Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Goat’s Got Me Flustered

  • Post Type:
  • When: 07/06/17
  • AO:
  • QIC: Fresh Prince
  • FNG's:
  • PAX: Sargento, Gilligan, Tesla (Respect), Slim Shady, Mayor, Spec (FNG), Norwood, Fresh Prince (QIC)

I arrived at the Goat this morning ready to lead with a Wienke that was sure to impress!  Things started off strong!  I banged out the disclaimer thanks to our FNG, then I banged out the warm up, and even banged out the pledge!  Things couldn’t have gone better, and then some women who pay for an overpriced workout (I’m just assuming since ours is free there’s must be overpriced <– Sound Logic Right?!?!) high jack the first part of the Thang and it was all down hill from there… So here’s what happened…

  1. Disclaimer
  2. Warmup
    1. 15 SSH IC
    2. 15 Freddie Mercury IC
    3. 25 Moroccan Night Club IC
    4. 10 Merkins IC
    5. 15 Monkey Humpers IC
  3. Pledge
  4. The Thang
    1. Mosey to BB&T Wall.
      1. The plan was to wall sit while each PAX ran around the building, but the stairs were occupied and I got flustered.  I freaked out and had everyone mosey to the opposite side of the town to the wall of Doffers.  Still not sure how to continue since my Wienke was now ruined we did 50 Don Quixote while I came up with an alternate workout.   My quick thinking led to 3 corners around the town square
    2. Round 1
      1. Corner 1 – 10 Burpees OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 20 Crunchy Frogs OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 30 Merkins OYO
    3. Round 2
      1. Corner 1 – 40 Monkey Humpers OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 50 LBC OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 60 Mountain Climbers OYO
    4. Round 3
      1. Corner 1 – 70 Squats OYO
      2. Corner 2 – 80 Flutter Kicks OYO
      3. Corner 3 – 90 Rocky Balboas OYO
      4. Corner 1 – 100 Moroccan Night Clubs OYO
  5. I had now recovered from my earlier flustering and was feeling really good and composed.  So back to the BB&T wall to finish what we started earlier.  The coast was clear so we each grabbed a seat on the wall while each PAX did a lap up the stairs and around the building.  This turned into MARY with each new PAX doing their lap

The workout had finally come together and my confidence was at peak performance.  In an effort to catch our breath I had everyone count off.  Little did I know this would be my downfall.  The count-off started in English ended in Spanish and somehow I managed to miss-count 8 PAX and went to 9.

Flustered again and only 10 minutes to go we went for a mosey to the gazebo where I had us partner up for elevens, only to realize that wont work.  So forget the partner and 11’s OYO including dips on the wall and pull ups on the gazebo.  Half way through I Oklahoma’d, no wait Ontario’d, or is it Ohio’d, meh whatever… to Pull ups and CDD’s.

Finally we mosey’d back to the start with one last push up the hill with Zombie Walks to finish out the day.

Announcements : Mount Mitchell Climb in August the week after another week around the time of the PGA something.

Namorama, Prayer, Dismissed!

Thanks for hanging in there with me today, sorry it all fell apart, but in the end we all put in some great work. Tune in next time for a non-flustered Fresh Prince to experience the impressive Wienke the way it should be.

1 Comment

  1. Tesla

    Good Omaha today FP! Lots of toys to play with at this AO. Looking forward to Wheezie’s return to kick over a few more walls.

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