F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Don’t snooze

6 pax posted for a late Friday morning beatdown.  One actually triple posted (Take a guess who that may have been)

After quick warmup of SSH, Imperial Walkers gravel pickers and merkins we headed across the street to the parking lot next to the greenway where we did escalating / de-escalating 4 corners with 10 Mike Tysons, 20LBCs, 30SSH, and 40Moroccan night clubs.  Next we did some bench work with 25 step-up each leg, 10 dips, 10 derkins, 20 step ups, 15 dips and 15 derkins.  Mosey back to parking lot for 11s across full length of lot with big boys and burpees.  It was here that YHC thought about dying.  Flintstone really pushed me and of course GD lapped the rest of us.  with time running low we moseyed back to legion park but not before doing a few laps of Indian run around main street.



F3 dada 7am Saturday at Martha Rivers (Gashouse closed, other AOs open)

Lunch on Wednesday June 19 at Bubba 33

Lightning workout July 6th at all AO’s

Annihilation July 13 at Folsom – Slaw

Prayers for Huck , Barns family, Jackson Curti, Maybelline’s mom


Until next time

Defib out

We’re all in this together

This was one of those mornings where I just couldn’t seem to find my full stride, I appreciate the support and equal push from all the PAX.
WARMUP: SSH, Windmills, Gravel Pickers, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Walkers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Overhead Claps, and Hillbillys
THE THANG: We headed over to the parking lot for a few “rounds” of Toy Soldiers, Butt Kickers, High Knees, Monkey Sliders, and Bear Crawls
We then headed to the bridge and did 3 sets of Bulgarian Split Squats, Derkins, and Step ups
Then we went back to the parking lot for a set of “7’s” with squats and Mike Tyson’s
We made it back to the pavilion with 10 min on the clock so we fumble through some work on the stairs doing merkins up then merkins down, and also dips up (but not down)
EZ called it stupid and we all kinda agreed so we settled on running the time with MARY.
MARY: LBC’s, Cockroaches, Flutters, Kraken Burpees (thanks SA),  Merkins, Michael Phelps, and Freddies
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 2nf F lunch 19th, F3 Dads this Sat.
COT: Travel, Families, Turtle Mans family

3 Months

8 for some moseying this morning at The Pub.  Due to multiple factors, this was my first post at The Pub in 3 months, the AO that is closest to my house.  Ridiculous.

7 ran.  One did something else.

Fun was had by all.


Lunch next Wednesday, the 19th at Bubba’s 33; F3 Dad’s this weekend; Lightning PT test and another annihilation workout coming soon.

Prayers for the Barnes family and others.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Pull Ups, Merkins, and Death By Burpees WOD

6/13 Folsom got its monthly dose of Wirenut this morning. I didn’t even double book myself either. That means they got my full undivided attention.

We got started with a lengthy warmup and stretch. Then we moved on to the new playground for some timed sets with the timer being pull ups. 1 PAX does 10 pull ups while the others do the exercise called by me.

Next we moved to the upper parking lot between the ball fields for the Death By Burpees WOD. It is a 20 min. AMRAP that goes like this.

5-Burpees, 15-Squats, 4-Burpees, 15-Big Boys, 3-Burpees, 15-Merkins, 2-Burpees, 60 sec. Plank, 1-Burpee, rinse repeat as many rounds as possible for 20 min.

This was a killer but we’ve got a little more time so back to the playground for a little core work. First up hanging knee raises followed by Big Boys. Next hanging straight leg raises followed by flutters. Last 3 min. so we did 1 min. of Burpees followed by 30 sec. rest then we hit 1 min. of squats followed by 30 sec rest.



Announcements: Dads W/O at Martha’s House this Sat.   2nd F Bubba’s 33

Prayers-Praise: Tuttle Man’s Family, Gumby’s Mom, Huckleberry, Westside’s In-laws, Hall Family, Jason Black, Guffey Family, Unspokens


Sargento route part Deuxe

In the gloom this morning, 10 HIM and a straggler came for some running and rucking. The runner’s route went through the dark Del Webb development. Was there mud like some say the original Sargento route at the Pub had? Who knows? YHC turned around at the 2-mile mark to save the hammy but in the end, everyone finished safely and got their work in.

