Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Month: September 2017 (Page 2 of 5)

First Murph at the Yank





The Thang:

This one is real simple

1 mile Mosey

100 Pull-Ups

200 Merkins

300 Squats

1 mile Mosey

After Last mile mosey we did some core..

LBC’s by the studs that came in first

Flutter Kicks- 20 IC

V up -Roll up’s – 25

Oblique V ups – 25 Right 25 Left


Great work by all PAX today this is a real mother of a beat down.




YHC read Dredd’s post on courage and spoke about why we are out here day after day. The physical gains we are able to achieve as we post mean nothing if we don’t use the strength we are gaining for the betterment of others. We need to rise up and lead at home, in the work place and in the community. This will take courage which is NOT the absence of fear, quite the contrary it is the ability to rise up in the face of fear and do what needs to be done!

To quote Dredd “To give over completely to one’s instinct to avoid danger, regardless of the consequences, is the opposite of Courage. It is cowardice. If we were all to flee from danger all the time, the Community would be slowly devoured, starting with the slowest man and ending with the fastest.”

“Courage begins with the recognition that there are some hardships that confront us that simply must be fought”

Men we are training out here day after day to be leaders. Ask yourselves where you need to step up and lead more? What fear you need to slay? There are people counting on you men and God created us to rule! YHC encourages all of you and myself to step up and do this daily!


Sargento’s Mother in Law for healing, PAX on the IR and PAX with some serious issues going on in their lives for strength.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NLT)

13 Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous.[a] Be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13 (HCSB)

13 Be alert, stand firm in the faith, act like a man, be strong.

Proverbs 27:

17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.


It was an honor to lead today men!

Tool Time

insert clever back blast title here

Seven of the baddest dudes in the world posted to Folsom this am.   As 06:30 was approaching, we were graced with an FNG.  Corey (later named After Volt), said he was EH’d by EZ Rider.   As 06:30 struck, it was time to clock in.

Let’s mosey down to the lower parking lot.

Warmups: 10 SSH IC, 20 Merkins IC, 30 CDD IC, 40 Mountain Climbers IC and 50 lbc IC.   this brought out a decent amount of mumble chatter.

mosey around a little bit and end up at the amphitheater.  i’m sure the men were surprised.  11s with dips and hip slappers.  11s again with decline merkins and incline merkins.  5 burpees OYO and squats for a minute.

07:00 hits and the keys were handed to Allen Tate.

Mosey up the to road, stopping along the way to plank for the six.  By the road stopped for flutter kicks and the alphabet.  Come to find out Dolph was doing it in 400 font.  Slaw was at about 395 font, YHC was writing in 6 font.


mosey a bit and stop for monkey humpers and morrocan nightclubs.  mosey back down to the lower shelter where we were greeting by a couple looking like they wanted some alone time.  with an audience, we did dips and step-ups.

mosey back to the launching point, stopping to do 5 humpees.

22 for the vets.


Announcements: JJ5K is today.

Prayer requests: Allen Tate’s co-worker, this country.

Named the FNG and name-a-rama

BOM took us out.

Good work today, men.  it’s an honor just to know you guys.

Supplements Really Work

I’m not talking about the pill or powder form, I’m talking about supplementing couch time for burpie time.  Kind of like this morning. I’m pretty sure every PAX that showed, had their fill of burpies for the day, supplementing them for big fat sugary delicious doughnuts and warm coffee in bed.  We did some working out like this here below.


Slaughter Starter – 20 Burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
Merkins 10 IC hold it…… Plankjacks 10 IC hold it…… Mountain Climbers 10 IC
Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 20 IC, Bobby Hurleys 30 IC
Dying Cockroaches 30 IC,   Flutterkicks 30 IC

Let’s Mosey

Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC
Wall Sits…March…..add some speedbags……..continue for 1 minute.
Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC

Let’s Mosey

Pair up:
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs
Other Pax runs hits 2 burpies – Switch

5 train burpies

Let’s Mosey

Don Quixote cut short via viscous monkey humpers from Woopie and Rosco.   Don’t leat your monkeys around those two.

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies


Announcement, COT


Q: Why do milking stools only have 3 legs?

A; The cow has the utter.

