Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tiger (Page 16 of 21)

3rf F – God of Every Moment

The following is based in part from devotion published by In Touch ministries: 

Men tend to separate life into categories, work, home, faith, and leisure. Yet that’s not how the God sees us. His interest in us is not confined only to faith. He cares about the details of every day. 

Believers are in union with Jesus Christ through His indwelling Spirit, every aspect of a Christian’s existence has a spiritual connection. There’s no time in the day when the believer’s life separates into “sacred” and “secular” components. The anxious heart that distracts us from prayer is as much God’s concern as the tired mind that easily drifts into temptation. 

Scripture emphasizes God’s commitment to the believer’s whole self: “His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness” – 2 Peter 1:3 . Day-to-day particulars of life matter, too. We need never wonder if God can or wants to meet our needs. God grants whatever is required to grow faith—whether that means food, comfort, knowledge, or peace. 

The loving heavenly Father sees us in our entirety, not physical beings with a spiritual life on the side. We cheat ourselves when we think God is interested solely in our spiritual needs. He has many kinds of blessings to offer, if we just ask. 


Prayer PAX this week: Gumby, Hipaa, Alan Tate, Mayor, Tater Hole, JJ, Wojo, Wet Nutz 


3rd F- A Fresh Start

This is taken from NIV 365 Daily Devotional – thought it really good.  Begins with a passage from Isaiah 53:4-12

Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,(A)
yet we considered him punished by God,(B)
    stricken by him, and afflicted.(C)
But he was pierced(D) for our transgressions,(E)
    he was crushed(F) for our iniquities;
the punishment(G) that brought us peace(H) was on him,
    and by his wounds(I) we are healed.(J)
We all, like sheep, have gone astray,(K)
    each of us has turned to our own way;(L)
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity(M) of us all.
He was oppressed(N) and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;(O)
he was led like a lamb(P) to the slaughter,(Q)
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
By oppression[a] and judgment(R) he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;(S)
    for the transgression(T) of my people he was punished.[b]
He was assigned a grave with the wicked,(U)
    and with the rich(V) in his death,
though he had done no violence,(W)
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.
Yet it was the Lord’s will(Y) to crush(Z) him and cause him to suffer,(AA)
    and though the Lord makes[c] his life an offering for sin,(AB)
he will see his offspring(AC) and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper(AD) in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,(AE)
    he will see the light(AF) of life[d] and be satisfied[e];
by his knowledge[f] my righteous servant(AG) will justify(AH) many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.(AI)
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,[g](AJ)
    and he will divide the spoils(AK) with the strong,[h]
because he poured out his life unto death,(AL)
    and was numbered with the transgressors.(AM)
For he bore(AN) the sin of many,(AO)
    and made intercession(AP) for the transgressors.

Do you feel tired or poor? Do you long for freedom? Do you feel tossed by life’s storms? 
Most of us experience these conditions at some point. Isaiah describes Someone who understands exactly how we feel. Even his own people rejected this “man of suffering” (Isaiah 53:3). Many hated him. Nothing about his mere physical appearance attracted people. In short, most of us wouldn’t have given this person the time of day.

Yet this passage describes the most compelling individual in the history of the world. Somehow we can’t resist him. Perhaps it’s what he offers: himself as one like us—one who knows sorrow and yet who offers peace and relief. He offers himself as the sacrifice for our sins. He is the Messiah. And Isaiah makes it clear that Jesus identifies with all the difficulties we could ever face. He knows what it’s like to be crushed, despised, rejected and in deep emotional pain. He knows the quiet desperation we endure when faced with mounting bills, job loss, marital discord, parenting challenges and all the other stuff of life that—if we’re wise—sends us to our knees.

Take a few moments to reread the passage for today and let the words sink into your consciousness. This Jesus, the very Son of God, came to Earth for the very purpose of becoming one of us, albeit temporarily. So when we kneel before Jesus, we kneel before one who can relate to our struggles and hardships. He kneels alongside us to revitalize our energy, provide relief from our stress, set us free from sin and enable us to endure life’s storms. Then, through his powerful Holy Spirit, he offers us a fresh start.

