Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2018 (Page 6 of 7)

What can Brown do for you??

It was a rainy day in the gloom.  I had the wienke put together and it was noted anyone with a wienke that big, must be the Q.  With the rain coming down, we had two options.  We took plan B and ran for cover.

With time up, disclaimer and pledge, we mosey to the cover at the school entrance.

The Thang:  the old 99er.

99LBCs, 90 second wall sit, 9 burpees, 99 high knees, 9 Mericans
Repeat down to 77 and then switch the LBCs to SSH and high knees to lunges
Repeat down to  55 and switch back.

Get down to the end and then a minute plank and 30 second side plank.

A little chatter on counting and bikes, but a great workout.  Turns out it didn’t rain at all so we would have done option A.  I have the Q again in April so it will be making an appearance.

Prayers:  Whoopie coworker with cancer, Mayor and his eye stint removal.

Announcements:  Bourbon race team meeting in march.  2nd F in March (I think the 22nd).  Look for this from Sargento.  Wings and cold beveragaes and basketball.

5 Miles Strong and Fellowship

9 for Coconut Horse.

The Thang:

We ran 5 miles, some a little more, and one did a Ruck.

The Moleskin:

JK2 with the Ruck on a solo mission.

Tooltime really picking up his pace.

Followed with some coffee and fellowship.

Thanks for coming out.


40 Year Old Virgin…Q

14 HIM showed up at The Black Knight for YHC’s VQ beat down. I really do not think many expected this intense of a workout from a VQ. They probably thought this would be a light day, HAHAHA. I must admit I was completely stoked about it since the day I requested to do it. Was I Nervous? Indeed, but bet your butt I had the best support all around from the F3 Gastonia PAX that helped me build my confidence up. Creating the Weinke was really fun, I mixed a little of Stroganoff’s workout from the first time I ever posted at The Black Knight along with something that I’ve never done before.


All veterans present. No FNG’s so no disclaimer


SSH x 15 (IC) – So my lips were frozen and I was slightly tongue twisted. I had an issue pronouncing Side Straddle Hops.

Don Quixote x 10 (IC)

Moroccan Nightclubs x 50 (IC) – slight mumble chatter from Gastone. Previously he kept telling me the hardest part of Q’ng was keeping count. However I had no issue walking up to him on a few occasions, whilst doing MN IC, letting him know my count was on point.


The Thang:

Mosey to Martha Rivers and upper soccer field

Round #1 – Line up on the side of the field facing the short side and let us begin.

Sprint to other side followed by 10 CDD’s – 20 Bobby Hurleys – 30 LBC’s – Plank for the six

Rinse & Repeat 3 more times

Round #5 – I added a second set of reps

Sprint to other side followed by 10 CDD’s – 20 Bobby Hurley’s – 30 LBC’s – 10 CDD’s – 20 Bobby Hurleys – 30 LBC’s – Plank for the six

Repeat one more time for a total yield of:

80 – CDD’s

160 – Bobby Hurleys

240 – LBC’s

Mosey to the parking lot of Martha Rivers

Gave the PAX a brief backstory of YHC. Told them before I moved to NC that I lived in Albuquerque, NM for a few years. I then asked the PAX if they knew what famous highway ran through the land of enchantment. T-Square correctly identified it as Route 66. So yep, we are doing that exercise next!

Route 66 #1 – Burpees

HushPuppy reminded me of the time, which was 6:05. We got time!

Route 66 # 2 – Squats – Gastone, next time you say, “That’s something I can do”, trust me I’m going to Omaha to something you can’t.

Route 66 # 3 – Mike Tyson’s

Looked at my watch….6:15. Jailbreak back to Snoball’s

No time for MARY


Announcements: From Gastone –When posting your BB, remember to tag your workout AO on the right side of the web page.

Prayer requests: Easy Rider and Monk – Family health issues. Bandit – Kids applying to college. YHC took us out.

