F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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12 Total PAX posted to Crossroads on Sunday. Def Leppard and Slaw were still on strike for the weekend. We saw SA’s private plane fly overhead on our run. I think all either ran or rode this morning. The batflippers have increased the biking mileage so you better be fast if you roll with them. The shorts are getting tighter too. There’s talk of swimming going on but we did that the entire run through this air, welcome to summer. Afterwards we discussed accountability focusing mainly on what is required to have it. In a lot of relationships the difficult part is the enforcement and consequence. I’m now reflecting on what that looks like in my shield lock. I feel some terrible and embarrassing things coming because that is just how we roll.



Announcments-2nd F lunch this week

Prayer Request-Pockets getting married, Gumby’s mom, Blart’s friend Ron

Monday Funday

Don’t Let the Old Man In

Three ran, two rucked. All stayed for this COT:

Scripture: Isaiah 40:31 (NIV) – “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  In our walk with Christ, we often encounter challenges that test our faith and stamina. It’s easy to feel weary and let the burdens of life weigh us down. However, God calls us to live with a spirit of vitality and purpose, no matter our age or circumstances.

The story behind Toby Keith’s song “Don’t Let the Old Man In” illustrates this message. Inspired by a conversation with Clint Eastwood, Keith wrote this song after learning about Eastwood’s commitment to filming a movie at the age of 88. When asked how he manages to keep going, Eastwood simply replied, “I get up every day, and I don’t let the old man in.”

This attitude aligns with the biblical call to renew our strength in the Lord. Isaiah 40:31 reminds us that those who hope in the Lord will find their strength renewed. They will soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. Our trust in God empowers us to live each day with enthusiasm and resilience, regardless of our age.

Just as Clint Eastwood’s determination inspired Toby Keith, we too can draw inspiration from those around us who live vibrantly for God. More importantly, we can find strength in our relationship with Christ.

When we focus on Him and not on our limitations, we can overcome any obstacle.  Let us strive to live each day to its fullest, trusting that God will provide the strength we need. Instead of succumbing to weariness, let’s embrace the vitality and purpose God has given us. Remember, it’s not about our age or circumstances but about our trust in the Lord.

Announcements:  Lunch at Bubbas 33 Wednesday The Hammock Fridays  Stay tuned for the belt challenge announcement

Prayer requests: Gumby’s mom  Stogie’s M Cramer Mtn families

Coconut Horse – Connection

6 Runners (Including Udders from Greensboro) – 1 Rucker – 1 Humidity

2 more showed for this week’s leadership discussion on the Law of Connection.  In short, leaders must learn to make connections and get to know those they are leading in order to maximize the success of their team, organization, etc.  People will follow those leaders who are able to make those connections.

Until the next one.  Aye!


6.11 – Diablo Sammich

Disclaimer (disclaimer?)
Ruck.  We rucked in awesome style with a handful of merkins and squats on what has never been known as Linus’ route.
Lost pair of gloves still hanging around Pelican’s, most likely from convergence if anyone reads this and claims.
Friday swim AO set to open soon at Pinebrook.  Bathing suit (or some equivalent) will be required.
There is an AO testing channel on Slack where you can toy around with adding backblasts.  This is set to go live 7/1 and until then backblasts need to be completed as usual.  Stagecoach has put a lot of work into this, see him for questions and your commendations, great work.
Closed in prayer.
Honored, Linus