This week let’s pray for T Square, Clavin, Freon, Purple Haze, Roscoe, Hacksaw, Boss, Short Sale



3rd F – More

Humans are born with the instinct to strive for more.  Innovate and invent. Better ways to accomplish tasks, save time, cut costs.  More wealth and more toys.  Truth be told, most of us can likely do more in our work outs as well.  I bet if most of us were to be honest we could all run a little faster or do a few more reps.  More is a mindset.  More is very easy in some areas, or at least the motivation to more is greater.  

What if we begin to consider “more” in our spiritual life?  More time in scripture, more time in prayer, more time listening for God’s voice.  In John chapter 10 Jesus says “I am the gate. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved. He will come in and go out and find pasture. 10The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life, and have it in all its fullness.” The Spirit wants to give us “more”, we only need to be willing to receive. 

As I write this, I am about an hour away from heading out of town to take my daughter to her first year of college seven hours away.  I know many of you have done this in the past and some are doing this year.  I am pretty certain you have all handled it better than me.  Again, I find myself wanting more.  More time with my little girl, more time to protect her, to teach her, to not have to let her go.  But I think, too, that the time for more is now.  All of these things I want more of are not going away, in fact they will likely return in a much greater way.  As we all know, life has a way of coming at you fast.  There is a lot of “more” in the future with her, especially more money.   

I don’t know if anyone needs to read this, but I do know that I needed to write it.  No matter the season of life you are in, the time for more Spirit is now.  To prepare for when the next “more’ of life arrives. 

This week let’s pray for our site Q’s, Broke, Stinky Bird, Sparky, VooDoo, Big Pappy, Dirt, Wojo, Round Up, Clavin, Sargento, Whoopee, Buckeye, JJ, EZ Rider, Linus, Tube, Pockets 


3rd F – Disruption

We think of disruptions in the sense of obstacles.  Kids being too loud while the game is on, getting an email at work right at quitting time.  Altering our pleasure. Getting in the way.   Disruption is defined as “a disturbance or problem that interrupts an event, activity, or process.”  But sometimes disruption can be a good thing.  

In order to move forward in our lives, we have to be willing to embrace disruption.  We often speak of 1% better each day.  Maybe some disruption can change 1% to 3%.  Stop being satisfied with small gain, aim for something larger.  If you want to run 5 miles faster, then change something.  Take an inventory of your actions and activities, a hard, honest inventory, and make your plan.  So, the question becomes, what in your life needs to be disrupted?  What is in your life that isn’t making you better?  What are you not doing that you know you should be? 

Late in his career, after he had become the all-time major league leader in hits, Pete Rose was asked in an interview why he still ran allout on every ground ball he hit, even those he knew would lead to an out.  He responded with “because if I stop getting better, then I stop being good.”  In Matthew 19 Jesus tells the parable of the rich young ruler: Just then a man came up to Jesus and asked, “Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life(O)?”(P) 

17 “Why do you ask me about what is good?” Jesus replied. “There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, keep the commandments.”(Q) 

18 “Which ones?” he inquired. 

Jesus replied, “‘You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery,(R) you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony, 19 honor your father and mother,’S“>c and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d](T) 

20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” 

21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect,(U) go, sell your possessions and give to the poor,(V) and you will have treasure in heaven.(W) Then come, follow me.” 

22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 

A life disrupted.  What may not seem easy, can lead to the greatest reward. 

This week let’s pray for Def Leppard,  Stroganoff, Whopee, Freight, Tool Time, Broke, Sister Act, Big Pappy, Huckleberry.  No reason, let’s just lift these HIMs. 


Hills Are No Fun

Hot and humid, can’t get a better day for some hard work.  Warmup:  let’s mosey.

Ran from Yank to Eagle Park neighborhood.  Get to bottom of hill (the hill is 0.2 miles), YHC calls for “Bo Derek’s”.  Bo Derek starred in a movie back the 80s, movie title was “10”.  At bottom of hill 10 step ups each leg, run up hill, 10 merkins at the top.  Repeat 10x.

