Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Stroganoff (Page 8 of 15)

Tiffany, Debbie Gibson. – Long, hard Chicanery

Gashouse, the original F3 Gastonia site was ready for another Stroganoff Q, even if YHC was not.

Being easily influenced by Whoopee’s peer pressure, I showed at 0600 for some Iron Pax EC along with Whoopee, Roscoe and Watts Up.  That was a great idea……..

We returned for a good crowd for the main workout.

Voodoo had the Painlab Q.

No FNG’s.  Quick disclaimer.  Pledge.

Quick warm up with on 10 IC Imperial Walkers.

Painlab off with Voodoo.   The rest followed me.

The Thang

We moseyed to the newly paved parking lot at Grier Middle School to start with some Stroganoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 10 Merkins – Lunge walk back across parking lot to the starting point (That’s one)

Rinse-Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 (Good way to warm up)

Mosey to the track for the main event – This is where the mumble chatter elevated and the Q began to lose control of the workout.  It started with my quick explanation of what we were about to do with a paraphrased recap:

”Gee, that’s original”; “He said hard…..and long”;  “That’s what she hoped”;  etc, etc.

Let’s go.

In Cadence exercises as follows:

10 Merkins – 15 Squats – 25 LBC’s – Run 1/2 Lap

10 Merkins – 15 Squats – 25 LBC’s – Run 1/2 Lap

10 Merkins – 15 Squats – 25 LBC’s – Run 1/2 Lap

10 Merkins – 15 Squats – 25 LBC’s – Run 1/2 Lap around to picnic table area

Footnotes:  Somewhere during the first or second rounds, the music selection (from Roscoe’s phone I believe) shifted to Tiffany’s – I Think We’re Alone Now……I have no idea when, how or why but this is when I knew I had lost control.  This quickly deteriorated into the 1/2 lap run turning into a skipping, disco, danc-a-thon, soul train….epic moment, if I can be so bold.  The music theme continued with many similar songs from the 80’s/90’s. It was fun.

At picnic tables, time for another round of IC Exercises:

10 Derkin’s – 25 Flutter Kicks – back to track for 10 Walking Lunges per leg followed by a full lap around back to Picnic tables

Rinse-Repeat two more rounds

Round 3 (In Cadence)

15 Dips – 25 Freddy Mercury’s – 15 Calf Raises

Rinse-Repeat two more times

Side Note #2:  The chicanery continued throughout the exercises

Time to mosey back to the Flag for some Mary.

IC Dying Cockroaches – IC Homer/Marge (From Roscoe)

Bells ringing – we are done.

Announcements (Out of control):  If you didn’t know, the BRR Ruck is this week; 9/14 – 9/11 memorial climb; 9/21 – Stop Soldier Suicide 5k in Belmont with Speed for Need; Many other events on the horizon

Prayer Requests (A little less out of control)

COT – Ball of man

The Moleskin

This was one of the more entertaining workouts that I have been involved with in a while and not sure why other than the outrageous mumble chatter and music and chicanery (I like that word and one that is often discussed during Q Source).  It was also a reminder of an often overlooked reason for F3.  Let us men act stupidly, immaturely and relieve the tension and stress of everyday life.  Daily life is hard.  If you’re trying to be a consistent High Impact Man (HIM), it can be even harder, but worthwhile.  F3 helps invigorate that Male Community Leadership by allowing us the outlet needed to help us be better elsewhere.  This is why I want to see our region grow and continue to bring others into the fold of F3 Gastonia.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Forrest Gump 76 on Avon St.

August 3 has been a significant date my entire life.  My Father was born on this date in 1943.  Today is his 76th birthday.  Being the first August 3rd without him, I requested the Q at Gashouse not really knowing how it would go.  Late yesterday, I attempted to put together a weinke for the workout but was unsuccessful.  I decided to see how it would go.

No FNG’s.  Short disclaimer.  Let’s do a quick warm up.

38 IC Side-Straddle Hops (A multiple of 76)

Dry Rub takes the Painlab group and the bootcamp group heads off with YHC.

Quick Stop at the flag out front for the pledge.

The Thang

Before this moment, I really wasn’t sure what we were going to do.  I stood there briefly and realized I had to head back toward Lineberger Park for a workout I have not done in a long time…the Forrest Gump.

