Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Day: April 21, 2016

Backwards Run and Burpee Training

As always the streets of Cramerton  where busy with folks looking to make themselves a little better.

Warm Up IC



Grass Pickers

Imperial Walkers


Pledge and than off to mosey

Run around the town loop and back up and behind the buildings to steps beside Bandits Wall of Shame.

At the top of the steps we circled up for what the PAX thought was going to be a game of duck-duck-goose.

After getting a tweet from mayor last concerned about the PAX ability in the upcoming Burpee-a-thon this became the perfect opportunity to get in some much need practice.

For the next ten min Pax preformed 10 Burpees a min for a total of 100.

For some reason the closer we got to 10 the shorter the min got.

After the Burpee beat down to  the stairs we went. We began to mosey  but saw the perfect opportunity for some Merkins, LBC, and Bear crawls up the grass hill to the tracks and backwards bear crawl down.

After realizing just how steap the hill was and the sound of train off in the distance we headed towards the fire station.

With the absence of Roscoe I felt it was safe to do some backwards running.

Round 1

20x CDC Bottom backwards run to top 20 x CDC Top sprint back down

Round 2

30x Moroccan Night Club decided to move across the street and backwards run across bridge 30 x Moroccan night club and  Mosey to far bridge

Round 3

1 min of Burpees backwards run across bridge  and than sprint to parking lot.

1 min of Burpees and began long Mosey back to parking lot. For some reason a conversation broke out about the toilet paper in the Porta-Johns and how Whoopee follows the truck and steals it right after they put it in. Not sure maybe the Burpees had us delirious.

After a Mosey back we finished with COT.


Burpee-a-thon May 7th  beware Mayor has begun training


As always great to be apart of an awesome group.


This Is Going To Hurt


SSH- 20 IC

Merkins – 20 IC

Squats- 20 IC


The Thang:

On your six man let’s get the core engaged!

V-up /Roll-up – 25
Oblique V-ups Right Side /Left Side -25 each side
Flutter Kicks – 50

After that we moseyed for a lap down the road and around the parking lots.
Circle up at the playground….
10 Pull-ups then 20 Merkins
10 Chin-ups then 20 Military Merkins (elbows in)
10 Close Grip Pull-ups then 20 Diamond Merkins

Off for another mosey down the road and back to the horse shoe Pits
Zombie walk for well…..Eternity( it seemed that way!)
Well this is going to hurt
Backs to the wall….1 min wall squats (at 30 sec drop to 90 degrees)
I think we should give the Legs a break!
30- CDD’s…..ok break over

Another mosey down the road and around Parking lots and back to the wall.
This is going to hurt more…..

Single leg wall squats alternating legs at YHC count.

Mosey back to the Flag…

We finished where we started with core work
American Hammers Legs up- 50
Fifer Scissors – 25 (slow count) The PAX REALLY enjoyed this agony!
And we finished up with Floppy Disk’s Favorite
2.5 mins of Plank – Alternating Low then High
Proverbs 27:
17Iron sharpens iron,
and one man sharpens another.

As always it was It was an honor to lead today men!
Tool Time

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