence

LBC – 20 in cadence

Squats – 20 in cadence

Pledge, that’s it.  I took 1/2, Rudolph grabbed the rest.

Moseyed up to Grier, Rudolph chased us half way to Grier flagging down his EH trying to persuade him to come back to painlab.  Turns out he was helping by bringing him gloves but I’m sure Rudolph was pondering how I managed to steal his EH.  Made it to the track (in tears) and I decided this would be the day we did not start with 4 corners.  Lucky all.

Moseyed to the picnic tables, started with Lindsay’s/Forties.

30 Dips/10 Derkins = 40 – Reduce/Increase by 5 until 10 Dips / 30 Derkins – Plenty of gas in the cardio tank but arms are toast.  Little Sweet, who was Beach Bound this week was thrilled about his Picqued Thorax Breast Nipple Pecs and kept posing for a mirror that did not exist.  We would take moderate breaks but Lil’ Sweet kept wanting more when he would notice his newly acquired excess engorgement subsisting.

Time going fast already at this point, decided to spice it up a little, maybe too much.  Down the hill to baseball field.  One trip only, one……Backward Bear Crawl up Hill…….seemed simple enough, I think it took about 10 minutes.  Not sure if Jesus and Tube was struggling or trying to choke me out.  An absolute excellent shoulder burner.  Literally the rest of your body is pretty much dead weight you drag.

The next exercise was not much better, ‘Modified’ Burp Back Mountain.  Instead of running backwards up hill we moved forward.  Partner up, run up hill to tables, partner burpees, aggregate total of 50.  Modify to flying squirrels, no argument from the Pax.

Moseyed to the steps.  Partner up, Dora 1,2,3’s.  Merkins (100), Squats (200), Scissors (300).  This was like a 3rd grade exam, much relief.

Parking Lot:  Aiken Legs……20 of each…..Squats, Box jumps, Lunge (across parking lot), Split Jacks

Approaching way past 10 ’til and we are already late to join Rudolph’s Mary.  Always a good idea to not let Rudolph listen for the Angelic chimes of the bells, he’s usually busy listening to himself hand out pain, his favorite thing to do, and he laid 5 burpee’s on us pre-chime even though it was 7:59 and 59 seconds.  How in the world (I wondered) did I just Q a workout when Rudolph makes me feel like this is my first day.

Chime, Finish……..


Be sure to look up WhetStone and sign up online.  Turns out my application was denied (I could not name all the Castaways on Gilligans Island) but that should not stop you from signing up.  Great program, I am looking forward to it, get involved!!!!  Now, Yesterday…………Sign UP!!!!!!

Welcome Alec Wallace, FNG (Pedal) whom I took from Rudolph with or without gloves

Whoopee with the Bootcamp Q on 6/30, Clavin on 7/7

GoRuck Event 7/22 (Hippa heading this up)

Many Thanks to Pockets and Short Sale for leading the 3rd F event Friday night at FPC

Prayers continue for Brownstreak and his family and for Pockets for quick healing

Honored to lead the HIM’s where I am frequently the Six.




Grandfather Beatdown

6 HIM’s went to see Grandfather on 6/23.

Whoopee, Blart, HIPAA, Moses, Sparrow, and Hot For Teacher.

We were met with 70 degree weather!! After navigating our way around a washed out bridge, we headed up the Tanawha and Daniel Boone Trails to get to Calloway’s Peak. The route was nothing short of beautiful. The total hike was 7 miles and took us 4:12 minutes to complete. We even climbed up 3 ladders near the top. We rummaged through an old airplane wreck as well (a cool surprise). After the great hike, we broke bread (and chicken wings, BBQ, and hush puppies) at Woodlands…not to bad.

It was great day…hope everyone enjoyed themselves.

Two notes…my thighs are smoked and my neck muscles hurt! Wasn’t expecting the extra work out to that muscle group!


No title needed

Today was a beautiful day to fartsack. When you are a true HIM you resist the urge to fartsack and 9 men did that today. 6 rucked and 3 ran. Way to push today. Hacksaw(fng) pushed hard today on his first ever ruck. Way to show these men that you mean business and you are a natural born rock pusher.

Pledge was said and shortly after a sad clown walked up and said “I don’t know who y’all are or what y’all are doing but if y’all are saying the pledge out in the open I want to be a part of it.”  We gave hi. All the information needed to come out and join. I hope he does.  Keep in mind guys there is always someone watching. You never know how much what you are doing will impact someone else.


