Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 16 of 17)

Still Winter at The Yank

6 HIMs came out in the cold to get a Tesla led beatdown at The Yank on Saturday. Went like this:


SSH X 20

2 Burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 burpees OYO

Squats X 20

6 burpees OYO

Mountain Climbers X 20

8 burpees OYO

LBCs X 20

10 burpees OYO

Off to the first corner

partner 1 – Run midway to the next corner, 10 merkins

partner 2 – Wall squats on the fence.

Flapjack, rinse and repeat 3X

2nd corner

P1 – run back half way to corner 1, 10 squats

P2 – LBCs

Rinse and repeat 3X

3rd corner at school house

P1 – Run to other end, 10 American hammers

P2 – Stepups

Rinse and repeat 3X

Down to the corner of Knowledge

10 step ups each leg.

10 dips

10 dirkins

Round 2:

15 step ups each leg

15 dips

15 dirkins

Round 3 – Repeat round 1

Down to the field of dreams for the Tesla special, bear crawl slalom across the field.

Agility run back.

Down to the yank for some Mary to finish up.

NMM: Great work by all Pax today and ALWAYS a privilege to lead this group! Cold out here today but i thas been all winter. Almost bagged the bear crawls today but pax would not let me!

Mary Christmas Charlie Brown!

13 HIMs all suffering some cabin fever showed up for a beat down in Cramerton  the day after.  Went a little like this as Tesla and Short sale combined in a wicked co Q to deal in some pain.

Tesla up first as dawn broke and temps fell to a comfortable 29 degrees, almost perfect workout weather on Dec. 26.  Whoopee came in hot!


SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 burpees OYO

Copperhead squats X 20

6 burpees OYO

Sharon Towers X 20

8 burpees OYO

LBCs X 20

10 burpees OYO

Partner work for BLIMPS

P1 – run to the school and back (@ 150 yards)

P2 – do the called exercise.


Round 1 – Burpees

Round 2 – Lunges

Round 3 – IW

Round 4 – Merkins

Round 5 – Plank jacks

Round 5 – Squats

Move over to Tennis courts for a round of Bear Crawl Slalom, a Tesla staple as promised. And delivered!

Everybody gets two opportunities.

Back across the courts – Tunnel of love. @ ops each pax.

Hand over to Short Sale for his version of core work as follows:

We conveniently remained on the tennis courts for 30 minutes of Core Cardio. We began with CORA, keeping the same partners with P2 running the four court length and returning to relieve P1 for an aggregate count of exercises:

  • 100 Leg Lifts
  • 200 Freddy Mercury (count right side only)
  • 300 Flutter Kicks (count right side only)

There was a slight bit of chatter, but not too much as the PAX were focused. It would have been different if the anticipated return of Mayor had come true but unlike the Christmas Story, The Storm’s “savior” must have got lost on his long journey from Stanley to Stuart Cramer (note the intentional little “s” – Mayor is a leader but like all of us, not to the level of the real Savior with the big “S”).


Back to individual work but keeping with the CORA theme. Each PAX were instructed to perform:

  • 10 Merkins
  • 20 LBC’s
  • 30 Mountain Climbers (count each leg)
  • Run a full lap around the four courts then plank for the six. The go-getters earn the reward to plank and then go directly into merkins so they get a good shoulder burn.

Shout out to our guests as it was evident why the Louisiana Northshore AO slapped Turbo to our speedy guest. Lynchpin got after it as well but again, he’s from Metro so, that was somewhat expected. Several of our very own took turns to push their pace during the four rounds of this segment. We took a moment to catch our breath and allowed each man to share their favorite moment from their Christmas Day. A common theme was sharing a gift or joy from a gift given or shared among family. It is worth mentioning Pockets inviting a young family member into their home that has been in a group home, brightening that young man’s day to allow him to be among loved ones. Thanks for sharing Pockets.


Back to work for the 4×4 which should be as clear of instructions as it sounds but our PAX don’t always follow directions. A quick demo to hold some hands through this fun:

  • Ski Abs (my favorite) x 4
  • Jack Merkins x 4
  • Burps x 4
  • Peter Parker x 4
  • Run the length of four tennis courts and return
  • Rinse/Repeat, Rinse/Repeat


Back at the circle we had 5 minutes and it was time to salute Mary, not the Virgin Mother but that cranky ole bag that reminds us to suck in our guts. We went quickly through: Flutter Kicks, Box Cutter, Leg Lifts, Mountain Climbers, Jingle Balls, Crunchy Frogs, and Leg Claps, all with an in cadence count to 10 reps.


Announcements: Sargento’s 2nd F tonight: 7 pm Wild Wing Cafe then 9:15 Star Wars movie (come for one, the other, or ideally both); Convergence 1/1/18 0700 at the Dark Knight. Gastone will be your Q.  Prayers for each other, family, and loved ones. Short Sale took us out. Tesla was glad to hear from Turbo that F3 Baton Rouge is up and running. Look forward to posting there soon!


