Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: March 2018 (Page 5 of 7)

Mmm smell the bacon

Smaller crowd at the Yank this morning, but that’s okay, great to have everyone that could make it.  Norwood EH’d Gilligan into coming out for first time in a while, welcome back kotter!

Started with 10 SHS and 10 Imperial walkers.  Mosey up the hill to the old Stowe Mill office parking lot.  We passed by the clock at corner of Main and Catawba on the way.  Told the PAX that my office window is just above the clock.  The clock was stuck on 12:45 (not sure if am or pm) for several months.  From my Alabama roots, I told them that that time was called “15 to 1”, and it occurred to me  that a 15 to 1 workout would be in order.  In the parking lot we did 15 burpees, ran across the parking lot and did 15 jump squats.  Ran back for 14 burpees and so on until we got to one.  About halfway through the bacon aroma from Nellie’s was causing some to re-consider their morning decision.

Off to the dentist office for ten step ups each leg and plank against the wall.  Feet not on ground or on top of wall, but pressed against. Try it, you won’t like it.

Behind middle school for 11’s curb squats and derkins, PAX looking for the end by now, but not time yet.  On to soccer field where we pushed the blocking sled.  One pushes sled while the others perform an ab exercise.  Flutter kicks, WWI, LBC, American hammer, and a couple of others.

A little time left so we went to pavilion for a couple of rounds of dips and derkins.

On to the Yank for pledge, announcements and CIT.  Gilligan father in law facing surgery coming up, my M with some struggles.

Pleasure was mine


Bringing Sexy Back

Sparky first asked me about taking a Q last month. I am up for a challenge so I agreed but was hesitant about doing a Saturday to start. I have been at this 2 months, was I ready? “Don’t Q it if ypu can’t do it” is going through my head.
Then Sparky suggested a co-Q with Slaw. How could I not do that?!? Slaw will have my back. Sold!!!

I pull in about 6:25 – Slaw and a few PAX are already there. Def Leppard is in the house! Much respect to him, the hip is still hurting but he says he could not miss this. Pressure is on! Slaw and I are ready to deliver!


First, we gotta have music so I brought an Ion boombox. Note: a playlist has been carefully curated over the past 2 weeks by YHC with lots of input from Slaw. First off, Justin Timberlake’s Bringing Sexy Back. Of freakin’ course!!!! Slaw and I report to the center and alternate calling exercises.

  • SSH -15 IC
  • Monkey Humpers 10 IC
  • Plankjacks – 10 IC

Sister Act (maybe it’s Maybeline) is assigned responsibility to make sure the boombox follows us. Others are allowed to help. Oompa steps up.


Montross takes the Q lead for a bit. Can’t Fight The Feeling by Justin Timberlake is cranking throughout Folsom!
– Mosey to the flag and pledge. Pause the music for the pledge.
– Mosey to back parking lot. YMCA is cranking. There was dancing and several PAX joined in.
– Partner up for team abs, 150 LBCs, 100 Flutter Kicks, 50 Big Boys – alternate while teammate runs around parking lot. A little Wham! To get us going but enough “pop” music. We slide into some Whitesnake. Takes us back to a simpler time, one when Sister Act was rocking a sweet mullet (Folsom group text is brutal yo!)

Slaw takes the lead
– Mosey to shelter
– dips, merkins, step ups, derkins – stepping down from 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. Lots of argument about counting but Slaw keeps talkers in check. Queens of the Stoneage, 311, and Chris Stapleton help push us through.

Brandon takes the lead
– Short mosey to shore beside the ampitheater
– Triple nickles on a steep hill – 5 merkins, run down, 5 Slaw squats, Joe Hendrix up (5 rotations). YHC quickly realizes the Hendrix are a BAD idea and announces nur, bear crawl, or run is allowed. YHC is gassed but he is not quitting now! 80s and 90s rock plays on the rest of the way.

Slaw takes the lead
– mosey to the tennis courts
– corner burpees from 12 to 1…a modified version of the beast Slaw dropped on Folsom 2 weeks ago. There was chatter! Oompa carries the boombox all around the courts on his head.

We have a few minutes left so Mary…YHC forgets how Mary works (probably due to exhaustion).
– Pockets steps up and calls 25 flutter kicks IC
– Montross has regained his senses and calls LBCs – 25 IC
– I think someone called more burpees.


Whew, this was a fast paced workout!

Announcements and COT
Lots of prayer requests, Leppard’s family, cancer all around us, Silas has had a fever for a few days now, the family from Costner who lost their home to fire. Sorry if I missed some here guys! Slaw prayed us out.

