Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: May 9, 2018


Sunday night we received a message on the F3 Gastonia Facebook page (yes, we have one) from a fellow interested in Storm and Goat information and locations. Responded back to him with all the proper information and let him know we looked forward to seeing him there. Our FNG, Michael King, showed up an endured a glorious first F3 experience beat down by YHC. Michael recently moved here from Georgia, is a Triathlete, worked at Fox5 and now joins the Fox46 family here in Charlotte. Tesla was quick to run down the crazy name path, again, and suggested “Rabies” because Fox’s carry them, SMH. Anchorman was thrown out, and because that is one of my favorite movies, it stuck. Please welcome Anchorman (Respect)!!

Monday night a random storm popped up in the area. I thought to myself how appropriate, a storm the night before I Q at the Storm. With the rain accumulating outside I decided to write a “rain-out” weinke just in case I had to keep the workout dry. It was so wonderfully drafted that I decided to use it as the WOD.

Disclaimer and F3 principles

The Thang:





See a car coming in hot, let’s do another warmup exercise while we wait

15 Flutter kicks IC

Well the car was not one of our own, oh well I guess that was some EC for us

Mosey to the Front Doors of the Storm

I announced to the group we are doing accumulating exercises. Meaning do exercise #1 run and return for round one. Do exercise #1, #2, run and return for round two. Rinse and repeat for a total 0f 10 rounds

Round 1: 10 Merkins IC run length of divider sidewalk and return (180 Yard loop)

Round 2: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, run 180yd loop

Round 3: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, run 180yd loop

Round 4: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, run 180yd loop

Round 5: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, run 180yd loop

Round 6: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, run 180yd loop (90yds NUR, 90yds RUN)

Round 7: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, run 180yd loop (90yds NUR, 90yds RUN)

Round 8: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 5 Burpees (Pressed for time so Omaha’d to 5 from 10), run 180yd loop (90yds NUR, 90yds RUN)

Round 9: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 5 Burpees, 10 CDD’s OYO, run 180yd loop (90yds NUR, 90yds RUN)

Round 10: 10 Merkins IC, 10 LBC’s IC, 10 Pseudo Planche Merkins OYO, 10 Bobby Hurley’s OYO, 10 Dips IC, 10 SSH IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 5 Burpees, 10 CDD’s OYO, 10 slow & low squats IC, run 180yd loop (90yds NUR, 90yds RUN)

NUR (115 Yards) Back to Flag



I am going to be transparent here and state that I am not a spiritual leader. It is not that I am not a spiritual person, I just struggle. I have never read the bible, but I know there is a higher power telling me everyday that I need to open it and read. I’m trying to be better and must admit being surrounded by all of you encourage me to be better, spiritually. All I can say is keep ending your workout with prayer, keep having 3rd F events, keep posting spiritual articles daily on Twitter as you have no idea how much this helps someone like me.



5/28 – Memorial Day 5K, Convergence, Murph

Prayer requests: Def Leppard in his travels, The Children (school choices, summer break, etc.), Breaker Breaker’s Aunt and church friend mission trip, JK2’s Dad, YHC’s co-worker battling Chron’s and depression

Breaker Breaker took us out

Thank you again for letting me lead this group. It is truly an honor and privilege!


AMRAP and Relay

15 PAX , 1 FNG and 1 MTN biker posted to what is really starting to feel like Midoriyama summer. Let’s just get right to it.


SSH x 10ic

Don Q’s x 15ic since Monday was National Don Q day. It was also Tooltime’s B-day. coincidence?

High Knees and Butt Kickers for a while

Mosey to the ball field

The Thang:

Split into 3 teams for some relay races.

Round 1 just sprint

Round 2 NUR

Round 3 Sprint carrying cement block

Round 4 Bear Crawl

Round 5 Crab Walk

Round 6 Long Jump/Hop

Mosey back to the Flag

AMRAP an exercise for 1 minute then run a lap around the parking lot.


Merkin, Donkey Kicks, Dirty Hookup, LBFC, Hip Slappers, Wall Sit, and a few more I may have forgotten.



