Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Stroganoff (Page 1 of 15)

Coconut Horse – Connection

6 Runners (Including Udders from Greensboro) – 1 Rucker – 1 Humidity

2 more showed for this week’s leadership discussion on the Law of Connection.  In short, leaders must learn to make connections and get to know those they are leading in order to maximize the success of their team, organization, etc.  People will follow those leaders who are able to make those connections.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Solo Gashouse Bootcamp – Did I Miss a Memo?

Several (5 I think) showed for the Painlab this morning while I was the only one for the bootcamp.  Maybe I missed a memo with so many other events going on.  However, it’s F3 so let’s get after it.

Mosey over to 1st Presbyterian Church for a solo beatdown:

1 set each of 3 exercises followed by a slow mosey twice around the circle drive in front of the sanctuary.  1st 3 exercises were Merkins, LBC’s and Squats.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Second round included Derkins, Flutter Kicks and Lunges.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.

Mosey to the back of the Church in front of the fellowship hall.  Same routine with the mosey up the steps at the PAD and back.

The exercises were Dips, Freddy Mercury’s and Calf Raises.  Rinse-Repeat 2 more times.  After completing the 3 sets, we (I) did one set of all 9 exercises in succession.

Finished off the workout with 10 – 12 minutes of running the steps at the PAD along with the hill that goes behind the PAD down to the parking lot and back up.

Mosey back to the Schiele to close out the workout.

COT led by Sledge.  See the Painlab backblast for the details.

One quick note.  If I was meeting up with some guys to run or workout before F3 and no one showed, I would have gotten back in my car and headed home.  This solo workout was not the most intense workout ever in F3, however, at age 53, it was a good, solid workout for me.  As I have said many times, I have never regretted showing up for an F3 Workout or Event (except maybe The Mortimer).

Until the next one.  Aye!


3 Months

8 for some moseying this morning at The Pub.  Due to multiple factors, this was my first post at The Pub in 3 months, the AO that is closest to my house.  Ridiculous.

7 ran.  One did something else.

Fun was had by all.


Lunch next Wednesday, the 19th at Bubba’s 33; F3 Dad’s this weekend; Lightning PT test and another annihilation workout coming soon.

Prayers for the Barnes family and others.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Back to the Gashouse

Due to illness, work schedule, family commitments, I have not Q’d in quite a while and have only Boot Camped 3 – 4 times over the past 2 1/2 months.  In order to force myself to post, I asked Short Sale for the Gashouse Bootcamp Q.  He relented.

Good crowd for the Bootcamp and PainLab.  Well done men.

No FNG’s so we got right to the warm up:

12 SSH’s IC – 12 Imperial Walkers IC – 8 Merkins IC

Time for the bootcampers to leave the painlabbers behind.

We moseyed up to the drop off zone/pull through (sorry, I’m sure there is a more official name for this) at First Presbyterian Church for some simple circuit work:

3 sets of 3 exercises followed by two slow moseys around the drop off path.

Round 1:  10 Merkins – 25 LBC’s – 20 squats – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Round 2:  10 Derkins – 30 Flutter Kicks – 10 Lunges – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

Mosey to the back of the Church outside the fellowship hall for Round 3 where the mosey included running from the covered portico up the steps to the scout building, perform 5 merkins before returning.

Round 3:  12 dips – 30 Freddy Mercurys – 10 Step Ups – Slow Mosey (Rinse Repeat 3 times)

For the finale of these exercises we repeated one set of each of the exercises for a total of 36 sets of exercises.

Still time remaining so we partnered up for some Dora 1-2-3 at the Pad.

Exercises included 50 Merkins – 100 Mountain Climbers – 150 Flutter Kicks.  Partner two ran up the steps and performed two burpees before returning to relieve his partner.  That is correct, I included a few burpees in the workout.

Time to mosey back.  We paused three times for 10 Squats and made it back right at 0800.

Well done men.

Announcements:  Extinction run next Saturday, the 18th.  If you can’t be there, please consider donating.  Lunch coming up this week at Ray’s Smokehouse.  Multiple prayer requests.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Listeria @ The Pub

Sargento showed describing to us his recent GI Tract opportunities.  Defib asked him if he had Listeria.  The irony was not lost on anyone in attendance.

We then ran the “Sargento” route.  Perfect running weather.

All returned safely.


Announcements.  Prayers.

Great way to start the day.

Until the next one.  Aye!


The Last Pre-Mortimer Halfpipe

3 braved the hills of the Halfpipe this morning for the last training run there before The Mortimer.  All three present are HRB veterans.  Much was discussed during the run, mostly our excitement for the upcoming “flat” relay this weekend.

No dogs or sasquatch sited on the route.

It was fun.

Lots coming up in March and April in F3 Gastonia.

Several prayer requests.

Until the next one.  Aye.


Was the Q Lollygagging?

Good crowd showed for the Coconut Horse this morning.  Some ran.  Some rucked.  One extra showed for Q Source.  It was colder than expected.

