Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Steven Ryhne (Page 5 of 10)

Psalms 34:8

“Taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him!”

We have all at some point tasted and seen that the Lord is good! From that feeling you get when you’re standing on top of a mountain, admiring Gods work, walking by a lake, or feeling a cool breeze under a shade tree. We taste Gods goodness through so many things! All of these things are only a taste of Gods goodness, but hopefully they will help point us towards more! Towards a relationship with the Lord!

Prayer requests- each other, community

Announcements- Ville to Ville next Saturday! All AOs are open!

Open for business!

It’s been a while since Folsom has been open for business, I have truly missed seeing all my brothers in the gloom! With that being said, I have been looking forward to being official again! Big Pappy asked me if I would lead the opening workout, and I was very excited to get to do it! I woke up and checked my phone and had saw a message on groupme, it was Huck at 5am telling everybody to wake up! I couldn’t wait to see who all would show, heck I even showed up 15 minutes early, on my way in I say several pax putting in EC miles, runners and Rucker’s! Shortly after I pulled in the cars and trucks started rolling in we definitely had more than 10 Pax this morning, so we busted into three groups , myself, Big Pappy, and Sister Act took the Qs!

Big pappy took a group of men and headed to the bottom parking lot, and his beatdown went like this!

Our workout was simple, back and forth in the parking lot with the excerises the below on each side and 3 burbees at pass in the middle AMSAP on 6min intervals.

10 Big Boys
15 Merkins
20 American Hammers
25 Flutter Kicks
30 Hillbillies
35 LBC
40 Imperial Walkers
45 Squats

Sister Act headed in a different direction and delivered this to those who followed!

1st exercise:

At the Pavilion:

5 Rounds

5 Burpees
10 Hip Slappers (IC)
15 Derkins
20 Dips
25 Rocky Balboa (IC)

2nd exercise:

Straight road at back of park

Rack and Stack:

Run 100yds do 10 Burpees
Return to start for 10 Burpees
Run 100yds do 20 Jump Lunges
Return to start for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges
Run 100yds, 30 Merkins
Return for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins
Run and do 40 Big Boys
Return for 10 Burpees, 20 Jump Lunges, 30 Merkins, 40 Big Boys
Run do 50 Squats
Return for all exercises

3rd exercise

Back parking lot

4 corner Escalator:

1st corner 10 Imperial Walker Squats.
Run to middle for 10 Hand Release Merkins
2nd Corner, 10 IW Squats, 20 CDD
Run to middle 10 HR Merkins
3rd Corner, 10 IW Squats, 20 CDD, 30 Mountain Climbers
Run to middle for 10 HR Merkins
4th corner, 10 IW Squats, 10 CDD, 30 MC, 40 SSH

Mosey back to flag



The group that stayed with me started out with 100 Burpees in 10 minutes!

Grad cinder Blocks and head to the tennis courts.

11s Thrusters/ Merkins

Dora 1/2/3

100 triceps

200 curls

300 LBCs

Finished that and did a round of iron Hulks, having a little time to spare, we headed to the entrance of the park, did the pledge, and knocked out another round of 11s in the top parking lot doing Bobby Hurlys, and Big boy sit-ups, then headed back to the start where all other pax was waiting. We circled up, named our Fng, welcome f3 Rabbit Ears “ Kyler Beane” ! It was great to see everyone! I shared a verse that we hadat the Sword this past Monday!

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”
‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭10:24-25‬ ‭ESV‬‬

It was definitely encouraging meeting together !

Announcements- memorial run in the morning in remembrance or Pizza Mans niece, Ville to Ville, All AOs are open!

Prayer requests- a friend of Sister Acts, all of the mothers and wives, people battling addictions.

Thanks again to all of you for being and encouragement! And for giving me the opportunity to lead!




Sword Isaiah 26:3-4

Isaiah 26:3-4

3 You keep him in perfect piece whose mind is stayed on you, because he trust in you.

4 Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord God is an everlasting ROCK.

There are a lot of things in this world that promise piece, but the only one that can deliver is God!

We might find refuge for a season in something or someone, these things are temporary and crumbling, this is very evident in what’s going on right now! But… God is an everlasting and steady ROCK!

Matthew 7:24-27 is about the man who builds his house on the ROCK, the storms came and the winds blew but his house stood! Then there is the man who built his house on the sand, the storms came and the winds blew and his house fell, and great was the fall!

We see two different men here… 1 Is the man who’s faith is in Jesus the “ROCK”. 2 is the man who heard Jesus words and did not do them, he has no piece and hope in the storms of life.

Jesus offers a piece that the world cannot offer, through His life, death, and resurrection! And if we repent “ turn from our sins” and put our trust in Him to save us, we will have a piece that this world cannot offer! This doesn’t mean we will have a trouble free care free life, but a life that knows and trust God who holds and keeps us in and through all of life’s troubles!

He is our everlasting ROCK!

