Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: December 2017 (Page 4 of 5)

And today’s special number is …

Pledge            At one point late in workout A member of pax guestioned difficulty in remembering entire workout …, then  another pointed out the simplicity of the work out that we ran for a moment and then did something else ….rinse and repeat .           This is the simplistic form …  The truth of the matter is I used a Tabata timer ( idea stolen/ borrowed from Short Sale).  It gave me an easy framework for the entire work out …..50 second timer with 10 second rest intervals.  The plan was for us to do a mosey most of time or two or more lunge walks alternate with upper or ab exercises…  these were called at random utilizing as many different exercises as could be remembered …. such as lbcs , Freddie Mercs, merkins, derkins, dips wall rest, cdds, Don Quixote’s , and Moroccan nite clubs. Most were AMrap .   This is not the full list …. but best I could do . The method to this madness  was that approximately eight hours earlier I crossed the threshold into the age of 50 .  Timeframe was aware but held to secrecy and that we were waiting for someone to recognize the time (50). Upon Rearrival at start line   There was still another four minutes during which I dropped a secret or two which eventually was picked up by stroganoff who then received a paper “gift”  to be read for the next exercise of Burpee‘s Amrap for a 50 second count  ….  and since there was still another minute and a half or so to go I  I followed the directions of another pax who complained that stroganoff should’ve called something else and he called for flutter kicks to the number 50 !!  It too was a crowdpleaser!!  It should also be noted that Spiderman arrived very late and I suspect he expected a warm-up routine as did many others I’m sure…  but there was none!       This was something I’ve been looking forward to doing for quite some time but I struggled with trying to figure out the routine and how to make it happen until defib worked a Tabata timer into A work out and then later short sale used it for much greater time in a routine.  It was an honor to have you guys celebrate my day with me !




The beatings will cease when morale improves

YHC was a little worried about the plan Friday night in the sleet but determined to make it a REAL workout no matter who showed up. So as the pax assembled in the near dawn darkness  and the temp hovered @ freezing with a little precip falling it was obvious this would be a day for a roll in the mud gut check  of a workout this day. It went something like this:

COP in the park:

SSH X 20

IW X 20

LBCs X 20

Merkins X 10

Copperhead squats X 20

Mosey on up to The Field of Dreams for a BLIMP run! Possibly the first in Belmont F3. Went like this:

P1 – Run the length of the filed and back

P2 – Do the called exercise. Flap jack.

1st set: Burpees (B)

2nd set: Lunges (L)

3rd set: IW (I)

4th set: Merkins (M)

5th set: Plank jacks (P)

6th set: Squats (S)

Mosey on up to the Corner of Knowledge

Step ups X 10 X 15 X20

Dirkins X 10X15X20

Dips X 10X15X 20

mosey down to parking lot for the following:

Burpee suicides to one end

Jump squats X5 suicides back.

Back to the Field of Dreams for MORE Tesla morale building work, featuring YHC’s fave, the Bear Crawl Slalom!

Bear Crawl Slalom down to the end of the field

SSH X 20

Squats X 20

Plank, agility drill back

Mosey to Heartbreak hill

Foot of the hill: 10X called exercise, run to the top, mosey back down for next set.

1st set: Diamond merkins

2nd set: Regular merkins

3rd set: Hand release merkins

4th set: Stagger right merkins

5th set: Stagger left merkins

Bulgarian Split squats X 10 each leg

20 step ups.

Circle of Mary at the fountain featuring pax led  and circle run with SSH, LBCs, Squats, Jump Squats, Knee ups, American Hammers, ad other assorted opportunities for pain, capped off with 5 burpees by YHC.


NMM: Great work in the mud, the gloom, and the chill at The Yank today! Everybody went home wet. ad sweaty and like YHC, probably did not get in the house with shoes on. Best shower of the week! Kind of what it’s all about, playing outside in the mud and getting dirty. It’s just plain good for the soul! Next week we have Breaker Breaker on tap for his VQ. come on out and support his effort men!


Yank is an awesome AO and great pax always. Look for some guest Qs coming in ’18 to keep it revved up! I see Rev Florida and others making appearances at the Yank and bear crawl slaloms from Tesla and others.



