F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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12 Days of Christmas – Ebeneezer Scrooge version

YHC arrived at Martha’s House for the last beatdown of the year. As I remember, it was a little chilly and the 6 PAX who appeared were ready to get after it. This is what happened…

We moseyed the long way to the middle of the baseball fields and did a fellowship lunch walk around the concession hut. Once that was done we kept moseying down to the lowest part of the big parking lot for the Thang.

The 12 Days of Christmas!!! This routine was sung by YHC so that the PAX could get even more in the Christmas spirit.

On the 1st day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a lap around the 3rd light pole.

On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love gave to, 2 lunges each side plus all the rest in order.

On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 3 jingle balls plus all the rest in order.

On the 4th day of Christmas my true love gave to me, 4 merkins plus all the rest in order.

On the 5th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 5 sumo squats plus all the rest in order.

On the 6th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 6 American Hammer plus all the rest in order.

It was about this time that YHC asked the PAX to sing the corresponding exercise so we could share in the Christmas cheer. It worked pretty well except for one Scrooge-like PAX who refused to sign his part due to what can only be explained as a heart that was several sizes too small that day. You hate to see it.

On the 7th day or Christmas, my true love gave to me, 7 alternating shoulder taps plus all the rest in order.

On the 8th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 8 monkey humpers plus all the rest in order.

On the 9th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 9 big boy sit ups plus all the rest in order.

On the 10th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me, 10 CDDs plus all the rest in order.

On the 11th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 11 Side Straddle Hops plus all the rest in order.

On the 12th day of Christmas, my true love gave to me 12 Burpees plus all the rest in order.

With a little time left, we moseyed back the way we came in and stopped at the shack for another round of lunge walks then got back to the start right on time.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Merry Christmas!!!


We had 6 ruckers and 3 runners at Members Only this morning with Montana joining us for Q Source.  Great to see how well he’s healing from surgery, keep up the good work brother.  Grateful for this group this morning and for the HIM who rolled his eyes yesterday saying he was going to have a late night and doubt he’d make today…….but I knew he would!

Here’s a short excerpt from Q Source that led to some good discussions.

F3 uses the acronym TEAM to encapsulate the Team Development process the Virtuous Leader employs:

T is for Trust: reliance between Team Members–the Virtuous Leader builds Trust.

E is for Equipping: matching the Team Members to its Mission–the Virtuous Leader ensures his Team has what it needs to be Effective.

A is for Accountability: setting and maintaining high Standards within the Team–the Virtuous Leader instills a culture of Accountability within the Team that fosters Teamwork and mutual respect.

M is for Missionality: prioritizing Team Mission accomplishment–the Virtuous Leader never lets the Team Members forget what they combined to accomplish.


Merry Christmas everyone!


Another Cliche Christmas Workout at Gashouse – But At Least it Included Gifts

Another 12 Days of Christmas Workout

I have asked to Q the last Saturday at Gashouse for the past 6 – 7 years.  At the end of each workout, I give out a book (or two) that has made an impact on me.  More on that later.

Decent crowd for Gashouse and Painlab.  Welcome back Kotter Stagecoach to the Painlab.

Quick disclaimer and pledge before the warm up.

Quick warm up with 12 SSH’s and 12 Imperial Walkers.

Bootcampers headed over to the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church for a repeat 12 Days of Christmas from the 2016 version.

The 12 days were brought to us today by Defib, JJ, Roscoe, Short Sale, myself, Clark Griswold, Ralphie Parker, Rudolph, and others.

Here are how the days went:

  1. Lap around the lower and upper parking lot
  2. 10 Bobby Hurleys
  3. 10 Merkins
  4. 20 LBC’s
  5. 5 Burpees
  6. 30 Flutter Kicks
  7. 20 Squats
  8. 20 CDD’s
  9. 20 Hillbillies
  10. 20 Mountain Climbers
  11. 20 SSH’s
  12. 50 Morrocan Nightclubs

If you are not familiar with this workout, it is simply a stacked workout starting with the First Day and adding each subsequent exercise just like the classic Christmas song goes.  Needless to say, the last sets can become difficult for this old guy.

We still had a few moments so we added a few called exercises from the PAX:

American Hammers – Hand Release Merkins – some plank work from Roscoe

Mosey back to the Schiele just as the bells rang from First Pres.


New Year’s Day convergence at Martha Rivers-7:00 am-EC running and rucking options at 0600.  Beer Mile next Saturday.  AO’s closed for Christmas Day

Prayers:  Sledge – Turtleman – Family Members of several PAX – Others this time of year who have recently lost loved ones.

