Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

9/19 Workout at Billy Graham Library

  • Post Type:
  • When: 9/19/15
  • AO:
  • QIC: Postfontaine
  • FNG's:
  • PAX:

The Billy Graham Library reached out to F3 recently about partnering with them for an event they are going to have on Saturday September 19th. They are looking to encourage guys to make it out to the Library to see all the facilities/resources that they have. If you or anyone outside of F3 is interested please check out the information below. We are going to have a 45 minute workout on the BGEA campus prior to a breakfast/speaker event and if you’re interested, a facility tour. Tickets are $15 for the breakfast, workout, as always, is free.

Where: Billy Graham Library (Link to the location)

– When you arrive head straight towards the library and park in that parking lot; you’ll be able to see a few shovel flags.

When: September 19, 2015

6:30 am – 45 minute F3 workout (Completely Free)

7:30 am – Men’s Breakfast w/ Speaker ($15)

8:30 am – Tour the Library

What: F3 is going to host a 45 minute workout at the Billy Graham Library prior to a Men’s Breakfast event they are having. After the workout, enjoy a buffet breakfast, fellowship, and a message from The Benham Brothers. You are welcome to stay for a guided tour of the Billy Graham Library after the breakfast. The facilities they have on campus are very impressive and certainly worth checking out.

*Update*: The Benham Brothers foundation is going to sponsor some tickets for the breakfast for those in F3 that would like to attend. If you want to be a part of the breakfast/speaking engagement please send me an email at I’ll get you on a list so that the breakfast and admission will be provided free of charge. As of 9/16 They have 20 tickets, about 10 of which have been claimed thus far, available for us so please let me know asap if you would like to attend.




  1. Hops

    Look forward to it Postfontaine. Thanks for Q’ing this. And the Benham brothers’ story is well worth the time for any pax.

  2. Dredd


  3. The Mighty Lance

    Nice work, Post!

  4. Stump Hugger


  5. Friday


  6. Chum


  7. Friday

    Great event! Thanks for all who were involved in setting this up! Here is the link to the event I referenced in COT!

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