F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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Tried something new that’s probably not that new. It was new for me so there were some kinks to work out for next time. It was the eve of the Round of 64 so the PAX were going to work on their bracket.

0530 let’s go


SSH IC x 16
Merkins Single Count x 16 (Q fail on trying to count these, just stick to calling cadence…)
LBCs IC x 16
Imperial Walkers IC x 16

YHC was worried the weinke was going to be short (that’s what she said) so we took the long was into the park stopping at each light pole for 5 Squats.

We wound our way into the unlit trail entrance at the back of the park and moseyed to one of the soccer fields.

Here’s the deal, think of the field like a bracket. You have 2 competitors, one at each corner on the same side. They meet. One will advance.

Round of 64: 64 SSH at one corner, mosey the short length of the field to the other corner for 64 LBCs
Mosey to the middle of the field where a coin was tossed to determine the winner. LBCs moved on
Mosey to the opposite side of the field to one corner
Round of 32: 32 Squats at one corner, to the other corner for 32 Flutter Kicks (count one side). To the middle, where Flutter Kicks advanced
This was another Q fail. After each victory, the PAX were to repeat thee exercises that had advanced to that point.
We missed the LBCs after the round of 64, so 64 LBCs for Round of 64
Then, 64 LBCs and 32 Flutter Kicks for Round of 32
Mosey back to a corner
Round of 16: 16 Big Boy Situps vs 16 Plank Jacks. Mosey to the middle, Big Boys advanced (the Core Conference was dominant at this point)
64 LBCs, 32 Flutter Kicks, 16 Big Boys for Round of 16
Round of 8: 8 Peter Parker Merkins vs 8 8ct Body Builders. Mosey to the middle, where fortunately, PP Merkins advanced
64 LBCs, 32 Flutter Kicks, 16 Big Boys, 8 Peter Parker Merkins for Round of 8
Final Four: 4-corner run (loop around the field on the track) vs 40 Morrocon Night Clubs (the Cinderalla of the bracket)
4-corner run advanced but given that time was short, the run was back towards the flag.
Stopped for the Championship which was Lunges vs Bear Crawls. These were done through the parking lot. Lunges advanced so another round of lunges were done.

Mosey back to the flag.

4/13 Convergence @ The Ballpark + Community Foundation Run
Extinction Run may get moved
5/4 The Goonie – 3am at Schiele; be on lookout for more details
Dream Center opportunities coming up on Thursdays

Prayer Requests
Maybelline’s family w/ loss of his grandfather
Mental Health
Stubing – praise for marriage conference
Maybelline – prayer for a Bible study he’s a part of

Prayer to take us out.

Thanks to the guys for their patience as the Q stumbled his way through the workout. Survive and advance, learn from your mistakes, and get better next time…

Push Yourself a Little

It was a perfect morning with just a little chill in the air. What better way to start a Friday than a workout at Tequila Sunrise? As we gathered in the parking lot it looked like the Pushing Rocks Challenge was continuing to bring out a good crowd.


  • SSH
  • Don Quixote
  • Arm Circles

Mosey to the road at the back entrance to the school

  • 1 burpee, run to the first telephone pole on the left and do 1 jump squat and 1 merkin, run back to the start
  • 2 burpees, run to the second telephone pole on the left and do 2 jump squats and 2 merkins, run back to the start
  • keep incrementing until we reach the STOP sign at the end of the road, should be up to 10 reps by then

This took almost 30 minutes but all the PAX were dedicated and worked hard to finish.

On to the Triple Nickle

  • hand release merkins at start
  • LBCs in the middle of the route
  • flutter kicks at the street light

We got a few reps in and then had to mosey back to the school and catch the Pledge. We spoke briefly about pushing yourself a little. We always mention that you should modify as necessary, but at the same time you should push yourself as necessary.


  • Convergence, Fuse Park, Apr. 13 – 7:00 AM
  • Extinction Run Upcoming, details to come

Prayer Requests

  • Gavel
  • Hall Family
  • all those spoken and unspoken


Amateur Hour

A rare FNG at Caddyshack means we pull out all the stops and show off the best of what Queens U has to offer. Lots of never before used F3 lingo gets thrown around and a very formal COT, with name symbols and all, takes place. Zippy may never come back, but he was certainly shown a good time!


Roscoe needed a little help with his Downtown Q today so I said I got you and started concocting a beatdown accordingly. Then I heard it was someone’s B-Day today so I immediately changed those plans accordingly. Well wouldn’t you know it the B-Day boy didn’t even show. I hope there’s a dang good B-Day reason behind that. That being said we hit up several 5/3 sets and several 50/3 sets throughout all of my favorite Downtown spots. We started things off with the pledge and got started with the warmup. After that we got to the working on our 5/3 and 50/3 sets. The first 5/3 sets included a few rounds of Jump Squats/Pull-ups followed by several rounds of Mike Tysons/Burpees down Main St. Then into the parking deck we went. Once in the parking deck the 50/3 rounds started level one was LBCs/Burpees. Level 2 was Merkins/Burpees. Level 3 was Mountain Climbers/Burpees. Level 4 was Flutters/Burpees. Level 5 was Hillbillies/Burpees. Level 6 was Walking Lunges/Burpees. Once finished at the top we ran it back the same way on our way back to the bottom with Mike Tysons in place of the Burpees. On the way back to the flag we stopped for more rounds 5/3 – Mike Tysons/Burpees. We also got in a few 53 Second wall sits in there to pay homage to the 53 seconds of pure B-Day delight I’d imagined he had and was the real reason he wasn’t here today as the 53 seconds now takes 53 hrs. of full recovery at that age. Now we’re finally finished all of the 53 workout. Hope everyone enjoyed it. See y’all at the next one.


Prayers: Blart (Hurt Back), My Family, Hall Family, Turtleman, Anchorman, Huckleberry


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