Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Spiderman_Gashouse (Page 10 of 14)

Getting Ready for Huckleberry

Side Staddle Hops, exercise!   Once the warm-up began, I raced to the car and grabbed the first winkie I could find, a technique Gastone willing teaches anyone naive enough to accept.

Boom, back with some squats, in the cadence form and we have a Q.  21 strong, weather perfect, energy up and a crop dusting a plenty.

Not sure what’s changed in the water, but the last 3 weeks we’ve had over 20 strong each Friday.  That’s a great trend to make into the norm.

Here we go!

Warm UP
Side Straddle Hops 50
Squats – 15 IC
LBC’s – 20 IC
Mountain Climbers – 15 IC
Plank Jacks – 15 IC


Mosey the long way to FUMC big parking lot.
Partner Up(which wasn’t necessary in hind site)
11’s with Wolverine Burpies and mountain climbers at one end, and Imperial Squats at the other.

Midway through – OMAHA!!!!!

5 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 5 Imperial Squats, run back
4 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 4 Imperial Squats, run back
3 Wolverine Burpies here, run to the other end of the parking lot, 3 Imperial Squats, run back and so on.

Mosey 43 feet to the small parking lot, Partner UP.
LBS’s in the cumulative to 200,  Dutch Skate to the wall, run back and switch.

Dirty Hook Ups, 15 IC

Mosey towards the Pavillion, stopping short for some wall sits.
March, 20 IC, Shoulder Presses 10 IC
March, 20 IC, Shoulder Presses 10 IC

Jailbreak to the Pavillion!

Mountain Climber Merkins – 10 IC

4 Minutes of MARY AB Work





Add you name to the comments(as my mobile device was absent) and I’ll add it to the post.

Remember the Twenties

I can’t remember ever having 22 on a Friday morning, but damn if it wasn’t cool.  Lot’s of mumblechatter, too much flatulence, plenty of sweat.  No much to say except, here you go;


WARM UP: 50 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs,
20 Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker Peter 10, 10 Imperial Walkers, 15 Squats IC

Bear Crawl Inch Worm around the pavilion
PAX lines up head to feet in plank position.
The man in the back of the line bear crawls to
front of the line and yells front and next.

Rocky Balboa 20 IC,  Deep Sea Divers 4 steps

Meander to parking lot – partner up:
Imperial Squat Walker 100
Parker Peter Merkin 100
Crunchy Frog 100
Mountain Goats 10 IC:
Partner runs there, then back & switch!

Dirty Hookup 10 IC : Performed as 4 count exercise.
Pax plank up, facing a wall with eyes on wall.
“1” Right hand raised to press against the wall,
“2” Left hand raised to the wall (now in horizontal plank),
“3” Right hand down to ground, “4” Left hand down
(back to plank position)

Mosey to Pavilion
The Wolverine Burpee 10 OYO:
From standing position, drop to plank, one merkin,
left knee tuck to the chest, another merkin,
right knee tuck to the chest, yet another merkin,
stand, jump, overhead clap. That’s one. Rinse. Repeat.

Captain Thor 10/40: 1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers.

Merkin Mania-Routine:
5 Diamond Merkins, 5 Merkins, 5 Wide Arm Merkins,

Squats 10 IC , Lunges in a circle, Flutterkicks 25 IC,  Dying Cockroaches 10 IC,


Announcements: There are things going on, didn’t record.
COT:  Pray, pray, pray

Recycled bits make new wholes

Recycled bits of back blasts can make stellar new routines.   This isn’t a stellar one, if we’re being honest.  Know what I’m saying….

It was good, in the B range.  Either way, this is about 6 days past post date, so none remembers what happened anyway.  All that matters is that it made a positive impact on your day and those around you.  Live it!



Side Straddle Hops 15 in cadence
Squats 15 in cadence
LBCs 15 in cadence
Merkins 15 in cadence
Flutterkicks 15 in cadence
Freddi Mercury 15 in cadence
Box Cutters 15 in cadence
Plan Jacks 15 in cadence
Mountain Climbers 15 in cadence
Carolina Dry Docks 10 in cadence
Bobby Hurleys 10 in cadence
Contra Burpies 5

Mosey to the a wall:
Wall sits, Wall sits + Don Quixote, Wall sits + Don Quixote + Marching, Wall sits + Shoulder Presses + Marching

5 Burpies

Mosey to Wells Fargo Steps
Monkey Humpers

5 Burpies

FUMC Parking Lot
1 Partner runs to Franklin then back, Other Partner Merkins until their return. x 2
1 Partner runs to Franklin then back, Other Partner LBCs until their return. x 2
1 Partner runs to Franklin then back, Other Partner American Hammers until their return. x 2

Mosey to the back pavilion.

Deep Sea Divers
Flutterkicks 20 IC
5 Burpies
Dying Cockroaches 20 IC,

3 3 4

3  different exercises, 3 different sets, 4 PAX.   Doesn’t get much meaner than that.

Merkins, Split Merkins, Werkins.

