Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 11 of 14)

A Woodpecker

The question was, how do you get a tree pregnant?

What did Mrs. Clause say to Mr. Clause after looking at the weather forecast?   Rain dear (reindeer)

Ok, 25 degrees and a brilliant start to the morning.


5 Burpies to the train.

50 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs, 20 Mountain Climbers, 10 Imperial Walkers


Mosey to the the wall:
Wall sits
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs + Marching
Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

Mosey to the parking deck:
40 Merkins, 40 Squats, 40 LBCs, 40 Flutterkicks
Mosey up one deck
30 Merkins, 30 Squats, 30 LBCs, 30 Flutterkicks
Mosey up one deck
20 Merkins, 20 Squats, 20 LBCs, 20 Flutterkicks
Mosey to the bottom

Mosey to the parking deck:
40 Mountain Climbers, 40 Freddie Mercury’s, 40 Monkey Humpers, 40 LBCs
Mosey up one deck
30 Mountain Climbers, 30 Freddie Mercury’s, 30 Monkey Humpers, 30 LBCs
Mosey up one deck
20 Mountain Climbers, 20 Freddie Mercury’s, 20 Monkey Humpers, 20 LBCs
Mosey to the bottom

Mosey to the parking deck:
40 Sumo Squats, 40 American Hammers, 40 Plank Jacks, 40 Dying Cockroaches
Mosey up one deck
30 Sumo Squats, 30 American Hammers, 30 Plank Jacks, 30 Dying Cockroaches

Mosey back to pavillion
20 Sumo Squats, 20 American Hammers, 20 Plank Jacks,  1 minute of Dying Cockroaches

“Two shoemakers got married because they were sole mates.”

“What did the sock puppet say to the sock? Looks like you could use a hand.”


45 minutes fulled with 2 hours of hate

The minutes oozed like slime from a child’s Christmas toy that’s sure to make the parents most hated list. The minutes overlapped into repeated Plank Jacks and Mountain Climbers. It was Groundhog day in December.

Due to Stone Cold’s Wednesdays beat down, merkins, derkins, bear crawls, and most anything dealing with pectorals and upper body were to remain at a minimum.

50 or 93 Side Straddle Hops IU can’t recall as the PAX pissed all over the cadence, 40 LBCs, 30 Squats, 20 Peter Parkers , 10 Merkins


5 burpies

Mosey to the the wall:
Wall sits
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs + Marching
Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

Mosey to Wells of the Fargo
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs, 10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs, 10 Lunges, 10 Monkey Humpers

Mosey to the parking deck for some dry concrete and awful jokes:
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks – Stroganoff’s new fav
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks – actually this is Stroganoff’s new fav

Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Gorilla Humpers 15 IC
Dekins 10 IC
Dips 15 IC

30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks

Mosey to the back pavillion with 13 minutes remaining.

Dying Cockroaches 20 IC,
Flutterkicks 20 IC
5 Burpies
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks
10 Sumo Squats, 20 Goofballs,
Dying Cockroaches 20 IC,
Flutterkicks 20 IC
30sec Mountain Climbers, 30sec PlankJacks

MARY: V’s, LBCs, Flutterkicks and Flutterkicks

Announcements: I hearby announce that I will dramatically step up the pain on Friday’s. If you want to not experience that on a frequent basis, please step up and lead a workout.

COT: Strganoff’s friend had a daughter pass away, Slaw has a co-worker in critical condition, Californian’s dealing with the wildfires, our military and their families.

No Turkey Tonight in My Tea

No turkey for me.  This blast was written before the actual beat down, yet I post it 11 days after. I shall commence to 14 Merkins, 3 Burpies and 2 Squats as repercussion.


Planjacks 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC, Dying Cockroaches 10 IC,
Flutterkicks 10 IC, Squats 10 IC REPEAT x 2
5 burpies

Bear Crawl straights, 10 Dying Cockroaches on Corners

Mosey to the other parking lot and begin:

Pair up:
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs

Other Pax runs a lap, hits 2 burpies
at the halfway then – Switch

Mosey down 321 2 Blocks
Dips 15 IC
Derkins 10 IC
Dips 15 IC
Derkins 10 IC

Mosey 25 yards to the BBNT Hill:
10 squats run up the hill, 10 merkins
Repeat x 2

Mosey 25 yards to McQuitter wall:
Dips 15 IC
Monkey Humpers 15 IC
Dekins 10 IC
Dips 15 IC
Gorilla Humpers
Step Ups

Cross the street and head up South St.
10 Lunges then 10 monkey Humpers repeat until halfway up the block, or 3 minutes worth.
Don Quixote 5 IC

Mosey to the pavillion.
Calf Raises 15 IC
Deep Sea Divers 3 steps, 5 hip slappers IC
10 LBCs IC
22 Merkins

Q: Who cares if you pee in the shower?
A: The bride and all her guests, apparently.