I apologize for running over on time. Trying to learn this time management thing. I promise to do better next time as I know you all have places you need to be. To all PAX (present and not present) thank you for your support leading up to this day, It was truly appreciated. Very proud of what this group accomplished this AM. Every PAX pushed themselves and never gave up! Look forward to doing many more with this group!

Ringers at The Yank

Since YHC moved over from Charlotte Metro he has been please to have dual citizenship in both the Gastonia and Metro regions. F3 works because of the relationships we build and the workouts are just a reflection of that success. So with that in mind having been to a Mancave Sunday workout a couple of weeks ago I told Ditka and Carrier to come on  over to The Yank next time I was leading and get to know Belmont and Gastonia F3. They heartily accepted so when YHC came up in rotation I got word to them and they showed up! Knowing they were coming YHC decided to rollout the red carpet and show the metro brothers just why coming over to Gaston for a workout or anything else is ALWAYS a good call! So with that in mind a Tesla tour began. Went like this:


SSH X 20

2 burpees

IW X20

4 burpees

Cooperhead squats X 15

6 burpees

Merkins X 10

8 burpees

LBCs X 20

10 burpees.

Now for the tour. Could not have picked a better day for it! Bright sunshine and 35 degrees. off to the first corner, the Stowe house.

1st Corner

Wall squats, Mike Tysons, Jump squats X 10, 15, 20 repeats.

2nd corner

American Hammers, IW, WW II situps X 10, 15, 20

3rd corner aka the Corner of Knowledge

Dips, stepups. dirkins X 10, 15, 20

Now on to the Field of Dreams for the reason we all came for!

warm up: SSH X10, merkins X 10, WWI situps X10

line up in plank position for Bear Crawl Slalom! (Its what’s for breakfast)

warm down, same as warm up!

Line up in plank, agility run back.

Down ot Heartbreak hill for some triple nickel work as follows:

Bottom of the hill: 5 sqats

run to the top.

Top of the hill: 5 plank jacks.

Repeat 5X.

On over to the new and improved playground for three rounds of:

Pullups X 10

Velociraptors X 10

Merkins X 10

Mosey to the (dry) fountain for pax called Mary to finish up.

Dollies, Rosalita, dying cockroaches, monkey humpers, and Freddy Mercury all on the playlist. Finished up strong and up to the Yank for the pledge.


Great to have our metro brothers over for a morning at The Yank. Gives YHC pause to appreciate the gift of F3 which is the relationships we build that power us through the tough times and make the good times even better. I have seen F3 change entire lives all for the better and that was never the intent. But it is a great result of what we do! Makes us better men and in turn builds a better community. Which we embark upon next week as the Revolution workout begins. They need it, we need it, Let’s give it away.

YHC will tweet out the meeting place and time fro those who want to go over next Saturday for the launch. Gastonia F3 nomads will visit on March 31.

We will bill the Belmont Chamber for our intro to Belmont and Gaston County later! Our brothers will return for a Friday night out on the town in April. Keep you posted about that. Until then, keep pushing!



Touchdown Beatdown

Warmup 20 ssh ic

Let’s mosey


As we mosey to the lower parking lot the mumble chatter is starting to pickup about all these cones. Something about the DOT must have it shutdown.  No sir it is time to begin the beat down.

Start in the end zone and bear crawl to the 10 yard line for 10 CDD run to the 20 for 20 lunges run to the 30 for 30 merkins run to the 40 for 40 squats run to mid field for 50 lbc.  Time for the decent run to the 40 for 40 squats then to the 30 for 30 merkins to the 20 for 20 lunges run to the 10 for 10 CDD run threw the end zone sprint to the start line and rinse and repeat for 45 min straight .

Then for a little fellowship mosey back to the parking lot while carrying cones.  Well we havnt said the pledge of allegiance and you know we are Americans so let’s mosey to the big flag say the pledge and mosey back for time.

We circled up for announcements and pray request.  YHC took us out in prayer.

