Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Tesla (Page 15 of 17)

Spring has sprung at The Yank!

With some humidity and sunshine 10 men including 2 FNGs went about a bit of work in uptown Belmont this morning. YHC had a diabolical plan as I drove up Southpoint Road to mete out the beating that would improve the countenance of the pax which I figured to be ready for such an event. Turned out to be the case. Tiger though not here due to a conflict with Girls on the Run commitment had ably planted the shovel flag for us. Then we proceeded as follows:


SSH X 20

2 burpees OYO

IW X 20

4 burpees OYO

Squats X 20

6 burpees OYO

LBCs X 20

8 burpees OYO

Mountain Climbers X 20

10 burpees OYO

Mosey on up to the Field of dreams for some quality time with Jack Kevorkian, aka partner assisted suicide!

Round 1:

Partner 1: Run half way, drop and do 5 hand release merkins, all the way, 10 hrm.

Partner 2: merkins until P1 returns


Round 2

P1: WWI situps, 5X 1/2 way, 10X all the way, mosey back



Round 3:

P1: Jump squats X 5, then 10

P2: squats

Flap jacks

Round 4:

P1: Diamond merkins, 5X, 10X

P2: plank jacks

Mosey over to the Corner of Knowledge

Round 1:

Dips: 10X

Stepups: 5 each leg

Dirkins: 10

Round 2:

Dips 20X

step ups: 10 each leg

Dirkins 20X

Burpee broad jump down the path of the school building 1/2 way

Crunch Frogs rest of the way.

Mosey back to the Corner

Repeat Round 1 above, mosey back to the Field of Dreams

Time for the main event! Bear Crawl Slalom!

Arrive at the end:

2 sets: SSH X 10, Merkins X 10

Over to Heartbreak Hill for Triple nickel

5 burpees

run the hill

5 WWI situps

Gets us up to 7:57. Time for some Mary:

Fence squats X 20

Rosalita X 20

Done. Over to The Yank for the pledge


This was harder than it looked. Pax hung in well. Humidity took a toll and that was evident on the BCS. HBH was tough today. 2 FNGs! Welcome Wanderer, so named  for his frequent moves growing up in a military family. Dirt named for his rural Iowa background. Said something about being from the same town Clark Gable was from. But he looked more like Dirt than Gable to me! Again, great week for FNGs. Something about the warmer spring weather in the gloom maybe?  Pretty strong week which is awesome! Let’s keep it moving.




Goat Island Antics

Six warriors braved the ideal spring conditions at The Goat for beat down with Tesla. Looked like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Mountain climbers X 20

Merkins X15

Take a lap around the square. Abba reports that “40 women” from the pay boot camp had just crossed the bridge so YHC decided not to get into that battle. So gatherd on the low side of the square for a series of BLIMP.

Burpees X 10

Run to the top of the hill and back down.

Lunges X 20

R&R the run.

IW X20


Merkins X 10


Plank jacks X 10


Squats X 20


Gather up by the gazebo

Pullups, dips, dirkins X10,  3 sets

after set 1 – lap

after set 2 – broad jump to the top, mosey back

after set 3 – bear crawl 1/2, crab walk 1/2

Everybody is getting their money’s worth by now so time to finish strong.

Triple Nickel across the bridge

Town side: jump squats X 5

Run the bridge

Island side: hand release merkins X 5

Finish up with:

Bar squats X 20

Mike Tysons X 10

LBCs X 20

2 sets.

Done. Mosey back to parking lot and pledge:


Good work by all Pax. Welcome FNG Homeboy, named for his home schooling experience. Seems to have been the week for FNGs! That is a good thing. F3 expansion now is nothing short of remarkable. Detroit and other spots in Michigan, parts of the west coats including some of the mean streets of the SF Peninsula area. Things are on the move!




Skeleton Crew at The Yank

Had a skeleton crew of 3 at The Yank with races and other distractions in the area. We made up for the numbers in effort and quality.


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead Squats X 20

Merkins X 20

Peter Parker X 20

Mosey to Stowe Corner

Wall squats, Mike Tysons, Jump squats 3 repeats, 10X, 15X, 20X

Mosey to 2nd corner

Merkins, plank jacks, WWII situps, same 10, 15, 20 repeats.

