Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 17 of 17)

5 stand at the Yank

With the Burpeethon in progress YHC decided a little station work was in order at TFY this fine fall morning as we gathered in the gloom of early fall. Looked a little like this:

Station 1: COP

SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X20

4 burpees OYO

Copperhead squats

6 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

8 burpees OYO

Mount climbers X 20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey to station 2

Station 2: Corner of Knowledge

One legged dips, Dirkins, Squats 3X repeats 10, 15, 20 each with 15 SSH after each round.

Mosey to station 3

Station 3 : Field of Dreams

Slalom Indian bear crawls to the end of the field (Pax in plank)

SSH X 20

Slalom mosey back (Pax in plank)

Mosey to station 4

Station 4: Stairway to Heaven.

Partner up

P1: Run from the park yard up the steps to the sidewalk, drop and do 10 hand release merkins

P2: LBCs until P1 returns. Rinse and repeat

Repeat 3 times

SSH X 20

Mosey to Station 5

Fountain for a little circle work and Mary

Each Pax runs all the way around the circle and up to the Yank and does 5 burpees.

Included but not limited to: Mountain Climbers, Monkey humpers, Quad stretch, LBCs, and others.

NMM: Great work by the Pax today. Great day to be out! Welcome FNG Cherub. Be a great addition. Has a great life story being one of the “boat people” who’s family fled Vietnam in the later ’70s for a better life here. High risk proposition. One in four survived that option. Spent two years in a refugee camp in Malaysia before getting the green light to come here. Think about it! We actually do things right here no matter what the media wants to say. Cherub is a testament to that truth. The pledge meant a little more today than it usually does. Glad to have you aboard Cherub!


First day of fall at the Goat

First day of REAL fall at The Goat featured low temps in the 50s, a full moon, and willingness to put up with a parade of horribles Tesla’s way.  It went something like.


SSH X 25

5 burpees to honor the train

IW X 25

6 burpees OYO

merkins X 15

7 burpees OYO

Foot to hand stretch each side

8 burpees OYO

Mosey over to the park for some partner work.

Round 1 : P1 runs halfway over the bridge and does 5 hand release merkins. Then all the way and 10 HRMs. Mosey back.

P2: Dips until P1 returns.


Round 2: same run by P1 with 5 jump squats, then 10, mosey back. P2 does heels to heaven. Flapjack

Round 3: P1 does same run as before with CDDs 5X10 as before. P2 does LBCs.

Mosey back to Gazebo for more punishment:

pull ups: 10X

Mike Tysons: 10X

Copperhead Squats: 10X

Repeat three times.

Bear crawl up the hill, mosey back, all Pax.

Lunge walk up the hill, mosey back.

Mosey down to the bottom for triple nickel.

Merkins at bottom 5X

run to intersection

LBCs at top 5X

Repeat five times

NMM: Great work by the Pax today, hate we only had four on such an awesome morning. Really getting comfortable leading at this A/O. Lots of toys to play with. Full moon and great weather helped. Talked about a beer at Mayworth’s on some midweek night coming up. Will put that together for some 2nd F fun.

Great to lead these guys. Tesla is enjoying dual citizenship in Gashouse and Metro immensely. Bring a fNG with you next time ad let’s keep moving on!


Tesla out.

Goat Island Madness

Had quite the day at Goat Island as the heat and humidity started to left just a little bit. YHC had led The Charge over in Metro the previous day when the appointed Q did not show os for the old man it was all about gathering up the strength to di it all over again. It went something like this:


20 SSH

25 IW

4 burpees OYO

20 Copperhead squats

6 burpees OYO

20 heels to heaven

8 burpees OYO

20 lBCs

10 burpees OYO

Mosey down the sidewalk and over to the Gazebo for pain station number 1

three rounds of dips, pull ups and LBCs 5, 10, 15 increment

Mosey up to the next corner for more madness.

dirkins, squats, merkins three rounds 5, 10, 15 increment

Mosey back to gazebo.

Step ups, pull ups, merkins, three rounds, 5, 10, 15

Time for some field work.

1st round: run to midfield, 5 hand release merkins. Run from there to parking lot, 10 hand release merkins, mosey back.

2nd round: Lunge walk to midfield, 10 burpees. Mosey back.

Up to sidewalk for Indian Plank slalom to end of pavement.

Triple nickel time: 5 merkins, 5 jump squats, run to intersection , rinse and repeat 5 times.