Coffee-rama at Floyd and Blackies had 7.

Late Charge at The Storm!

YHC came rolling in hot just as the pax had begun COP which went like this:

SSH X 20

IW X20

Copperhead squats X 20

Merkins X 15

Mountain climbers X 20

Mosey to front of school for partner work

P1 – Run length of parking lot (@ 100-150 yards) and back

P2 – Do called exercise and then flapjack with P1

Round 1 – Merkins

Round 2 – Hand release merkins

Round 3 – wide arm merkins

Round 4 – Diamond merkins

Round 5 – WWI situps

Ladder time for the pax, up and back with 10 step ups in between for good measure

Ladder components:

Burpees X 5

SSH X 10

Squats X 15

American hammers X 20


Since Dr. Seuss missed The Yank on Saturday YHC could tell he was longing for a true signature event to make up for lost time. So we obliged!

Tesla special at The Yank comes to the storm: parking lot bear crawl slalom! Each pax gets two opportunities to crawl and plenty f time in contemplative plank.

Mosey down to the flag for Mary. Each pax member calls an exercise and runs around the circle while every other pax does the work. Included:



Heels to heaven

Monkey humpers



crunchy frogs


copperhead squats

flutter kicks


And a few others as well

Pledge and we are done!

NMM: Great to lead this group, mayor has done an awesome job of keeping it moving. Mayor is doing well with his recovery from eye surgery so keep his recovery in prayers! Getting a lot of good participation of late, let’s keep it moving. Prayers out to Slim Shady and his new daughter! Look forward to his return when things calm down with that situation. Be sure to be at The Fighting Yank Saturday for Breaker Breaker’s VQ! Also, it was decided we WOULD meet on the day after Christmas at 7 am! Prepare for an hour long beat down then led by a host that would include Tesla and probably Short Sale. Looking forward to that!Sargento has it next week. I’ll be there. So will you!








The beatings will cease when morale improves

YHC was a little worried about the plan Friday night in the sleet but determined to make it a REAL workout no matter who showed up. So as the pax assembled in the near dawn darkness  and the temp hovered @ freezing with a little precip falling it was obvious this would be a day for a roll in the mud gut check  of a workout this day. It went something like this:

COP in the park:

SSH X 20

IW X 20

LBCs X 20

Merkins X 10

Copperhead squats X 20

Mosey on up to The Field of Dreams for a BLIMP run! Possibly the first in Belmont F3. Went like this:

P1 – Run the length of the filed and back

P2 – Do the called exercise. Flap jack.

1st set: Burpees (B)

2nd set: Lunges (L)

3rd set: IW (I)

4th set: Merkins (M)

5th set: Plank jacks (P)

6th set: Squats (S)

Mosey on up to the Corner of Knowledge

Step ups X 10 X 15 X20

Dirkins X 10X15X20

Dips X 10X15X 20

mosey down to parking lot for the following:

Burpee suicides to one end

Jump squats X5 suicides back.

Back to the Field of Dreams for MORE Tesla morale building work, featuring YHC’s fave, the Bear Crawl Slalom!

Bear Crawl Slalom down to the end of the field

SSH X 20

Squats X 20

Plank, agility drill back

Mosey to Heartbreak hill

Foot of the hill: 10X called exercise, run to the top, mosey back down for next set.

1st set: Diamond merkins

2nd set: Regular merkins

3rd set: Hand release merkins

4th set: Stagger right merkins

5th set: Stagger left merkins

Bulgarian Split squats X 10 each leg

20 step ups.

Circle of Mary at the fountain featuring pax led  and circle run with SSH, LBCs, Squats, Jump Squats, Knee ups, American Hammers, ad other assorted opportunities for pain, capped off with 5 burpees by YHC.


NMM: Great work in the mud, the gloom, and the chill at The Yank today! Everybody went home wet. ad sweaty and like YHC, probably did not get in the house with shoes on. Best shower of the week! Kind of what it’s all about, playing outside in the mud and getting dirty. It’s just plain good for the soul! Next week we have Breaker Breaker on tap for his VQ. come on out and support his effort men!


Yank is an awesome AO and great pax always. Look for some guest Qs coming in ’18 to keep it revved up! I see Rev Florida and others making appearances at the Yank and bear crawl slaloms from Tesla and others.



A Beat down in Belmont

10 HIMs gathered in downtown Belmont from as far away as south Charlotte to participate in the creation of some positive energy through sweat. We gave our Metro visitor a tour of central Belmont and all the toys The Yank has to offer. Went like this:

Mosey to first corner

Tijuana Dreamers, Mike Tysons, and squats, 3 repeats, 10X15X20 reps.