I Hate the Beatles (or I do now)

Stroganoff advertised the GasHouse Q was available and I had a few ideas burning a hole in my bag of Weinke’s that I was interested to try…sign me up. The “Oh $h#! moment came when the weather forecast began calling for snow. I can’t back out now, can I? I recall last year a few fools, um, I mean PAX posted in the snow. Cursed those F3 5 Principles…so I double prepare with two Weinkes; one I hoped to use with all my bag of tricks and the contingency Weinke under the picnic shelter (I’m sure there is an off color remark that I should make but I’ll abstain for now). The alarm hits 0600 and I stagger from my cozy bed and stare out the window to check Mother Nature’s agenda: no snow, just wet ground and a chilly 35 degrees was thankfully absent any significant wind. Time to suit up and pack the coupons, we’re going with Weinke #1.

Tool Time texted on the way with a screen shot of a “Tool” song – he was getting fired up to fuel the mumble chatter. Stone Cold and Roscoe were in the parking lot talking shop. Roscoe had been on a crime scene since 0300 and came directly to the GasHouse so he could post #HIM. Stroganoff hops out of his car, plants the shovel flag, goes to his six to knock out 100 LBC’s; Roscoe joins him. Bandit rolls in with his two sons, ready to work. No one shows for Rudolph’s Pain Lab (he’ll get you back) so he joins us. As I’m giving the disclaimer to ensure the PAX are mindful of the wet ground and to be sure-footed, Madoff wheels in hot to join us. We stood at attention for the pledge. Now, time to get this party started.


  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Toy Soldiers x 10 IC
  • MNC x 10 IC
  • Squat Merkins x 10 SC (this was a crowd pleaser, be on the lookout for it)
  • Seal Jacks x 10 IC
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • Follow me…to the amphitheater at the back entrance to the museum


Using the 5 steps we’ll do 11’s starting with 10 SSH at the top and 1 LBC at the bottom; decreasing and increasing until 55 of each are complete. The thick stairs provided a nice burn on the climb. All PAX are planking…time to mosey to First Presbyterian Church back parking lot. Upon arrival I asked if any of the PAX were Beatles fans; got a few hands raised. Our two young men Goose and Reeses may  have to Google who “The Beatles” actually are. I suspect for the 10 other PAX they now have a new found association of hate if they ever hear the lyrics of “Let it Be” played again. What did we do you are now curious? Instead of the plank/merkin fun with Roxanne or Bring Sally Up, the PAX were instructed to bear crawl between the parking lot medians and each time the lyric: “Let it Be” was sung, stop and perform one merkin. In case you’d like to try this at home, there are 41 occasions for that line in the song and the song lasts four minutes…you’re welcome, and don’t hurt yourself. There was plenty of chatter during this epic event. I am Q at the Goat next week and don’t think for an instance this will not be introduced for your pleasure – you’ve now been warned. Lot’s more to do so we moseyed to the back entrance to the youth building at the church but instead of simply running up the slight incline, let’s perform side to side ski mogul jumps, just to get our legs burning as much as our arms and shoulders.

At the top of the hill were the coupon’s, the Q’s gift to the PAX. We divided into three groups where I now realized with 11 men, it should have been 3 groups of 3 and 1 group of 2 but instead I formed 2 groups of 4 and 1 group of 3 = Q Fail…blame it on the cold (which I will in just a minute). We worked through four stations of Tabata: 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off for three sets (throughly confused? I’m just glad I had a Weinke). The stations were:

  • Renegade Row, Merkin, Burp with either bricks or dumbbells
  • Block Curls (big block and half blocks – Slaw – needed your blocks)
  • Rifle Squats with sand filled PVC
  • Curtsy Lunge with rounded raise – this one takes a slight bit of coordination but quickly becomes painful lifting your arms with water jugs as your right leg crosses behind left lunge (you tube it)

I had a new set list for the workout. Once I realized Whoopee wasn’t going to post (benefit of the doubt that he is on call saving lives) I deleted my George Straight song. I made Roscoe happy with a few Dream Theatre songs. After that session we did a count off and offered the PAX a chance to catch their breath before the next segment where we went to the wooden benches left of the building. To my knowledge, they have never been used in one of our GasHouse workouts…until now. Spread out and grab some bench for:

  • Derkins
  • Bench Humpers (Rudolph named this one since I didn’t have a real name for it)
  • Abyss Merkins (this is how they were actually intended to be performed)
  • Dips

Once again, 30 seconds on/10 seconds off, 3 rounds until the cold zapped my phone battery and we had to adjust to my watch for the final set. Once completed it was time to return to the museum where we had about 8 minutes for Mary.