I brought two books to give out this year due to one of them being a book we had studied at Coconut Horse so I wanted that crowd to have another option.  The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven and As We Think, So We Become by Mark Matteson were the two primary books I included today.  I still have a few copies of each in the back of my vehicle so if anyone would like a copy, please remind me next time you see me.

Always an honor to lead a workout.  F3 Gastonia is winding down another successful year of making an impact.  Continue to EH others and tell the story of F3.

Merry Christmas men!

Until the next one.  Aye!


2,044 Days Later

This morning at PainLab, I had the honor of leading the F3 workout, and it turned out to be quite the memorable experience. The atmosphere was charged with holiday spirit as we embarked on a Christmas-themed fitness challenge. The twist was the incorporation of trivia questions, adding an element of fun and competition to our usual routine.

As I rallied the participants for an hour of festive fitness, I received a surprising message from Stagecoach, my first EH back in 2018. It turns out he hasn’t posted in a whopping 2044 days, but today he expressed the desire to join in the workout and compete against his brother Cheesesteak, who has been consistently showing up.

The workout itself was a concoction of exercises and trivia questions, with two teams going head-to-head. Each round featured a trivia question, and the winning team got the luxury of an easier exercise, while the losing team faced a more challenging one. It added a dynamic and engaging element to our usual routine.

However, the morning took an unexpected turn during question three, which revolved around the highest-grossing Christmas movie of all time. Stagecoach’s team confidently declared “The Grinch,” while my sources insisted on “Home Alone.” The discrepancy led to a bit of controversy, and I must admit no one gracefully handled the mistake, hence this text when I returned to my vehicle post-workout.

Cheers to another memorable F3 workout at PainLab. See Gashouse backblast for announcements.

Prayers to our brother Sledge

it’s the gift that keeps on giving, Clark……………………

it’s cold……
SSH – 10 IC
Mosey to Martha’s
Our gift from Frank Shirley has arrived.  It is a one year subscription to the Jelly of the Month Club!  It’s the gift that keeps on giving the whole year long.

January:  LBC
February:  Big Boys
March:  CDD’s
April:  Dips (with an additional 50 since the lights did not work)
May:  Squats (with an additional 100 since there is a squirrel in the tree)
June:  Super Man Pull Ups (less 50 since the lights now work)
July:  Merkins (with an additional 150 since the crapper’s full)
August:  Monkey Humpers (less 50 since Clark’s bonus was restored)
September:  would have been Moroccan Night Clubs
October:  overhead claps
November:  lunge in place
December:  heels to heaven

We did not keep track of our months, and each was hidden a short block from each other.  Exercises were done with 1/2 group receiving the gift and the other 1/2 running.  Each month had to be re-found running to the gift cards.  All above mostly modified for time and count, just go with the fun as listed.

Beer Ruck
New Year’s Convergence

Simpson family
Jackson Hall
Overheard, live every day to the fullest as tomorrow is unknown
Reach out to your F3 brothers.  JJ working as Development Q to promote this concept and not let guys slip.

Honored, Linus


What’s the Difference Between Hard and Light?


SSH x27 IC

Gravel Pickers x 11 IC

Hillbillys x 13 IC



Mosey to practice field to get to work, starting with four corner escalator, we did 20 merkins at first corner then added 30 squats, mosey to 3rd corner for 40 mountain climbers counting one leg, and finally the last corner we did 50 LBC’s.  This put us in the perfect spot for some 11’s  starting with 10 WW I and run across the short side of the field for Low Slow Squats. The PAX were pushing  hard and cutting through the weinke quickly, Next up was a triple nickel on the hill right behind the  soccer field. Jump squats at the bottom and Spider-Man merkins at the top, counting each leg as one rep. Those were a real crowd pleaser! Next up was Dora so we partnered up and went to work. 100 HR Merkins, 200 Squats and 300 LBC’s. Time was running down so we mosey back to start with Slaw picking up the six and with just a little bit of time left we did flutters till time.


Beer Mile 12/30 at 11:00 am HC to Sargento

New Years Day Convergence 07:00 Martha Rivers Park, bring the best form you have, there will be proctors with tasers, stun guns, and rubber bullets for bad form!