Off we went to run to East Garrison Baptist Church parking lot for some exercises as follows in multiples of 76:

38 Merkins OYO

19 Squats IC

38 LBC’s OYO

Mosey to Hillbilly’s Parking lot:

38 Merkins OYO

19 Squats IC

38 LBC’s IC

Mosey to the upper side of Lineberger Park past the railroad track to Avon St (I’ll explain why later) and over to the step area where fans/parents used to sit and watch baseball on the old field (where I played machine pitch and little league baseball).  Exercises as follows:

Dips IC X 38

Step ups IC X 38

Flutter Kicks IC X 38

Rinse & Repeat one more set of each

Mosey down through the park to the Flag Circle area from some quick partner work:

Partner 1 does exercise while Partner 2 runs up the path to the top of the steps at the Pool and back.  This is repeated until each person had performed 304 Freddy Mercury’s.  (Harder than expected for YHC)

Time to start the mosey back to the Schiele.  Next stop back at Hillbilly’s for another round of exercises:

Derkin’s IC X 19

Dying Cockroaches  IC X 19

Monkey Humpers IC X 19 (Rear to the road)

Mosey to East Garrison Baptist Church for the final round of exercises:

Merkins IC X 19 (No elevated spots for Derkins)

Dying Cockroaches IC X 19

Monkey Humpers IC X 19 (Rear to the road)

Box Cutters IC X 19

LBC’s IC X 38

Final Mosey back to the Schiele.

Final wall sits including some air presses IC X 38.

End of work.  Met back up with the Painlab group.

Several announcements:

BRR Rucking Group; Q Source on Sunday’s at 0730 @ Coconut Horse & Crossroads; 9/11 Memorial Climb on 9/14; One year anniversary at Mt. Hollywood on Monday.

Several Prayer Requests

The Moleskin (A very impactful day for me)

Whoopee posted he would be rucking at 0600 for some EC so I decided to join him.  I rolled in at about 0555 to find Whoopee, Roscoe, Watts Up, Voodoo & Boudin ready to ruck.  Off we went.  I have ran and rucked many miles of EC from the Schiele over the last 4 years over many different routes.   I was not leading the route today but as we turned back toward the Schiele from Bojangles, the lead guys decided to turn left on Avon St (just above Lineberger Park).  During the last 4 years, we have never turned on Avon St.  My Dad grew up on Avon St directly across from Lineberger Park and grew up walking across to the baseball field and played throughout his youth.  I told Boudin that my Dad grew up there but really didn’t realize what had just happened.  Why today?  As I brought the group out to Garrison Blvd for the bootcamp, something tugged at me to go back to Avon St, again, something I had never done during a workout at the Schiele.  Frankly, I got chills after the workout when I had time to reflect on what just happened.  Maybe my Dad was looking down at us, hopefully smiling as we went through exercises in multiples of 76.   If he was, I’m sure he laughed at our rear facing the road monkey humpers.

I’ve had a lot of great and very impactful days and workouts with F3 but today was near the top of the list.  I felt a lot of support and inspiration , especially just after the workout as I exchanged words and hugs from several of the PAX.  Thank you.  It’s been 11 months since my Dad’s passing and it is still something I think of daily.  You men have helped me every single week for the past 11 months.

Thanks for the opportunity to serve.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Apollo 300 Mission

I have had the good fortune of Q’ing a bootcamp on my birthday the last few years.   My birthday this year fell on a Sunday so I took the Saturday before.

There was an FNG for Painlab so we had a quick disclaimer before a short warm up:

SSH X 15 IC (That was enough)

Rockabilly took the Painlab group and YHC took 7 with me for a bootcamp.

The Thang

We moseyed to the back of the Library to start the Apollo 300 Mission:

This will be my 49th birthday, today is the 201st day of the year and it is also the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing.  49 + 201 + 50 = 300 reps of something….at least that’s the logic I used to come up with the number 300.  Let’s do this.

Partner Up for some Mission 300 work:

Partner 1 runs from the lower parking lot up the stairs to the back door of the library and does 10 Merkins; partner 2 is doing AMRAP exercises as follows:

Round 1

AMRAP LBC’s – 10 Merkins at the top

Perform 5 times each person

Round 2

AMRAP Squats – 10 Merkins at the top

Perform 5 times each person

Round 3

AMRAP Flutter Kicks – 10 Merkins at the top

Perform 5 times each person

25 Merkins

Mosey to the track at Grier some OYO work:

Start with 25 OYO Merkins.

10 Lunges – 10 Merkins

5 times total

Mosey to far end of the track


Mosey to far end of the track and on to the picnic table area for some final IC work:

Dips X 10

Freddy Mercury’s X 20


Mosey back to the Flag to finish up with some short Mary:

Freddy Mercury’s IC X 50

Slaw with some Michael Phelps IC X 15

First Presbyterian bells ringing.  We were done.


Announcements.  Prayer requests.  Name-o-Rama.  Named FNG – Professor.

6 for Coffeeteria at Union Diner.

The Moleskin

If wondering, it was 300 Merkins and a load of reps of several other exercises.

Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday weekend.  Thanks for enduring my logic to get to 300.  F3 and you men have meant more to me than you will ever know.

Until the next one.