Mosey to parking lot and some short Mary:

Flutter kick X 10

Rosalita X 15.

Train alert! Close it all out with 5 burpees.

Naked man Moleskin:

Have to admit I was not feeling it on the way over this morning. Yesterday’s Q took it out of me. was ready to follow but it turned out, all things were good! Lesson applied: Suck up your guts and get in motion. Kill the negative inertia and good things happen. Helps to be around positive guys a lot!

Great to lead this group. Always a pleasure AND and honor! Welcome back Radar (Kotter). looking forward ot seeing more of you brother.

Let’s turn out for Slim Shady’s VQ at Yank Saturday. Somebody buy that man an egg! Or a beer later on. Whose in for that Saturday afternoon maybe?



Dog Daze at The Yank

Seven warriors showed up at The Yank to put in a little early morning work in the heat and humidity of mid August in pre eclipse Gaston County. It was not easy friends. it looked a little like this:

Gather up at the Yank with the pax and mosey to the first corner for some warm ups

SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 burpees OYO

Windmills X 20

6 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

8 burpees oyo

LBCs X 20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey to the top of the hill for some bench work:

Step ups X 10 total

Dirkins X 10 total

Dips X 10 total

Increase to 15, then 20 then back down to 15, 20, 10

Mike Tysons X 10 on the steps.

Mosey down to the field of dreams for a nightmare scenario of:

Partner work : 10 partner dirkins, mosy to the other end for 10 hand slap merkins. Mosey back

partner merkins, 1X2X3X4X5X6X7X8 and back down.

Serpantine bear crawl: Weave in and out of pax in plank position “Indian run” style to the end of the field. Talk about building mental toughness!

10 SSH, 15 Copperhead squats.

Mosey down to Heatbreak Hill for some triple nickel nastiness.

bottom of the hill: 5 jump squats.

run the hill

top of the hill: 5 CDDs

repeat 5X

Over to the playground:

10 velociraptors

10 merkins

10 rail squats.

3 rotations.

Over to the fountain for a round of pax led Mary in the circle.

1 pax calls exercise and runs around the fountain while rest of the pax does the exercise. Included but not limited to LBCs, heels to heaven, merkins, you name it. Two rotations total.


NM: This was a tough one today. Our FNG disappeared for awhile but came back to life for the playground and Mary session. Way to keep hanging in brother! It will get better and easier. But this was a hard day. Make no mistake about that fact. The humidity was pretty thick for sure.

Honor and pleasure to lead The Yank. Great AO and even better guys. Welcome GQ! looking forward ot seeing you in the gloom brother!






Mixer at the Yank

Today at the Yank was a convergence of Metro “Core” and Gas House Yank regulars. A beat down was to be had and delivered by Tesla, who’s dual citizenship in Metro and Gas House F3  led to this. So we tried to make the best of things. It went like this.

Chapter 1: The Four Corners, defined by the rectangular route around Stowe Park,  the school and over the railroad tracks.

Start point warm up

SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

Merkins X 15

Right foot to right hand stretch, left foot to left hand stretch

Mosey uphill to the school and benches for a little fun:

step ups, 10 each leg

10 dips

rinse and repeat three times.

Mosey across the tracks to the fist intersection

LBCs X 15

Wide arm merkins X 10

Jump squats X 15

rinse and repeat 3X

Mosey to Main street for some wall and fence action

15 elevated wall squats.

10 Mike Tysons

15 regular squats

Mosey down to The Yank for a regroup and on to chapter two

Chapter Two: The Field of Dreams, the field at the top of the hill by the school

Partner work

1st set:

Partner 1: Mosey halfway, 5 hand release merkins. Mosey rest of the way, 10 hand release merkins

Partner 2: LBCs

rinse and repeat

2nd set:

Partner 1: Karoke halfway, 5 CCDs, Karoke all the way, 10 CCDs mosey back

Partner 2; Flutter kicks

rinse and repeat

3rd set

Partner 1: lunge walk to midfield, 10 burpees, mosey back

Partner 2; Hold an elbow plank

rinse and repeat

On to Chapter 3 after all this fun!

Chapter 3: Heartbreak Hill

1st set: Partner 1 does SSH, Partner 2 runs the hill and does 10 merkins. Rinse and repeat

2nd set: Partner 1 does LBCs, Partner 2 bear crawls the hill and does 5 merkins Rinse and repeat

3rd set: Partner 1 does squats, Partner 2 runs the hill and does 10 merkins at the top. Rinse and repeat

4th set: Partner 1 does jump squats, partner 2 bearcrawls to the top of the hill and 5 merkins. Rinse and repeat.