Slaw also talked about how though we cut up and pick on each other (daily, again, the group text is BRUTAL), we all know it is in fun and this is a great group. I agree!!!


I have been coming to F3 since January 9, 2018…basically just 2 months. I was a Sad Clown for 18 years. I tried to start working out on my own and failed over and over. I am excited to say I am now in full remission of Sad Clown Syndrome and in better shape than I have been since I was 22! Sparky invited me in January and I quickly found it is exactly the motivation and support I needed to get in shape. I am getting better every week and it is because of the support and push from F3. Thank you all for your support! It was an honor to lead with Slaw today. Keep headlocking because there are more out there like me who want this and don’t even know it exists! Share it!

Next time we’ll sandbag more…

I’ve had the pleasure to attend a few Pain Labs in recent months and rest assured they are not a day off for anything except running. Rudolph has a good thing going Saturday mornings at the GasHouse. If you’re curious to find out more, the Pain Lab will be on the road at the Folsom Convergence 3/24, consider checking it out. I’ve been on the temporary IR this week, unable to sit long periods of time and Epsom salt baths are the most comforting part of my day. Hopefully that gives you enough information that I need to say no more except that being unable to workout for a week was driving me crazy. The Pain Lab was the perfect pool to dip my toe. So after we circled with Wojo and the boys for a brief warm-up, said the pledge, we split off to the amphitheater where the coupons lie in wait. We had 7 willing men ready to try my version of the Pain Lab. Clavin coming off IR and Moses brought his son Jake Dobbins a recent ECU graduate. Welcome to the fold Sparrow as we would later anoint him among our PAX. HIPPA came in hot off a 3+ mile ruck and kept the weight vest on – “STI – RONG” as accolades go. Another brief disclaimer to modify any of the “suggestions” written on the placards and do so at your own devise.  A similar version of this workout was conducted at The Goat last week and some modifications were necessary. But first, let’s get our blood flowing with a light start:

Warm-Up #2

  • SSH IC x 10
  • Scissor Runs IC x 10
  • Mummy Kicks IC x 10
  • Toy Soldiers IC x 10
  • Imperial Walkers IC x 10
  • Cotton Pickers IC x 10
  • Side to Side Lunge IC x 10

Since this is the PL and my muscles had not been worked in a number of day, let’s add some stretching:

  • Squat with elbow to knee press
  • R/L Shoulder Press to knee
  • Plank – move to R lunge; R arm high, L arm high, hamstring stretch
  • Plank – move to L lunge; L arm high, R arm high, hamstring stretch
  • Downward Dog, high plank, Cobra, Child’s pose


We had three groups of two and the Q as a single to cover 4 stations where the last station served as the “timer” performing 10 burpees in Round 1.

  • Circuit 1
    • R Lunge/Squat/L Lunge
    • Merkin Alt Toe Tap
    • Flutter Kick
  • Circuit 2
    • Squat / Imperial Walker
    • 10 / 2 Merkins
    • American Hammer
  • Circuit 3
    • Calf Raises
    • Plank Jack Merkins
    • Peter Parker

There was not a lot of mumble chatter, just grunts and subtle complaints but I had the 80’s Hair/Metal cranked up so maybe that drowned that nonsense (BTW – Judas Priest has a new album (do they still call them albums even though music is now downloaded?) and it pops like their good stuff from back in the day). I had on the Weinke to do another set but approaching the halfway point I wanted to speed it up – this time the timer was 3 burpees.

The next round would bring in the coupons to push the muscles more. The timer was 60 seconds for each round.

  • PVC Station
    1. V-Ups
    2. Rifle Squats
    3. Straight Arm Jacks
  • Half Block Station
    1. Lunge Press
    2. WWI – Pass the Block to your partner (try this one next time)
    3. French Curls
  • Full Block Station
    1. Curls
    2. Bench Press
    3. Kettle Bell Swings
  • Wall
    1. Dips
    2. Derkins
    3. Plank Brick Lift

I had much more on my Weinke but little time. The sandbags were next but then Tool Time and Tyson flew in signaling the boot camp was back, so I improvised a little…everyone circle up. With 6 sandbags (~25 to 30 lbs) spread out, the odd men would give the bag high, then squat to receive their next bag low. The even numbers would get the sand bag low, raise up and hand off high. Clear as mud, right? Lets give this a try and it sort of worked, picking up the pace before we reversed positions to work the opposite muscles. Probably more work on that one to get organized. With 5 minutes left, let’s tackle Mary as fast as we can.