It’s a Sin

15 posted for a daylight trip to the Coliseum where we grinded our tails on the pavement, lewdly gyrated with a lot of ups and downs, and realized we were probably better off doing it alone than in a group of men.  Here’s what I remember:
WARMUP: Chaos from the jump, as YHC worked to make a predictable beatdown a little more unpredictable
  • 10 x Don Quixotes (IC)
  • 10 x Gravel Pickers (IC)
  • 10 x Imperial Walkers (IC)
  • Tesla Stretches
  • 10 x Mike Tysons (IC)
THE THANG: Mosey to the old Floyd & Blackies where traditionally we do Sizzle Suicides.  Today would be a little different though.  Big Boys were Turtleman’s favorite, and Stinky Bird had said that uphill Big Boys were the best fit, so in honor of Turtleman, we changed it up.  Mosey to the church on the left, stopping at every pole for
  • 10 x Uphill Big Boys (OYO)
Yes, Watts Up, the destination was mentioned, as Freon attested to later on.  We slid back down the hill with every Big Boy, which resulted in road rash where you don’t want it later on, but all in the name of a good time, right?  YHC must admit that running up that hill and stopping for ab work was a lot safer in the past when we didn’t have 15 guys out running.  It’s a good problem to have.
Was that a train?  Oh no, just the sound of complaining.  Either way
  • 5 x Burpees (OYO)
Some ab work at the church:
  • 12 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 12 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 12 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 12 x Toe Touches (IC)
Mosey across the street, through the covered walkway, to the long steps leading down to the concrete Coliseum.  With it light enough to see to step, it’s the perfect time to break it out.  Upon arrival, and before we’d do anything else:
  • Mosey up the long set of stairs, down the walkway, and down the shorter set of stairs
just to establish our route.  We’d use it again.  So we brought out the Dirty Lindsays again, with the Lindsay counts of 10/30, 15/25, 20/20, 25/15, 30/10, but after each round we’d climb the bleachers for exercises.  Here’s how it looked:
  • 10 x Dips / 30 x Heels Up Babymakers (think Glute Bridges, but inclined, with our butts flush against the concrete and our feet up on the bleacher seats)
  • Climb the Bleachers
  • 10 x Calf Raises
  • Climb Down
  • Repeato for the rep counts listed above
After the 20/20 and final round, we ran up the long set of steps and did
  • 10 x Burpees (OYO)
before returning.  The babymakers generated some discussion, though with an FNG we kept it PG-13.We got finished with enough time for one more round of fun in the Coliseum.  This time, we climbed the bleachers, and at every level we added a Merkin.  Started at 1 and worked to 11.  Essentially a Route 66, but climbing bleachers.  Options given for Inclined or Regular Merkins.  Plug pulled for YHC after 10, because it’s a ways back, and we didn’t want to get back late.  Back to the church to finish our abs off:
  • 8 x Flutter Kicks (IC)
  • 8 x Freddie Mercuries (IC)
  • 8 x American Hammers (IC)
  • 8 x Toe Touches (IC)
then a mosey back, where the biggest question was which direction we’d go.  We opted for the road less traveled and went by side street.
When we returned, 2 more guys showed up, with Breaker returning from a Coed run and Ocho returning from the pool(?).  We’re handing out posts like Leppard hands out Werthers these days, so lets count em.  COT is good for me.
Nothing groundbreaking today, but always good to get around.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead today, and for putting up with my shenanigans.
Yabba Dabba Doo

Midoriyama 6/11/24

Well summer is in full swing, so the misery factor is greatly multiplied at the region’s premier afternoon AO! With the guys ready to go, here’s what we did:

Warmup: SSH, Don Q’s, various stretches

PLEDGE (To the flag on the back of Freight’s truck)

The Thang: Mosey to the small soccer practice field for “Hillevens”. Partner up. Perform one booyah merkin in the middle of the field, then each guy runs to the top of the hill that are located on each corner of the soccer field. Perform 10 jump squats, return to center. Perform 2 booyah merkins, then back up the hills for 9 jump squats. YHC knew this would suck because there was ZERO shade to hide under. Once complete, YHC led them over to the back of the large soccer field that’s adjacent to dog hill. We stayed in the shade for the Deck of Death. Hearts = Merkins, Spades = CDD’s, Diamonds = Dying Cockroaches, Clubs = Squats. Number of reps were determined by the number on the card. Jacks were 11 reps, Queens-12 reps, Kings-13 reps, Aces-14 reps. Jokers were 15 Mike Tysons then run a lap around the soccer field. We made it through 2/3 of the deck with both Jokers being pulled by Chili and Dr. Seuss. None of the Aces were ever pulled. Defib accused the Q of removing the aces until he checked the remainder of the deck and he found all 4 aces near the bottom of the deck! We moseyed back to the flag right as time was up.