Chapter 4: Beginning of the end

inclined merkins and dips

1st set, 10 each

2nd set, 15 each

Mosey up to the Yank for takeout Mary

Rosalita X 15

Oblique crunches 20 per side

Stretch right foot right hand left foot left hand.


NM: Great work by everybody. Metro guys loved the AO tour and the town. Will return! Great to have my brothers from Core Metro over here today. Meant a lot to me and everybody had a blast and a beatdown! Wanted to give them a tour of a great AO and all the toys we have to play with here. The Yank is a fun stop!

Announcements: Give2Give underway. More expansion this fall. Do what you can. Core Metro celebrates 5 years next Saturday at 7 am at Myers Park Traditional (behind Queens College). OBT and Dredd, the F3 founders WILL BE LEADING. Tesla will be there. Dr. Phil may. Let me know and we can clown car over. I assure this is one event not to be missed. Rev Florida, myself and others will be in RARE form! Great coffeteria afterwards as well.

Dr. Phil and I are going to see about more 2nd F opportunities. Possible Happy Hour discussion. Belmont/Cramerton certainly has venues for that. Its a big deal in Metro these days. They will help us with it.

Remember Tiny Tank’s going away party Thursday at 7:30 in Belmont. He will be missed. Brought a lot of guys out.

Last but not least Dr. Phil’s takeout was worth all the effort. You are a talented and real guy Doc! Glad your in the fold. We could use about a 100 more like you. So could everybody else in F3.

Pleasure and honor to lead this group always.


Cramerton Craziness!

12 HIMS should up for a dose of Tesla on Tuesday and it went like this.


First, had some late arrivals as Dolph came from that wilderness land of Crouse, NC for his morning burpees. We aimed to please!


SSH X 20

IW X20

5 burpees OYO

LBCs X20

5 burpees OYO

Merkins X 10

5 burpees OYO

Mountain climbers X 20

5 burpees OYO

Mosey over to baseball field entrance now officially known as the Field of Dreams.

Each lamp to the end 2 merkins, increment by 2 at each light for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 merkins.

11s on the grandstand and the concession stands, dips and Mike Tysons.

Mosey over to the bottom of hamburger Hill for partner work

Partner 1 climbs the hill to the fence at the softball field. Partner 2 does called excercise

Rd1: cross fit merkins

2: Squats

3: LBCs

4: Flutter kick

5: Plank

6: merkins

7: burpees

Mosey back to last lamp, squats back to entrance X 4 per lamp, 4,6,8,12, 16, 20, 24

Mosey to walkway in parking lot, halfway between tennis courts and school.

Partner 1 : bear crawl to yellow line. partner 2: crab walk to yellow line on other end. rinse and repeat.

Grab some wall at school for people’s chair.

20 airpresses

balls to the wall

Mosey back to start – done!

NM: Great AO here at Storm, lots of toys to play with. Coach K makes his reappearance – welcome back! Great crowd. Did decide that mayor will lead on the 4th at 6 am! YHC could not talk him into 7 am. Oh well! Its his call and it will be worth attending I am sure. Could be some fireworks.

Thinking seriously about reaching out to AD at Thomas Cramer HS and seeing what it would take to get the field on a regular basis. Likely will have to do a workday out there one Saturday for an hour or so but would be worth it. Thoughts?

Enjoyed leading this group. Great men all!



Cramerton Craziness at the Goat

YHC’s first Q at The Goat was eventful as 13 warriors braved the gloom and humidity of mid June for a beatdown Tesla’s way. Went some thing like this:


SSH X 25

2 burpees OYO

IWX 20

4 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

6 burpees OYO

Copperhead squats X 20

8 burpees OYO

LBCs X20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey to the center of the park, count off by fours for some “four corner ” action. As YHC is a State guy  this was no stall effort!

1s: Go to your corner and do 10 squats

2s: Do 10 LBCs

3s: 10 inclined merkins

4s: 10 cross fit merkins.

Return to center for 5 burpees then rotate. Deal was every body does 2 rotations through the parade of horribles.

Next round: Form up at the bottom of the hill

1s and 3s bear crawl to the top, 2s and 4s do squats. Mosey back, flapjack.

1s and 3s burpee lunge walk to the top, 2s and 4 do merkins. Mosy back, rinse and repeat.