Mosey to second corner

SSH, merkins, mountain climbers, 3 repeats, 10X15X20

mosey to the corner of Knowledge

step ups, dips, LBCs, 3 repeats 10X15X20

Mosey to the Field of Dreams:

A Tesla favorite, the Serpentine Bear Crawl to the end of the field! Always a crowd pleaser!

Agility run back.

Mosey down to the shell.

Dirkins, dips, WWII sit ups, 10X15X20

Heartbreak Hill: Another great toy at the AO and another Q fave! Sevens, burpees at bottom, jump squats at top.

Move on to the stairs and partner work.

Round 1:

P1 runs to the top, 5 hand release merkins

P2 does SSH

Round 2:

P1 runs to the top, 5 diamond merkins

P2 squats

Round 3

P1 runs to the top, 5 spider man merkins

P2 does LBCs.

Move over to fountain for some Pax led Mary, pax calls move and runs around the fountain while rest of pax does the work. Included but not limited to SSH, Moroccan nightclubs, Monkey humps, lunges and other horribles.

Done., pledge and name -o-rama time.


Awesome November day at The Fighting Yank. Could not ask for a better day. We welcome Tryon one of Tesla’s old F3 buddies from Metro to The Yank today. He REALLY enjoyed it! And we enjoyed having him.  Loved the AO despite the Q! Yank was good today and will be well served by Pockets leadership next week. We look forward to that for sure!

12/2 will be convergence at Gashouse, 7 am.


Just another day at the Storm

10 HIMs showed up for a beatdown at the school yard Tesla’s way. Went like this:

SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X20

4 burpees OYO


6 burpees OYO

Mountain climbers X

8 burpees OYO

Merkins X 15

10 burpees OYO

Mosey over to baseball fields

count off by threes.

1s -bottom of the hill

2s running

3s top of the hill

Round 1

top: Jump squats

bottom: LBCs

Round 2

top: flutter kicks

bottom: merkins

Round 3:

Top: Flutter kicks

Bottom : SSH

Mosey over to main entrance.

bear crawl between “obstacles”

step ups, 10 each leg

Run parking lot lap.

Repeat 3 times.

Mosey over to side for triple nickel

dips, dirkins, parking lot lap, 5X each

Back to flag for Pax led circle of Mary featuring IWs, SSH, flutter kicks, LBCs and others.



NMM: Great group gathered fro the Strom today and we welcome our Granite Falls brother Taterhole! Glad to see you here brother! Looking forward to Goat Island with you Thursday! Many prayers for many men today. Lots of positive energy to back ’em up though! Ran 2 miles and did great work.



Night time at the Goat

As 6 HIMs gathered at the Goat for Tesla led parade of horrors there was not a hint of daylight to be had, only a cloudy near full moon morning as things began in earnest at 5:30 sharp. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

LBCs X 20

Merkins X 20

Mosey across the bridge to the park for partner work.

Round 1 : P1 runs the bridge and back, P2 does flutter kicks. Flapjack, rinse and repeat P1 and P2.

Round 2: Squats to 200 per team. P1 runs bridge and back, P2 does squats. Repeat until 200 is reached total.

Round 3: 100 merkins per team. P1 runs bridge and back. P2 starts merkin set. Repeat until 100 is reached total

Wonder over to picnic tables:

Step ups x 10 each leg

Dips X 10

Dirkins X 10

Inclined sit ups X 15

Rinse and repeat, 20, 20, 20, 20 each.

Mosey back over bridge to shelter

3 rounds of each:

Pull ups X 10

Mike Tysons X 10

Jump squats X10

Triple nickel time, a Goat tradition now!

WWI situps X 5

run to intersection

hand release merkins X 5


NMM: Great work in the dark today men! Awesome to have Breaker breaker posting so regularly – keep it up brother! Prayers out to our brother Brownstreake for his dad right now.  Greta group of men here today and always a pleasure and honor to lead them!

Zero Dark Thirty at the Yank

13 brave warriors showed up in the dark to take on the challenges of The Fighting Yank in Belmont this morning. Went something like this:

*Mosey from the street down to the park and up Heart Break Hill to the Field of Dreams in a frontal assault mode that would have made Chesty Puller proud! Like Pockets said “There is no hill if you can’t see it”. True statement!


10 burpees OYO

IW X 20

8 burpees

copperhead squats X 20

6 burpees

LBCs X 20

4 burpees

Mountain climbers X 20

2 burpees

Partner up for a set of Kevorkians, AKA partner assisted suicides.

Round 1:

P1 runs to midfield and does 10 hand release merkins, end of the field and 20 hand release merkins. P2 does jump squats. Flapjack partners and go.

Round 2

P1 to midfield and 10 flutter kicks, end, 20 flutter kicks. P2 does merkins. Flapjack.

