Its been a while since YHC had the Q at Folsom for a bootcamp beat down. With the heat coming hard and heavy, you start to wonder how many might just fart sack rather than post in the humidity. This AM was no different. The humidity was rather non pleasant due to the bit of rain late yesterday, but I remain optimistic because of the Fire these Folsom PAX have under them. Huck is already present as I pull into the park. At 5:20 I step out of my ride to stretch. You realized very quickly that the freakin summer gnats are back and back strong. More headlights roll in as Huck and I try to figure out how to breathe without inhaling a cloud of these pests. A new truck is spotted thinking “FNG?” Nope just Allen Tate in yet another one of his vehicles. It’s time.
warmarama-Omaha was quickly made due to the amount of gnats in the start area. So we mosey. Continue to the flag pole. Yes, YHC forgot the shovel flag.
Now warmarama-LBCs, SSH, Merkins all x20IC. Then Moroccan NightClubs while Huck gets the six.
Mosey back to the large lower parking lot for some Triple Nickel. I know, it’s usually hill work but we used the parking lot which has a pretty nice grade to it. 5 Burpees at the top, run to the bottom for 5 plank jacks. Repeat x5. Mumblechatter by a couple PAX asking what is Triple Nickel. After an in-depth explanation from YHC, there was still a question about the running part in between each exercise. Those claim that it was 10 runs not 5?! Well, I started to wonder if we were actually at Midoriyama. Anyway, I continue to explain. Finally, all is understood? So, continue until all PAX are finished. Still, tons of gnats and some were looking for water to wash them down.
Mosey to top corner of the lot for 4-corners. This should’ve also been easy to understand but math questions come up again. Q calls for 4 exercises. SSH, LBCs, Squat Jumps, Flutter kicks. Corner 1-all 4 x10 each, corner 2- all 4 x20 each, corner 3-all 4×30, corner 4-all x40 each.
Mosey to shelter for a few more. Dips, Freddie Mercury, sandy V, Step Ups all x15 IC
running out of time, mosey back to start. Again, the gnats are extremely thick so we try to hurry through the rest.
announcements- Clown car July 4 to The Fort, July 4th 4-Miler, Metro convergence
prayer requests, Each other, Allen Tate family, praise from Pastor Clever on his mission trip
YHC took us out
honor to lead you men. Thanks for all the encouragement and crap talk. I know the men got a good amount of protein inhaling gnats. I honestly had more to write here, but the Folsom PAX are nagging the heck out of me to get the B.B. up.