Announcements – swim AO at Pinebrook swim club this Friday, Rice n Beans Tuesday (still need 8), 2nd F lunch next Wednesday, Yank cleanup on 22nd, blood drive 26th,

Prayer requests – Termite test results, Turtleman’s family, Huck procedure

Pig teeth and giant green beetles

The 8 pax (including one FNG) who came out to The Ricky Bobby learned that pigs’ teeth are sometimes used to help train military dentists, and some beetles can grow to be nearly the size of your fist.  And, according to a former Nantan who made an impromptu appearance, there is no “correct order” to the 5 core principles.  It’s a matter of interpretation, but I’m sure that topic will resurface when Mayor has his next Q or at happy hour, whichever comes first.

Anyway, here are a few other things that went down in The Gloom.  With an FNG in attendance, I gave a full disclaimer and a standard warmup of side-straddle hops, imperial walkers, low-slow squats, merkins, and LBC’s (all 12xIC).   Then we moseyed to the back parking lot, stopping for 5 burpees on the way. That’s also when Orangeman pointed out a humongous gnarly green beetle on the sidewalk near the school entrance.  Maybe he was trying to warn us about something?  Nah…

At the far corner by the playground, I explained the “4 Corners” format of 4 exercises x 12 reps each at every corner.  Oh, and to get from one corner to another we would bear crawl the short legs and Nur from the 4th back to the 1st.

1st set = CDD’s, Nolan Ryans, Squats, Dying cockroaches
After the first set, we paused to recite the 5 Core Principles.

2nd set = Hand release merkins, Superman pull-ups, Squats, American Hammers
After the second set, we paused to recite the credo and mission of F3.

3rd set = Big boys, Heels to Heaven, Scissor kicks, Star crunches.
Since the 3rd set was all core, we naturally recited the 5 core principles again.

At 0607 we had some time for set 4, which was a “rinse and repeat” of the previous 3 (Set 1 at Corner 1, etc).  After 3 corners, we moseyed back to the flag just in time for pledge and COT.  Our FNG had plenty of name possibilities as a dentist, Air Force veteran, father of two, bourbon aficionado and volunteer swim coach, but “Novocaine” fit best as he kept up with the pax for the duration and seemed immune to the pain of the beatdown.  He also cut Tesla short in the middle of one of his snarky questions, enlightening us that pigs’ teeth are a lot like human teeth and often used for dental education.  Welcome, Novocaine!

Announcements: F3 Dads this Saturday 0700 at Martha Rivers Park; 2nd F lunch next Wednesday 19th at Bubba’s 33; Traditional July 4th beatdown at The Yank will start at 0630.

Lots of prayer requests:  Eh Y’all’s mother-in-law, Kool-Aid, Lane Lineberger, Barnes family, friends of Orangeman and Nutria, and all marriages.

Thanks to all the pax who came out today, both new faces (Eh Y’all first time and Kool-Aid back in action) as well as the regulars.  It’s a privilege to lead and get the day started out right.  Aye!

F3 The Storm – June 11

YHC had the Q this morning at The Storm. We had a great crowd with 15 PAX doing the workout and 6 PAX doing the Deliverance training.

Seeing no FNG’s I gave a brief disclaimer followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

We ran the parking lot aisles near the student entrances and mixed in some karaoke, toy soldiers, butt kickers,  high knees, and side steps. Next, we ran to the round-a-bout for some exercises.
10 Abe Vigoda IC (for Orangeman)
10 Hillbilly Walkers IC
10 Low Slow Squats IC

Headed toward the parking spaces near the football field (10 merkins / 1 Squat until 10 squats / 1merkin)
Instead of running the PAX, bear crawled half way and lunge walk.

We had a few minutes to review the Mission of F3 and the Five Core Principals for Parkay who is relatively new to F3.

BLIMPS: (Pax Partner Workout)

  • 25 Burpees
  • 50 LBC
  • 75 Imperial Walkers (count one side)
  • 100 Mountain Climbers (count one side)
  • 125 Plank Jacks
  • 150 SSH

For a list of events, please visit https://f3gastonia.com/events/

Barnes family.
Huckleberry surgery.
Termite’s scan.
PAX traveling for summer vacation.
Murtaugh’s father who recently passed away.



F3 Lake Wylie “The MURPH”

YHC posted in Lake Wylie at their MURPH. Prior to the MURPH, a bunch of PAX ran a 5k.

Not only did the F3 Lake Wylie PAX participate in the MURPH, but some of the FIA Lake Wylie women showed up to take part in the festivities.

More than 50 people in attendance.

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