Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Tag: Prison Break (Page 2 of 9)

Lost my truck key while taking a poop

Got to ingles this morning and it felt good! We all gathered and then headed out to log some miles. Little did I know I would lose my key while taking a pit stop to poop!

We got about 2.5 miles into our run and I told Seuss I had to hit the woods. So I run out into the woods over behind rabbits store in Dallas and made a huge mess!!! I had to use the toilet paper I run with, my shirt and my underwear!! Son of a gun it was bad men! Well I clean up… well I thought I did and took off back down the road. I make it to the truck and realize I have lost my truck key while I was brutalizing the woods. I took back off down the road and had to call my wife to come get me cause I was rubbed raw so bad I couldn’t run anymore.

My awesome wife shows up I jump in the car I look down at my shoes and legs to find crap all over myself!!! It was nasty but super funny!!

I never found my key so I’m waiting on the locksmith now but I did learn something. Carry more toilet paper and when you have a raw crack it burns to the next level in a hot shower!!!

Announcements: go ruck
Prayer request: turtle man, sister acts

Warm and Cool

10 HIMS pushed hard at Prison Break this morning! We kind of all went our separate ways and worked up a sweat, YHC included, but the wind cooled us down quickly.

Broke put in 7..or just a tad short of it at 6.97 in Father-in-Law, like Son-in-Law.

Ball Joint ran 5 for the first time, yet says he hates running..seems not to have held him back.

Lots of comments about Wichita shoes lately..they must be working well for him because he is in his stride.

Blart ran the Tech Park run alone..I should have joined him for that challenge.

Leppard was all suited up and ready to roll.

Did Bedpan run barefoot??

Toepick..twice in the past few days with him..glad to see him back. Ratchet, too! Keep coming out, guys!!

Sarlaac always a consistent effort and has been super supportive of YHC!

Great work, men! My brother, Roundup was missed..but, no worries, we got our run in later that day.


Belmont Ruck

Freight’s supply request: Travel-size toothpaste/Bandaids


Sister Act/family

Pappy’s family

Huck’s family

Gumby’s Mom

Slim Shady’s Dad


The gospel: 1 Cor 15:4 that Christ died mfor our sins nin accordance with the Scriptures,

that he was buried, that he was raised oon the third day pin accordance with the Scriptures

Made too many mistakes; too bad to ever be reconciled. No, at least that’s a realization that we are all sinners and that we cannot do anything to save ourselves or get out of our sin, but Christ has paid that price for us.

Honored to sub Q today!




If you’re a parent AND you love your kids…

Today was maybe the best guest Q in the history of Prison Break. Here’s what happened…

Prior to the run we discussed what to do when you’re confronted with a Sunday driving pedophile on the Dallas-Stanley Highway. When it was time, while YHC was giving a disclaimer to the FNG, Broke, Leppard and Barrel Racer tried to act like they didn’t care about that and left everybody to get a jump start on the run. True leadership right there!

To mark this momentous guest Q occasion we moseyed around the usual course, with YHC trying to avoid tripping over the camouflaged speed bumps. Those things were tricky!

Everyone was present and accounted for at the end.

Announcements – Ruck stuff coming up, Roundup doing another 50 miler on Labor Day

Prayers – SA & family, Big Pappy & family, Turtleman, GSM family, Roundup’s friend AJ

YHC took us out.

Which Way Should We Go?

9 HIMS came out for a nice morning run- before the cold weather sets back in-at Prison Break.


PT Test at Gashouse this Saturday 7:00. All other AO’s will be open.

Individual packs of Kleenex and wipes for Freight’s ministry.



Gumby’s Mom

SA and family

Big Pappy and family


Happy to sub for my brother and good friend, Roundup!

You guys continue to push and encourage me!


It’s running weather!

12 got it done at PB some getting ready for the relay race and others just getting better period. No matter what I was glad to see the guys there pushing forward!!

Prayer Rquest


Big Pappy

Guys in the Ville to Ville

And there were more that were mentioned. The lord knows the situations and he knows our hearts. Let’s continue to grow men!!!

We keep pushing!

15 men plus myself made a difference this morning at PB! We all pushed ourselves a little bit today and made ourselves a little bit better.

Jesus has set the bar for us as believers. We have a choice to make daily to be better for Christ or not and that will relay into being better for ourselves or not because as believers Christ lives in us. It’s simple… if you’re not accelerating you’re decelerating! Move forward towards the bar that Christ has set before us. It takes work, consistency, pushing forward when the world says no, going against the grain. Most of all it takes a relationship with Jesus Christ!!




Convergence 17 at the bulldog

PT Gashouse 24

Oompa has the specialQ at Folsom

Short sale putting out a April challenge

Last day for water bottle and socks for freight. He will put out new items tomorrow.

Prayer Request

Big Pappy

Sister Act

Gumby’s mom

Stogies dad

Ozark dad

Beatle Bailey



12 of us got some miles in at Prison break today. It was good to see some of the guys back out from the relays



New AO sat 7:00 

Convergence 17th

PT 24th

Snowbird sign up by June 1st 

Prayer Request 

LB family

SA family 

Big Pappy family 

Wirenut family 


Victims in shooting in Colorado 


F3 group

Gumby mom 


Round Up

Peeping Tacoma @ PB

17 men logged miles at PB this morning and a peeping Tom in a Toyota Tacoma seen Sparky’s butt cheeks while he was changing in the parking lot! The guy even turned his headlights on lol!!

Good work brothers and sparky….I’m sorry that happened to you lol


New AO 27 

PT 24 Gashouse 

Lincoln 5k 

Prayer request 

Prayer for all the pax 


Mayor daughter 

Pappy son




Prison Break

15 men got it done at PB this morning.

Blart got on to me and took the Q over for a second to get the crowd under control. Thank you Blart I appreciate your leadership!  Thank you men for continuing the push to get better and grow daily.






27th cloninger park 7:00am 

PT test sometime in April 

Prayer Request 

Barrel Racer friendship 

Joe Huffstettler 


Each other 



Round Up

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