Mosey to corner of knowledge

dips, step ups, dirkins 10, 15, 20 repeats.

Mosey down to the Field of dreams for some BIMPS work

Burpees 10X, Karaoke to the other end of the field, mosey back.

IW X 10, backward run to the other end, mosey back

Merkins 10X, karaoke to the other end, mosey back.

Plank jacks, 10X, backwards run, mosey back.

Copperhead style squats 10X, run and hit the ground at each utility pole and back up to the other end. 5 drops. Rinse and repeat coming back.

Triple nickel on Heartbreak Hill: SSH, run to the top, hand release merkins.

On over to the playground for some additional torture!

3 rounds: Velocioraptors 10X, incline merkins 10X, run steps to the top and merkins 10X.

Time for Mary which included Roslalittas, Heels to heaven and Dollies.

Pledge and done,


Short on pax but great effort. Glad those that made it did. Solomon rucked. Hate it was a short group but glad for the participation we had at the race event today. Knew it would be like this so YHC was committed to the AO. Looks like Tiger is up next week and Breaker Breaker after that!

Be afraid, be VERY afraid!

Tesla out.


Varsity Beat down at the Goat

8 varsity players emerged from the gloom at Goat Island for a beat down Tesla style. Started out 7 strong.  Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Merkins X 20

Mosey up the hill and to the old ball field and the stairway to heaven.

5 burpees for the train.

3 sets, 10, 15, 20


run to the top of the bleachers

Hand release merkins.

Down to the field to tour the bases

Bear crawl to first base.

Broad jump to second base

Crab walk to third base

Burpee broad jump home

Back to the bleachers

3 sets, 10,15, 20

steps ups  each leg

Run to the top of the bleachers

stagger arm Merkins.

Mosey back down to the gazebo aka the mosque as we find HIPPA there doing pull ups in his bomb suit! Seems he missed the 5:30 am out of Cramerton and couldn’t find us. So we found him.

We did this:

Pull ups X 10

dirkins X10

LBCs X 10

bottom of the green: 10 SSH

Top of the green: 10 plank jacks.

Rinse and repeat

Time for Mary in the grass:

Maktar Jhias X 10

Oblique crunches 10X each leg.



Great workout by everybody. Awesome morning to workout and great found out lost brother HIPPA in the gloom this morning! Everybody did well today, great work by all pax. Glad to get the back blast up so that the JV team can have a guide this afternoon. We are here for you brothers! Awesome group to lead. Looking forward to Saturday. There is more at The Yank where this came from.





Rainy Day at the Yank

YHC as site Q leads about once a month just to keep it fresh and get new leadership in the mix. Have been hearing a little about shaking things up so the drizzle provided the excuse to do so. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Merkins X 15

Squats X 20

Mosey up to the shelter for some grinding that consisted of

Merkins X10

Jump Squats X 10

Dips X 10

LBCs X10

Burpees X 10

Oblique crunches X 10 (each)

Dirkins  X 10

Step ups X 10 each leg

After round 1mosey to the playground for velociraptors and stairs with merkins (5X). Repeat 3 times

Round 2:  Mosey entire park and up to the field for Bear Crawl Slalom followed by  SSH (10)and squats (10) Agility run back.

Round 3 :  Run park to Heartbreak Hill for Triple nickel with star jacks and plank jacks bottom to top

Round 4: Finishing act, run back to the flag for COT!


Not a lot of rain to worry with. No melting. Crew showed very well today. Never did see the runners. but I am sure they came through. Maybe

Somebody said move!

So YHC shows up to lead The Goat and it is by admission a little cold. Like 30 degree cold. Not Thule Greenland cold. But cold enough for the pax to complain about it, especially with spring on the calendar. So we get into a COP as everybody that is anybody gathers for a varsity style beat down in the gloom Q hears somebody say “we need to get moving and it won’t feel so cold”. Q aims to please. Went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Merkins X 20

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey down to the basketball court via the steps in the alley up to the bridge.

Court work:

Crab walk to the three line, midcourt, three line, end line. 5 hand release merkins each stop

Broad jump back to other endline.

Bear crawl to center court and end line. 5 burpees each stop

Burpee broadjump back to otehr end line.

Mosey back to the bridge.

