Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: February 14, 2018

No Weinke? Let’s Mosey

YHC rolled into the gloom at Folsom expecting another big crowd. To my surprise, Roadie was the only PAX present. No doubt Volt and Montross would post, but where is everybody else? Fartsack kept them forming hitting the DRP. 5:30 hits………


SSH, Hillbillies X15 IC



Mosey…….again, No Weinke and YHC noticed 2 PAX had some new pavement buffers. Let’s break them in. Like I said, Mosey. Oh crap, here comes Hank rolling in hot taking our side views off. He caught up. now continue around the park until we hit the lower shelter which was just over 1 mile. Nice work men. Grab a bench for DIPs, then Merkins, step ups, Freddy Mercury’s, x20 IC. Enough of the shelter, let’s mosey again for another mile and end up at the tennis courts. Line up for some Agassi’s.  Run suicides with of each court, but NUR back to start for escalation burpees. Mumble chatter was strong here. YHC hates to NUR, the bumb leg doesn’t care much for it either, but it’s good work. With .5 miles shy of a total of 3.1, Q calls laps til we hit the 5k mark. Fellowship mosey back to start.

Announcements; Snowbird, F3 Dads 2.0  event, Community Foundation run April

prayer lifted up and YHC took us out

thanks again for the opportunity to Q. Folsom has come a long way when it comes to running. Way to keep pushing and get stronger men!

Slay’n Dragons

It all started on Monday morning when Hurricane Gastone came through snowballs with very little consideration that at some point in the day we may need to use our legs.  This workout caused me to whine a little more than I would like.  After the beat down of epic proportions had been administered the question of who is going to fill the open Q opportunities arose and several volunteered, mostly to avoid another beating like we had just received.

After the Cot I was chatting with the Hurricane himself and he was telling me that we should find what it is that gives up the most difficulty and do it until it gets easier.  This was a great piece of advise and got me to thinking about what in life is good and healthy that gives the most difficulty, or the dragons that we all need to slay.  We all have them.

As far as the workout goes and according to the regular mumble chatter during them it was evident that the PAX and myself had some common dragons to slay.

5:30, let the slaying begin:


20 SSH (IC, 4 count)

20 Goofballs (IC, 4 count)

5 Burpees (oyo)

Mosey to Gastone’s Hill.  This was the site of the brutal beat down from just days before.

5 burpees x 12 mailboxes = 60 burpees

At the top of the hill;

50 LBC’s

10 Merkins

Coming back down the hill and at the mailboxes;

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

20 Squats

30 Monkey Humpers

30 Squats

40 Monkey Humpers

40 Sqauats

30 Monkey Humpers

30 Squats

20 Monkey Humpers

6:00– Whoopee had to leave.

Mosey to the Doller General parking lot;

Bear crawl across side parking lot, 10 Squats, crab crawl back x 3.  (Clavin got some EC here and did a 4th round.)  We have some different dragons it would seem.

Mosey across Food Lion parking to stairs where we jumped 2 footed up the stairs.

Continue to curb in front of old Harris Teeter/Lowes Foods where we jumped 2 footed x 10.

Mosey back to Snowballs for a wall sit until the 6 arrived.

50 LBC’s

Gastome led Flutter Kicks til 30.

Times up, Dead dragons.  Whoopee said during the workout that they never stood a chance.



2nd F at Lake Wylie Bowl and Bounce for the families this coming Friday.  Please contact Sargento so he can reserve the lanes.

YMCA workday this coming Saturday morning at 9.

Sunday F3 Dads at the Chutes at Crowders Ridge.   Please sign up online.  Just google “chutes Crowders Ridge” at you will get there.

April 14 Speed for Need Community Foundation run.  Please sign up online.  It’s $20 plus a $2 fee.  Please select speedforneedf3 in the drop down for affiliations.

If you know someone who used to come to F3 and you haven’t seen them in a while, a Kotter, shoot them a call just to say hello.


Kiwi to return.

EZ Rider

Us, families, and communities to be protected from the adversary by the Armor of GOD.


The point of the workout for the day is that we all have our own unique set of dragons.  It may be big or small.  Some thing of activity that is difficult.  If we can meet that challenge with the vigor and enthusiasm that was shown by all of the awesome gentlemen known as the PAX, we can move that much closer to being the HIMS that out familys, communities, employers, and friends deserve for us to be and that GOD is calling us to be.

The pleasure and honor was all mine this workout guys.  You are all an inspiration to me.



Playing All the H.I.I.T.S

The High Intensity Interval Training wasn’t the only treat in store for the pax this Valentine’s morning…..I serenaded them with a “today’s top 40 hits station” via Youtube.

The mumble chatter ensued immediately because what group enjoys top 40 hits more than a bunch of middle-aged, Caucasian, white-collar men from the south???



  • SSH
  • Don Quixotes
  • Cherry Pickers (the ones that fell on the ground Stroganoff)
  • and Q definitely, knowledgeably picked Jumping Jacks….errrrr, SSH 1 more time. Totally on purpose.
  • MOSEY to Martha Rivers fields

The Thang:

Interval Abs Circuit x 2:

  • LBCs x 50 OYO
  • WWI Sit-Ups x AMRAP, 30 seconds
  • Freddy Mercurys x AMRAP, 60, 30 seconds
  • Flutter Kicks x AMRAP, 30 seconds

Speed Circuit x 2:

  • Sprint 1/4 of soccer field then back to line for 10 Merkins
  • Sprint 1/2 of soccer field then back to line for 10 Merkins
  • Sprint 3/4 of soccer field then back to line for 10 Merkins
  • Sprint full soccer field then back to line for 10 Merkins

(Insert more mumble chatter about bad Q idea…)

Hey, my pudgy grandma jogs a few marathons every year, but what do you see Usain Bolt or Lebron James running?  Who’s body would you rather have? Sprints accelerate fat burn and build muscle. (Annnnnnnd Q’s back won’t allow me to “pound the pavement” for over an hour anymore so this is my tantrum towards all the long distance runners that surround me in F3.) Jealous tantrum over. Back to the workout…

Lat builder Circuit x 2:

  • Pull-ups, AMRAP 30 seconds
  • SSH x 60
  • Burpees x 10
  • Final burn out on Pull-ups, AMRAP

Mosey back to Sno-Balls – stopped for 6 and did LBCs

Pledge, announcements and COT.

Hope no one is too tired to take care of the Ms tonight on Valentines Day! May have seen a few panic-stricken eyes when I announced the date and mad dash to florist as pax exited parking lot!

Thanks for the push brothers! Aye!


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