Only a few completed all 10, most only got 9 before time to head back.  Regardless of number, this was tough, men worked hard.

At return to Yank, YHC spoke a moment about often feeling like I am not all I should be to the people in my life and more about feeling like not being all God has created me to be.  Came across a video earlier in week from Greg Laurie were he was talking about this very thing.  He referenced Romans 12: 1 – 2 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Submit to God in every way, and do not conform to the pattern of this world.

Prayer requests for Sister Act’s daughter, Brutus’ M, Huckleberry.  Please also pray for YHC.


Back at Hollywood

YHC moved a couple of weeks ago about 5 mins further from Mt Hollywood, but did not adjust leave time.  Showing at 0530 isn’t late…right?

Anyway, Toy Soldiers and Gravel Pickers IC 12x, then wham!!  20 Burpees, let’s mosey.

Get to Veterans Park, pledge.  YHC call for 10 Burpees at bottom of hill and 10 hand release merkins at top of hill at main street.  Do it 10 times.  Mumble chatter got going on that call, at least for a few minutes.  Hill is not short, this was tough.  Nice work men.

Short mosey to parking lot nearby for some abs.  20IC of crunch frogs, American hammers, LBC. And 20 big boys OYO.  Mosey back to flag for a minute of stretching.  Time

Moleskin:  YHC read a devotional by Billy graham using Hebrews 1:2 as text “He made the world and everything there is.”  Devotion speaks of God being in control of all things.  YHC thought that with the craziness of the world right now, a reminder that God has this is warranted.  I have to admit that I was not taking much with the virus very serious last week, but now it is hard to ignore the overwhelming response.  Makes me wonder what the next few weeks hold for us all, from a health perspective but mostly from an economic perspective.  But also know that trust and faith in God and vigilant prayer will do more good than quarantines and vaccines.  Always.

Announcements: most upcoming events cancelled or postponed, relay races, run for the money, convergence.  Be respectful of changes in workouts as well.

Prayer requests:  Blart’s M, Orangeman mom, impact of the virus

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Anyone Have the Time?

Seven strong for Ruck work at the Yank.  Q didn’t plan very well for things to carry, only had Boudin’s 60lb sand bag.  Pax not too disappointed. 0600, let’s go.

Ruck to South Point High School and head toward football field.  Boudin reminds us of how particular SP can be about the field, so we opt for the track instead.  Start at one goal post, bear crawl 10 yards, then lunge 10 yards, 10 merkins.  Repeat to the other end.

Turn around and do the same back, substitute merkins for squat thrusters with the ruck pack overhead.  Get the bag and lets walk.  Circle through the neighborhood behind the high school, lots of hills back there.  Pass the former Nantan home, some good Tool Time stories ensue.  Make our way back to the track.

Q calls for four laps around the track, but going up the bleachers on each side with ruck sack overhead on the up.  Pick up the pace in the turns.  The home side bleachers were no joke.  After four laps we head back.  Check the time, already five mins past the hour and we have a ways to go.  Q fail.  Oh well, a little EC makes you better.

Pledge, announcements (rooster the 29th, axe throwing Feb 21, let Huck know if going, convergence and shoot em up March 21).

Prayer requests:  Lynn Hamm and family, Whoopee father in law having health problems and daughter had knee surgery.

YHC took us out

Always an honor


Who Passed the Gassers?

8 showed at Midoriyama ready to get better.  Let’s get started. SSH IC x 12.  Wait a minute, here comes Leppard and Blart, whenever you can get here is fine.  Toy Soldiers IC 12x, Don Q x 10.  Pledge.  Mosey to small soccer field.

