Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Halfpipe (Page 1 of 3)

It’s Not Goodbye, It’s See You Next Time

YHC arrived to find Roscoe already traversing the hills of The Halfpipe. We were soon joined by Stroganoff who arrived just in time to start a loop up and back. Leave it to three HRBs to show up and close out the season just to gain points. Given the events in Charlotte the day prior, the topics of conversation were a bit more serious than in prior weeks. However, the fellowship was still great, and there were light-hearted topics sprinkled among the mumblechatter.

We may have found a potential new member for Team HRB to add for the Mortimer next year. However, we’d have to review the rules to see if this would count as an official F³ event with this new member. If no point would be awarded, then it probably wouldn’t be worth it.

We moseyed back and closed out with COT at the Dutch Oven.

We prayed for the families of the officers involved in the tragedy and for high school seniors and their parents.

Until next season…

John Wick vs James Bond

Here are the highlights from the penultimate running of The Halfpipe for the season.

  • Good to see Stroganoff back on the hills of The Halfpipe
  • At one point, a mini Q vs Q broke out when YHC deffered to Sargento and let him lead the PAX (of 2) through the neighborhood
  • Many discussion points including investment advice, prayer requests, and other stuff that I don’t remember at this point but were important at the time
  • The one discussion that has stuck with me was who would win in a battle if they were Mortal Kombat characters, John Wick or James Bond

YHC prayer us out.

NOTE: There is one more week of legitimacy for The Halfpipe. At that point, it drops into obscurity as a rouge off-the-books AO set to return next year to train the mind and body for race season.

Until next week…

Going, Going, …

You can tell race season is dying down. YHC with a solo trip around The Halfpipe.

Only two weeks until the AO officially fades into darkness until next season.

Don’t miss out.

Puttin’ the B!+(#in’ in HRB

Maybelline was back for V2V training except this week there is only one set of topics that I remember. YHC was all up in his Sandy V feels and complaining about sinus trouble, being tired, and any other sad story he could tell. Maybelline was a good listener.

We stopped for COT and prayer.

Until next week…

Mayor’s List

YHC and Maybelline ran hill to hill on The Halfpipe. We discussed a myriad of topics that would have made Mayor’s Friday 2F topic list proud.

Maybelline did EC beforehand to prep for the upcoming Ville to Ville. The Halfpipe offers great training for the upcoming races since we are still in race season.

Finished with announcements and prayer requests.

YHC prayed us out.

Until next week…

100% Increase

100% PAX increase vs last week.

We moseyed the hills and solved the world’s problems.

Paused for a quick COT and Defib took us out in prayer as we prayed for Huck.

Until next week…

Recovery Week

-To the tune of Paul Revere by The Beastie Boys-

🎶🎶 One lone HRB I be
Who all by muself without nobody
Chill was beatin’ down on my Bobcats cap
The air was not hot, the hills were not flat 🎶🎶

After several races, this week offered a recovery break for many runners. There were far fewer cars in the neighborhood so it was quiet all around. Running season isn’t over so The Halfpips is not closing down foe the season yet.

You’re hopwfully not reading this for breaking news

Prayer Requests
M’s aunt passed away after a quick battle with pancreatic cancer. She was 87 and at peace with her eternity.

Until next week…

The Last Pre-Mortimer Halfpipe

3 braved the hills of the Halfpipe this morning for the last training run there before The Mortimer.  All three present are HRB veterans.  Much was discussed during the run, mostly our excitement for the upcoming “flat” relay this weekend.

No dogs or sasquatch sited on the route.

It was fun.

Lots coming up in March and April in F3 Gastonia.

Several prayer requests.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Where are y’all going?

The PAX went up and down the hills on the normal route. Trying to figure out why there was so much traffic moving through the neighborhood. Maybe they heard about the kidnapping of the guy on the bucket last week and came to check it out.

Q School – 3/2
Extinction Run – 4/20

Prayer Requests
Stroganoff’s Mother-in-law move back to Morningside
JJ’s M’s aunt – pancreatic cancer
PAX on the IR


4 PAX gathered on The Halfpipe to try and continue to recover from the past weekend’s events. 2 relayers and 2 halfers moseyed up and down from start to finish.

We did announcements, prayer requests, and Defib took us out in prayer.

Until next time…

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