Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Slaw (Page 7 of 9)

Mixing it up

10 brave souls posted in the Midoriyama heat for a not-so-typical Q from YHC. In attempt to keep the PAX guessing about the workout, YHC consulted the exicon for some exercises he hadn’t performed in a long time (or at all for that matter). YHC could tell his Q’s were getting predictable when half the guys started burpees a minute before the workout began. They said they were “getting a head start on things”. Whatever. Unbeknownst to them, my weinke had 0 burpees. Good work on the EC, boys. No FNG’s, quick disclaimer given, let’s get going.


  • SSH X 10



Like YHC stated earlier, he wanted to mix things up a bit, so we started with 11’s Route 66 style. Start at first light pole and all PAX perform 1 Flying Squirrel, 10 Little Gumby In The Woods. The Folsom deficient PAX immediately asked for a demo. They are known as Smurf Jacks on the exicon, but they were sorta renamed Little Gumby In The Woods after watching Gumby knock them out at Folsom. It’s a SSH performed while in the squat position. It’s funny to watch tall guys like Blart perform this one. Anyway, 10/1 at first pole, mosey to next pole 9/2 and so on until 1/10 achieved. Legs were smoking already.

YHC then led the men to the shady part of one of the soccer fields for the next exercise. If anyone ever posts with Def Leppard and Karaoke is called, he wails out the most God-Awful rendition of George Strait you’ve ever heard. Even Whoopee would be crying and begging for some Rush. YHC picked out another country singer inspired exercise called Tammy Wynettes. She was famous for her song “Stand by Your Man”. Grab a partner. While standing beside your partner, P1 does 10 Merkins, P2 does 10 Squats in sync with P1. Flapjack and perform 5 rounds for a total of 50 Merkins and 50 Squats per PAX.

Next, Mosey to the small soccer field for a little Run D.M.C. Run one lap around the field, then 20 Diamond Merkins. Run another lap, then 20 Merkins. Run one more lap, then 20 CDD’s.

Mosey back to the shady part of the large soccer field for the Gross. 12 reps of 12 different exercises. They were: Merkins, Squats, Big Boy Situps, Werkins, CDD’s, Plank Jacks, Military Merkins, Side Squats (Right), Side Squats (Left), and Flying Squirrels. Yes, YHC realized that’s only 11. Diamond Merkins were missed. Q fail. But then again, it IS Midoriyama.

PAX were then instructed to partner up with their earlier partner and perform 5 more rounds of Tammy Wynettes (which would be 100 Merkins and 100 Squats total for each PAX).

Running low on time, the Q pushed hard to get 11’s Route 66 style done with Flying Squirrels and CDD’s. A bunch of negative mumble chatter was directed towards YHC on this decision. Defib pushed YHC to the 4/7 mark with just 2 minutes to go. Omaha was called and we Moseyed back to the flag just in time.


  • CSAUP on 8/25
  • 2.0 Workout at Folsom on 8/18
  • Women’s workout at Folsom 08:00 led by Blart’s M and Pizza Man’s M on 8/18
  • Clown car to the Fort on 8/18 for the CSPAN convergence. He’s moving to Philadelphia.
  • BRR coming up
  • Bourbon Race coming up
  • Sign up for Christmastown 5K
  • Another F3 tubing event will be happening on the 8/18. Freight will have more details out soon.

Prayer Requests:

Sly in Afghanistan, Freight’s M having procedure performed, Oompa Loompa’s M’s cousin’s family upon her passing.

YHC took us out in prayer.


Def Leppard led a great “Cliff’s Notes” study on the apostle Paul at the Forge Wednesday night. One point that stuck with me is Paul urging Christians to be imitators of Christ. If you are a Christian, people are watching you to see if you “practice what you preach”. The very next day, I had a moment where I wasn’t acting as Christlike as I should be. As soon as the moment passed, Def Leppard’s words from the night before came to mind. Screwed up again. Thank the Sky Q above that he is more than willing to forgive us if we are truly sorry for whatever we said or did.

Great work by all the guys for pushing through the Midoriyama heat and getting it done. Thanks to you men for coming out and supporting me and allowing me to Q. It was awesome.

Until the next time,


Is Everyone on the DL?

Sparky had been planning a 2.0 friendly workout at Folsom. Once the date was set, he reached out for a Q to lead the PAX that weren’t bringing 2.0’s or doing Pain Lab with Hipaa. YHC volunteered because hey, how hard could it be? Sister Act and YHC had been kicking around some ideas, and we came up with something easy to remember.

