Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 14 of 14)

Guy walks into a doctors office

completely naked but wrapper in cellophane. The doctor says to him, “Clearly I can see your you’re nuts.”

And then a
Squats: 10 in cadence
Peter Parker: 10 in cadence
Merkin: 10 in cadence
LBC: 10 in cadence


Run a lap around the parking lot.

The train says, “5 Burpies!


Background joke on repeat as we roll through the Thang: Guy walks into a doctors office completely naked but wrapper in cellophane. The doctor says to him, “Clearly I can see your you’re nuts.”
All credit to Brown Streak for sticking this lovely jingle in everyone’s head.

12 exercise stations
4 full size cinder blocks

  • Dips
  • Curls
  • Squat
  • Shoulder Press

4 half cinder blocks

  • Cinder steps
  • Merkins
  • Lunge
  • Tricep Extensions

Pair of bricks

  • Speedbag
  • American Hammer
  • Dying Cockroach
  • Moroccan Nightclubs

Here’s what we do with them:
1. 1 minute exercise at a station. (As many reps as possible)
2.– 20 Seconds of recovery.
3. – Move one station to the right.
4. – Repeat.

We completed 2 full rounds (each PAX completed 12 exercises per round)
2 additional rounds hitting 1 exercise from each section (1 cinder block exercise, 1 half block exercise, 1 brick exercise)

After 4 exercises, (completing a section, ie bricks) run a lap around the parking lot.

3 minutes of stretching mixed in throughout The Thang.



Two men were sitting next to each other at a bar. After a while, one guy looks at the other and says, “I can’t help but think, from listening to you, that you’re from Ireland.”

The other guy responds proudly, “Yes, that I am!”

The first guy says, “So am I! And where abouts from Ireland might you be?”

The other guy answers, “I’m from Dublin, I am.”

The first guy responds, “Sure and begora, and so am I! And what street did you live on in Dublin?”

The other guy says, “A lovely little area it was, I lived on McCleary Street in the old central part of town.”

The first guy says, “Faith & it’s a small world, so did I! And to what school would you have been going?”

The other guy answers, “Well now, I went to St. Mary’s of course.”

The first guy gets really excited, and says, “And so did I. Tell me, what year did you graduate?”

The other guy answers, “Well, now, I graduated in 1964.”

The first guy exclaims, “The Good Lord must be smiling down upon us! I can hardly believe our good luck at winding up in the same bar tonight. Can you believe it, I graduated from St. Mary’s in 1964 my own self.”

About this time, another guy walks into the bar, sits down, and orders a beer. The bartender walks over shaking his head & mutters, “It’s going to be a long night tonight.”

The guy asks, “Why do you say that?”

“The Murphy twins are drunk again.”

Stop Talking

I keep hearing the same sentiment over and over again.  Spiderman, less talking.  Not in general, just out of you.

It’s either my deep philosophical remarks or 1980’s Sesame Street jokes.  I got the hint.  No mumble chatter, just muscles breaking down and stronger PAX emerging.

This one is dedicated to Rosco, who stayed the course, even when life is playing a prank on you! Thankfully nobody was is in distress.

Warm up:
Side Straddle Hops: 20
Squats: 10 in cadence
PeterParker: 10 in cadence
LBCs: 10 in cadence
PlankJacks: 10 in cadence
Merkins: 10 in cadence
Flutterkicks: 20 in cadence
Lap around parking lot


The Thang

4 Corners
Lunge straightaway
10 squats at the corner
Repeat 4 times

Deep Sea Divers (Hip Slappers on steps)
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence –  then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence

Lap around parking lot

4 Corners
Bear Crawl straightaway
5 burpies at the corner
Repeat 4 times

Moroccan Nightclubs: 20 in cadence
Don Quixote: 10 in cadence

Lap around parking lot

4 Corners
Bear Crawl straightaway
5 burpies at the corner
Repeat 4 times

4 Corners
High Knees straightaway
10 LBCs at the corner
Repeat 4 times

4 Corners
Butt Kickers straightaway
15 Merkins at the corner
Repeat 4 times

2 Laps around parking lot

Deep Sea Divers (Hip Slappers on steps)
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence – then feet up one step
5 in cadence –  then move feet down one step
5 in cadence – then move feet down one step
5 in cadence

15 Freddy Mercuries
20 flutterkicks

2 furious minutes of Mary
WW1 Sit ups
Homer Marge

Prayers – Stroganoff and his family.

