Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: The Forge


5 PAX attended The Forge this week. YHC led the group on a discussion of Thomas one of the 12 Apostles. We all at least know a little about Thomas. 2000 years later we still call people doubting Thomas’s. What we have found from  our study is that this is an unfair name for him. Thomas didn’t doubt anymore than the rest of the group. What we did find is that Thomas was so devoted, so loyal to Jesus that in John 11:16 he was ready to die with him.

Other vs covered-John 14:4, 20:24

My Lord and My God!


Next week Def Leppard takes on Paul! Or least some of it

OG Rucker

5 PAX posted at The Forge on Wednesday night. We are working through the men of the Bible and tonight we discussed Andrew. No not Mayor, Peter’s brother as he was usually known. Andrew means “manly” so don’t tell Mayor about this. We don’t want it going to his head. Andrew was the type of guy who got stuff done behind the scenes without a lot of credit and spotlight. But he GOT IT DONE! Without question or hesitation and with full faith in Jesus. He was known for one on one interactions which is how most people come to know Jesus.  Andrew was the type of man we should all model ourselves after! After Jesus was crucified it is thought that Andrew took the news of Jesus north. It turns out he is the patron saint of Russia and Scotland. This spurred a conversation of how these men spread the gospel and how hard it was to travel. We have it easy and still fail to spread the word daily. These men hit the trail on foot(or rucking one might say) or by donkey but they got it done. So today men get it done not for you or the praise of another man but so that when this life is over God will look to you and say Well Done!


5 at The Forge on Wednesday night for a talk on Judas. A few weeks back we started a series on the men of the Bible. So far we have looked at positive influences. I chose Judas because of the warning it sends to us. This man walked with Jesus for 3 years and still fell to sin and the temptation of the world. Judas is an example of the world and we would all do good to take an inventory of ourselves every once in a while to see how much we are like him.

I read some from John MacArthur’s book 12 Ordinary Men/12 Extraordinary Women

Versus Covered:

John 15:16

Psalm 41:9

John 13:18

1 Corinthians 11:27-32

Day to day what are you pursuing? God or the world?

Doubt 2

8 HIM’s showed at The Forge on Wednesday night for the 2nd part on Doubt.  This time we covered God’s Unwavering Promise. No matter what God is with you and his promise to you will be fulfilled.

Genesis 28

John 14:1-8

1John 4:13-19

Thanks to all who consistently show to support one another!

Doubt Part 1

5 PAX posted at The Forge for a tough conversation on doubt! This was a tough one for me because it is something I struggle with. Not so much doubt in God but doubt in myself.  Studying and preparing for this week has helped and the PAX stepped up big time when we met! Thanks Guys.

A few notes from the thang:

We allow human reason to overshadow faith in God, sinful doubt is the result.

The remedy of doubt is faith, faith comes from hearing God’s word, the bible is a testimony to give us reason to trust him.

Verses on Doubt

James 1:6-8

Jude 1:22

Matthew 21:21, 14:31

Proverbs 3:5

Supplemental reading that helped:

How do I know I’m saved?


See you next week for a follow up on Doubt!




5 PAX posted at The Forge Wednesday night to discuss friendship. I was recently reading a chapter abut this in a book and thought it would be great subject for discussion.  Many of us struggled with this in a our sadclown syndrome before finding F3. The story I read was about Jonathon and David and the loving friendship they shared.  We covered some things from the book and some from the Bible.

1Samuel 18:1-4



Think about some things. Who do you count as a true friend? How do you define what a friend is? Who would you call on in a time of need? Who would you turn to if your marriage was in trouble? Who would you turn to to help you through a struggle?

Perseverance / Forge

got says “ the doctrin of perseverance of the saints is founded in the promise that… He who began a good work in will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phili. 1:6

All who have been “ born again “ do have eternal security and will persevere.

James 1:2

Galations 6:9

2 Timothy 2:12

Philippians 1:6 are some of the scripture shared!

Paul wrote to Timothy and reminded the young pastor to “ watch your life and doctrine closely, persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” (1 Timothy 4:16)

With the recent passing of Billy Graham we are reminded that through our perseverance in Christ that we are saved and so are our hearers! Like our children, wives, coworkers,ect.

So I urge you brothers to persevere in your faith because you never know who is watching and listening, and may come to know Christ through you!

Brothers if at all possible come out on Wednesday night! It’s an awesome time to share and sharpen one another to fight the good fight! And press forward in our daily spiritual battles, with an eternity spent with Jesus Christ as our prize!



5 PAX at the Forge on Wednesday for a Fried Chicken Special. We discussed Galatians 6:1-5 Bearing one another’s burdens.

James 1:2

1Peter 2:24

John 13:34-35, 15:12

1Peter 5:6-7

Galatians 5:26

Romans 12:3

Matthew 18:15-17

Romans 15:5-7

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