F3 Gastonia

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

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PUB 10/5/23

8 HIM posted on a cooler morning for quick mosey to Panera and back.


Gaston county young life fundraiser 10/19.  Reach out to Breaker for details

Second F lunch: Pappas and Beer 10/18




Clavin’s M upcoming surgery

Masturbation ‘train’ing

Warm-up- Whoopee (Gashouse)
The Thang:
25 of each:
SSH/BigBoys/Merkins/Weighted Squats/LBC/Curl/Overhead Press/Flutters/Heels to Heaven/Calf Raises/Mtn.Climbers/Burpee

Lap around lot

4 Corners:  Around parking lot-5 Burpees / 10 Merkins / 20 Squats / 30 Flutters (each corner repeats last)

Triple Nickel:  Squats and Jump Squats – Mosey parking lot in between

Lindseys – Got about 1/2 way through

oh’, regarding the title.  So I had an encounter with a couple of big boy freight trains last week I enjoyed; stop, I mean, start judging.  Rude.

Always an honor…….Linus

Crossroads 08-Oct-23 “Winsome”

Lighter crowd than normal due to some working.  Lots of rucking today with the exception of a few runners.

When putting Qsource together, I was thinking about my company’s founder and everything I knew and heard about him.  I went down a rabbit hole of unsung or forgotten American heroes.  That put me on a list of the greatest American and that was very subjective and let to good conversation about what makes someone great.  There were some who’s actions had large ripple effects, but does that make them great or a leader?  The one I noted here was Rosa Parks.  Her action took courage and led to extreme and good changes, but does that necessarily make the grade to be there?  MLK was on the same list.  If placing pebbles on the scale, which one would win out.  Billy Graham and Hugh Hefner were on there.  As were Madonna, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Einstein, Frank Sinatra, Pat Tillman, Sam Walton, Mark Twain, Brett Favre, Neil Armstrong and Lucille Ball.  A wide variety of subjectivity.

We reviewed the top 10 Richest people.  Outside of the top three (3), no one recognized the name, except for Tim Cook.  Does being rich make you great or a good leader?

We discussed vulgarity on shirts in public and decision processing that makes you fail your own self in leadership.

The main theme, is stand up for what is right with boldness and humility, but do it in a manner that does not close ones ears to your message and lead to hypocrisy.  This is always a struggle…every day for YHC.  I endeavor to be like Sisyphus, even though I don’t like it, keep going back for more.


  • Donut Dash 10/27/23 Lineberger Park – https://runsignup.com/Race/NC/Gastonia/TheGastoniaPoliceDonutDash
  • Street Cleanup 10/14/23 after Gashouse.  See Freight
  • 13.1 Ruck 10/21/23.  See Anchorman
  • 24 Hour Run for No Brainer 11/4/23 leaving from Old School/Cloninger Park
  • Christmas Party 12/2/23 at Lewis Farm


  • Wirenut (mom)
  • Mayor (2.0 friend in bad car wreck)
  • Blart (Foot and 2.0)
  • Turtleman (treatment and home accessibility)
  • Jackson Hall (Cancer treatment)

Dora the Explorer

17 HIM showed up for what I thought would be a simple, yet challenging workout … consisting of 15 regulars, 1 FNG and 1 runner, which should have just stayed with the group … because we did a light mosey!?

The Warmup

10 GP IC … 20 IW OYO … 30 SSH OYO

The Workout

Mosey to First Presbyterian

Dora 1 … 100 Merkins … 200 Squats … 300 LBC’s

I may have underestimated the length of the parking lot at First Pres!

Mosey to Belmont Foursquare

Dora 2 … 100 Diamonds … 200 Bobby Hurleys … 300 Freddy Mercurys

Luckily, the parking lot is a bit shorter!

Mosey to First Baptist

Dora 3 … 25 Werkins … 50 Jump Squats … 75 Dying Cockroaches

Due to time … we had to shorten Dora 3

Mosey to the Flag

If you’re keeping score at home … That’s 3 Dora’s as in Dora, Dora, Dora … the Explorer. On the way back to the Flag … we stopped and I explained that in Dora there is a villain named Swiper and a saying that goes like this … “Swiper, No Swiping!” To me … at an F3 workout, the villain is “the burpee” … so we had to stop for “Burpees, No Burpees!” I intended to do burpees at every light pole … but due to time we did 5 and moseyed back.

We arrived short of the flag, to find FIA occupying the area … so we stopped for 1 minute of Mary. Eh Ya’ll calls “Pickle Pointers” in Cadence as FIA jogs by … not awkward at all!!!

We get back to the flag as time expires … to realize that we covered almost 4.5 miles on this “Dora the Explorer” workout! We also got to name an FNG that I EH’d last Sunday … who ended up being named “Dingo” … so I guess to stay with the them, “Go Dingo Go!”

The Word

I read Acts 2:42-47 as we moved from church to church … to attempt to offer a chance to catch our breath. This passage is a snapshot of the early church  … a picture of what God intended the church to be … a body of believers worshiping and working … living and loving … serving and sacrificing … together!

I truly believe that is also a snapshot of F3 … Brothers doing life together. We are better … together!

The Announcements

Welcome FNG, Dingo … 1/2 Marathon RuckPreBlast is Out … Gaston YL Banquet, see post … 2nd F Lunch at Papas and Beers in Dallas

Prayer Requests/Praise Reports

Pray for Anchorman’s Friends Son whose been diagnosed with Leukemia, Anchorman’s FIL, Tigers Mom and Dad, Sargento’s Knee, Red Ribbons Shoulkder

Praise Report for Tesla completing the “Rim to Rim” Hike of the Grand Canyon


Once again … thanks for the opportunity to lead leaders … sorry about the “light mosey”

Doodles Out!

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