People’s chair.

airpresses X 20

Hip slap 5 each side

People’s chair,  M. Alis x 20

Rinse and repeat

Time to mosey again (remember, got to keep moving)

Take the long way to the gazebo.

10 pullups

10 dips

10 dirkins

Rinse and repeat for 3X

Triple nickel over the South Fork.



Copperhead squats X 5

Mosey back to the flag for Mary including SSHs, Dolly, Rosalita, and oblique crunches.



Great work by all the guys today. We stayed in motion. That is the key to a good workout. Oh, and on a “cold” morning it makes it even better. Got to give a big shout out to Breaker, Breaker who just keeps on pushing the rock! Been with us a few months but you can already see and feel the impact. Its contagious. Keep it up brother.

Always a pleasure to lead this group. Mornings in Cramerton are hard to beat with them!



Four Corners at The Storm

On a morning of true gloom with daylight savings time taking us back to the Dark Ages the boys of the Storm commenced to get after it under the stars. It went like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Merkins X15

Peter Parker X 20

LBCs X 20

Mosey to the middle of the parking lot for some four corners action as follows:

1st corner : CCDs X 20

2nd corner: LBCs X 20

3rd corner: HR Mekins X 10

4th corner: SSH X 30

Middle: 5 burpees.

This was really an interesting roll here because we found out some folks could not count to 4! YHC found that amusing to a high degree. But we managed to run to each corner, get that done and run back to the middle and knock off the burpees. Twice in fact! Wonders never cease even among the numerically incompetent.

Next set: Burpee suicides to end of parking lot. A burpee suicide is where we run to parking spaces forward and back one then do a burpee.

Next set: Burpee broad jump back to the middle.

Mosey to the main school building.

Set 1: bear crawl through the “pods”, 10 dips, 10 dirkins

Set 2: crab walk through the pods, 10 dips, 10 dirkins

Set 3: same as set 1

Set 4:  10 Mike Tysons, run the parking lot to halfway, 10 squats, all the way, 20 squats and back to the start.

Set 5:  10 Mike Tysons, same runs, 10 jump squats and then 20

Set 6: Peoples Chair, 20 air presses in cadence,5 hip slaps.

Set 7: Repeat set 6.

Mosey back to the flag for some Mary that included Rosalita, Dollies, and oblique crunches.


Dad a great day today. Nothing beats a clear chilly late winter morning to do this in. Glad to see Wheezy posting on a regular basis! We did a little of everything today so very little downtime. That’s kind of the way I want it to be. And we get our money’s worth doing it like that to! everybody did great work today which is why this is such a great group to lead.



Ringers at The Yank

Since YHC moved over from Charlotte Metro he has been please to have dual citizenship in both the Gastonia and Metro regions. F3 works because of the relationships we build and the workouts are just a reflection of that success. So with that in mind having been to a Mancave Sunday workout a couple of weeks ago I told Ditka and Carrier to come on  over to The Yank next time I was leading and get to know Belmont and Gastonia F3. They heartily accepted so when YHC came up in rotation I got word to them and they showed up! Knowing they were coming YHC decided to rollout the red carpet and show the metro brothers just why coming over to Gaston for a workout or anything else is ALWAYS a good call! So with that in mind a Tesla tour began. Went like this:


SSH X 20

2 burpees

IW X20

4 burpees

Cooperhead squats X 15

6 burpees

Merkins X 10

8 burpees

LBCs X 20

10 burpees.

Now for the tour. Could not have picked a better day for it! Bright sunshine and 35 degrees. off to the first corner, the Stowe house.

1st Corner

Wall squats, Mike Tysons, Jump squats X 10, 15, 20 repeats.

2nd corner

American Hammers, IW, WW II situps X 10, 15, 20

3rd corner aka the Corner of Knowledge

Dips, stepups. dirkins X 10, 15, 20

Now on to the Field of Dreams for the reason we all came for!

warm up: SSH X10, merkins X 10, WWI situps X10

line up in plank position for Bear Crawl Slalom! (Its what’s for breakfast)

warm down, same as warm up!

Line up in plank, agility run back.

Down ot Heartbreak hill for some triple nickel work as follows:

Bottom of the hill: 5 sqats

run to the top.

Top of the hill: 5 plank jacks.

Repeat 5X.