Great work men it was an honor to lead

P.S. Gumby won the folsom cup way to push you are a beast

My turn…Again

So, a while back, it was difficult to get regulars to post for the pain lab, however, I pushed Rudolph to keep this going because I believe in the need to get folks out there who cannot post due to high impact injuries, whether on the IR or if they do, they will be on the IR.  Is that any reason why a PAX should be dismissed into oblivion?  Absolutely not, so, since I nudged for this, I need to support Rudolph and this sub AO to make this thing happen….and happen it has.  Different Qs, tons of awesome workouts.

After some trash talking with Tooltime and us meeting up to do workout and warmup with the PAX, we split up.  After a few mishaps with me getting the stereo system up, it was apparent I left the wienke in the truck and I got chided for not getting this thing started.

The Thang:  first things first, one minute HIIT with the kettlebells.  Cleans (each arm), kettlebell push ups, ballistic or one arm row (each arm), bridge (shoulders on ground and butt in air) while doing KB presses.  After the heart rate is up for initial minutes, lets get into one of my all time favorite workouts…dum dum dum….the 99 with some mods.

99 SSH, 99 LBCs, 99 second squat hold, 99 flutter kicks, 9 pushups, 88, 77, 66, 55…you get the point.  At the end of each round I called a special exercise with the kettlebell.  There were OH tricep extensions, high pulls, American hammers, burpees and some others.  With time running low, I had planned to get these boys moving.  We said low impact, not stationary.  since I am a member of the Schiele Museum, I am familiar with the trails.  Grab your weight and follow me.  We take of on an Indian Ruck where the last man moves to the front and we keep going.  We did the whole trail system and pushed the pace (the garmin said the average moving pace was close to 5 MPH).  This was the longest farmers carry I have ever done and the forearms were burning.   We got back, dropped the weight and met up with everyone in time for the COT.

MOLESKIN:  The one thing that we are dismissing in the minds of others, is that this is any less of a workout. You will swing kettlebells, do burpees, absolutely everything…..except run or jump.  Get out here and post if you have a bad back, bad knees, bad feet or if you have posted twice in a week and are looking to work on conditioning.  We stay together and get it done.  Thanks a lot gents.  Oh, and I have a new speaker.

Where’s Your Flag

AS YHC waited for the clock to strike 7 Am he was in conversation with some PAX….Mayor being the outstanding HIM that he is called YHC out ….” Where’s your flag? “YHC went right to the back of the Mayor’s truck and planted the Storms flag at Gashouse! Thanks for the accountability Mayor! Pizza man came in hot o his long run and made announcements….SpeedForNeed at community run April 14th…sign up….Gastonia CSAUP 50 mile relay ….preblast out with form to sign up on …signup!….and Christina Latini Memorial 8k virtual run ( Rankin Lake )  April 21’st get with Pizza Man and sign up…….three mins late….let’s start!



15IC Don Q’s
15LBC’s IC
50 Moroccan Night Clubs IC

Mosey to The middle school track

The Thang:

Run 1 full lap Plank on the 6

25 Merkins

Run ½ Lap Plank on the 6

50 Squats

Run ½ Lap Plank  on the 6

75 LBC’s

Rinse and repeat x4

Total 100 Merkins

200 squats

300 Lbc’s

Run 1 full lap wait on the 6

We also had 2 trains so 5 Burpees OYO x2 were given !

Now that we’re good and warmed up lets head to the benches for some dips

20 IC

15 IC

10 IC


Over to the wall for a wall sit 1min 30sec  and a JK2 joke….


Legs aren’t hurting enough so lets zombie walk from the Stairs to the parking lot! Plank on the 6!

Times getting short so lets head back to the Shiele and meet up with the Pain Lab for Mary ….wait no pain lab! So


25 V up /Roll ups


25 oblique V Ups Right


25 oblique V Ups Left





Pizza Man covered!


Great work by all PAX today …..Keep pushing men….keep moving forward!  And keep getting stronger!

Prayer Requests

ToolTime’s son in law and his company in down range in Afghanistan for their safe return along with all of our brave men and women serving I the military!

