Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Prison Break (Page 3 of 9)

The Vulture

14 HIMS  out for a rain-free run at Prison Break. Great work!


Strides of March is this Saturday

PT test March 27


James Gudelock

Joey Denton

Gumby’s Mom

Big Pappy and family


1 Peter 2:24, ESV: “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.

.. he poured out his soul to death and was numbered with the transgressors; yet he bore the sin of many, and makes intercession for the transgressors. Is 53:12

“He, who was always God, became what He was not, a human being. Christ humbled Himself voluntarily. We must humble ourselves, now, before Him. We, too, must choose humility. He went to the cross, taking our place.” Exalting Jesus in Philippians

YHC took us out.

Always an honor,




Crowd at PB

21 of us knocked out the miles this morning at PB. We are growing weekly and we should be. Continue to push each other to get better, stay on guys the are attracted to the fartsack and motivate them to move. Its the same way we should move those that are around us to the lord. Stay on them through prayer, text message, phone call whatever it may be just don’t give up on them.

Thank God he hasn’t given up on us! He continues to pursue us each day of our lives and we should do the same for our relationship with Christ and our relationship with our brothers!



Strides of March on the 6th

Lincolnton 5k Sparky will have the info posted

PT Test @ the Gashouse March 27th

Lunch tomorrow @ Jackson 12:00

Prayer Rquest

EZ Rider family

Big Pappy family Eli has surgery on the 5th

Town of Dallas employee that passed away yesterday Christy Huffstettler and Joe Huffstettler

Sister Act daughter

Thank you for letting me lead another week.


Round Up

Another fellowship mosey @PB

13 of us knocked out the miles this morning! This AO is steady and it is a great time in the week to get out and fellowship with the guys and get miles at the same time!

I got to share a word that came to mind the other day.  1 Timothy 4:8, “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.”

I ask the guys to search their hearts and see where they are spiritually? We work hard at staying in shape to be the best in our physical bodies which is fine but at the same time we have to be doing MORE at staying the best in our Godliness!!

Prayer Request

EZ Rider

Big Pappy

Sister Act

Injured Pax



Strides in March – March 6 Get signed up!!

Thank you men!!

Round Up

PB Run

10 out for a mosey this morning! Good job hammers let’s keep hammering.



March 6 

Extinction run this Saturday @9:00 primal brewery 


SA family

Broke test 

Purple Haze 

Cool fellowship

We got out and got after it this morning at prison break. We all had someone to run, Euclid with it seemed like.

The lord was moving in Prison break today and I’m thankful for that! He is always moving wether we are about to face a storm, we’re in the storm or we are coming out of it. Our God is always moving to help us! We should continue to seek the lord no matter the situation.

Im thankful for the opportunity to be the site Q over this AO and I’m thankful the lord continues to bless me through it.


Extinction run next Saturday 9:00 start sign up 

Prayer request 

Westside grandma 

SA family 

Mayor dad

Blarts M 

Thank you guys


Round Up

Weekly PB Run!

Guys got there early and rolled out at 5:15 to get 6 miles in! Way to push the stone guys. Others including myself got there at normal time and let loose at 5:30. We all got better that’s for sure. The crowd continues to stay consistent at PB and I’m thankful for that. I hope we can continue to push each weekly to get better. It’s a good AO in the middle of the week to refill our tanks with fellowship and Gods love to pour out into our kids and community!


Extinction Run coming up Feb 13 SIGN UP and get out there.

Prayer Request

Blarts M

Big Pappy and family

EZ Rider and family

Our youth and our country


I shared this morning a little bit and it just hit on not getting distracted by what the world says is right or the direction our leaders are taking us. Our God holds authority over ALL things and He will hold us steady. We all have words of wisdom to give each during these times and we have to lean on one another to stay strong in our faith. 2 Corinthians 4: 4-7 Check it out! Don’t be blinded by what the prince of the air is doing in this world but allow the LIGHT  that God puts in us to shine out of this darkness. Open the eyes of our hearts and fix them on Christ!!

Round Up

Fellowship @ PB

15 HIMS out for another morning @ PB it was a great morning to get better! Lets continue to keep the numbers up and push those that aren’t coming out to get up and get out there!

All it takes sometimes is a few words of encouragement to motivate a person to get up and get going. Good to see everybody for another week @ Prison Break!




Me and Hacksaw will be running 50 miles in 24 hours starting Saturday morning at 5:30am. We will start at the court house in Dallas and run to ingles and back twice. 2 miles every hour and the last 2 hours we will run 3 miles per hour to complete the challenge.

I hope a lot of you will come fellowship or run with us during the 24 hours.

We will be taking up donations during the challenge and we will discuss as a group on where we will send our donations.

Prayer Request

Blarts M

Gold Digger and his family

Our Nation

Stogies Dad

Westsides Grandmother

Martin Family

Sparky cousin

Our youth


Sparky took us out!


Round Up

Running @PB

14 hammers out putting in miles at Prison Break!

some guys ran 3 some ran 5 everybody put in work though and it was great seeing everybody out.



Prayer Request

Gold digger M and baby

SA family


I took us out


Thanks guys for allowing me to lead another week!!

PB Run!!

14 men out for a run this morning. Everyone was pushing the rock today! I can see a huge difference in some of the guys that are steady pushing right now and it’s encouraging to me as the site Q of this AO.

Men are getting better out here each week and it all starts with a little motivation from each other. Let’s stay in tune with each other because it’s easy to fall off especially when injury comes into play. It’s easy to get comfortable at the house and use that injury as an excuse!! Injury happens to everyone and sometimes you can’t get out but don’t get complacent! Be consistent wether you’re walking a mile or running 10 miles BE CONSISTENT!

Continue to push guys and continue to BE THE LIGHT. We desperately need that right now!!

thank you for the opportunity to lead it’s great seeing you guys

Close Call

8 of us got a little better and were grateful Slaw escaped a close call.

Be safe out there.


Prayer Request

  • Barrell Racer
  • Sparky
  • Sister Act
  • All those on IR


  • 10 for 10 on Friday at the Coconut Horse
  • Convergence Folsom Jan 9

Colossians 4:2 – Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving.

Big Pappy

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