Had a good crowd today, some rucked, some walked, and some ran! LB had an FNG this morning come out, f3 West Side!
Announcements- convergence next Saturday!

Prayer request- LBs family, Montross aunt, our nation

Thanks again for giving me an opportunity to lead!

Welcome fng West Side


I pulled into Folsom 5 minutes till start time, four of us, smaller crowd then normal? LB and Open season roll in, 6 it is! We get started!

Warmup- SSHx15ic, Toy soldiers x15ic, Monkey Humpers x15ic, let’s mosey!

We headed towards the flag at the top of the park, stopping at each light pole for 10 merkins and 10 Big Boys! 10 Burpees at the Flag, pledge and head back to the truck.

At the truck everyone gets a Block for 20 to 1

Shoulder press




Finished this and made a lap around the tennis courts, circled back up and did 22 for the vets!

Announcements- LMS 5k this Friday, Speed for Need 5k first Saturday of April!

Prayer Request- each other, our country

Thanks for letting me lead!

Men With Blocks

I had the chance once again to Q at the best AO in the nation! I pulled in about 5 minutes early seeing roundup running with a weighted vest on, the mans a beast! In fact all those that showed are beast! 530 hits and we get after it!

Warmup! SSH, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies

The Thang! Partner up for deadlifts and merkins! I made some bars a few years ago, where you can hook a Block on each side and do deadlifts, they haven’t been used in a while and I thought today would be a great time to bring them out!

P1 -20 deadlifts, P2- Merkins X 4= 80 deadlifts and a bunch of merkins!

Then we circled up for 20 to 1 Blocks!          Each pax grab a block on my count, 20 reps of each exercise, then 19,18,17… down to 1! Ended up being 190 reps of each exercise! Which were…

Shoulder Press




These pax being the MEN that they are, killed it!

22 for the VETs!

Then we had a couple of minutes, I wanted to bring up the verse Def Leppard shared Monday morning at the  Sword.
1 Corinthians 16:13-14 Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men. Let all that you do be done in love.

1st Be watchful- Ps 119:105 says Gods word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path! How can I be watchful without Gods word?

2nd Stand firm in the Faith- what does it mean to stand firm? I looked it up, “ Hunker Down! Refuse to budge!” What an awesome visual! Your family and the people around you need this from you, STAND FIRM! To what is right!

3rd Act like Men- “Biblical Manhood Principles
1. Humility before his God

  1. control of his appetites! “ don’t cave to temptation “

  2. protecting his family.

  3. Providing for his family.

  4. leading his family.

4th- BE STRONG- I am week, but He “God” is strong! I have to rely on His power to be strong!

Last thing! “ Let all that you do be done in love!” Again, apart from Christ, I can’t do this! That’s why Paul tells us to crucify our flesh daily and follow Christ!

Announcements- Big Pappy is taking up children’s clothes and supplies to take to Jamaica! This man is going on vacation with his wife for their anniversary, and part of their time there, will be spent at an orphanage doing mission work! That is what a true HIM looks like like! If you have something to donate… get with him! We should be able to send him with a full load!

Wichita has his VQ this Saturday at Folsom! Come out, it will be terrible!

Prayer requests- my friend Fred Sisk, his wife is in her last days from a battle with cancer.

-My wife, Dr Seuss, and anyone else working in the school system, they put up with a lot!
-Our children
-Each other

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! I took us out.










Hacksaw’s Seal Team

  1. PAIN!!!! That’s one word to describe the beating that Hacksaw handed out! Men screaming,  Burpees flying, snot dripping, a lot of Bear crawling, all I can say is you should have been there!!! It was a light crowd at Folsom this morning, I guess everybody was scared? and Hacksaw was ticked! He thought if nothing else , at least Allen Tate would be there because he is taking F3 serious now, #werk!
    All jokes aside, Hacksaw delivered a beating, some got better because of it!
    SHOW to KNOW!

prayer request- Wichita’s dad, Big Pappy, Gumby, LB’s Wife

Roundup took us out!

Indian What?

Yesterday several pax were talking junk on groupme! So I thought I would put something special together for them! I pull into Folsom around 615, several pax running EC, others getting out of their cars, good to see Sargento! By the time 630 hits, we have 18!!! Ready to get after it! Quick warmup, then line up for an Indian Run! We ran down to the lower parking lot, circled it and headed back to the launch point! Everybody grab a block! We head to the tennis courts to try something new, “Indian Thrusters” ! This was a Q fail “ show to know”! Change of plans!

Route 66, doing Thrusters as the exercise!

Partner Up
Dora 1,2,3,4

100 Triceps

200 Curls

300 Squats

400 LBCs all exercises done with Blocks

Circle up for “ Iron Hulk “ with Blocks! A lot of mumble chatter! We all started with blocks only a handful of pax made it through most the reps, Pizza man/ Volt/ Roundup. But only one to finish all the reps! Roundup=Beast!