YHC came out a few mins early and placed a few coupons on the field.  A few blocks, a few bricks, a ruck sack with 30 lb plate, barbell, and tractor tire.  Also placed a card with an exercise at each coupon station.  Barbell had flutter kicks while holding barbell over chest, curls with a block, LBC with bricks on chest, ruck sack swings, burpees, iron hulk with bricks, blockies, shoulder press with a block, and hand release merkins.  Start by each PAX taking a station, the PAX at the tire flips it 5 times, everyone else AMRAP until flips done, rotate.

Once everyone gets a turn on the tire, line up at the base line of soccer field. Sprint to the other end.  We did this 10 times.  After about 4, no one could talk  Six more to go.  After 10, go back to a station, this time around tire flip goes to 10 flips.  After everyone gets a turn, to the line for 10 more gassers.

Adding sprints like this to any workout takes it up a notch.  After 10, back to stations.  This time 15 tire flips.  After everyone gets a turn, back on the line.  We only had time for one all out down and back.

Put coupons away and head back to flag.

Announcements: get name, address, email and phone # to Watts Up, Ruck training at Folsom Saturday morning 0530, 5 year anniversary convergence March 21.  Probably be 2 to 2 1/2 hours.

Prayer requests: Lynn Hamm and family, Swimmer father in law, Freight daughter with flu, YHC m with strep.  Let’s pray

Always an honor


Tennis Anyone?

Tesla originally had Q but had something come up, he asked YHC to take, happy to do so.  Crowd was light in numbers but VERY heavy in experience.  That’s always good.  0700 hits, let’s get started.

Warmup: SSH, Toy Soldiers, Don Q 15x all IC.  Mosey up Myrtle hill and keep going to tennis courts and Davis Park.  Recently surfaced, good place to put in some work.

Four courts all side by side.  YHC likes suicides with some extra stuff thrown in.  We started on sideline of one court.  Did suicides to each successive sideline.  So run to sideline of court one and back.  Near sideline of court two and back.  Far sideline of court two and back and so on.  So with four courts that gave us seven stops.  YHC called an exercise that we did each sideline stop.  Start with 5 reps on first stop, and increase by 5 at each additional stop, 5, 10, 15 etc so with seven stops the most far sideline was 35 reps.

Start with merkins, bobby hurley’s, mountain climbers, lunges, count only one leg on mountain climbers and lunges.  This was tough.  Finish with burpees but only increase by two.  140 reps of all exercises except burpees, only 56 of those.  58 for El Tigre.  But he isn’t very good at math.

Mosey back.  Few minutes remain so circle around the fountain for some ring of fire.  Each Pax called an exercise and did a lap around fountain while exercise performed.  Backward lunges, diamond merkins, low slow squats, merkins, mountain climbers.  Mosey to Yank for pledge, Time.

Good work put in, workout was not easy.  Announced party reminder, and P200 reminder that may still be time to get in.

Prayer requests: Breaker Breaker friend Lynn Ham continued prayers as she battles cancer, Virus’ children, war possibilities impacting our nation and other nations along with military members, Tiger father, the men on the prayer list for the week.  YHC took us out

Always an honor


Countdown on New Year’s Eve

YHC first time to Q the Storm, thanks to Dirt for having me.  Good group gathered, let’s get started.  SSH, Toy Soldiers, Don Q to start, all IC 15X. 5 burpees in between.  Mosey to the traffic circle in front of the school.

YHC calls a countdown and run up the hill to the traffic circle at the road.  Diamond merkins at the bottom of the hill , and hand release at the top.   Go from 10 to 1, yep, 10 times up the hill and back down.  This took a while.  At the end, 5 burpees for the train.  Mosey back to flag.


Announcements: new AO begins Wedenesday Jan 8 at New Hope elementary school, Sargento site Q, 5:30am.  New Years Day Murph at Martha Rivers, 7am.  Prison Break open as usual.  Christmas party Jan 4 at Lewis Farm, be sure to RSVP.

Prayer requests:  Mt Hollywood PAX prayer list, Termite mom moving to assisted living, Shellshock mom with pneumonia, former neighbor of Sargento had a fall with injuries, Tiger dad illness and daughter in London traveling back on Jan 2.

YHC took us out.  Always an honor


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