Prayer Request



Broke’s mom

Haze’s mom

Sledge  (mom passed)

my mom

EZ Rider family

PAX traveling

The reason for the season


Praise Report

Slaw’s daughter graduated, and he also narrowly avoided a head on collision


The PAX pushed hard tonight, I appreciate each one of these guys showing up! It was good to see EZ Rider at Midoriyama, it’s been a few minutes since I’ve seen you. Chili continues to get better through hard work, way to push brother! Broke, Slaw, Wiki and Seuss consistently showing up and putting in the work. Happy Trees with another post to add to his total for the year.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead!


Your Distance, Your Pace

That was the old mantra at The Pub, and in some ways, it was lived out today.

0530 with 4 PAX ready to go.

Route would be the Wells Fargo Route. The need arose for one PAX to stay close to the flag so he modified to stay close to home base with another PAX joining him in that journey. The other two ran the route at a moderate pace which both agreed was much needed.

The purpose of saying all that is no matter where you are in your running ability, don’t be afraid to post at a running AO. There is always the opportunity to run your distance and your pace with an almost guaranteed assurance that someone will join you on your journey.

Beer Mile 12/30
New Years Convergence @ Martha’s 0700 on 1/1

Prayer Requests
Turtleman and family
Sledge and family
Tesla and family

Prayer to take us out

Until next time…

Mt Hollywood – Cardboard Christmas

Mt Hollywood Cardboard Christmas / 12 ish days of Christmas. YHC filled in for Hey  Y’all.  Mayor did not get the memo and was very disappointed that plan B (CPAP) was there to lead. Warm up consisted of the usual SSH, Imperial walkers, Abe bagodas. We ran over to the elementary school to do some additional warm up in 12’s.  Each PAX held plank while each did 12 Mericans. Run a lap. Then each PAX held a squat while each went 1 at a time and did 12 air squats. Run a lap. Then each PAX held balls to the wall while each did 12 LBC’s. Ran back to the Middle School for some 12 days of Christmas. We did not make it through all 12 days of Christmas but was each exercise was in multiples of 10. Once we finished each set, we ran a lap. Christmas music was played but had some sultry mix and did not make eye contact during those tunes. There was an alleged sighting of termite. Police showed up at the end of COT asking of any suspicious activity for some reason. Good work men, was a privilege to lead.

2023 Coconut Horse Festivus Ruck

Roscoe’s brainchild.  Developed on the frosty streets of Gastonia, NC somewhere between Union Rd and Robinwood Rd the sand got deep one day and there was an impromptu airing of grievances that would’ve made the late Frank Costanza proud (or Whoopee’s Sandy V Channel).  The notes were few, but the good times many from that day, and so when Roscoe brought it up again this year, we knew we needed to try to capture the magic again.  The rain in the forecast was a perfect backdrop, though in all honesty, last week was way worse.  7 grumpy old PAX got out of the fartsack and hit the streets at 0601 as YHC was busy putting on his makeup and you can’t rush perfection.  No runners, just we with bones to pick and 80 minutes to pick em.

The play by play is gone, but grievances included

  •  College Football Playoff
  • Guests at a party who overstay their welcome
  • Our old man bodies waking us up to post even when we fully intended on fartsacking
  • Octogenarians in the Oval Office
  • What shouldn’t be done on government property (and what should be done to those that do)
  • Menu anxiety
  • Smokers (people, not charcoal)
  • People who say “I shouldn’t be doing this” while eating their 3rd cupcake
  • The weather
  • The fact that this was a 5 mile ruck and not a 3 miler
  • Faulty sensors in turn lanes that don’t actually trip the traffic light
  • This movie starring Ethan Hawke and Kevin Bacon where the world is ending but it’s cool because we can watch Friends reruns
  • and many more that I know I’m missing

Light-hearted and good-natured.  We manufactured some superficial anger in the spirit of the holiday, but the grievances didn’t seem to be as deep-seated this year.

2 joined in dry as a bone for QSource and a talk about Compassion.  We talked Gary Sinise, but also that things are complicated.  It’s not as simple as to give a homeless guy $10 or not.  It’s almost like we have to take the time to listen to find out.  But can we be THE GUY for everyone with a problem?  But we should definitely be THE GUY for our Concentrica.  It was one of those QSources where the further we went into it, the more I realized I didn’t know, or at least, don’t do well.  F3, and specifically QSource, helps see those blind spots.  If you don’t have a group, in F3 or otherwise, that’ll hold you accountable for growing into the man the your family and your community need you to be, I challenge you to reach out to any PAX and they’ll help you get connected.

Happy Festivus

Yabba Dabba Doo

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