Squats, Lunges, Monkey Humpers.

LBCs, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers.

X 10 rounds.

A little bit of stair running and deep sea divers to warm up.

Other than the fluctuation in the cadence, and occasional wind breaker, this was a smooth wake up call for some muscle growth and cardio building.  Mumble chatter was at an all time high. Sorry for all youz that missed out.

3 minutes of Mary ended this madness.


COT: Prayers for Scott Meeks and family, Linda Arnett, T-Square’s grandparent, Officers family who’s sister died in an auto accident last week.

Elite Eight

Minus 2, makes it the magical 6.

What may seemingly have lacked in numbers, definitely did not lack in effort, brawn, determination, and fortitude. We scoured downtown to find a suitable location, person, place or thing to challenge the fire that burned in each one of us.  We tried with a mighty zest to find a formidable foe, but conquer them all, we did.

WARM UP – Didn’t need one.

THANG – Destroyed, but remember with fondness as recounted below.

Side Straddle Hops – IC x 15
Imperial Walkers – IC x 10
Merkins – IC x 10
LBCs – IC x 15
Flutterkicks – IC x 15
Squats – IC x 10

The big adventure continues with a mosey several blocks south, down to the empty parking lot with 2 steeply sloped entrances. We slayed them.

Partner up.
200 Merkins (50 max at a time) – Other partner bear crawls up one entrance, runs to the other, bear crawls down. TAG – 2 rounds

Partner up.
200 Squats (50 max at a time) – Other partner crab walks up one entrance, runs to the other, bear crawls down. TAG – 2 rounds

We did something else, it was fun, not fun enough to remember an write about it.

MOSEY – to the street.

10 Merkins on the right side of the road, run to the other side and hit 10 squats. – Repeat x 4 rounds.

Next block, the great Lunge Walk, Monkey Humper stroll.  10 Lungers per leg, 10 Monkey Humper – and repeat until we make it to the traffic light.

Imperial Squats – 10

Dips – 15 IC

Mosey to the Pavillion for 4 minutes of MARY.


The Web of PAIN

An expertly delivered combination of burpies, sprints, missed cadence and ball busters accompanied groans and smashed goals.  Once in awhile, even with the cutting jokes and wit, a beat down is worth repeating.  If you missed this one, it’ll be back in April.

Merkins 10 IC + Planjacks 10 IC + Mountain Climbers 10 IC.
Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 20 IC, Bobby Hurleys 30 IC
Dying Cockroaches 30 IC, FLutterkicks 30 IC, Don Quixote 5 IC


Mosey to the Ole Brick Monster parking lot. Circle up.

5 – Burpies
10 IC – Crunchy Frog
20 Single Count – Merkins
20 Single Count – Squats
10 IC – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5

Line up – Run across parking lot to the Ole Brick Monster, sprint back

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

5 – Burpies

Line up – Run across parking lot to the Ole Brick Monster, sprint back

5 – Burpies
10 – Crunchy Frog
20 – Merkins
20 – Squats
10 – Plank Jacks
5 – Burpies

Imperial Squat(each leg) + Burpie – Repeat x 5
Mountain Climbers 10 IC + Freddie Mercuries 15 IC

Line up – Run to the far side of the parking lot to the curb.

Dip 15 IC, 10 Squats IC, Dips 10 IC Mosey to Snow Balls

Dying Cockroaches 15 IC, Freddie Mercury’s 15 IC, Dying Cockroaches 15 IC


Prayer Concerns: Stroganoff’s travels.



Fight through the sore

No, I’m not a doctor, and I don’t recommend this if your have an dangling participle.

I had to start slow on this day as I was really sore from digging trenched the previous day.  But enough complaining, we need side straddle hops and burpies.

Merkins 10 IC + Planjacks 10 IC + Mountain Climbers 10 IC.
Side Staddle Hops 20 IC, Squats 20 IC, Bobby Hurleys 30 IC
Dying Cockroaches 30 IC, Flutterkicks 30 IC,
10 Burpies



Mosey around the block, grab a spot on the wall
Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC
Wall Sits
Mike Tysons on the wall 10 IC
Hip slappers 10 IC
Wall Sits

5 burpies


Let’s run over the FUMC big parking lot.

Pair up:
100 Merkins – 25 max per round
200 Sumo Squats
300 LBCs

Other Pax runs to the end of the parking lot – Switch

5 Train burpies

7 minutes of MARY.

Good group of guys this morning, really pushing the rock.

Probably the last time

We’ll do worst merkins ever and burpie broad jumps within 5 minutes of one another.

This one started a minute or 2 late, but we definitely made up for it with a shoulder buster routine.

If you haven’t Q’d downtown, sign up. There are so many different places to go and routes to take, we shouldn’t see a similar workout for 6 months.  And away we go…………………

20 Side Straddle Hops IC, 10 Merikins IC, 10 Plankjacks IC, 10 Peter Parkers IC, 10 LBCs IC, 20 Flutterkicks IC

Mosey and mosey 4 blocks to Piedmont Charter front steps.

