Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Stroganoff (Page 7 of 15)

Make the Best of the Situation – Diablo Sammich

Solo Q.  No one showed.  I ran 6.5 miles and got in 200 squats.

It was fun.

Exercise and education.  Listened to two full podcasts during the workout.  One was this week’s F3 43′ with Dredd & Dark Helmet, the other was directly related to my professional life.  Made some notes from them afterwards.

Make the most of the time you have, regardless of what you are doing.

Until the next one.



It Was a Wolfpack Grinder

Phase II is under way so our AO’s were open for up to 25 in the gloom and we had exactly that number combined for the Gashouse Bootcamp and Painlab.

We had a quick warm up with one set of Imperial Walkers before splitting into the two groups.

The Gashouse group came with me (a few reluctantly as they were disappointed that Whoopee was not the Q) and we headed to the track at Grier Middle School for one big dose of a Wolfpack Grinder.  We would spend the entire workout on the track.

We started this way with some In-Cadence work:

15 Merkins

25 LBC’s

25 Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

15 CDD’s

25 Flutter Kicks

15 Lunges

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

60 seconds of plank

25 Freddy Mercury’s

20 Low-Slow Squats

Run 1/2 lap

Rinse-Repeat two more times

Amrap as follows until time called:




Run 1/2 lap


Flutter Kicks


Time to mosey back to the Schiele with a few minutes left for some Mary:

60 seconds of plank

Flutter kicks

Flutter crunches

Bells ringing by this time and we were done


Prayer requests

The Pledge

Good work Men.

It was great to be back out with a larger group and getting some great work in.  Lots of mumblechatter today kept the workout moving along.

Always an honor to lead.

Until the next one, see you in the gloom.



It’s been a while

There were 10 total at Gashouse:  2 rucked for a very long time, 1 did an EC run beforehand, one did a walkabout, 3 worked the Painlab and that left 3 for the bootcamp.

We started at 0700 with a short warm up of 15 Imperial Walkers because I about forgot how to call cadence as it had been a while since I Q’d a bootcamp.

We split up the group for bootcamp and Painlab.

The 3 boot campers moseyed to the steps behind First Presbyterian for some step and exercise work as follows:

30 flutter kicks – run to top of stairs – 5 merkins

Rinse-Repeat 5 times

20 Squats – run to top of stairs – 5 merkins

Rinse-Repeat 5 times

20 dying cockroaches – run to top of stairs – 5 merkins

Rinse-Repeat 5 times

20 calf raises – run to top of stairs – 5 merkins

Rinse-Repeat 5 times

Mosey to the circle drive in front of First Pres for a set of 55’s (just like 11’s but the set reps add up to 55)

50 LBC’s – run half of circle drive – 5 moroccan nightclubs – run back to start (One set)

Count down/up by 5’s until the last set is 5 LBC’s & 50 moroccan nightclubs

Mosey to Grier track for a one lap mosey

3 sets of dips at the picnic tables X 10 in cadence

Mosey back to the flag and we’re done

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Finish the COT

6 for coffeeteria

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Monday Strong

9 HIMs showed in the gloom at the Snoballs parking lot to get the week started off in a positive way……with a nice beat down on a cool Monday morning.

Quick warm up with 10 IC side straddle hops and 10 IC imperial walkers.

Let’s mosey to Martha Rivers Park to the center of the baseball fields.

The Thang

Let’s do some 3 spoke work as follows:

3 groups to run out to the end of each of three spokes of the baseball field wheel.

Group 1 – 50 Merkins

Group 2 – 50 LBC’s

Group 3 – 50 Squats

Plank for the six between each set.  One set is done after all three groups have ran all three spokes.


Mosey to the back soccer field for some four corners:

10 Merkins – 20 Squats – 30 Mountain Climbers – 40 Flutter Kicks

Repeat in reverse

Repeat set one

Mosey to the picnic shelter for some last work in the park:

IC dips X 15

IC derkins X 10

IC step ups X 20

IC dips X 10

IC derkins X 10

Time running out, time to mosey back toward the start

One quick stop at the Park entrance for 30 IC Flutter Kicks

Mosey back to Snoballs for the COT

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Circle Up

Thanks for showing up and allowing me to lead.

Good work men.

Until the next one.



22’s & 55’s

It was cool and gloomy.  SEC was done by some.

YHC completed an EC mosey about 0529.   No FNG’s; no warm up; let’s get it on.

The Thang

Mosey to the lower end of the parking lot in Martha Rivers for some 22’s.

Same as 11’s but reps add up to 22 and the reps are counted up/down by 2.