See you in the gloom.  Aye!


The Field is Wet – Stroganoff Doesn’t Care

12 HIMs plus YHC converged on Snoballs for a mid week beatdown this morning. 3 got in some EC.

The Q had no weinke (he hasn’t produced a weinke in quite a while).

Disclaimer was approved

Warm Up included IC Imperial Walkers X 10 and the Pledge.

The Thang

Mosey from Snoballs around the outside path at Martha’s to the upper field for some miscellaneous work as follows:


1st Corner – 10 Merkins

2nd Corner – 20 LBC’s

3rd Corner – 30 Squats

4th Corner – 40 Flutter Kicks

Repeat in descending order starting with 4th Corner work.

Partner Up for some Field work

Partner 1 performs the exercise while Partner 2 runs across field to the paved path and returns and partner’s switch positions:

Merkins – AMRAP  X 3 sets

Flutter Kicks – AMRAP X 3 sets

Mosey to the closest picnic table area for the Stroganoff Special (every Martha River’s boot camp I Q includes this):

In Cadence reps as follows:

Dips X 15

Derkins X 10

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 15

Derkins X 10

Step Ups X 20

Dips X 20

Meander and Mosey through the parking lot back toward Snoballs with some stops as follows:

50 LBC’s OYO

Mosey some distance

50 Freddy Mercury’s IC

Mosey some distance

50 LBC’s OYO

Mosey back to Snoballs – Workout Complete


All AO’s are open as normal tomorrow with exception of Diablo Sammich which will have a Ruck starting at 0600 followed by a Murph option at Martha Rivers.

Several prayer requests



The year is now officially halfway gone.  Where are you today compared to where you were on January 1. Have you accelerated? There is no status quo, that is an illusion.

Honor to lead this morning.

See you in the gloom at the next one.



Let’s go to the track

Friday afternoon I posted on Twitter that there would be no weinke, no plan, no burpees, etc.  This was true until just before the workout.  Roscoe texted me he was going to run some EC before at 0545 (8 miles)….no way, I thought.  Actually, if I had woken up in time, I might have joined him but I did not….left it to Whoopee and Monk.  I did get to the Schiele in time for some EC Rucking just after 0600 and this allowed me to formulate my plan for the bootcamp.

Good crowd showed for Painlab and the Bootcamp.  Let’s get after it.

Quick warm up that included some SSH’s IC and Imperial Walkers IC….Short Sale decided to join us after his own EC.

Tiger took the Painlab group and YHC took the bootcamp group.

As we jogged out of the parking lot, Linus and Trivago were coming in from an EC mosey…..lots of EC today.

The Thang

We moseyed to the track at Grier from some in cadence reps and running as follows:

But first there was a train…..5 burpees OYO….so much for the no burpees

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 30 LBC’s (oops) – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run half lap

15 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 15 Squats – Run around track to the picnic table area

15 Dips – 10 Derkins – on track 20 lunges (per leg) – run lap around back to picnic tables

Rinse-Repeat two more times

10 Workins – 30 Flutter Kicks – 15 Monkey Humpers – Run half lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

25 Moroccan Night Clubs – 25 Freddy Mercury’s – Run half lap


Mosey back to the Schiele – Time’s up

Good work men

Several prayer requests/announcements/name-o-rama

5 for Coffeeteria at Union Diner

I attempted to keep the workout moving, get in both some serious reps and add enough cardio to make it a struggle……it was a struggle for me.

As always, thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one….Aye!


Coconut Horse – It Rained & Was Gloomy

It was gloomy and raining at the start.

When I arrived, Diva was the only one in sight.  Two were already on the course and one would roll in late.

Diva did YHC a real solid by not leaving me behind.  No doubt it helped my pace on this gloomy morning.

We ran.  It was fun.

Two more showed up for Q Source.

Until the next one.  Aye!

See you in the gloom.


Star Wars Day at Gashouse

Another not so gloomy morning at Gashouse for a Star Wars Day beatdown.  The crowd may have been a little thin compared to some other Saturdays but Jedi’s don’t care about quantity, only quality.

No FNG’s so we went with a quick disclaimer before a very short warm-up:

SSH’s X 15 IC

Imperial Walkers X 15 IC

Time to split up the Bootcamp and Painlab and off we went.

The Thang

First, we had to gather our coupons that we were to carry throughout the workout:  a genuine (maybe not) Stormtrooper Helmet, a double-ended light saber and a standard light saber…..all legit.

We moseyed to the Sherwood Elementary track for part I of this Star Wars adventure:

Let’s do a Jedi lap that included running the long straight aways and lunge walking the short sides.  After that, we prepared for some modified Jack Webbs or Jar Jar’s that went like this:

10 Merkins – 5 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

10 Merkins – 10 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

10 Merkins – 15 Air Presses – Run across to other side of field

This continued until the last set of 30 Air Presses (How can air presses be so hard?)