Round 3

P1 to midfield, 10 LBCs, end of field 20 LBCs . P2 does WW II situps. Flapjack.

One set of Bear Crawl slalom to the end, all pax.

One set of “mosey slalom” back.

Mosey to the Corner of Knowledge.

Round 1: 10 dips, run to the other end of the school house for 10 dirkins

Round 2: Rinse and repeat, 15X each.

Round 3: Rinse and repeat, 20X each.

mosey down to Heart Break Hill for elevens, which means 10 trips up and down the hill.

Bottom: Merkins, 1 -10, Top: Jump squats 10 -1

Move to fountain for some pax called Mary which means one pax calls the move and runs around the fountain then next pax is up. Included mountain climbers, fence humpers, monkey humpers, SSH, merkins, Rosalitas, and other assorted moves.

Done! Pledge time.


Great work in the dark today by all pax. Yank is strong and offers great opportunities for creative work. Glad to see Wheezy back and our recent FNGs Orangeman and Tiger! Let’s keep it pushing on guys! And good 2nd F afterwards today. really want to expand that.

Tool Time is up next week, Sargento week after. Need a leader on the25th, Tesla is out the 25th but will take the 18th no problem.

Great to be part of this crowd! Everybody pushed it hard today. way to go men!

FNG day at the Yank

Great day at The Fighting Yank with three new FNG’s appearing from the gloom courtesy apparently of our new friend Tiger. YHC expected a low turnout @ 5 because of Tune 200 participation of local F3 pax. But out of the mid October morning gloom emerged a crew YHC had never seen in uptown Belmont for the festivities at the Yank on each Saturday. Turns out to be FNGs which caused us to up our game a little more this morning. Went something like this:



IWX 20

5 burpees oyo

Peter Parker X 20

5 burpees OYO

Parker Peter X 20

5 burpees oyo

Merkins X 15

Mosey up to the first corner

Tijuana Dreamers, Mike Tysons, Jump squats, three rotations 10X, 15X, 20X.

Mosey to second corner

Merkins, Thruster rows, SSH, Three rotations 10X, 15X, 20X

Mosey to third corner

Dips, Dirkins, WWI situps, three rotations 10X, 15X, 20X, throw in a pair of 10 step ups each leg for good measure.

Down to the field of dreams:

Bear crawl slalom to the end of the field, pax in plank, last guy crawls between everybody else, where by the way we are joined by Canteen! Glad you could make it brother, hate we left you at the start. But always good to have you aboard.

Back to the other end. Slalom back to the other end, agility/mosey drill.

Down to Heartbreak Hill for triple nickel fun! YHC has to admit, at this point in the workout it is gut check time and this one is a personal fav! Never fails to please.

Bottom: 5 squats

Run the hill

Top 5 hand release merkins

Repeat 5X

Still time for Mary

flutter kicks X 15

Rosalita X 15

Protractor X 1 minute



Looked in the gloom today like a few good friends, Tesla, Norwood, and Edison but then the gloom erupted with FNGs! Great to have ALL of you with us and we look forward to seeing you more. Come check out the offerings and drink the Kool Aid brothers! Great to get 10 on a day that the normal pax were at an event on. Let’s keep it going. Great second F afterwards. Let’s roll on that too.

Always an honor to lead these guys and enjoy the AO. One of the best in F3.




More station work at the Storm!

9 HIMs showed up for another late summer like beat down by stations at the Storm Tuesday morning in the ever present gloom. It went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X20

Merkins X 15

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey to the center of the lot for four corners action. Count off by fours

1s – 1st corner, 10 merkins

2s – 2nd corner, 10 flutter kicks

3s – Jump squats X 10

4s – LBCs X10

After completion, run back to the center and 5 burpees. Rotate to next station. Rinse and repeat two rotations.

mosey to the schoolhouse.

15 SSH, slalom bear crawl through concrete obstacles, 15 dips. Repeat 5X

Next round:

20 dirkins, 10 step ups each leg, rinse and repeat 3X

Wall work:

People’s chair

airpresses X 20

Parking lot work, burpee suicides

Run two lines forward, one back and do 2 burpees. repeat to the 1st island

Coming back, same protocol except insert 5 squats for 2 burpees.

Mosey to flag for short Mary:

Rosalita X 20

SSH X 10

Flutter kick X 20

SSH X 10

LBC X 20


NMM: Great group out here today and great work by everybody. In a world seemingly gone mad it is great to have F3 to be a rock and a refuge for body, brain and soul building , an affirmation that we are here to do good in the world and get better. Reaching our full potential is hard but guys willing to get up and come out have the stuff to do that with. It is our call to do so.

The subject of “Q” came up and I am willing to co Q with anybody to get them started. That is how I started and I recommend it. Do it once and it just gets easier. And better. And you get better too! Try it, you’ll like it! I promise.

See you in the gloom.




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