Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: March 16, 2018

The Ministry of Silly Walks

It was a great day to post downtown.

0530  Disclaimer

Warm up

SSH- I saw car headlights as soon as we started and knew we had to wait for the unknown late arrival to jump in and get at least one SSH before we stop.  The late arriver was none other than Blart.  He…..took…..his……sweet……….time………          PAX SSH=41?     Blart=1

Next exercise was Deep Sea Divers in honor of the absent site Q Spiderman.  These are easier when you are fresh.
10 Squats
Mosey to the Methodist Church small parking lot with the incline.  Start at the bottom for elevens/Jacob’s Ladder.  One Squat at the bottom, ten Bobby Hurley’s at the top and Jacob’s ladder until one Bobby Hurley and ten Squats.  HushPuppy didn’t say DFQ but he was thinking it.    Gastone was a beast today.  He embraced a leg intensive workout.  Who knew he liked doing legs?

Plank for the six and then 16 Mountain Climbers IC.
Mosey to the steps in front of the church for 50 calf raises OYO.

Mosey to the big parking lot, and lunge walk the length of it heading uphill.

Back bridge leg raises.

Mosey to the parking deck.  Steps to the top for partner squats x 20.  P1 jumps on P2’s back and P1 does 20 squats.  Switch.  YHC is very thankful that Hushpuppy has been pushing the rock lately and is only 17.1429 stone.  (a little British weight reference since we were dedicating this workout to Monty Python’s Ministry of Silly Walks skit).  Good work here.  Guys are different sizes so 20 squats with manly men on your back was tough.

Back down the steps and across the street to the McQuitter’s wall for a set of leg work.

Wall jumps x 20

Step ups x 20

Box squats x 20

One leg lunges x 10 each leg

Mosey across the street.

At the first 3 light poles 10 Sumo Squats

Then lungewalk to the three way stop…the blinking three way stop.  This exercise wasn’t so bad because Medicine Woman and Slaw were busy talking about whether or not the first three way stop was the one where we should stop.  The problem is there was no flashing light.  Gastone was first to the top of the street and confirmed that it actually was a three way stop.

Mosey to the Pavilion and 50 calf raises OYO.

5 minutes of Mary

5 burpees OYO because we didn’t do any.  Come to think of it, I don’t ever remember a downtown workout without a train going by.  Maybe we just didn’t hear it?

On your back, cross your right leg over your left and grab your knee and pull it close.  Then release your hands and keep your knee in place.  Switch….lots of mumble chatter about this stretch.  It must have taken longer than I thought because the alarm sounded at 0615 and the workout was over.

Random thoughts…

I forgot to do jump lunges because I never looked at my Weinke.  #Qfail!

It was good to see Slaw come in early wearing the Oakley t-shirt.  It looked familiar and then he reminded me it was the “smedium” shirt that I gave him.  It looks better on him and the cool factor is over the top.  We got our 25 V-up things done for the monthly challenge right away before the workout.  Day 16 done!

Eat lots of protein today and keep hydrated.

Hipaa was wearing his weighted vest again.  Get some.

It was great to see Pockets, Medicine Woman, and Oompa Loompa downtown.

Lots of events coming up….Gastonia CSAUP relay race “Going the extra Mile coming April 7th.  Sign up by March 17th.  Community Foundation Run-April 14th, Christina Latini Memorial 8K in Huntersville, April 21st.

Prayers for our four PAX doing the Ruck event with MECA tonight in Concord.  Woody, Boudin, Whoopee, and Freight are going to get after it!

Prayers for Def Leppard’s son Logan and for all the PAX that push the rock and all the men that don’t know they need F3.

Final thought….I listened to F3 Houston’s roundtable call yesterday and although we know each other, if an accident happened to one of us during a workout, would we be prepared to give aid?  We are good about carrying at least one cell phone but where is the nearest hospital?  Would we wait for an ambulance or scoop and go?  Who would we contact for you in an emergency?
This is a problem we need to solve and find a best practice.  Collecting the emergency contact information won’t be hard.  How do we put it into a retrievable file that we can access in an emergency?  If you have thoughts DM me.

Always a pleasure to lead!  Hopefully your walk will be adequately silly and we can get that government grant.


16 PAX kept the average strong at F3 Gastonia’s JV workout Midoriyama. Tooltime had the Q but is having some muscle issues so he asked if I could help out. I always like Qing so fo sho I will! TT took a group for a 5 mile run and I lead a group for some bootcamp.

Pledge together


Runners off.

SSH x 10ic, Don Q’s x 10ic, Grasspickers x 10ic, Goofballs x 10ic.

Lets Mosey. We went to the top of the lake hill everyone has been using lately. We saluted it by turning our backs and doing 10 monkeyhumpers ic. Mosey to the shelter.

The Thang:

I explained to everyone I hadn’t planned much and wasn’t really looking to push too much since the Goruck tough is tonight. Let’s get on with it.

Arm squats x 15ic

Derkins x 10ic

Stepups x 15ic

Arm squats x 10ic

Derkins x 7ic

Stepups x 10ic

Arm squats x 5ic

Derkins x 5ic

Stepups x 5ic

Good Work let’s mosey. Along the way YHC had an idea. Lets cross the street and do deep sea divers on the split rail fence. 5 merkins on each rail. This worked much better than expected on the fence! Really look forward to doing this more.

Lets mosey to the stairs. WWI’s at the bottom and top while you wait and 10 calf raises on each step. 13 steps total.

Wall sit at the shack. Start at one end and do 5 jump squats each. That was fun lets do it again starting at the other end. At this point Swimmer had a great idea so we headed back to the flag for some Iron Hulk.

Iron Hulk is Jack Webbs at a 1/4 ratio. We had a few guys experience this for the first time and had the same response most of us do….Why the hell is it so hard to lift my arms!

We did a few abs before calling time


Announcements-CSAUP sign up before Saturday, Community Run, The Forge needs a Q next week, Convergeance on the 24th at Folsom at 7:00

Prayer Request-World Wide Son, Def Leppards son, Several friends and family battling cancer,

Moleskin-Tclaps to the men of the region for helping out Maddens friend and his family who lost everything in a fire. $700 raised to help. The family is VERY appreciative. As always it was a pleasure to spend time with you fellows. I finished up with a message about rewards and not waiting for them but going after them. If we seek God we will find him.

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