Announcements where said and prayers were raised up. Def Leppard(get your butt down leppard) took us out.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead men it was an honor to lead a great group of Hims

Tesla McBadass and the First Day of Summer

So for the last few weeks YHC has been closing COTs in Metro and other places with a prayer of thanksgiving about us getting together to enjoy a humid, warm summer morning. Only of course to be corrected by some wiseass pax that it’s still spring. At my advancing age I have seen more summer’s than most so I know what summer is when I see it and feel it regardless of the date. And in my youth summer activities included but were not limited to cutting site lines on a survey crew, hauling and feeding cattle, and pulling tobacco in eastern NC. So YHC knows little bit about summer. And boys, we are THERE! So it was time to celebrate by bringing out a deluxe McBadass at The Yank yesterday morning. It went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Don Q X 20

Mosey up to the parking lot behind Cherub’s and a few other spots for the suicide drills, run two parking lines up and one back and do the called move to the end of the lot:

1st set: One burpee

2nd set: 5 jump squats.

10 Mike Tysons at the end

Mosey on up to the Stowe hose for another set of 10X, 15X,  20X repeats:

Fence squats (aka Tijuana Dreamers or as I call them, Trumpers!)


LBCs with a twist.

Mosey up to the next corner:

Another round of work:

Mountain climbers (10X, 15X)

Hand release merkins  (5X, 10X)

Squats (10X, 15X)

Mosey up to the Corner of Knowledge:

Step ups, Incline merkins, Dips

Repeat 10X, 15X, 20X

Mosey down to Heart Break Hill for some REAL work after all this warm up.

Welcome to the Numbers Game. Here are the numbers to remember:

10, 14, 18. Number of reps on the called exercise.

1, 2, 3. Number of hill runs between the reps.

1st set: Merkins (10, 14, 18) Hill runs( 1 following the 10, 2 following the 14, 3 following the 18)

2nd set: Squats, same as above.

Mosey up to the Field of dreams after these gassers!

We enter the 4th Quarter. As Bear Bryant said, winning is not imperative but getting tougher in the 4th quarter is! So here we go!

The IM slalom:

Bear Crawl (2X)

Agility run (1X)

Over the top (1X).

This got everybody pretty gassed as well!

Return as follows:

Backwards run 1/4 , drop and do 5 burpees

Backwards to the 1/2 point, drop and do 5 diamond merkins

Backwards to the 3/4 point, drop and do 10 real situps

Backwards to the end, 10 mountain climbers.

Mosey down to the fountain for some finishing up Mary by the pax,

Finish up and head for The Yank and the pledge.


Great work by the pax today. It was a really a pretty nice day with some breeze to cool us off. But yeah, its summer and its humid, and we are near the water so the humidity is magnified. We put in a hard roll today despite all that. If anybody took a nap, good for them! Anchorman let us know of a service opportunity for some special needs kids over at Crowders in July. Stay tuned to Twitter for that. I think its called Branch Camp.  They need some adult support mostly late afternoon as best I can tell but I bet they would take anything they could get. Reach out if you can.

Be looking for leadership next week. I’ll be reaching out for that. The Yank is Badass. Keep it that way!



Surprise Q

12 showed up wondering who the Q at Downtown was but did not know that a middle of the night call from Turtle-man put me in the driver seat because he  is dealing with a family member in the Hospital. But, once I told everyone the excitement and cheering settled down after a couple of minutes.


The Thang:

SSH 20

CCD 20

Imperial Walker 15

Wide Arm Merkins 20

Mountain Climbers 15

Diamond Merkins 10

Mosey to York Street ( Lunge walk across the Bridge) and all the way down to W. Ranking Avenue. Take a right, Left on North York Steet, Right on West Walnut Avenue, and left in to large perfect parking lot. Location is everything.

While waiting on 6 we did something at this point.

Then we did Catch me if you Can. Partner A runs the perimeter of the parking lot which is big while Partner B does 5 Burpees. Then B runs after A and once he catches Partner A does 5 Burpees. Rinse and repeat until one big lap was complete.

Next, 1 Parnter Merkin, Run opposite directions until you meet then do 2 Partner Merkins and so on. We made it to 7.

20 Flutter Kicks

20 Merkins

20 Flutter Kicks

20 Wide Arms

20 Slow to fast Flutter Kicks

10 Diamonds OYO

Meander 50 yards and then mosey to York street at the bottom of hill.

50 I said 50, Sumo Squats.

Run backwards on the sidewalk up the hill to the light. (A little mumble chatter about this due to cars on the road but everyone was ok once we got going) Do what you can do and feel comfortable with that. I am not judging you.

Plank to wait on the light to cross the road and then Mosey around the buildings and back to the start for a finish.

The Moleskin:

Great morning that started out with Whoopee and Roscoe nailing some extra credit. I would have but went to bed early last night and did not read the pre blast. We made a little over 3 miles in this Bootcamp which for some of the guys this is an accomplishment in itself.