With all the pax still circled up I wanted to take a minute and share a little about our verse from the new Monday morning, 530 Run/Ruck/walk, then Bible study at 6 inside of ingles!

Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

I love this verse, it reminds me of how important Gods word is! And how we need to be in it daily! Think about it, how can you see where your going without a light to show you the way? On top of that, we are called to lead our families, friends, community we knowing where we are going? Thank God, He has given us a light to use ! Not only is it a light, it’s also a sword! So… we can see the path, and when danger comes, we can fight! Sad thing is, there are times I try to fight an enemy in the dark, without ever picking up the weapon God has given to fight with! My challenge to you is to get into Gods word, memorize it lead your families with it! Fight for them and others with it!

Good to see Gumby out for the COT!

Announcements- Rooster, Chic fil a 5k at east Lincoln High school Saturday 25th, LMS 5k Friday March 13 at my Ms school

Prayer request- Medicine Women, Gumby, Wichita’s dad, and others

Thanks again for the opportunity men!

Psalm 119:105

A couple weeks ago, I was talking to Wichita and Roundup about plugging the 3rd F in a little more in the Folsom area! Thought that Monday mornings would be a good time to do this and a great way to start our week! So, I threw  it out on groupme and those guys were ready! We will meet at ingles at 530, or earlier if you want, run/ruck/walk, whatever you choose, which there were some guys getting after it in the pouring rain this morning,  but be inside ingles at 6! The pax that takes the Q will bring a verse, and that will be our weekly verse to commit to memory! And hopefully help each other grow spiritually! No other single exercise pays greater spiritual dividends!
-Your prayer life will be strengthened! -Your witnessing will be sharper and much more and much more effective. – Your attitude and outlook will begin to change! – Your mind will become alert and observant! – Your confidence and assurance will be enhanced! – Your faith will be solidified!
A few reasons why so many have viewed scripture memorization as essential to the Christian life…

1 Conformity to Christ!

2 Daily triumph over sin!

3 Daily triumph over Satan!

4 Comfort and council for people you love!

5 Communicating the gospel to unbelievers!

6 Communion with God!

Knowing Gods Word is vital to our spiritual health and those around us!

I NEED those around me to pursue Christ! So that in turn, they can pour into me and push me to glorify God in all I do! And I need to be doing the same for them! “No man is an island “, we were designed to work together and build one another up daily! Your wife, children, pax, coworkers, need you to pursue Christ more then anything else whether they know it or not! With all that being said, this weeks verse is

Psalm 119:105- Your word is a lamp unto my feet and a light to my path.

” He who walks in darkness is sure, sooner or later to stumble! While He who walks by the light of day or by lamp of night, stumble not, but keeps his uprightness “, Bible study tools.

psalm 119:105 is telling you that Gods word will help you navigate through this life! We have this tool! This light! Why not use it!

prayer request- pax, our community, Wichita’s dad fell last night and broke his hip and will be having surgery today.

Thank you men for allowing me to lead this morning! I am excited about what will come of this!





Who’s Glory Do You Seek?

I was pumped about this mornings workout, have a good friend of mine coming for the first time, fng! So yesterday I wrote up the normal workout, loaded the blocks, posted on slack and Gump came to visit, good seeing you on a weekday!
530 hits and we have a good crowd, let’s get started!

Warmup- SSH, Don Qs

Partner up and head to the tennis courts!
When we got on the courts I shared a verse with the pax, 1Cor 10:31 “So whether you eat or drink , or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” Something to think about while we get it done!

P1 start the reps/ P2 run the courts rotating until complete!

100 Blockees

200 curls

200 triceps

200 LBCs

Then return the blocks and circle up for Iron Hulks, those hurt!

Back to the verse! Who’s glory are you seeking in your daily activities? In your job, home, f3…? If your seeking your on glory, these things will be empty! God put you right where you are for a reason, it’s for His glory!

Name the FNG “Anthony Michaels”, now known as Wichita! He is somebody the Lord has used in my life for a long time, Good to see him this morning!

Announcements – bring toys to AOs this Saturday for operation sweet tooth! CSAUP the 21st!

Prayer request- Gumps student lost his mom to cancer, MW, each other!

It was a pleasure to lead today!



Been a while/ time to “WERK”

In true Sparky fashion, I woke up late! I sent word by groupme that I will be a few minutes late, if someone could get the warmups started, Roadie jumped on!
I pulled in at 535, dropped the tailgate, partner up, one partner grab a block and let’s head to the tennis courts!

Partner 1 starts the workout, P2 runs the courts, alternating until completed!

50 blockers

100 tricep extensions

150 curls

200 shoulder presses

250 squats

circled back up for some ad “werk”!

How is your relationship with Christ? Not trying to offend anyone, but to me it’s the most important question I could ask, to myself and to anyone else! Christianity is not a one time check off! Scripture says the sign of a true believer is perseverance to the end!
I love you guys, and am very thankful for you all!
Prayer request- Doss family, Roadie’s son, each other



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