We prayed for God to use us in big ways.  Take our blinders off, recognize opportunities to serve in big ways,(kind words have tremendous ripple effects,  physical actions do to).   Serve big in God’s name.


The Goats Gruff

Spiderman’s squeaky voice bellowed the instructions early Thursday morning as the PAX Omaha’d the planned bridge work. Moving less than 2 feet over to the sidewalk we continued as planned. Next time, we jump the gate.

Warm up
Merkins: 10 in cadence
LBCs: 10 in cadence
Merkins: 10 in cadence
Squats: 10 in cadence
Flutterkicks: 20 in cadence
PlankJacks: 10 in cadence


GRAB THE BRICKS – From the Mini

The Thang

1 Lap around the AO

Partner Up
PAX 1 – Bear crawl to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 2 – Bobby Hurley’s
PAX 2 – Bear crawl to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 1 – Bobby Hurley’s
Repeat 2x

1 Lap around the AO

PAX 1 – Lunge to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 2 – Brick Curls
PAX 2 – Lunge to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 1 – Brick Curls
Repeat 2x

1 Lap around the AO

PAX 1 – Lunge to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 2 – Merkins
PAX 2 – Lunge to designated tree, mosey back
PAX 1 – Merkins

1 Lap around the AO

Dips: 20 in cadence
PullUps: 10 OYO
Dips: 20 in cadence
PullUps: 8 OYO
Dips: 15 in cadence
PullUps: 5 OYO

20 Flutterkicks
22 Merkins

Prayer Requests: T-Square and his family and to open our eyes to the blessings we don’t see, and to spread God’s love and strength.

Museum of Masonry

Off we went to the Museum of Masonry. Gazing at each work of art for a minute then moving to the next, not quite sure what we’re supposed to glean from the experience, but more than willing to try at the next.

This is how Friday went down, in the covered rain.


15 Seal Jacks
10 Merkins
10 LBCs
10 Squats
8 Don Quixotes
1 lap around the parking lot


The Thang

12 exercise stations
-4 using cynder blocks
-4 using half cynder blocks
-4 using bricks

50 seconds on, 10 seconds recover
Cinder Blocks
shoulder press

Half Cinder Blocks
cinder steps
tricep extensions

Morrocan Night Club
Bent rows
Speed Bags
Dying Cockroaches

Run a lap.

Repeat The Museum of Masonry

2 minutes of Mary


Bricks and Shoulders

With a conscious effort on saving legs for the community run on Saturday, it was decided early on to focus on bricks…..and shoulders.

Warm up:

Side Straddle Hops: 20
Squats: 10 in cadence
PlankJacks: 10 in cadence
PeterParker: 10 in cadence
LBCs: 10 in cadence
Flutterkicks: 20 in cadence
Merkins: 10 in cadence



Mosey to parking lot – grab bricks
Take a lap.

4 Corners
squat/shoulder press – 10
Lunge to corner

4 Corners
Dying cockroach – 10
Bear crawl to corner

Take a lap – bricks above the head.