The Q (YHC) is nursing a lower back issue so I ran a slightly different, flatter and shorter route at a slower pace than the PAX.  I was then accused of Lollygagging (rightfully so relatively speaking).  We all survived and got better for it.

We are in the midst of a “Q-Choice” for topics during Q Source for the next couple of months.  Today, we discussed a book and concept on A Complaint Free World.  It was a great discussion about how often we complain (I’m at the front of the list) and the reasons why.  I was shocked when I really started paying attention to how often I complain and negatively impact those around me.  I would encourage you to do the same.  I am on a journey to make it 21 straight days without complaining.  I am not there yet. I have started the day count over multiple times.  I will continue to work on it.

The two reference books are A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen and The No Complaining Rule by Jon Gordon.

It was an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Sinus Drainage at The Labryinth

Damp.  A few HIMs showed for the last Labryinth workout of 2023.  This weather is wreaking havoc on my sinuses.  Drainage is occurring.

Udders from Greensboro showed for the beatdown.

No FNG’s so we skipped the disclaimer, recited the pledge and got on with it.

Quick warm up with 12 – SSH’s and 12 – Imperial Walkers

Mosey to the Park to get to work.

First up was a simple “reps at the islands”:  Start at the upper end of the parking lot and mosey toward the lower end stopping at each island for 5 Merkins.

Next up was a “Lazy Man’s 10’s” (just made this name up on the fly):  10 Squats on one side of the parking lot – Mosey to the opposite side – 10 LBC’s – Repeat 9 more times.

“Reps at the light poles” – reverse of the first exercise with 5 CDD’s at every light pole heading back to the upper end of the parking lot.

Another round of “Lazy Man’s 10’s”:  Lunge to the light pole in the center of the parking lot – mosey to the other side – 15 Flutter Kicks – Mosey back and repeat 9 more times.

Quick set of each exercise we just completed:  5 Merkins – 10 Squats – 10 LBC’s – 5 CDD’s – Lunge to the light pole – 15 Flutter Kicks

Mosey to entrance of Martha Rivers – 10 Merkins

Mosey back to start for two sets of Mary – Oblique Crunches & Dying Cockroaches

Announcements:  New Year’s Day Convergence at Martha Rivers; EC Running & Rucking Options at 0600 (meet at Pelicans) followed by convergence.  Bring a block if you have one.  Beer Mile this Saturday at Sargento’s.

Prayer Requests:  Southminster family – The Mason’s – just suffered a death; others at the  Church.

Happy Holidays and as always, it’s an honor to lead.

Until the next one.  Aye!


Another Cliche Christmas Workout at Gashouse – But At Least it Included Gifts

Another 12 Days of Christmas Workout

I have asked to Q the last Saturday at Gashouse for the past 6 – 7 years.  At the end of each workout, I give out a book (or two) that has made an impact on me.  More on that later.

Decent crowd for Gashouse and Painlab.  Welcome back Kotter Stagecoach to the Painlab.

Quick disclaimer and pledge before the warm up.

Quick warm up with 12 SSH’s and 12 Imperial Walkers.

Bootcampers headed over to the back parking lot of First Presbyterian Church for a repeat 12 Days of Christmas from the 2016 version.

The 12 days were brought to us today by Defib, JJ, Roscoe, Short Sale, myself, Clark Griswold, Ralphie Parker, Rudolph, and others.

Here are how the days went:

  1. Lap around the lower and upper parking lot
  2. 10 Bobby Hurleys
  3. 10 Merkins
  4. 20 LBC’s
  5. 5 Burpees
  6. 30 Flutter Kicks
  7. 20 Squats
  8. 20 CDD’s
  9. 20 Hillbillies
  10. 20 Mountain Climbers
  11. 20 SSH’s
  12. 50 Morrocan Nightclubs

If you are not familiar with this workout, it is simply a stacked workout starting with the First Day and adding each subsequent exercise just like the classic Christmas song goes.  Needless to say, the last sets can become difficult for this old guy.

We still had a few moments so we added a few called exercises from the PAX:

American Hammers – Hand Release Merkins – some plank work from Roscoe

Mosey back to the Schiele just as the bells rang from First Pres.


New Year’s Day convergence at Martha Rivers-7:00 am-EC running and rucking options at 0600.  Beer Mile next Saturday.  AO’s closed for Christmas Day

Prayers:  Sledge – Turtleman – Family Members of several PAX – Others this time of year who have recently lost loved ones.

I brought two books to give out this year due to one of them being a book we had studied at Coconut Horse so I wanted that crowd to have another option.  The Wisdom of the Bullfrog by Admiral William McRaven and As We Think, So We Become by Mark Matteson were the two primary books I included today.  I still have a few copies of each in the back of my vehicle so if anyone would like a copy, please remind me next time you see me.

Always an honor to lead a workout.  F3 Gastonia is winding down another successful year of making an impact.  Continue to EH others and tell the story of F3.

Merry Christmas men!

Until the next one.  Aye!


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