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

Parking Deck Leap Frog

13 men of purpose arose out of the gloom this morning to get some. We started with a couple F3 warm-up usual’s.


SSH – 15

Moroccan Night Clubs – 15

Mercans – 10



The Thang

We do a quick count off and then mosey towards the Parking Deck and stop along the way for 15 hip slappers.  Once those were complete we finished our trek to the bottom level of the parking deck. Once there we started with the fun stuff.


Partner up

Partner 1 starts the exercise on the first parking line; while Partner 2 goes to the next line and planks. We followed this from one ramp till we reached the other…mostly as some chose the expansion joints as they were easier to see then most of the lines.

Level 1 – 5 burpees at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 50 burbees.

Level 2 – 10 mercans at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 mercans.

Level 3 – 15 mtn climbers at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 mtn climbers.

Level 4 – 20 flutter kicks at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 flutter kicks.

Level 5 – 25 squats at each line. Get to the end and collective with your partner do 100 squats.

At this point we ran out of time and had to double time back to the Rotary.


For those interested in helping out, Medicine Woman would like to start a fund for a parking deck at Folsom and also an ice bath.


Keep one of Whoopee’s coworkers in your prayers as she just found out she has terminal cancer. Continue to lift up F3 Sly as he is “boots on the ground”.


Nice work men and thank you for the opportunity to lead.

Better late than never

Not much is remembered about this Q other then I promised several fellas on Sunday afternoon that there would no burpees for this workout and they still didn’t come! So, true to my word there were no burpees.

The Warm-up

SSH – 10       Morrocan Night Clubs – 10     LBC – 10

The Thang
We moseyed to the old Harris Teeter parking lot and ran a set of suicides using the lights as our turnaround spots. Once those were complete we did the following
30 – Rocky Balboa’s
20 – Squats
10 – lunges
Then we went for a mosey around the lot.

We returned to do some ATM’s(alternating shoulder taps/slow mercans/mercans).  We did the 3 exercises in random order for 3 sets with each one being 15 once, 10 once and 5 once. This sucked, by the way, but that’s what I get for taking an exercise off of the list without trying it out!
Then it was time for another mosey around the lot.

We then found a parking lot line and did the following:

10 – side to side jumps
10 – back and forth jumps
Time for another mosey around the lot.

Since the pavement was wet and I didn’t want to get wet we headed over to the cover for some ab work.

We lined up single file on our backs and did the following exercises. We went thru the following:

LBC’s                                                                                                                                                                                            Flutter Kicks                                                                                                                                                                                  WWII sit ups                                                                                                                                                                                    Dying cock roaches

Once finished with those we had some more fun. While the group did the exercise 1 man took off and ran to the loading dock and bear crawled back. Several men would go before we changed exercises.

Squats                                                                                                                                                                                          Mercans
CDD’s                                                                                                                                                                                           Lunges

After that fun we headed to the wall for 2 sets of hip slappers.

We then headed back and stopped along the way for some arm squats. Fun was had by all.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead; it was a privilege.


F3 Gastonia…We all know that we are ALWAYS willing to GO THE EXTRA MILE in whatever we do, but now are you ready to push your body through those EXTRA MILES??  If so sign up by March 17th for the first CSAUP event in 2018 for F3 Gastonia. This CSAUP is not only going to give you the chance to see every AO in our region but also be a part of a relay team.  This relay will consist of a four-man relay team (we will create teams after you sign up) that will venture 50 miles through the beautiful land of Gaston County.  Even though this is a four-man relay team, there is a reason this is a CSAUP!!!  Each of you can do this….push yourself to GO THE EXTRA MILE!!!

  • EVENT: F3 Gastonia CSAUP “Going the Extra Miles”
  • DATE: April 7, 2018 @ 4am
  • MEETING POINT: Park around Dallas Courthouse 131 N. Gaston St. Dallas, NC 28034
  • OTHER DETAILS: Post CSAUP 2nd F @ Growler’s

Sign up below

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