Mas Vale Tarde Que Nunca

Siete pax se reunieron en la penumbra para un miercoles por la manana golpean hacia abajo.

The goal was to post the BB with a full Spanish update.  With  spell check and other technical difficulties, that would take all night.  No time for that.  So here goes.

The thang as best that I recall:  The pledge followed by warm up:  SSH x 20 IC, LBC’s x 20 IC, Merkins x 10 IC, Moroccan Night Club’s x 10 IC.  Mosey towards KFC to pick up some rocks and on to the old HT.  Put the coupons down to start.  Up first, run to the loading dock, jump up, bear crawl down the ramp, run to parking lot and do 20 squats.  Rinse and repeat times 5.

Mosey towards the Food Lion, pause for 10 burpees, then continue towards car wash.  Borrow the curb for dips x 15 IC and derkins x 10 IC then rinse and repeat.  Mosey to Union Rd and detour to Dollar store.  They have a nice parking lot so YHC figured would do some Mary, 20 WWI sit ups, 20 LBC’s,  60 seconds of PC planks, followed by mtn climbers x 30 – rinse and repeat.  Recover and mosey back toward old HT.  Midway stop for 10 burpees.

Back to reclaim our coupons.  Partner up, on the ground with backs to backs , pass rocks in a full cycle x 20 then run to 2nd light and back.  Rinse and repeat times 3.  Quick 10 count and then shoulder presses x 20 into lunge walk with coupons to 1st light and back.  Seems like we  did that 3x’s.  Whoopie kept with a quick count off 5, 10, so we just continued.  Finished with a quick balls to the wall for a minute.  Time was getting close, mosey to return rocks and then jail break back to snow balls.

Moleskin:  Great work by all. It was a pleasure to lead.  A quick shout out to Snow Man, who posted for the first time a week or so ago.  He’s focused and putting in the work.   A great example for all of us to keep pushing and digging forward,be it life, a work out, job or whatever.   On a related note, Q power is real.   I always heard that but it took experiencing it to truly understand.  If you haven’t Q’d or posted in a while, only you can make it happen.

Till next time – Turtle Man


YHC had to plan for quick beatdown this am at #GoatIsland because of an event at work.  It came to mind on the way over and at 0530 there were 8 more Pax ready to go.  No FNG’s so straight to the warm up.


Mosey to the VFW wall for 1 minute of Hipslappers.  Run past Floyd and Blackies to stoplight, .25 mile. 1 minute of flutterkicks, run back to the VFW parking lot for 1 minute of squats.  Run back to the stop light for 1 minute of mericans.  Run back to VFW for 1 minute of burpees.  Run back for 1 minute plank.  Run back to VFW.  Then YHC handed the lead off to Gastone and all I know is there was more running involved, but backwards.  Nice work this am men.

Mayor started the mumble chatter at the hipslappers with a comment about the past weekend results of the burpeethon, ( little did he know the hill we were getting ready to run up and down for 2 miles) and then there wasn’t much more.  There were discussions about how to handle a turd at one point.  #showtoknow.   Great effort by all Pax.  #ISI  Thanks to all Pax for coming out.  Nice to have a good crowd post.  I’ll be looking for you in the future.  Slim Shady has the Q next week, so come out and see what he can deliver.  It’s an honor to lead you men.

Side Merkin Squat Crawl Raises

That’s just about everything we did, minus a little mosey and calf raises. We had to Omaha the entire workout to accommodate the PAX hitting the burpee-thon the next day.  I had to save all the burpees for the next Friday workout.

I’m a little hazy from the week gone by so with the best of my ability this is just about in the proximity of what maybe we did.

WARM UP:  Side Staddle Hops, Merkins + Planjacks, Squats, Dying Cockroaches, Flutterkicks


Mosey a few blocks around to the Wells Fargo.

Monkey Humpers,  Dips,  Deep Sea Divers,  LBCs

Cross the street and head south.

Find a corner and hit some Merkins,  Squats and  Flutterkicks,  Plankjacks.

Mosey a little more to PCCS steps.

Dips 10 IC , Calf Raises 20 IC   x 3

Mosey up the road to grab a few more merkins, lbcs, a 5 count of burpies,

There’s a few things I left off as my 42 year old body doesn’t want to remember.