  • 2nd F lunch 6/19 at Bubbas in Gastonia
  • 7/6 Lightning PT test at all Saturday AO’s (Slightly modified by Defib)

Prayer Requests:

  • Turtleman’s Family
  • The Hall Family
  • Montross’ Aunt
  • Huckleberry
  • Gumby’s Mom
  • Defib’s daughter is getting married 6/15

YHC took us out in prayer.



Solo Gashouse Bootcamp – Did I Miss a Memo?

Several (5 I think) showed for the Painlab this morning while I was the only one for the bootcamp.  Maybe I missed a memo with so many other events going on.  However, it’s F3 so let’s get after it.

Mosey over to 1st Presbyterian Church for a solo beatdown:

1 set each of 3 exercises followed by a slow mosey twice around the circle drive in front of the sanctuary.  1st 3 exercises were Merkins, LBC’s and Squats.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Second round included Derkins, Flutter Kicks and Lunges.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the back of the Church in front of the fellowship hall.  Same routine with the mosey up the steps at the PAD and back.

The exercises were Dips, Freddy Mercury’s and Calf Raises.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.  After completing the 3 sets, we (I) did one set of all 9 exercises in succession.

Finished off the workout with 10 – 12 minutes of running the steps at the PAD along with the hill that goes behind the PAD down to the parking lot and back up.

Mosey back to the Schiele to close out the workout.

COT led by Sledge.  See the Painlab backblast for the details.

One quick note.  If I was meeting up with some guys to run or workout before F3 and no one showed, I would have gotten back in my car and headed home.  This solo workout was not the most intense workout ever in F3, however, at age 53, it was a good, solid workout for me.  As I have said many times, I have never regretted showing up for an F3 Workout or Event (except maybe The Mortimer).

Until the next one.  Aye!


F3 Tequila Sunrise – Guest Q Black Bear

We had 13 PAX (with one FNG) at Tequila Sunrise this morning. Black Bear was on Q (he will be the new principal at Page Primary). This is his third time Q’ing for me. He posts regularly in F3 Metro.

Merkin x 10 IC
Mountain Climbers x 10 IC
Flutter Kicks x 30 IC
Hello Dolly x 25 IC
Heels to Heaven x 20 IC
LBC x 15 IC
Merkins x 10 IC
5 Buprees OYO.

Next, we took off toward Belmont Middle School, but made a stop near the other entrance to South Point High School and across the street from Chick-fil-A to do two rounds of 5 Makhtar N’Diaye and 5 Bomb Jacks.

Now, we were off to Belmont Middle School and made our way into the stadium for numerous exercises including derkins, Carolina dry docks, burpees, running, and nurring from one side to the other.

We finally made our way onto the track for a partner workout. One partner performs 15 hand release merkins, while the other partner lunge walks. After partner 1 is done, partner 2 does 15 hand release merkins and partner 1 lunge walks. When partner 2 meets up with partner 1, the reps decrease by 2 for the hand release merkins.

Seeing about 8 minutes left, we took back off to COT.

Eh’Yall’s mother in law did well in surgery yesterday.

Reminder that F3 Dad’s is this Saturday at Martha Rivers Park (June 14)
A list of events can be found at https://f3gastonia.com/events/



Lightning 2024

2024 version Lightning

Saturday July 6

As noted by the name this is a PT test for speed.  Using the same track that was used for classic PT test, the workout will consist of:


25 SSH


50 Merkins

3 Laps

100 LBC

4 Laps

100 LBCs

3 Laps

50 Merkins

2 Laps

25 SSH

1 Lap

Have fun and remember its you vs you – put forth your best effort and don’t worry about what anyone else does – All pax not on IR can do this.

SYITG – Defib




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