  • Flutter Kicks x 20
  • Chopsticks x 15
  • Leg Lifts x 10
  • American Hammer x 20
  • LBC’s x 15
  • Fifer Scissor Punch x 10
  • Jingle Balls x 20
  • Plank Jacks x 15
  • Dying Cockroach x 10
  • Rather than repeat the set, I offered PAX choice:
  • Tool Time – V up Roll Up
  • Roscoe – can’t remember
  • Stroganoff – what else?? more Flutter Kicks
  • TIME!


Roscoe asked for prayers for the homicide victim that he worked earlier that morning. Bandit, Goose, and Reese’s aunt is improving with her chemo treatments, Tool Time’s co-working fighting cancer and my daughter’s concussion. Announcements for the Joe Davis event in January.


We had a fun group today pushing each other and working hard. At 35 degrees with snow flurries this could have easily been a small number of PAX. It was a good push by all the guys. Something sparked 10 other men (Bandit may have strongly encouraged his boys to join him…) to get out of the fartsack this morning, well Roscoe had to work before coming, but he posted. Maybe we’re a little insane…speaking of, Tool Time said he is sneaking into my garage to steal my workout dvd’s but I’ve committed these sinister acts to memory so there is no escaping. Sometimes you just have to “Let it Be.” Until the next time (which is Thursday at The Goat).

Short Sale


Blocks Blocks Core

Today was a good evening for a workout with little to no cardio but yet still a lot got done.

The group performed 10 reps of each exercise throughout the round. 3 exercises per round and 5 rounds. Then went on to the next round. Blocks were used when able.

First round consisted of…



X-man crunches

At this point to most this was just a good warm up.


Next round was…

Block curls


Leg lifts

Found out the Sphinx exercise was not a liked one.


3rd round…


Calf Raises

American Hammers

Everyone seemed to be in a better mood that round. Some even attempted American Hammers with blocks. Good job Tiger and Ash Pond.


Last round was a shoulder destroyer

Standing forward press

Overhead raises

Upright rows

LBC’s with blocks

I believe that was a solid finishing round of work for the men.

Ohhhh, and Slaw called out 22 for the Vets.


Pledge and announcements. Tool Time led us out. Thank you sir.


Thank you guys for letting me lead once again. I am proud to be a part of this great band of men.

45 minutes fulled with 2 hours of hate

The minutes oozed like slime from a child’s Christmas toy that’s sure to make the parents most hated list. The minutes overlapped into repeated Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers. It was Groundhog day in December.

Due to Stone Cold’s Wednesdays beat down, merkins, derkins, bear crawls, and most anything dealing with pectorals and upper body were to remain at a minimum.

50 or 93 Side Straddle Hops IU can’t recall as the PAX pissed all over the cadence, 40 LBCs, 30 Squats, 20 Peter Parkers , 10 Merkins


5 burpies

Mosey to the the wall:
Wall sits
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs + Marching
Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

Mosey to Wells of the Fargo
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs, 10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs, 10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to the parking deck for some dry concrete and awful jokes:
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks – Stroganoff’s new fav
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks – actually this is Stroganoff’s new fav

Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Gorilla Humpers 15 IC
Dekins 10 IC
Dips 15 IC

30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks

Mosey to the back pavillion with 13 minutes remaining.

Dying Cockroaches 20 IC,
Flutterkicks 20 IC
5 Burpies
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs,
Dying Cockroaches 20 IC,
Flutterkicks 20 IC
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks

MARY: V’s, LBCs, Flutterkicks and Flutterkicks

Announcements: I hearby announce that I will dramatically step up the pain on Friday’s. If you want to not experience that on a frequent basis, please step up and lead a workout.

COT: Strganoff’s friend had a daughter pass away, Slaw has a co-worker in critical condition, Californian’s dealing with the wildfires, our military and their families.

Where’s the suggestion box?

9 #HIM appeared in the gloom this am at #GoatIsland.  Welcome Timeframe and again Tater Hole.  Start off with the pledge, no FNG’s.

Thang; Mosey about 1/4 mile around grass area side walk 1 lap and circle back up at the parking lot for 3 rounds of 5 exercises with the 1/4 mile mosey after each round.

100 SSH, 100 LBC’s, 100 Squats, 25 Mericans, 25 Burpees

Hipslapper 15 IC

5 min of Mary by selected Pax; Nolan Ryans are great!

Nice work Pax!!