Partner Up.
1 runs up all the steps to the front door, knocks out 10 sumo squats.
Partner hits DERKINS.
SWITCH 2 rounds.

Dutch Skate half a block to a previously empty parking lot.

15 Dips IC
Burpie Broad Jumps 8 lines – 2 rounds
15 Dips IC
Freddie Mercuries 10 IC
10 Dying Cockroaches IC
10 Crunchy Frogs

Mosey around to back of school

Partner up
1 partner runs around the building, down the block and back to the parking lot.
1 Partner hits the worst merkin ever. 1 wide, 1 regular, 1 diamond – repeat.
Initially, I said 50 total, Omaha’d to 2 rounds, because I can.
5 Burpies

Wells Fargo
Monkey Humpers
Sumo Squats
Wall Sits – Led by Slaw
Mosey to Pavillion.
Deep Sea Divers.

I left my phone at home, didn’t record name-o-rama.  Help me out guys, I have 2 names missing.

Can’t stop the Queso

You can’t keep a good Queso down. As a matter of fact, Queso will likely keep a furious pace that sets the bar.  He did so on Friday as everyone busted out multiple series of burpies and bear crawls and ab crushers.

We partnered up for some viscous Imperial Squat Walkers and Mountain Climber Merkins that put a hurting on the quads and shoulders, and tried a new one the Dirty Hookup(see below).

Let’s get a 15 PAX this Friday!

WARM UP:  50 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Squats, 20 LBCs,
20 Mountain Climbers, Peter Parker Peter 10, 10 Imperial Walkers

5 Burpies

Bear Crawl Inch Worm around the pavilion
PAX lines up head to to feet in plank position.
The man in the back of the line bear crawls to
front of the line and yells front and next. Do Mountain climbers

Head to Parking lot, partner up:
Imperial Squat Walker 100
Mountain Climber Merkin 100 (Only count left leg)
Crunchy Frog 100
Partner ran to the white jeep and back / Switch!

The Wolverine Burpee 10 OYO:
From standing position, drop to plank, one merkin,
left knee tuck to the chest, another merkin,
right knee tuck to the chest, yet another merkin,
stand, jump, overhead clap. That’s one. Rinse. Repeat.

Mosey to Wall
Dirty Hookup 10 IC
: Performed as 4 count exercise.
Pax plank up, facing a wall with eyes on wall.
“1” Right hand raised to press against the wall,
“2” Left hand raised to the wall (now in horizontal plank),
“3” Right hand down to ground, “4” Left hand down
(back to plank position)

5 Burpies

Mosey to Pavilion
Rocky Balboa
Captain Thor 10/40:
1 big boy sit up to 4 American Hammers.
Cheerleader 10 IC


We are all unique snowflakes

No matter what Tyler Durden told you in Fight Club, you are unique and special. And gosh darn it, people like you.

With a 10 PAX, I mean 9(count off issues again), we broke in the day, pre-snow.  During the early mumble chatter, the drops of cold rain began to transform into fluffy white dead fairies that fell from the blazing sky.  Cold to the touch, yet refreshing to the pallet.  We dove right into this muscle builder routine right after the pledge, and in the process, crushed my old personal record of never-before-lead exercises(2).

Mosey to the cover drive through baking center 50 yards away.

Side Straddle Hops – 20 IC,   Squats 15 IC,   LBCs  20 IC,   Mountain Climbers  20 IC,   Imperial Walkers 10 IC
10 Merkins IC,  20 second rest,  10 Merkins IC,  20 second rest,  10 Merkins IC
10 Parker Peters IC, 10 Peter Parkers IC, 10 Parker Peters IC,  10 Peter Parkers IC,

Mosey to the protective cave of the former Teeter of Harris.

Sweat Angels – 20 IC
World War I snow angel – 10 OYO
Crunchy Frog – 10 IC
Imperial Squat Walker – 15 IC   These should be on regular rotation.
Dutch Skate – Pax lined up and Dutch Skated 2 laps inside the cave

Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot, stopping twice for 2 sets of Monkey Humpers  – 10 IC

Mountain Climber Merkins – 15 IC
Outlaws – 10 Per side
Wall of Fire Routine  –  PAX  do People’s chair, 2 at a time hit 10 IC merkins 10 IC LBCs
Captain Morgan  – 10 IC per leg
Star Jack Burpee – 10 OYO

Mosey 1 lap around the parking lot, stopping twice for 2 sets of Monkey Humpers  – 10 IC

The Wolverine Burpees –  10 OYO
Captain Thor –  10 OYO
Cheerleaders  – 15 IC

Mosey back to Sno Balls
Imperial Walkers – 10 IC
Standing Sun Gods – 10 ish
Moroccan Night Clubs – 10 ish
Don Quixote – 6 ish


This workout snuck up on me.  At some point I had to sit out an exercise as I became light headed. It was either the intense workout or the dazzling beauty of snow falling on the empty parking lot.  Not much on  the strenuous cardio, but a heck of a pump.  Thanks to the PAX for being there and being strong!

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