Toto, this guy has brought it this week with his 3rd workout in his first week. He plans on attending Pain Lab tomorrow morning. Kudos to Toto.

Captain Stubbing, has been much more that present lately as well. Kudos to all the hard work.

I am only highlighting a few and many others have been working hard, keep it going. Sometimes the results are hard to see and then you look back and don’t know how you got to the front of the Pax.

Prayers for several of the pax going through or family that is going through something. I would notate these people but I don’t want to mess up all the relationships so just give a good prayer for the pax.

Gastone Out!



If you can take the heat, get in my kitchen

I have been looking forward to this Q – I had the concept for the “what” and only needed to wait for the opening in the busy schedule for Midoriyama. There is quite a following which speaks volumes for the AO that Def Leppard leads. As your Weasel Shaker, I track all of the numbers and our only afternoon workout averages 17.3 men for the two workouts each week. Why is that important? I had coupons and circuits that required a unique three-man rotation.

I had my work scheduled cleared and happily checked out of the office at 4:15 to ensure enough time to navigate traffic on I-85 and set up the small soccer field for the pain that was to come. I checked the temperature as I parked my car – 95 degrees it read. Hot but the humidity is yet to come for the Boys of Summer.  The PAX arrived slowly but surely. Swimmer suited up for a bike ride and the rest of us gathered into the circle. Time to clock in:

Pledge (in record time)

Warm-up (maybe another record)

  • MNC’s IC x 1
  • Don Quixote’s IC x 2
  • SSH IC x 3
  • Toy Soldier’s IC x 4
  • Burpees 5 OYO
  • Let’s mosey to the small soccer field

Whoopee would have loved the shortened warm-up. It certainly provoked some chatter and curious thoughts among the PAX as for the efficiency. Frankly, we needed all the time to get through the Weinke. We arrived at Field 1 on the right which had a short course arranged. Tiger came in hot and sprinted to catch us. I was prepared for as many as 30 but 15 would be ideal for the coupons. Tiger gave us 10 for the bootcamp so we divided into two groups of three and a group of four for the following:

P1: takes the newly purchased bricks and performs:

  • MNC’s x 15 (sgl ct)
  • Squat Press x 10
  • Jack Webbs x 5

P2 grabbed a sandbag in each hand and farmer’s carried across the width of the soccer field. Q’s note this distance was too short and either needs to go the length or lunge walk to extend the time for P1 and P3 that are doing the exercises.

P3 is waiting on the opposite side of the field performing:

  • Makhtar N’Diaye’s x 5 (low plank to high plank)
  • Burps x 10
  • Mtn. Climbers x 15

P2 exchanges places with P3 who farmer’s carry the sandbags across the field to exchange with P1. We went a total of 5 rounds (~10 minutes). In case you’re not digesting the concept, I’ll give you the Workout for Dummies version. This set was a  shoulder/upper arm focus with the bricks on one end plus the 10 to 25 lb sandbags to conclude with the plank exercises. About midway through the PAX verbalized their shoulder burn. I felt it then as well but the burn has continued as I rest my arms on the desk trying to type this BB. This will be felt and because of that, it is a keeper for future Weinke’s. So after that was done, it was on to Thang #2. This was something I did a few weeks ago at the Black Knight. Roadie reminded me he was present for that one and hated it just as much then as he did today. I did modify this version slightly because we’d be doing it in the afternoon sauna. But in honor my man Slaw, I couldn’t Q a Midoriyama workout without filling his pallet of burpees. Unlike his Del Frisco’s anniversary dinner, this serving was free. With a little pre-amble I announced we’d be doing the Slaw-ful. Beginning with corner #1 do 12 burpees. Then running the short end of the field to corner #2 for 11, then the length of the field to corner #3 for 10, then corner #4 for 9. It descended all the way down to 1 for a total of 78 (the total workout had 103 burpees for the day – just in case your counting). Of course Slaw was in the lead pack with Sister Act. Amid the afternoon heat this really amped up the heart rate making it hard to catch our breaths but we pushed through. Well done by all the guys to knock that one out.

We were about a half hour into the workout and next on the list was something I had advertised had never been done before. The idea came from a simple elementary field day game – the balloon relay. Of course I needed to add a bit of a twist. So I printed out an exercise and reps on a slip of paper and slid it into the balloon. With 10 men we divided into two teams with one member of each team running across the field to the bleachers to sit on the balloon, find the piece of paper and return to their teammates with the exercise/reps to perform before the next man took off. After the Slawful of burpees, the rest was welcomed. The game had it’s share of challenges as Pizza Man squashed his balloon so violently the slip of paper flew out, taking him several seconds to find, allowing team 1 to take the lead. It wasn’t necessarily a competition as nothing was on the line except of course pride, which is as valuable as anything among F3 men. The red, blue, green, and yellow balloons contained the following exercises that each team performed twice.