Announcements: Speed for Need Nov 25, Christmas Party Dec 1, Kings Mnt Hike.

COT: Pizza man & family with loss of grandpa, Brownstreak & family.

No Hops of Staddling Sides

I do not know the origin, nor am I too interested, but I dare say the Side Staddle Hop is one of the most popular, if not most frequent starter exercise among the F3 legions. Many strikes of the 5:30 am haveth groups of men giggling and straddling in counts of cadence.  Websters currently defines a side staddle hop as; Side: a place, space, or direction with respect to a center or to a line of division,  Straddle: to stand, sit, or walk with the legs wide apart; to spread out irregularly,  Hops:to move by a quick springy leap or in a series of leaps.  Uban dictionary describes the side staddle hop as: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯   – It’s up for grabs if anyone wants to submit a definition. The point is, we didn’t do any, and it was still a pretty good time.

Pater Parkers 10 IC, Peter Parker Peter 10 IC, Freddie Mercurys 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC.  5 burpies.


5 Burpies
Take a lap around the parking lot.
5 Burpies
Take a lap around the other parking lot.
5 Burpies

Mosey to the brick wall.

Wall sits
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs
Wall sits + Moroccan Night Clubs + Marching
Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

Mosey to the parking deck, down to 1st level.

Sprint straight aways,  backwards jog up the ramp.

Repeat to the top.

Merkins 5 IC
Derkins 5 IC
Merkins 5 IC
Derkins 5 IC


Partner Up:
1 PAX hits the mountain climbers, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH


1 PAX hits the plankjacks, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH


Merkins 10
Derkins 5
Merkins 5
Derkins 5

1 PAX hits the mountain climbers, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH

1 PAX hits the plankjacks, the other runs to the other side of the parkign deck and back.  SWITCH

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  50 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  40 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  30 FlutterKicks
Sprint to next ramp.

Backwards bear crawl down ramp.  40 FlutterKicks

Mosey to the metal Christmas Tree

Dips 10 IC
Squats 10 IC
Dips 15 IC
Squats 15 IC
Dips 10 IC
Squats 10 IC

To the Pavillion!

Freddie Mercurys 10 IC
LBCs 10 IC
Box Cutters 10 IC
American Hammers 10 IC
Squats 10 IC
Flutterkicks 20 IC

Ring of Fire – Merkins.  5 per PAX around the circle, then back.

COT: Monks collegue’s son has cancer returned, Stroganoff’s friends daughters cancer

Not a single side staddle hop was harmed in the making of this workout.

Mosey Down to the Concrete Hill

45 degrees.  45 minutes of blissful beat down. 45 Merkins. 45 Burpies. 45 bad jokes.  45 tears of agony.

Let’s begin.

Planjacks 10 IC, Merkins 10 IC, Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Flutterkicks 10 IC, Squats 10 IC REPEAT x 2



Mosey down to the concrete hill.

The PAX powered though 1 set per mailbox, in this order >
10 mountain climbers (go to next mailbox)
10 merkins (go to next mailbox)
10 squats (go to next mailbox)
5 burpies (go to next mailbox)

Mosey to another culdesac:
10 LBCs, 10 Dying Cockroaches, 10 Merkins REPEAT x 2

Mosey to Harris Teeter Parking lot, the long way.

Burpie Broad Jumps for 12 parking lines.
American Hammers 10 IC
Lunge walk to each line, at the line 5 Monkey Humpers.

Turn Around

Burpie Broad Jumps every other line hit the Burpie.
American Hammers 10 IC
Lunge walk to every other line, at the line 5 Monkey Humpers.

Mosey to Snow Balls

LBC’s 10 IC, 10 Dying Cockroaches 10 IC, Flutterkicks 10 IC, American Hammers 10 IC REPEAT.

Announcement & COT

Q: What’s Forrest Gump’s password?
A: 1forrest1

Q: Why did the girl wear glasses in math class?
A: It improves di-vision.

Q: How can you get high underwater?
A: Sea weed

A Little Bit of Brick Goes a Long Way

That’s not what she said!   Ha, beat you to it.

This was a pretty good one fellas.  I was draggin midway through the partner section, but being in a group helped me pull through. No doubt I would’ve simply stopped and said I’ll do this tomorrow if it hadn’t been for all the young bucks sharpening the iron.

Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 15 IC
Merkins 10 IC + Planjacks 10 IC
Dying Cockroaches 20 IC, FLutterkicks 30 IC
Mountain Climbers 10 IC, Peter Parkers 10 IC



5 burpies

Bear Crawl straights, 10 Dying Cockroaches on Corners

Mosey around the parking lot TWICE.  The second turn we grabbed the bricks.
(T-Square, I can’t wait to get a truck.)