  • Flutter Kicks IC x 10
  • Chopsticks IC x 10
  • Leg lifts x 10
  • Lazy Freddie Mercury (hand to knee instead of elbows) IC x 20 (Thanks Rudolph for the count)
  • American Hammer IC x 20
  • High Plank – Jingle Balls IC x 10
  • In/Outs – IC x 10
  • TIME!

COT – lot of prayers needed for our PAX and their family members and friends battling illness and in need of healing: Wojo, T-Square, others. Announcements: April 7th CSAUP 50 mile relay – see Tyson for more details, sign up via website. Community Foundation Speed 4 Need on display: register under Gastonia F3 and make our presence felt. Hunchback is the announcer for the event.

Moleskin – In a small block of space, without running one step calories can be burned and muscles can be stressed. The music is loud and the PAX are pushed as much as they desire to be, maybe a little more. You can’t help but find that extra effort with Rudolph’s verbal nudges like he expressed today to our FNG Sparrow. TopHat and Moses were a formidable duo clipping off their burpee count as were Clavin and Hippa. Query your mind to think where else could you barely know someone, if at all and now you’re working along side, pushing each other with positive encouragement? Fist bumping upon completion. There are a lot of problems that could be solved in the world with this type of brotherhood. We’re lucky to have this opportunity.

As with any new workout, the timing is the biggest challenge. But I made notes and will be ready for a Pain Lab in the near future, ready to employ my new sandbags. Until the next one, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

BTW – a black Under Armour hoodie jacket was left in the parking lot. Text me if it is yours (7045162193) and I’ll return it to you.

Running this way and that

We came, we ran, we conquered.

The 5 milers took off down Hoffman toward Snoballs and then came back.

The 3 milers ran the other way on Hoffman, left on New Hope, left on Armstrong Park, home.

Announcements: 2nd F at wing joint for march madness next Thursday (right Sargento?); Extra Mile 4/7

Prayer requests: Sparky’s family, Monk’s sister & brother in law





2nd Anniversary

16 PAX posted at Midoriyama on Thursday night to celebrate beating away sadclown syndrome and the 2nd anniversary of the Midoriyama AO. It was a party enjoyed by all. Except maybe Tooltime when Def Leppard dropped the mic on him(show to know). YHC reached out to the other founding members, as some insist on referring to us, Pizza Man and Floppy Disk to help lead this workout. All was good to go until Floppy’s wife informed him the day before that he had other plans. No respect for the Party!

Pizza Man started us off


SSH, Don Q’s, crap I don’t remember this was his part of the workout. Let’s mosey!

The Thang:

Unfortunately we went down to the lake hill everyone seems so insistent on using these days. Time for some triple nickel. 5 of those dreadful V-up things that are the monthly exercise at the top and 5 burpees at the bottom. Do it 5 times.  Everyone including the FNG, now named Massey, pushed hard. T-claps to the limpy Def Leppard for pushing through! Mucho Respecto Sir.

Well that sucked so let’s move on to the shelter.

Back in the day we used to do circuits here a lot so I pulled out one of my oldest wienke’s. You can tell because the exercises are written in non-f3 terms.

45 seconds of exercise then a 15 sec break. Do this three times with three exercises then mosey to the end of the parking lot and return to do it all over again with different exercises. After the first exercise YHC realized he forgot to add in the breaks on his timer. Oh well get to work!

Exercises done:

Merkins, Flutters, Squat Jump-Mosey

Pointer, Freddy Mercury, Box Jump or step up-mosey

Ski burps, LBFC’s, Calf Raises-mosey

We squeezed in as much as time would allow and headed back to the flag. The best part about this is we were all together in close quarters which allowed for some epic smack talk. To my surprise Def Leppard was on the giving end of most of this. All that time away he has really been building up.

Back at the flag PM led us in 22 for the vets and the pledge.


Announcements-Sign up for the Community run and the CSAUP run. You want regret doing it but you will regret it if you don’t. The Forge next week is on Friendship. See what friendships you see in the good book. You might be surprised.

Namarama- Welcome to our FNG Massey. As in Massey Ferguson the tractor brand.

Prayer Request-World Wide and Def Leppard’s Sons. Sly in his deployment. Maddens classmate who lost his home in a fire(Sparky is collecting money for this family). Guy’s! Madden started a prayer circle in class for this kid and got some of his classmates to donate their lunches for him to take home to help out. If this kid can be so bold in his faith we have to follow his lead here!