On over to the new and improved playground for three rounds of:

Pullups X 10

Velociraptors X 10

Merkins X 10

Mosey to the (dry) fountain for pax called Mary to finish up.

Dollies, Rosalita, dying cockroaches, monkey humpers, and Freddy Mercury all on the playlist. Finished up strong and up to the Yank for the pledge.


Great to have our metro brothers over for a morning at The Yank. Gives YHC pause to appreciate the gift of F3 which is the relationships we build that power us through the tough times and make the good times even better. I have seen F3 change entire lives all for the better and that was never the intent. But it is a great result of what we do! Makes us better men and in turn builds a better community. Which we embark upon next week as the Revolution workout begins. They need it, we need it, Let’s give it away.

YHC will tweet out the meeting place and time fro those who want to go over next Saturday for the launch. Gastonia F3 nomads will visit on March 31.

We will bill the Belmont Chamber for our intro to Belmont and Gaston County later! Our brothers will return for a Friday night out on the town in April. Keep you posted about that. Until then, keep pushing!



Bear Crawls for Breakfast at The Yank

10 warriors showed up for a cold 21 degree beat down at The Yank and it looked something like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Copperhead squats X 20

Merkins X 10

Mountain Climbers X 20

Mosey over to the Field of Dreams

Partner Blimps:

P1: Run length of field and back

P2: Do called exercise then flapjack with P1

Exercises: Burpees, lunges, Imperial walkers, Merkins, Plank Jacks, Squats

Done with this, mosey on up to the Corner of Knowledge

Steps ups, Dips, Dirkins

Repeat 3 times. 10X, 15X 20X

Sprint to other end and back

Repeat descending order 15X, 10X

Back to the Field of Dreams for what we all came for today! The Bear Crawl Slalom! Why wouldn’t we!

Bear Crawl Slalom to end, everybody gets 2 turns on the crawl while pax planks.

SSH X 10

Merkins X 10

SSH X 10

Jump squats X 10

Agility run back while pax planks.

Mosey down to Heart Break Hill for some real fun!

Triple nickel:

hand release merkins X 5

run to top of the hill

American Hammers X 5


More partner work:

P1 run to the top of the stairs and do 5 merkins

P2 do called exercise.

1st set: Burpees

2nd set: LBCs

3rd set Jump squats

Head to fountain and Mary featuring Toy soldiers, crunchy frogs, big boy situps, mountain climbers, wall squats.


Great, great work by all pax today and thanks for coming out on a cold morning. Boudin did the whole workout with a 30 pound ruck. Respect! Or was that line between bravery and stupidity crossed – LOL! Way to go brother. Did 7 miles in the cold before we got there. Glad to see Top Hat out today. Pushed it hard like you always do brother. Keep pounding!

Working on March 10 over at Revolution for west side launch. Need support from Gaston and Metro to make this happen. This is a community we are called to serve. Let’s show up and make it work for them and us!

Pleasure and honor to lead. Have Broke up next week and Tiger the week after. Quality leadership coming up.


Blue Moon at Goat Island

Six Warrior showed up for a beat down under the blue moon. Went something like this:


SSH X 20

IW X 20

Merkins X 15

Mountain Climbers X 20

Copper head squats X 20

Mosey to the Tunnel for some People’s Chair

Air presses X 20

Balls to the wall:

Hip slaps X 10 (total)

Donkey kicks X 10

Mosey to basketball court

Suicides as follows: Three point line, mid court, three point line, baseline

Set 1: 5 merkins each stop

Set 2: 10 squats each stop

Set 3: 5 burpees each stop

Set 4: 10 LBCs each stop

Broad jump to end

Burpee broad jump back

Mosey back to tunnel, rinse and repeat above work in tunnel.

Mosey to the Gazebo

3 sets of the following:

5 pull ups.

Run to the top of the bank and 10 American hammers

back to gazebo and 10 squats.

Mosey to parking lot for Mary

SSH X 10

20 Flutter kicks

SSH X 10

20 Rosalita

SSH X 10

Oblique Crunches x 10 each side


NMM: Small but dedicated group out here today. Glad to see Wheezy back in the fold! We have missed you brother! Always good to have a Kotter in our midst. Great morning out there. Great guys to be out there with and privilege to lead!


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