Brick Curls: 40 single count

Speed Bag w/bricks
speed bag forward 10 seconds
speed bag reverse 10 seconds
speed bag forward 10 seconds
speed bag reverse 10 seconds

Hip Slappers
Starting on the 2nd step: 10 in cadence
Move feet up one step: 10 in cadence
Move feet up one step: 10 in cadence
Move feet down one step: 5 in cadence
Move feet down one step: 5 in cadence

Merkins: 10 in cadence
Werkins: 10 in cadence

Floyd Mayweather: 10 in cadence

Wall Sits: With shoulder press
Wall Sits: With shoulder extensions

Speed Bag w/bricks
speed bag forward 10 seconds
speed bag reverse 10 seconds
speed bag forward 10 seconds
speed bag reverse 10 seconds

Flutterkicks: 20 in cadence
Freddy Mercury: 15 in cadence
Plank Jacks: 10 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks: 10 in cadence
Russian Twist: 15 in cadence

Squats: touch the ground, grab the sky – 10 in cadence
Something from Feelgood – 10 in cadence probably


Great effort by all in this mixture of bricks and body weight workout!

Rock -n- Roll Express

The similarities between Marthas Blast(Co-Q’d by E4 and Spiderman) and the 80’s tag team sensation Rock -n- Roll Express is striking. Those who are familiar with both will agree. E4/Robert Gibson and Spiderman/Ricky Morton combined their exceptional ringsmanship to effectively lay the smack down on the 9 heels who braved the challenge.

Right away E4 let it be known, running was not an option. Bear crawls and burpees in tandem heated up the action with an intensity so strong, Bandit may have unexpected visitors on his doorstep.(had to be there)

After the first bell and sensing a shift of momentum, Spiderman began throwing foreign objects into the ring. Bricks everywhere! Luckily no fans were injured, just rotator cuffs.

5 more minutes of pre-planned maneuvers and taunting ensued. Suddenly out of the abyss of sweat and grunt, RnRE landed their patented finishing move, the wall sit shoulder press brick extension. The final bell sounded.

Rumors of high fives spread.

20 Side Straddle Hops
10 Merkins
10 LBCs

The Thang
Mosey To the Marthas

Pair up
1 Pax hits LBCs for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits Flutterkicks for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits Freddie Mercurys for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

1 Pax hits WW1 sit ups for the duration
2nd Pax Bearcrawl to the light, hit 10 Burpees

To the Snow Balls, pop the trunk, grab the bricks < That’s right baby!

20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/out brick
10 Merkins
20 Bent rows w/ brick
20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/out brick

Pair Up
1 Pax runs around snow balls – brick included
partner does squats w/ shoulder press – brick included
200 aggregate

20 brick curls
20 Morrocan Night Clubs w/ brick
10 Merkins
20 Bent rows w/ brick
10 Peter Parker

20 Wall Sits shoulder press w/ brick
20 Wall Sits shoulder externsions w/ brick


It’s an important week in the 3rd F of F3.  I can’t say it better than it has already been written, though I am constantly humbled in knowing that my/our endless calamities have been forgiven, all out of love.

Brick No Hit Back – Chong Li

I’m calling it the, Brick No Hit Back.  Remember the classic 80’s action thriller starring Jean-Claude Van Damme as the incomparable Frank Dux, who fights for his pride, legacy, and charming big-haired lady friend, in an international no holds barred martial arts tournament? Good, were on the same page. So, the part where Frank hit’s the top of a stack of 4 bricks and only the bottom one explodes…….and Chong Li, the Asian Hercules slowly nods his head in approval (or so we thought) then says,  BRICK NO HIT BACK!!!!!!!!  This is the equivalent workout to that scene.

Warm up:
20 – Side Straddle Hops
20 – Squats
10 – Don Quixote
10 – LBCs
10 – Merkins

The Thang
To the Sweating Lot: (Grab the bricks, GRAB THE BRICKS)
Pair Up:
4 Corners (light poles}
1 Pax Runs,WITH THE BRICKS, while the other crushes the exercise. Cumulative numbers.
100 – Merkins
150 – Squat Press – squat with shoulder press holding bricks
200 – Flutter Kicks

Floyd Mayweather – Plank Punch, front, side back – switch arms and repeat (holding the brick)

4 Corners (light poles}
1 Pax Runs,WITH THE BRICKS, while the other crushes the exercise. Cumulative numbers.
40 – Burpies w/ Brick
100 – Lunges
150 – LBCs

11:  Merkin – run – Russian Twist

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