• Post Type:
  • When: 12/18/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: Stroganoff
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Whoopee, Gastone, Turtleman, Clavin, Timeframe, Spiderman, Defib, Easy Rider, Breaker Breaker, Monk, Stone Cold, Stroganoff

Compared to the last few workouts, it was quite balmy this morning so I was expecting a good crowd and was not disappointed when 11 others showed up in the gloom for an unknown workout.  I had posted a pic of the Heat Miser & Snow Miser last night in preparation for the one week countdown to Christmas and must be reminded what the real meaning is (even though I love those two characters from Christmas shows from my youth).

After getting my 100 LBC’s in before the workout (thanks Pizza Man), I was ready for the short disclaimer and let’s get after it.


Short warm up with 20 IC SSH’s

The Thang

Let’s mosey and take the long way to the back soccer field at Martha River’s.  Whoopee was impressed and hoped this would be the entire workout but alas, it was not.

Time for some Four Corners:

Run to 1st corner – 10 Merkins; Run to next corner – 20 LBC’s; Run to next corner – 30 Squats; Run back to starting point – 40 Flutter Kicks (while we all planked, Spiderman decided to perform an excessive amount of Flutter Kicks so we all planked for an extended period…..well played)

That was so much fun we decided to do it again in reverse direction and order:

1st corner – 40 Flutter Kicks; 2nd corner – 30 Squats; 3rd corner – 20 LBC’s; back to starting spot – 10 Merkins

Nice work.

Time to escalate it as in Four Corners Escalator:

Run to first corner – 10 Merkins; Run to next corner – 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s; Run to 3rd corner – 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 30 Squats; Run back to starting corner – 10 Merkins, 20 LBC’s, 30 Squats, 40 Flutter Kicks

Somewhere during these sets there was much discussion about was this four corners or 4 quarters or a gallon, etc.  Not sure as this sounded like Midoryama math but we persisted regardless of what it was called.

Not it was time to de-escalate the workout and reverse the direction again:

Run to 1st corner – 40 Flutter Kicks, 30 Squats, 20 LBC’s, 10 Merkins (Gastone struggled to follow the instructions for this round); Run to next corner – 30 Squats, 20 LBC’s, 10 Merkins; Run to 3rd corner – 20 LBC’s, 10 Merkins; Back to starting spot for the last 10 Merkins.  This sounds relatively easy but I was struggling by the time we reached the last couple of sets.

A Martha River’s Stroganoff Q could not be complete without a visit to one of the Picnic Shelters so we moseyed to the closest one for some in-cadence work as follows:

Dips X 20

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 15

Squats X 20 or 17, or 16…..not really sure

It will be fun, let’s do it again:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 12

Squats X 20 (Clavin requested 25 but YHC decided against it)

Plenty of time left so let’s squeeze in one more round:

Dips X 15

Step Ups X 20

Derkins X 15 (This about broke me)

Low & Slow Squats X 20

Time to mosey back to the starting spot.

Just enough time for an IC Set of Flutter Kicks X 51

Announcements.  Several prayer requests.  Name-O-Rama.

The Moleskin

In Sunday School yesterday, we somehow got on a discussion about the current state of our society, politics, etc.  Not sure how we got there.  After listening for a few minutes, I could not keep my mouth shut.  First, I strongly believe that our society is not as bad off as the media makes it out to be, we are chugging along fine day to day.  I believe the 1% of bad apples get most of the attention but I see more good day to day than bad.  I do believe there are societal pressures to relax some of our traditional values and not stand our ground because it’s “2017”.  This is where I injected myself into the conversation at Church yesterday.  I believe F3 is a great example of a group working to lead and uphold what is right and continue to work on being better each day.  We all have work to do (especially myself) but holding each other accountable each and every day is a small thing we can do to continue down the path.  I have found myself wanting to be better so I can look my kids in the eye each day and know I am doing what I can.  Some of the places this feeling originates is in the gloom at Gashouse, the Black Knight, the Storm, Downtown, at Folsom, the Fighting Yank, Midoryama, Goat Island, the Coconut Horse, the Pub, in the middle of the night on a dark road during the BRR, the Palmetto 200, the Tuna 200, carrying the Flag during the Christmastown 5k, in the rain, the cold, the heat, etc, etc, etc.  I’m grateful for that giant rock we are pushing each day.

Until the next one.  Aye!