Announcements-Memorial Day SFN Race, Murph at Martha’s Knights Balls, Ash Pond on Q at The Forge

Namerama-Welcome Downtown! Pockets nephew who comes to us all the way from Latvia

Prayer Request-Sidecar’s Uncle, Each other, Def Leppard if he ever goes to China and his mallet finger(ask me about it, I like telling the story)


THE Premier Running AO in Dallas on Wednesdays

The brand new Wednesday Run/Ruck at Folsom is taking off! 11 HIM showed up and showed out. That’s right, I didn’t stutter. 11 showed at Folsom for mosey!

3 went on a ruck into Gaston College while 7 departed for a brisk mosey around the loop. You may be thinking ‘Hey, 7+3 does not equal 11….are you boys struggling with your math?’ Ok, there may be 1 or 2 of us who have to take off their shoes to count beyond 10, but not the case here. My on-going EH efforts paid off as an FNG showed, albeit on Sparky-time. The FNG was late (I didn’t realize he was coming) so he took initiative and just ran through the park looking for us and met up at the end of the run. Add in the 1 FNG and that’s 11.

Speaking of FNG, his government name is Mark Tolan. He is the Assistant Pastor at my church. He will be known from this point forward as Pastor Clever. Pastor Clever? What does that mean? Watch the movie Friday (probably my favorite movie of all time, FWIW) – hopefully the good pastor can keep us away from a “Sinny-Sin-Sin!” As far as I know, Pastor Clever does not have cataracts.

It is great to see Folsom continue to push the rock. Guys are getting stronger and faster.
– Huck mentioned yesterday morning he ran the entire workout without any walking. Hell yeah brother! That’s a milestone I remember hitting and it is a big deal!
– Huck, Allen Tate, and Gravity said they picked up the ruck pace today aiming at 15’s. Good thing we had 2 fine role models in Allen Tate (Chief Rock Pusher) and Huck out there to keep an eye on Gravity. According to Twitter and GroupMe, he will kick a swan in the throat (allegedly).
– Bedpan set a personal best this morning. Let me tell you, the look on his face as he showed me his time was soul-touching. His lungs were about to explode, but he lived to tell it. You have grown my friend!
– YHC set a personal best and met a goal today by breaking the 9 minute barrier for average pace – 8:57. Now I’m shooting for 8:45.
– Pale Rider, yesterdays FNG (also a pastor at my church), was step for step with Medicine Woman and I – he hasn’t been working out, shows up to Folsom on his 2nd day, and runs 8:57s. That man is going to be a runner. He almost died, but he’s a runner. He told me he has never run that far continuously (3.4 miles).
– Medicine Woman ran with YHC. He will be the first to tell you about the time he sprinted by me. There was some back and forth passing and I could have sprinted at the end to pass him had I wanted to! In all seriousness though, MW was out there pushing it despite dealing with a lot of congestion. Breathing must have been tough. Good job!
– Sparky picked up the pace this morning. My pack hung with him for about a mile but he was moving at a what must have been a low 8 minute pace and we eventually lost visual. Rumor has it he risked life and limb to run off the paved trails.
– Volt didn’t say anything about his run. All I know is he ran!
– Roadie broke out his new shoes and talked about pushing rocks. He’s a Liberal or a Communist. Not quite sure which one yet.
– Pastor Clever stayed to run a bit after the workout since he was late. Be on time next time. Being down at the “74th Street Baptist Church” is no excuse to be late for F3!

COT – there were numerous prayer requests (AT’s mother-in-law, families, 2.0s, Leppard, and others), but one that really sticks out is one PAX asked us to pray for a young lady who stresses out about testing…he says she is a bigger girl for her age and she needs to pass the EOG to keep from repeating a grade. It’s not just about making grades in school, kids also have the stresses of fitting in and in her case, if she doesn’t pass, she’s that much bigger than all the other kids and it would be like a vicious cycle attacking her self-esteem. Keep these kids in your prayers men and as dads and leaders, encourage your 2.0s to look out for these kids and stick up for them! Pastor Clever took us out in prayer.


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