Mosey to the other parking lot and begin:

Pair up:
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs

Other Pax runs a lap, hits 2 burpies
at the halfway then – Switch

Mosey down 321 2 Blocks
Dips 10 IC

Using the BBNT Hill:
with bricks, run up the hill, 5 squat shoulder presses
run back down 10 LBCs
Repeat x 3

Headed over to South St.
Zombie Walk with brick shoulder press after squat
3 minutes
30 Dying Cockroaches
3 more minutes of the zombie walk with brick shoulder presses

Head back the the pavillion for 5 Merkins.

COT: Easy Rider and Bandits M’s,  Gastone friend who passed away last Friday,  all those in desperate situations due to hurricanes.


Supplements Really Work

I’m not talking about the pill or powder form, I’m talking about supplementing couch time for burpie time.  Kind of like this morning. I’m pretty sure every PAX that showed, had their fill of burpies for the day, supplementing them for big fat sugary delicious doughnuts and warm coffee in bed.  We did some working out like this here below.


Slaughter Starter – 20 Burpies
50 Side Straddle Hops
Merkins 10 IC hold it…… Plankjacks 10 IC hold it…… Mountain Climbers 10 IC
Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 20 IC, Bobby Hurleys 30 IC
Dying Cockroaches 30 IC,   Flutterkicks 30 IC

Let’s Mosey

Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC
Wall Sits…March…..add some speedbags……..continue for 1 minute.
Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC

Let’s Mosey

Pair up:
100 Merkins
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs
Other Pax runs hits 2 burpies – Switch

5 train burpies

Let’s Mosey

Don Quixote cut short via viscous monkey humpers from Woopie and Rosco.   Don’t leat your monkeys around those two.

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies

Let’s Mosey

5 burpies


Announcement, COT


Q: Why do milking stools only have 3 legs?

A; The cow has the utter.

Side Merkin Squat Crawl Raises

That’s just about everything we did, minus a little mosey and calf raises. We had to Omaha the entire workout to accommodate the PAX hitting the burpee-thon the next day.  I had to save all the burpees for the next Friday workout.

I’m a little hazy from the week gone by so with the best of my ability this is just about in the proximity of what maybe we did.

WARM UP:  Side Staddle Hops, Merkins + Planjacks, Squats, Dying Cockroaches, Flutterkicks


Mosey a few blocks around to the Wells Fargo.

Monkey Humpers,  Dips,  Deep Sea Divers,  LBCs

Cross the street and head south.

Find a corner and hit some Merkins,  Squats and  Flutterkicks,  Plankjacks.

Mosey a little more to PCCS steps.

Dips 10 IC , Calf Raises 20 IC   x 3

Mosey up the road to grab a few more merkins, lbcs, a 5 count of burpies,

There’s a few things I left off as my 42 year old body doesn’t want to remember.

This Friday will be a doozy, I promise you that.


COT: Gastone, mother in law, Easy Rider family members, Florida,




A Pax of Muscle Ts

We had 3 brave warriors sporting the  Muscle T during this crispy 55 degree Friday morning.   I almost started of with a crop top, but cold feet and a bit of humility kept my in the good graces of Gastonia’s finest.

Let get to this already >

20 IC – Side Staddle Hops,  10 IC – Merkins hold position, 10 IC – Planjacks, 10 IC – Squats,  20 IC – Dying Cockroaches,  30 IC – Flutterkicks

Mosey to the trunk for the bricks.
Lawn Chair Warrior:  Wall Sits,  20 IC Shoulder Press (screaming at ref), 30 count Speed Bags forward, 30 count Speed Bags reverse

Mosey to the parking deck

Wild Party: Keg stand (Hip Slappers) & Six Pack ( 1 pull up, 5 merkins then 2 pull ups 4 merkins…..similar to 11’s)
Rinse and repeat add some Dips 15 IC at the end.

Bear crawl up the ramps, sprint the flats all the way to the top.

10 IC – Squats, 10 IC – Sleeping Hillbillies(each side), 10 IC – Low Slow Squats

The Incarceration: 20 IC – Box Cutters,  10 IC – Mike Tysons,  15 IC – SLOW Box Cutters, 10 IC – Mike Tysons,

5 burpies for the train

Mosey to the bottom level and grab the bricks.

Mosey to the Wells Fargo steps for, 15 IC – dips, 15 IC – monkey humpers and 5 Steps deep sea divers.

To the pavillion: Partner up.  Lunge to the end of the stage and back, other partner hits Mountain Climbers, switch.
rinse and repeat x 2

10 IC – LBC’s
10 IC – flutterkicks




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