In a few more months I will celebrate my 3 year anniversary of finding F3. When I first started I looked forward to Saturday all week. Then two HIMS stepped up and said they would meet me in the evenings to workout. Those two guys were always there. Even if we all three couldn’t make it at least two did. We hardly ever had a Tuesday or Thursday pass were at least two of us weren’t there for each other. I owe so much to Floppy Disk and Pizza Man. Without that push through the week I would have likely slid back into a sadclown. Sometimes we get hung on numbers at our workouts but all you need is one HIM to be there for you and push you along. If you keep pushing good things will come! Midoriyama during the winter averaged 17 PAX. That is amazing! I thank everyone of you that come out for inspiring me and each other every week. Keep up the good work men!


Cold hands?

I pulled in running a little late as usual! 6 pax where waiting patiently? I opened my truck door and yelled what time is it? Someone answered 530! Stepping out of the truck I yell back “ let’s mosey “! So we make our normal trip to the flag , on the way back I asked the pax, option A or option B? Quick reply, option B ! A is block work, and B is burpees 20 to 1 on the tennis courts! When I informed them of this the mumble chatter quicky spiked! Little did I know Hanks Gout was flared up in his knee! So being the merciful guy that I am, we fell back on option A! We grabbed blocks, circled up and did 20 to 1

shoulder press




somewhere along the way there was some fussing about cold hands, #showtoknow! Everybody did a great job! Proud of the folsom crew!

prayer request- Hank, Def, Silas, Weston, each other

announcments- community 5k,

csaup run

Good work men! And Volt for getting in a little ec before the WO!







Perseverance / Forge

got says “ the doctrin of perseverance of the saints is founded in the promise that… He who began a good work in will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phili. 1:6

All who have been “ born again “ do have eternal security and will persevere.

James 1:2

Galations 6:9

2 Timothy 2:12

Philippians 1:6 are some of the scripture shared!

Paul wrote to Timothy and reminded the young pastor to “ watch your life and doctrine closely, persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16)

With the recent passing of Billy Graham we are reminded that through our perseverance in Christ that we are saved and so are our hearers! Like our children, wives, coworkers,ect.

So I urge you brothers to persevere in your faith because you never know who is watching and listening, and may come to know Christ through you!

Brothers if at all possible come out on Wednesday night! It’s an awesome time to share and sharpen one another to fight the good fight! And press forward in our daily spiritual battles, with an eternity spent with Jesus Christ as our prize!


Hanging Out

Good morning everyone,

I had to step in and take the lead and swap out with Breaker Breaker as he was out of town.  It would be a colder one than we have had lately so with the bundle up, out the door I go.  Time is up and only three pax there.  Hmmm…maybe I shouldn’t announce that I am leading anymore to get more people out there; or change something about myself, but there’s always time for that later.

We have a pull up bar and a set of perfect push ups at work and a while back, we heard of this workout called the Hang.  We started a competition to see who could just hang the longest.  YHC got 37 seconds, Dolph got 1:15 and Bridge Club (Freedom Park) got 1:32.  The lesson is the lighter you are, the easier it is provided you have some grip strength.

The Thang:  Warmup (all shoulders), Disclaimer, Pledge….and here comes Dolph in hot.  Mosey to the gazebo and circle for instructions.

Hang for a total of six (6) minutes.  After each time you fall trying to reach the six minutes, run a lap, do 20 squats and 20 merkins and grab the the bar again and hang some more.  Again, the goal was to get to six minutes.  you could either use your watch or count by Mississippi’s to 360. At the end of the first grip loss for most, Dr. Seuss joined the ranks.

This was a struggle for sure.  Grip, chest and forearms were lit up.  Some finished up and I had 45 seconds to go and time was getting close.  Called for some motivation and received it.

After this we ran as a group back for the six and crossed the bridge.  With the three rail split rail, put your feet on the lower rail, do 5 merkins, middle rail and do 5 merkins and high rail and 5 merkins with out stopping in between to blast the chest.  Mosey back to the start.

Announcements:  Grits and Greens every Wednesday, Bourbon chase group meeting soon, 2nd F at wing joint for march madness (pending intel from Sargento).

Prayers: Hippa coworker dealing with Chrones and depression, Teachers, Military and Police, Dolphs Father in law with heart surgery and although this isn’t a Christian group per se, the Christians being persecuted and martyred globally, each other and justice world wide.