This Friday will be a doozy, I promise you that.


COT: Gastone, mother in law, Easy Rider family members, Florida,




Burpees for Bulldog

After noticing the challenge from Gastone to Bulldog about 100 burpees, I sprung into action to Omaha my Weinke. I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it on that social media deal Twitter, cause the lack of personnel was obvious this AM at Folsom. So, I roll into the gloom and to see that no other PAX were present. 5:20 hits so I hop out the truck and figure I’ll have myself a solo post. Wait… in the distance I notice 2 unidentified Folsom rats. Looks as if these 2 were doing EC prior to the Q. YHC stretches while keeping the optics clear. I shall mosey, hit the tennis courts, nice and smooth now, for a few laps and over the horizon are headlights like the sun was about to rise. There’s my old chum, Sparky.  I was quickly informed that the rats I spoke of were actually women who apparently want to do some FIA but most likely have never heard of FIA. Aight 5:30.

mumblechatter about the previous night’s Twitter rambling


mosey up to the tennis court for 2 laps or so,


pick a corner for 20 burpees OYO, on your six for 30 LBCS OYO, recover then mosey around the courts to the sixth corner, I know there’s only 4 but pass through jail them keep getting it, stop for 20 burpees, 30 LBCS, recover, mosey 7 corners stop for 20 burpees 30 Lbcs, mosey 7 corners 20 burpees and 30 lbcs, mosey 6 corners for 20 burpees and 30 lbcs, since Bulldog had abliged to the challenge of 100 adding 1 for EC, we added 2 more. Mosey around and back down to the parking lot. Hmmmm…… SHOVEL FLAG??? Welp, lets mosey to the park entrance for the pledge. Then take off and mosey back to start. Well, we went over about 3 minutes but, we knocked out 102 burpees, 150 lbcs, and logged in 1.9 miles. Not bad?

COT As men, we are all tempted and challenged by the grit of sin in our society. We need to focus on what God intended, which is “reach the lost with the Gospel!” When we focus on that, the battle with sin becomes easier. We will never be capable of wslking in glad submission to Christ, flawless, but we should strive in our hearts and minds to have self control over temptation. We are going to fall, but get up, God loves us no matter what!! We will learn from those failures and in reality we will become stronger in fighting them!

Prayer YHC took us out


It seems pretty stupid to get up at 4:30, get dressed to go hang out with a bunch of dudes, sweat a little bit, and socialize, right? Well, yes, getting up at that time for anything is pretty stupid, but what F3 has established that falls into those 45 minutes to an hour is way more than some social gym time. We are Men in our community. Men are meant to be strong and lead not only within our homes and churches, but also in our communities. What better way to call out those men in our community than offer free workouts and manly fellowship? Thanks for all you guys who push me, encourage me, and bust my chops when I slack or fartsack. That’s breeding leadership. Always a honor to Q, great work men……..I mean Sparky!


17  Men including 1 FNG(wait no 18 because we can’t count) showed up at Midoriyama for a beatdown. This is how it went.

Disclaimer-These guys are idiots and I’m the brightest one out here so we are all in trouble!



Don Q’s x 10ic

SSH x 10ic

Merkins x 2ic Yes that says 2. I’ve been having elbow issues and have been avoiding these. I figured I would just mess with everyone and just make them get down so they would have to get back up again.

Everyone grab two freshly purchased bricks out of my truck and let’s mosey!

The Thang:

We went to the side of the farthest soccer field. Run across with a brick, do 10 Turkish getups and run back. Rinse and repeat to the next field. Then again to farthest side of the next field. Then again to the top of the far Hill. 40 total Turkish Getups. Some guys really struggled with the Turkish Getup concept but managed to work it out by the end. Good Work! At this point we were going to use the little soccer field but a game was in process so back to where we started for some Wojo sprint work.

Everyone with bricks in hand and a foot on the line sprint all out to the opposite side of the field and fellowship mosey back. Rinse and repeat 3 times. 1 time a few PAX jumped the gun so the rest of us did Merkins while we waited for them to rejoin the team. Blart looked like Usain Bolt gliding across the field. It took me 3 steps to his 1. I felt like he was just toying with me. I’m pretty sure I saw him smiling a little.

