Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: December 5, 2017

Little more shoulder work

Warm up
20 Don Qs
20 hillbillies
20 ssh
10 burpees
Run to the the soccer field.

Pick a partner. We did 11s. Do 1 Derkins together( partner 1 planks while partner 2 does Derkins from the back of partner 1) and then partners run to opposite hill tops and do 10 lunges in place,( both legs equals 1) and old man set ups on the other hill. Partners switch hills each time.
Once this was complete we mossy back to the flag for some block work.

10 blockees
20 curls
30 overhead presses
20 tricep presses
10 squats
Rinse and repeat in reverse.

Time for some wall work. 40 single count hip slappers. I was hearing some mumble chatter from the new Nantan and a few others.

I had Slaw lead us in 30 LBCs IC.

Ascending curb crawl. Start with 1 derkin at curb and bear crawl to other curb for two derkins. Did this until we reached 5.

We rounded up and had Oompa Loompa counting off 22 merkins for the vets.

Thanks for the strength you guys give me and allowing me to lead you.

Bumpin’ burpees and knob ticklers

9 showed this am for a Storm beatdown-I got there early with grand plans to ruck for a little while. After about 15 steps, I realized this ruck thing is really code for a boring walk when done alone and in a parking lot at 5 am. I quickly came to my senses and got back in my car, turned on the heat, and tried to sit really still when Boudin and Dolph showed thinking maybe they were like T-Rexes. If I did not move, maybe they wouldn’t know I was there… luck so I got out and talked about races I really did not want to HC for while the rest of the Pax showed and 0530 came around. I cannot remember the last time I was Q at the Storm, so I did not want to disappoint. Here is what I remember:

WU: (don’t blink, you might miss it) SSH, Squats, Flutters, Merkins X 5 IC…blahblahblah, not sure if this is what we really did. Got frustrated with the WU so we did a quick fast forward: 5 Burpees OYO then on feet quickly for mosey to the small eye for the…

Thang…Booyah Merkins X 20 then Squats X 20 for 2 sets?, then Derkins X 10 I think. There was some mumble chatter, but I was not deterred. Push on, I’ve got more in store for the Pax.

Mosey to the Big Eye, plank and 2 pax at a time run opposite directions around the Eye, when they meet drop for 5 Merkins, then continue around until back to start. Drop to Plank while next round takes off. Think we did Flutter Kicks X 20 + Merknis X 10 IC maybe twice? then I offered a choice to Dr. Seuss: Option A or Option B? Don’t remember what he chose but we started down the way we came and I heard some unnamed Pax that rhymes with Strolph and Boganoff question whether there really was a choice…so we took a sharp turn and went down the big hill in front of the school and turned into the lower entrance. Run until we can find a wall (short detour, was not part of the original plan) with a 2 burpee penalty at each speed bump. Eventually we made it to the school with Strolph, I mean Dolph leading the way and finding every effin speed bump he could along the way (good work Dolph-ISI). We got to the wall for the next part of the beatdown: Partner work at the knobs….3 step ups per leg, P 1 stays and does Mumpee Humpers while P 2 runs to trashcan and back then swap. Think we did 3 rounds of this before I actually got the numbers right….Thanks to my partner Sargento for the moral support and letting me find my way to the correct number of reps. Thanks to Dolph for the……nevermind. Let’s keep this PG. Never know who will be reading this. Just know, when someone calls Monkey Humpers, don’t turn your back on Dolph and keep at least one eye on him at all time.

Next came my second most favorite part: EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute): 5 high knees, 5 SSH, 5 burpees, then run about 20 yards and back X 10 cycles. This was pretty fun I thought and will be a staple for me for future Q’s. We had about 15-20 seconds of rest btwn cycles which after about 7, was barely enough I thought. I think somewhere along the line, Tesla made some smart-alecky remark about gloves or something….maybe he said he liked my gloves??? Not really sure, all I know is it made me think about Hip Slappers so we did a couple quick sets then moseyed back to start for Mary and the Pledge.

Great work guys-COT was full of friends, family, co-workers with sadness in their lives. Although all of the things mentioned this morning are important and weigh heavy on our hearts, I think the one that stuck with me the most was Stroganoff’s friend Donovan who lost his 24ish year old daughter to colon cancer this week. They struggled for several years and I suspect knew this day was coming, however somewhere deep down there was that little flicker of hope that maybe they could beat it. I hope none of us will ever have to deal with that in our future-losing a child has to rank up there with some of the worst situations ever. I know we all have lost loved ones, some even children. I also realize this is a real possibility for all of us in our future. Keep that in mind when your family member/child/friend does something that gets under your skin-make sure you are being the BEST father, brother, son, friend, whatever it is-that you can be.  Not sure I need to say anymore.

Thanks for coming out this morning and making me a better person-Whoopee

ps: rucking by yourself in the gloom in a parking lot really sucks, and GOOD LUCK TO MAYOR WITH HIS EYE SURGERY PLANNED FOR 12/6/17. LET US KNOW IF YOU NEED ANYTHING.

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