Name-o-rama and COT.

Moleskin:  This was a tough one, but I have kept this in my email for a long time.  Most recently I have made a commitment to push myself to be better and stop sitting back waiting for the world to go by.  There is nothing good on the backside of quitting.  Even if you get knocked down over and over again, have the courage and determination to keep coming back, even if you know a knockdown punch is waiting.  DONT QUIT.

Rain, Jane, & Pain

8 Hims came out on a cold rainy day to better themselves, and it went a little something like this!




Mosey to the Shelter near the Pond.


The Thang:

I figured since it was raining pretty good we could do some picnic table work until it slowed down a bit. We performed each exercise for 30sec. No rest in between

  1. Incline Push Ups
  2. Oblique Crunches
  3. Tricep Dips (about this point Billy Madison Comes in HOT)
  4. Box Squats
  5. Jack Knives (In & Outs)
  6. Bulgarian Split Squats (30 sec ea. Leg)
  7. Step Ups Knees High
  8. Box Jumps
  9. Leg Raises (Jane Fonda’s) (30 Sec ea. Leg)
  10. Toe Taps
  11. Side Step Ups (30 Sec ea. Leg)
  12. Plank Hops

We performed about 5-6 of the exercises for a second round, but time was getting short and I had to get some sprints in of course. Mosey across the road and down the hill.


4x  80m- 100m Hill sprints walk back to recover.

These were a real crowd pleaser. Spilling Merlot became the top topic of the mumble chatter at this point. I think Billy Madison shed about 5-6 layers of clothing during the sprints.

Fellowship Mosey back to the flag. Most of us had to walk a majority of the way back. Those hills were a killer.

I ran us over a couple mins, but no one seemed to mind. Sorry guys, but we had to get that last hill in!




Speed for Need coming up

CSAUP 50 mile relay

Operation Sweet Tooth 8k



Freights hairy ankle


Thanks to all who came out on such a gloomy day. Everyone pushed hard the entire time. Hippa running hills with his weighted vest on, crazy! Tool Time doing those Leg Raises…yeh!  The twins racing up the hill was great to watch, great push guys. Roadie looking like a different person out there running like a pro. Slaw pushed like well, Slaw. Billy Madison, I’m not sure how you had so many clothes on, but you really pushed those sprints out hard. I’m the Q this Saturday 3/10 at Gashouse. Come on out for a Wojo beatdown!



No Waffle House for You

With the rain coming down pretty good, YHC was not expecting a mass to be posting at Folsom this AM. So, I roll into Folsom and there’s ole Roadie parked at start. I continue to wait in the truck until closer to start time and finally I see headlights over the hill. Alright, it’s gonna be a good time. There was mumberchatter heardamongst the men. Faintly I hear “Waffle House, This is stupid, It’s wet.” YHC remained focused with the plan ahead. With 5 PAX present, we clock in at 5:30.


SSH, PLANK JACKS, DON QUIOTES ALL X15 IC and there’s the site Q rolling in hot, so Moroccan Nightclubs TIL sparky joins. Great timing, Train, 5 OYO. This got some chatter going again. Alright, let’s mosey.


mosey to the park entrance flag for


on your six for a little an work. LBC, AMERICAN HAMMERS X15 IC. Off the 6 and mosey the long way around the park to the lower shelter. I must say, the Folsom PAX are getting the hang of this running stuff. Nope not the shelter, hit the parking lot. Partner up for some leap frog. Idea by Squirt downtown, thank you sir. PAX 1 plank while P 2 bear crawls to the first line and performs 5 burpees. Drop into plank while P 1 bear crawls 2 lines for 5 burpees. Continue rotation and every other line until we hit 50 burpees each. Now, let’s do the same thing but instead we use a low squat hold for plank, lung walk instead of bear crawl, and 10 squats instead of burpees. Once we hit the end of the lot, each PAX totaled 100 squats. Ok, let’s mosey around the parking lot for some shelter work. Freddie Mercuries, Merkins, Dips all x15 IC, then 10 big boys on my count x 10. Q calls for some step ups but quickly canceled seeing the clock was at 6:13. Let’s quick mosey back to start. That hill climb back is horrible but Roadie and I pushed each other to finish it out strong! Nice hustle Roadie!

Announcements; SWO March 16-18, AO relay

Prayer requests lifted, Praying for Def Leppard’s Testing

YHC took us out in prayer

nice work men! And as always, thanks for the opportunity to lead. Folsom is getting stronger! Aye,

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