Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: January 16, 2018

Family Reunion

YHC has been out for a few weeks with a sore hip joint so to motivate myself I signed up to Q and we had 16 strong for the reunion. Ash Pond and Blart (age 42) were not there. Swimmer who just turned 44 was there. Happy Birthday Swimmer! Tiger rolling in hot! Let’s get started.

Warm Up SSH x 15 IC, Cotton Pickers x 15 IC, CDD’s x 15 IC, Say the pledge. Quick count equals 16 so let’s mosey.

Mosey to the big soccer field on the left, meet in the center for Four Corners. Count off by 4’s, Each group goes to separate corners. 1’s perform Merkins x 20 IC. 2’s perform Plank Jacks x 20 IC. 3’s perform 20 LBC’s IC, 4’s perform 20 SSH IC. After each corner run back to the center with your group for 5 burpees then run to the next corner until we all had completed a cycle. Crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Dog Park Hill. Run up the hill, touch the fence, run back down for 10 WWI sit ups. Repeat x 5. Another crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the long parking lot near the playground and find some curb. 10 Mike Tysons.

Mosey to the picnic shelter for 80 D’s. 20 Derkins, 20 (Hello) Dolly’s, 20 Dips, 20 Diamond Merkins. Repeated with 10 reps each.

Mosey back to the flag.

We talked about how life is fragile. A local family lost a 9 year old named Glenn Jackson after a long illness. I talked about how much of a fighter he was. We also talked about a fellow F3 Pax named Gremlin who passed away. Life is short. Tell those around how you feel. Don’t put off the important things. Tell others about God’s love.

Announcements: Rooster Relay is Saturday. Let Site Q’s know if you didn’t receive the newsletter in your email. It was a good read with our own Slaw telling about what F3 has done for him. Forge is a Wednesday night Bible Study/Discussion at Grits and Greens in Lowell at 6:30 p.m. with this week’s topic of forgiveness. This has been well attended the first 2 weeks but we have a large room to ourselves if we can fill it.

Prayer Requests: Glenn Jackson family, Gremlin’s family, friend of Arial openly talked about suicidal thoughts, all of our F3 brothers.

COT YHC took us out.

  • Great to be back in the gloom with the guys. It’s always a pleasure to lead and the Pax really pushed the rock today. We ran around 2.5 miles with around 340 reps. It was great to have that push from everyone today. I really needed it as I am not back to 100%. Y’all know how to make an old guy feel welcome. Even got an unusually long hug by a former Nantan! I missed you too! Love seeing Tyson, Mr. Bubbles and Arial (Bridges brothers) working out together. Great to see Lil Sweet back as his work has been busy lately. Birthday boy Swimmer was getting it done today and even helped me count merkins when I was out of breath. Tool Time, Tyson and Slaw pushing the pace as usual forcing all of us to keep up! Floppy Disk must have been in a hurry to get back to the flag as he showed the famous Floppy sprint towards the end!


YHC showed on a cold Tuesday morning and no one was in the parking area. Not a minute later and the PAX started pulling in one after another. All total 5 HIM’s showed up for a cold but thankfully dry beatdown. 05:30 hit let’s get started.


15 SSH, Hillbillys, Gravel Pickers all IC


Mosey to the front of park for the pledge and 22 Merkins for the vets.

Mosey to the lower shelter for some picnicing.  Start with 15 Arm Squats IC  then run a lap around the parking lot.  Next 20 Squats(butt on the seat) IC run a lap, 20 Incline Merkins IC run a lap, 20 Step Ups IC run a lap, 20 Derkins IC run a lap, 20 LBCs IC run a lap, 20 American Hammers IC run a lap, YHC was out of exercises so Sparky called Burpee’s x 10 OYO.

Time running out so we mosey to start for some Mary. YHC called an exercise that he can’t remember at the moment, then called on each PAX to call an exercise and count it out.  Sparky with 10 WW I, Volt with 20 Merkins, Montross with 10 WWI, and Jorge with 10 Freddy Mercury’s IC.

Announcements: Forge on Wednesday nights at 6:30.  Def Leppard with the lead tomorrow night on forgiveness.

Prayer Request: Glenn Jackson family, Jorge’s M with their second kid to be born soon, each other.

BOM: YHC takes us out.

Strong work from each man this morning, Way to push men. Total miles 2.4 Thanks for the opportunity to lead it is a pleasure and honor.

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