Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Labor Day, Let’s Get To Work!

  • Post Type:
  • When: 09/04/2017
  • AO:
  • QIC: TimeFrame
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Gastone, Turtleman, Short Sale, Whoopie, T-Square, Time Frame (YHC)

As I arrived at Martha’s House in the gloom I was excited to see 5 HIMS joining me for my first Q.  The air was cool and crisp and it seemed unusually quiet as there was little to no movement in the community due to being Labor Day.  After a few “hellos” and “good mornings”, it was time to get to work.  Let’s do it!


Warm up:

20 SSH (IC)

1 Burpee

25 Goofballs (IC)

2 Burpees

20 Seal Jax (IC)

3 Burpees


Mosey to the lower shelter of the park


The Thang:


Pair up into partners.

100 Merkins

200 LBC’s

300 Appalachian Americans

P1 runs the parameter of the lower portion of parking lot while P2 works on the above set list and switch until all exercises were completed.

At this point we had a good sweat and some elevated heart rates and breathing, but the PAX was relentless and looked eager for more.  I was happy to oblige.

It was a short mosey to Gastone’s hill #1 below the shelter where we started our second adventure, the 11’s as Whoopie called it, or the onedy one’s as announced by Turtleman.  At any rate, it was as follows:

10 Sumo Squats at the bottom of GH and run to top for 1 arm dip….run back down for 9 Sumo Squats and back up for 2 arm dips, you get the picture.  It was invigorating and the PAX was awesomely supportive and encouraging (the support and encouragement is truly what keeps me coming back, for real).  Thanks guys.

On our way back to snowballs, we karaoke’d left side for one section of the parking lot, the right side for the second portion, and lunge walked for the third section.

Mosey back to Snowballs for some ab work.  These guys are animals I tell ya!

When back at Snowballs, as best as I can remember, went something like this.

25 LBC’s (IC)

20 Flutter Kicks (IC with varying speeds)

15 WWI’s (IC)

Partner up for leg raises.  P1 stands over P2 and as P1 raises his legs, P2 pushes them back down.  We did as many as possible in the allotted amount of time.

Whoopie led some Mountain Climbers with varying speeds.

20 Seal Jax

25 SSH’s



It was a true honor and privilege to be out there with such an amazing group of Gentlemen.  F3 and every member of the PAX that I have met have been supportive, encouraging, and inspirational.  Thank you to T-Square and Gastone for EHing me, and all the PAX for the unrelenting encouragement.  It was truly an honor to lead such a group of Men.  Hope to do it again sometime.


Thanks and until next time,


Time Frame




1 Comment

  1. Gastone

    Nice Q Timeframe. You made us all work hard and I am a little sore from that.

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