1s and 3s burpee broadjump to the top, mosey back, 2s and 4s do plank jacks, flapjack

1s and 3s crabwalk to the top, 2s and 4s do crossfit merkins.

Act 3: find some wall for people’s chair and balls to the wall.

20 air presses, then balls to the wall.

Major conflict. Guy comes out of his 100 year old building in sheer terror at our ability to tear down that wall. Must have watched Reagan’s Berlin speech exactly 30 years prior and took it to heart. So we moseyed down to the parking lot at the Lodge and continued our wall work along with a circle of Mary.

Circle of Mary. One pax calls he exercise and runs around the rest of the pax while it is performed. Included burpees, merkins and others to the end.

NM: Really enjoying get to know the Gashouse crowd. YHC tends to get a little blue and salty with mumble chatter so don’t take it personally. But its fun. And again a great group to lead today. Did learn that Dolph likes burpees fro breakfast. Dolph, I aim to please brother! The old goat is a tough goat. Glad to Dr. Suess today. Nee more respects out. Glad to see the numbers coming up.

We handled ourselves very well with our conflict today. Won’t go back. There are plenty of toys to paly with at the AO. No need to deal with the Jackass factor. We can move along and adopt quite well. Wheezy should stop kicking the wall so hard and making those old buildings vibrate so much!

I have the shovel flag. Will have it Tuesday.

Q school in Metro was great on Saturday. Rev would be up for rinse and repeat over here anytime. I think it would be well worth the time and effort. I will help make it happen.


Memorial Beat Down in Belmont

8 warriors braved the obstacles in downtown Belmont for a truly memorial event at the foot of the Yank this fine Memorial day Saturday to pit in a little sweat equity and get better. Went something like this:

Mosey to first corner of the park:

SSH X 20

IW X20

Merkins X15

Mosey up the top of the hill.

I hear that train a coming! 5 burpees

Copperhead squats X 20

Rosalita X 20

LBC X 15

Grab some bench space by the middle school for some work as follows:

First round:

Dips X 10

Step ups 10 each leg

Dirkins X 10

Second Round

Dips X 20

Step ups 10 each leg

Dirkins X 20

Mosey on down to the field for a little Jack  Kevorkian homage, aka partner assisted suicides

Partner 1: mosey down the field in called transportation mode and do exercise as called at halfway and end. Mosey back,

Partner 2: Do called exercise until partner gets back, flapjack.

1st round:

Partner 1: Mosey to halfway, 5 squats, Mosey to end, 10 squats. Partner 2, squats ’till 1 gets back.

2nd round

P1: broad jump to midfield, 5 hand release merkins, broad jump to end, 10 hand release merkins. Broad jump back. This was the hard one!

3rd round: Lunge walk (knee to the ground lunge) to midfield, 15 LBCs. Lunge walk back.

4th round: Bear crawl to midfield 10 merkins. Bear crawl back.

Mosey to wall at Middle school for people’s chair.

20 air presses in cadence.

Balls to the wall for @ 1 minute

Back to People’s chair

20 air punches in cadence.

Move to the bottom of the hill in the park for the grand finale! 4th quarter action. Bear Bryant said when he got to Texas A&M winning was not imperative but getting tougher in the 4th quarter was! This one was for the Bear!

Round 1:

Partner 1 runs the hill, does 5 merkins

Partner 2 does merkins.

Flapjack when P1 gets back.

Round 2:

Partner 1 runs the hill and 10 squats, Partner 2 does squats


Round 3:

Partner 1 bear crawls the hill, 10 LBCs at top, Partner 2 LBCs till P1 returns


Round 4:

Partner 1: Crabwalk the hill, 5 plank jacks, Partner 2 plank jacks till P1 gets back.


mosey over to the Yank for some stretching and take out.

NM: YHC’s first Q in Gastonia region. Really loved the guys and the AO! Great group to be with today and lots of toys to play with. Looking forward to hitting all the AOs over the next few months in the region. My kind of folks over here! Looking forward to meeting everybody and expanding our realm here.


YHC has kicked off an initiative called M&M – Minorities and Millenials. Goal is to attract more of these men to what we are doing.

Q school June 17 in metro. 40 spots open. Do Re Me has it. starts at his office 8:30 – 10:30 with breakfast. Let me know if interested, I will be there! Could clown car over to Core workout at 7 and on over to school at nearby at 8:30.

Remember what the Holiday is about. All gave some and some gave all. That ‘s why we are doing this.

Aye brothers! See you in the gloom.



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