Our Female Sith that we sometimes see at Sherwood showed up so we decided to mosey for Part II of the workout:

Mosey the long way up Dixon Rd and back down to First Pres to my favorite set of steps for some singles Dora 1-2-3:

100 Merkins in sets of 25 with running the steps in between; after the Jack Webbs/Jar-Jars, some us had to modify (YHC) and my sets were actually 25-25-20-15-15 but we got it down.

Second was 150 Flutter Kicks in sets of 50 with running the steps in between.

Last was 100 squats in 2 sets of 50 with running in between.

For the record, we still had our Jedi gear with us.

Time to Mosey to the Grier track for Part III which included a little Wolfpack/Jedi Grinder:

Monkey Humpers X 10 IC – Run half lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank

Monkey Humpers X 10 IC – Run half lap – 30 Mountain Climbers – Plank

Mosey over to the picnic tables for 2 sets of the following:

Dips X 15 IC – Step ups X 20 IC – Derkins X 10 IC (I’m tired)

Time is winding down so it is time to make the Kessel Run back to the Schiele to catch up with the Painlab group.

We finished off together with 21 burpees in honor of Riley Howell, the young man who sacrificed himself for others during the shooting at UNCC this week.  F3 Waynesville (where Riley is from) asked the Nation to honor him with 21 burpees just before the COT at Saturday workouts as Riley was 21 years old.  We were honored to suffer through them for the cause.  Aye!


Announcements; Several prayer requests; Name-o-Rama

The moleskin:

I had not Q’d at Gashouse in a while so I was looking forward to it and attempted to mix it up with the Star Wars theme.  Thanks to Whoopee and Watts Up for the pre-workout Ruck, really enjoyed the fellowship and work.  As we have more than one of our PAX dealing with family issues, please remember them in our thoughts and prayers.  This past week marked 8 months since the passing of my father.  The Q Source has helped me reflect on these 8 months and how much F3 Gastonia has helped me to keep moving forward.  I have found more support and comfort from F3 than from any other source.  I am grateful and for this reason, I want us all to remember we have opportunities to impact and support each other.

Until the next one.  Aye!

See you in the gloom.


Living on the Edge at Coconut Horse

It wasn’t very gloomy.  In fact, it was quite nice.

We ran…..5 miles.

There was SV blood thanks to Sargento.

The Q went crazy and we ran the normal route in reverse……oh, the humanity and we all lived to tell about it.

4 for the Q Source after.

It was fun.

Until the next one.



It was wet…..

It was raining.  You never know how many will post in the rain but as usual, Folsom did not disappoint.

20 showed for a quick warm up with two catching up around the first stop of the workout.

Here’s what went down:

Two FNG’s so we went through the quick disclaimer.

Warm-Up that included 10 SSH’s IC followed by 10 Imperial Walkers IC.

Time to Mosey for The Thang

First stop for some IC work:

20 Mountain Climbers – 25 LBC’s

Short mosey to stop # 2 for a rinse-repeat of stop #1

Another mosey to the upper parking lot for some Stroganoff 22’s:

Same as 11’s except we’re adding up to 22 and alternating increasing/decreasing reps by 2:

20 Merkins – Run across parking lot – 2 Squats

Rinse/repeat until it has flipped to 2 Merkins – Run across parking lot – 20 squats (total of 110 each exercise)

Time to mosey back toward the lower parking lot with two stops along the way:

20 Mountain Climbers IC – 25 LBC’s IC (x 2)

At the bottom of the parking lot, time for some partner work:  Folsom 1-2-3 (Modified Dora):

Partner 1 – Performs exercise;  Partner 2 – Runs to grass island and back

Cumulative totals as follows:  100 Merkins – 200 Squats – 300 Flutter Kicks

Plenty of time left – we meandered to the closest covered picnic area for 3 sets of the following:

IC Dips X 15 – IC Step Ups X 20 (Rinse-Repeat for a total of 3 sets)

Time to mosey back to the Flag and finish off with some Mary from Dr. Seuss, Broke and Montross:

American Hammers – Freddy Mercury’s – Some type of awful scrunchies

Time is up.  Good work men.


For the FNG’s, we quickly went through the 5 tenets of F3 (well done here by the PAX)

Announcements:  50 Mile CSAUP next week; May 5 hike at Mt. Mitchell; BRR team(s); Convergence on March 30th at Folsom

Several prayer requests.

The Moleskin

The power of F3 continues to impact the men of Gaston County along with many other regions across the Nation.  Once again, I saw just how impactful you men are to others.  Great work; great encouragement.

Honored to lead this morning.

Until he next one.  See you in the gloom.  Aye!


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