  • Burpees x 10
  • Merkins x 10
  • LBC’s x 20
  • Flutter Kicks x 15
  • SSH x 20
  • Sumo Squats x 15

Once this session was complete there was about 7 minutes left – just enough time to clean up and mosey back to the start for a little bit of Mary which was Low plank roll-overs x 20, Leg Raises x 10, American Hammer x 15. Pizza Man called 22 for the Vets: Time!

COT: lifted prayers for Def Leppard’s son Logan that is currently in the hospital this week where the doctors and team are trying to diagnose the source of his seizure’s and develop a strategy for treatment. WE also shared about a friend of Blart’s who son passed unexpectedly, Pizza Man’s niece battling addiction, Sister Act’s grandmother, Tiger’s daughter traveling across country, and all those traveling for vacation. Announcements – Third F event Friday night at 7 pm at First Presbyterian Church. Pockets and YHC are your guest speakers. CSPAN is the guest Q at Folsom on Saturday and some guys are hiking Grandfather Mountain Saturday leaving at 0630 from the Schiele Museum.

Moleskin: As I came in early, Blart passed me on an extra credit run – tough to do in the heat knowing the bootcamp would follow. In a similar vain this afternoon was the second post for Roadie attending Folsom and Sister Act running the Pub. It was certainly warm this afternoon but not too bad. Def Leppard brought a cooler of water to share – that certainly hit the spot – thanks for bringing DL. We had a few minutes of rain arrive during the balloon relay that briefly cooled us. But no sooner than it quit did the steam from the hot ground warm us up. You never know how some of these ideas will pan out. The PAX seemed to enjoy it so I hope to bring parts of it back soon. It is always fun to be among the chatter at Midoriyama. Thanks to Def Leppard for the chance to lead. Until the next one.

4 Top

Four PAX pounded the pavement this AM at the Pub. Gastonia was already there and just finishing a mile or two of EC when the rest of us pulled in.

The Thang: We ran … up Gaston Day School/Armstrong Park ROAD to Perry Rd, turned left. Perry to Lee St., turning right to rejoin New Hope Rd, turning left. New Hope to light at Armstrong Park DRIVE, turning right. To Armstrong Park ROAD, turning right to take us back to start. 5 mi.

Announcements: F3 Gastonia WHETSTONE is launching. If you’re not sure what it is or whether to participate, talk to someone who does; then sign up with the interest form. If you know/think you would like to participate, fill out the interest form. Pairing Stones and Blades continues this weekend so they can begin meeting in July.

Other announcements:  3rd F EventFriday June 22nd at 7:00pm at First Presbyterian on Garrison across from Grier meeting at the building in the back at the top of the stairs. Speakers are Short Sale & Pockets. Hike this Saturday.

Prayer requests: my M’s job search and safe trip to visit family; my business trip tomorrow; Sly in Afghanistan;

Monk out

Nordic Challenge-ish

4 men put in some sweat equity at Folsom this morning.  It was a light day  due to people on vacation, fartsackers and Sister Act running at the Pub.  A while back our brother from Asheville had posted the Nordic Challenge.  It seemed like a simple workout to Q, but not an easy workout.  Two modifications were made due to an injury.  The workout calls for 10 San Antonio Shuffles and 20 burpees, but you know… if you can’t do it don’t Q it.  At 0530 it was time to clock it.

Warmup: it’s hot enough and it’s already warm.

Mosey to the tennis courts.  The Nordic Challenge goes like this.  Do an exercise then run.  The exercises were 10 V-ups, 20 Toy Soldiers, 30 Merkins, 40 Overhead claps, 50 Monkey humpers,  60 Lunges, 70 Squats, 80 Lbcs, 90 Flutter kicks and 100 Morracan night clubs.

This went a little faster than I was expecting.  Followed up with a few laps, and some Mary.

Mosey back to the launching pad for the Pledge.


Annoucements: C-Span has the Q at Folsom this Saturday.  Bedpan makes his Pain Lab VQ next Saturday.

Prayer requests: Bedpan’s job, each other.

BOM: Bedpan took us out in prayer.

NNM: I figured it would be a light day.  Many with prior commitments, work and even some in the bed.  Either way, whether it’s four or forty, it’s good to be amongst my brothers.  Folsom has made great strides in 2018 and I’m honored to be a part of it.  On top of the fitness, just the fellowship is second to none.  It’s a good feeling knowing that if you don’t show up, you’ll have a lot of people calling you out.  Accountability is something, speaking for myself, is very much needed.  I couldn’t do this alone.

Philippians 4:13


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