Moleskin; There was not a lot of mumble chatter going on.  The first round went by and it started from Tesla calling out the Q for moving to the grass to perform the LBC’s.  The pax didn’t know that I have a tube of vagisil in the the truck.  15 Hipslappers were added to the weinke.  Somewhere there were a few suggestions made by an unnamed pax and he was directed to send them to the Weaselshaker.  The workout was simple but effective.  Good job fellas.  #TClaps to ShortSale, man was killing the burpees this morning.  BreakerBreaker was pushing the rock as well.  Aye!

COT; Announcements- Toys to Bandit for delivery on the 12th, Jan. 6th Joe Davis Run, Advisory meeting 17th, Shoe drive contact Pizzaman Prayer Requests- Mayor’s recovery, BreakerBreaker’s son, Brownstreak, each other, Country

Thanks Dr. Suess for leading the prayer

ShortSale with the Q next week.


Bojangles’ Bisquits?

YHC rolled into the gloom looking for a nice showing of PAX……….. to my surprise, no one. While I sit in my truck thinking over the thang to come, 5:28 hits. Is gonna be a solo?… wait, no here strolls in the dependable Volt. Ok clock in.

SSH, hillbillies x15 IC



mosey to lower parking lot for some leg work. Line up for zombies. Lunge walk every other space then 10 squats. Repeat up the lot. Turn around and high knee walk every other line for 10 Merkins. Repeat to start.  Short mosey to the shelter. Step ups, Arm squats, LBCs, all x15 IC, lap around the parking lot. Rinse and repeat x3. Mosey the long way back toward start stopping at the lot by the pond for mountain climbers, toy shoulders, x20 IC. I see headlights, looks like Sparky. Guess he just wanted to say hello. Time running out, mosey toward the park entrance then back down to start. Ended up with 1.5, a little less mileage than usual, but it happens. Sparky is awaiting patiently at start. Before YHC got a chance to bust his balls, he offers us a bojangels biscuit. Forgiven!

Sparky took us out in prayer.

always an honor to lead, but come on Folsom, let’s get back at it!! EH each other back. Looking forward to next time.

Folsom Trio

Three PAX showed up for a Sparky-less beat down minus both the Q and coupons from Slaw.


Volt, Hank, Oompa Loompa.

(Huck, Slaw & Longhorn Roadie were not there)


No warmup.

Mosey to flag pole for pledge.

Mosey to parking lot for lunges.

Rinse and repeat.

Mosey to tennis court for suicide elevens.

AB fab time.

Mosey to parking lot.

22 for the vets.

YHC took us out

Medicine Woman on IR

Merkin Factory

There were nine HIM’s for the warm-up

SSH 10 (IC)
Merkins 10(IC)
Then a slow mosey to the back where we picked up Spiderman for an even 10 and headed to the park.

Once in the parking lot, we started at one light posts and ran to the next for a merkin ladder. We perform20 merkins and ran back for 19, 18 and so on. After a few rounds I threw in an Omaha and we stopped the ladder 10.  Onto the shelter for 100 dips then moseyed to the pullup bar.  One at a time the men did 10 pullups while the PAX did an exercise of their choice.  I can’t remember them all but there were some monkey humpers, LBC’s and lunges to name a few.

At the trail intersection 5 burpees before making our way back to the shelter for 50 LBC’s, 50 dips and 50 LBC’s. Back to the parking lot for 20 yards of arms raised lunges followed by 5 burpees.  Time for an Indian Run, last man knocks out a burpee then runs to the front.

Paired up and P1 ran to the gate while P2 did merkins. Then we did LBC’s and headed back.

Prayer requests for Donovan and his family, and our F3 brothers.

I want to thank everyone for their hard work. It was an honor to lead.

Little more shoulder work

Warm up
20 Don Qs
20 hillbillies
20 ssh
10 burpees
Run to the the soccer field.

Pick a partner. We did 11s. Do 1 Derkins together( partner 1 planks while partner 2 does Derkins from the back of partner 1) and then partners run to opposite hill tops and do 10 lunges in place,( both legs equals 1) and old man set ups on the other hill. Partners switch hills each time.
Once this was complete we mossy back to the flag for some block work.

10 blockees
20 curls
30 overhead presses
20 tricep presses
10 squats
Rinse and repeat in reverse.

Time for some wall work. 40 single count hip slappers. I was hearing some mumble chatter from the new Nantan and a few others.

I had Slaw lead us in 30 LBCs IC.

Ascending curb crawl. Start with 1 derkin at curb and bear crawl to other curb for two derkins. Did this until we reached 5.

We rounded up and had Oompa Loompa counting off 22 merkins for the vets.

Thanks for the strength you guys give me and allowing me to lead you.

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