One side of parking lot – Merkins; run to other side for Squats; all OYO until all sets are done – 110 reps of each exercise

Very short rest before a round of 55’s, yes…..55’s.  Same as 11’s with the reps on each side of the parking lot adding up to 55 and reps counted up/down by 5.

One side of parking lot – Flutter kicks; run to other side for Moroccan Nightclubs; all OYO until all sets are done – 275 reps of each exercise.

Plenty of time left

Meander to the closest picnic shelter for some table/bench work:

IC work as follows:

Derkins X 15 – Step Ups X 30 – Dips X 15 – LBC’s X 30

Rinse – Repeat for another full set under the shelter

Time to mosey back to Snoballs for some quick Mary before finishing up.

Great work men.

Announcements – Prayer Requests – Closeout with Prayer

Sign up for the P200 – We have a chance for 3 full teams

As I write this….I’m sore from my own workout.  I guess that’s good.

Thanks for the push and supporting my Q.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Saturday at Gashouse

Seven total for some EC Rucking.

Not that gloomy.  A little cool.  Last day before time change.

Disclaimer as we did have an FNG.

Quick warm up that included some IC exercises as follows:

The Pledge

10 Side Straddle Hops; 10 Imperial Walkers

Time to split up.  Painlab with Hipaa.  Bootcamp with YHC.

The Thang

We moseyed up to the front parking lot at Grier for some Strognaoff 5’s:

Bear Crawl across parking lot – 10 Merkins – Lunge Back (That’s 1 set)

Rinse-Repeat 4 more times for a total of 5 sets

Mosey the long way to the steps behind 1st Presbyterian Church for some partner work:

Partner 1 run up the steps and do 5 merkins while Partner 2 performs Amrap exercises as follows:

Flutter Kicks – 2 Sets

Carolina Dry Docks – 2 Sets

Squats – 2 Sets

Merkins – 2 Sets

Mosey to the Grier track for some ab, shoulder and lap work:

25 IC Flutter Kicks – run 1/2 lap – 25 IC LBC’s – 40 IC Moroccan Night Clubs – run 1/2 lap

Rinse – Repeat

Round 2:

25 IC Freddy Mercury’s – Run 1/2 Lap – 25 IC Dying Cockroaches – 15 IC Merkins – Run 1/2 lap


Time almost up

Mosey back to the Schiele to finish up some short Mary before the church bells ring

COT – Welcome Footloose

Good work men.

Until the next one.



A Walk in the Park

Neverland.  It has been quite a while since I Q’d.  Today was as good a day as any.

I was awake early so I got in some EC running before.  It was humid.

Good crowd showed for a Monday.

Let’s get after it.

Pledge followed by a quick IC warm up with 13 Imperial Walkers followed by 10 SSH’s.

The Thang

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields at Martha Rivers Park for some work that I endured when in the Carpex Region last month:

Split into 3 groups.  3 of the paths leading away from the center are designated 1, 2 & 3.

Run down the path, do 50 reps of an exercise, run back for 5 burpees and then plank for the PAX to complete.  After 1st Round, group 1 moves to path 2, 2 to 3 and 3 to 1, etc.

Path 1 – 50 Merkins; Path 2 – 50 Flutter Kicks; Path 3 – 50 Squats

Round 2:  Path 1 – 50 CDD’s; Path 2 – 50 LBC’s; Path 3 – 50 Jump Squats

Time for some additonal reps:

OYO exercises as follows:

20 Merkins; 25 Flutter Kicks; 25 Squats; 20 CDD’s; 25 LBC’s; 25 Jump Squats

Run lap around one of the baseball fields and return

20 Merkins; 25 Flutter Kicks; 25 Squats; 20 CDD’s; 25 LBC’s; 25 Jump Squats

Run the long way back to Snoballs for some final IC Mary work:

20 Dying Cockroaches; 20 LBC’s

Time’s up

Announcements: 9/11 Memorial Climb this Saturday, 9/14; Stop Soldier Suicide – 9/21; JJ 5k – 9/28; Ragnar – Oct 5th

Several prayer requests


The Moleskin

It was great hearing about the BRR Ruck this morning and over the last few days.  I had some real FOMO as it was an event I really wanted to do.  However, thanks to F3 and what I have learned about striving to be a HIM, I was with my family over the weekend in Raleigh with all 5 of us together, which doesn’t happen much right now as I have two in College and one still at home.  That was exactly where I needed to be and it was a terrific weekend.  The concentrica has helped me stay on my path over the past few years when it comes to keeping in mind focused on what is most important.  Balancing all this time between family, community, F3, work, etc is what HIMs have to strive to do and come to understand what being Third is really about.


Until the next one.  See you in the gloom.


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