Let’s mosey and stash the bricks. Mosey on back to the flag. Slaw brought us the big blocks to use.

Partner up. P1 wall sits. P2 does 5 Blockees. Switch and rinse and repeat until I call time. We did this for 10-15 minutes.


Announcments- T-Square: Double Amputee doing a ton of marathons coming through our area soon. Go out and run with him for support. More info coming. SFN Christmas town run now at 36! Great job by all on the Burpeethon. Let’s make it even better next year. JJ5K this weekend. 3rdF event coming up details coming.

Namerama: Welcome FNG Brilliant brought to us by Hushpuppy. They are co-workers and he says he will definitely be back. That may depend on Slaw as he seemed to have a man crush since he is a fellow Seiman I mean Seeman wait no Seaman!

Prayer Request-Ash Pond is doing much better! Pockets, PM’s Grandparents in law, Sidecars friend, Our brothers that are struggling with various issues.


I had a great time out today. I hope it was worth your trip out and you got your money’s worth. Great crowd. Let’s keep it growing!


10 HIM showed up for a blockbuster.  There are a few workouts that I really like to do.  99, the vern and the blockbuster.  Today I modified the running in between as an experiment to see if it could be improved on, but looking back, I didn’t care for it and will go back to the basics.

What we did:
No warm up, just a mosey around the parking lot up to the blocks, circle up and start.  10 OH squats, curls, tricep extensions, front raise, good mornings and chest press.

In between each set, you typically run either a 1/4 mile or 1/2 mile.  What I tried to do was add some other work so one person would run to the gate and back (+/-1/4 mile) while the rest of the pax did flutter kicks.  So on and so forth.  Next runner went and we did LBCs, then plank and some french fries.

Then we teamed up and as the pax would say about YHC, poor instruction was given when I said double up, I meant each pax did 20 reps, not putting themselves together and doing 10 each, but I can learn from this.  One team runs while the rest do lunges, then a bridge after the second set of team work was done.  There was some modifications made as needed by some and we were out of time.

Time to put the blocks up, circle up and discuss the run back.  Not wanting to hold anyone up, I released them for the fastest lap around the parking lot to the flag – some got EC and ran around the school.  Just enough time for 60 seconds of Rocky Balboas and wave of merkins to 5.

Finish with the pledge.

Prayers were asked for Slim Shadys dad and a negative bone scan and Pax you haven’t seen in a while.  Its encouraged to reach out to any of those you know havent posted and be the one they can turn to that will hold them accountable.

Moleskin – While trying to do something new, it really didnt work.  We still got a good workout and I felt my internal mind telling me that I can still improve on leadership skills.  I promise to do better next time men, but it was a pleasure to workout beside you.

Smooth start

9 men came out to better themselves and the guys around them. 2.2 miles with some pain stations.

The Thang:

25 SSH

Mosey to the Robinson. Halfway we stopped and did 20 Merkins.

Once at Robinson we found a wall.

10 Dips

10 Right step ups

10 Incline Merkins

10 Dips

10 Left step ups

10 Derkins

10 Dips

Mosey to the middle of the school to find the railings.

Everyone up on the railings. Guy at the top bear crawls to the other side. Etc. Repeat  once more. This was the down hill side.

Lunges up one side and down the other.

Back up on railings this time bear crawling up hill. 2 times.

Mosey but blocked by fence locked around the other way.

Large staircase. To the top and back down 10 times touching every step.

Mosey out to parking lot for Mary but noticed lots of poop in every direction. Mosey to front of school to grass.

Jack Webb up to 7 and then back down.

To the parking lot.

30 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

20 LBC’s

20 Flutter

10 Box Cutters

10 LbC’s

20 Flutters

10 Box Cutters

Mosey back but stop at the hill for some backwards up the big hill. Ran out of time to go the entire way. Hushpuppy somehow got way ahead of us, beast.

Finished 3 minutes late but took good care of the 6.

The Moleskin:

Great group of guys and always an honor to Q these workouts.

Next 2 workouts are covered with Turtleman on Wed. at Snowball’s and Timeframe has Martha’s House covered on Monday.

Gastone Out@!

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