YHC posted early with Sister Act to get some EC. By the time we get back to the launch pad at Folsom, it resembled a scene from Daddy Day Care! It was awesome to see soooo many PAX and their 2.0’s getting ready for some F3 fun. YHC must admit, it was difficult to talk to everyone before the workout started. Guys just kept coming in. The parking lot was full. Whoopee  started us off with handing out rocks to all the 2.0’s while telling a story given to him by Dr. Feelgood. YHC won’t tell the whole story, but it is about faith in Jesus and pushing the rock, no matter what. Even though the rock doesn’t move, the constant pushing and continued faith through the hard and lean times will make you stronger. Whoopee attempted to get Dolph to take his shirt off, but Dolph refused. YHC believes Dolph refused because he didn’t want the other 2.0’s asking their dads “Daddy, why don’t you have big muscles like he does? You work out, don’t you?”. Thanks for saving us the humiliation, brother!

Whoopee then calls the warmup of SSH, Merkins and Mountain Climbers. YHC has no clue who is going with the dads or going with YHC. After Whoopee moseys the herd of PAX and 2.0’s away, YHC is left with Sister Act, Def Leppard, Pockets and Oompa Loompa. As we get ready to take off, YHC asks how the guys are doing. Sister Act rolled his ankle playing 3 on 3 basketball at his 2.0’s dance rehearsal. Leppard’s hip is still giving him a fit, Pockets thinks he has pulled a groin muscle, and Oompa brought the crud back with him from his business trip last week. YHC had a double portion of Sandy V going on due to his inability to post because of his own bad work week. YHC thought to himself “Is EVERYONE on the DL?” (by DL, that stands for disabled list, not on the “down low”). We will modify as needed. Let’s go.

The Thang:

  • Run 1 mile
  • Stop and perform 10 reps of 10 exercises. Exercises were: Merkins, Squats, Flutter Kicks, CDD’s, Corkscrews, Bobby Hurleys, Seal Jacks, WW1’s, Werkins and Burpees.
  • Rinse and repeat until time’s up or someone splashes Merlot.

YHC must admit, Leppard’s typical Merkin/CDD form has improved drastically. All the shouts of “Keep your butt down, Leppard” have finally paid off! Outstanding form on the Merkins, sir! The slow moseying group pushed through 4 rounds. We arrived back to the launch pad when the 2.0’s were circling up for name-o-rama.


Having said that, YHC must admit to a few Q fails.

  1. YHC did not communicate clear instruction for the route that was to be taken. Because of this, 2 PAX were separated from main group and didn’t rejoin until all PAX arrived back at Folsom, which leads to the next Q fail-
  2. YHC did not pick up the 6. If YHC had done this, then Q fail #1 never would have happened.
  3. No Pledge of Allegiance was performed.
  4. And last of all, no COT was performed. This violates one of F3 core principles. In the confusion of the 2.0’s, Pain Lab, etc., YHC completely brain dumped and completely struck out on the COT. Men, I am truly sorry for this Q fail most of all. The COT is what brings us all together at the end of the workout to share things that are on our hearts and minds. It’s where our shields are locked once again before we go our separate ways after the workout. YHC asks for forgiveness. He won’t miss that again.

Even though we were lower in number than usual, the men truly pushed through a tough one (due to the injuries). All gave it their best and came out the other side a little stronger. Thank You for the push, men. Thank You for letting me lead.



The Stable is Expanding

In case you haven’t heard, the Coconut Horse is growing. 26 HIMs posted for Rucking or Running. YHC took the Q, so 5 Burpees OYO before we get started running. Hey, it’s Slaw. Welcome to FNG Durden, who was EH’d by Wojo. Great work, brother! Solid work by everyone on a perfect Sunday morning! AYE!


  • Memorial Day Patriot 5k in Charlotte (will be pushing veterans) check with Tool Time if you’re interested.
  • Whoopee mentioned the annual “Memorial Day Murph” for those not running with Tool Time.
  • If you’re planning on ordering Mudgear compression sleeves/ calf condoms, order them through Amazon to help our brothers out getting their gear to the top of the list.
  • Roscoe announced the beginning of “The 40 Day Challenge: Part Deux”. Read  the pre-blast and details at or the backblast channel on Slack.

Prayer Requests:

  • Breaker Breaker’s friend who is battling cancer. Also his Aunt.
  • Pastor Andrew Brunson who is on trial in Turkey
  • JK2’s Father
  • Def Leppard and his upcoming trip to Asia.
  • Defib running the Big Sur marathon and safe travels
  • Some YHC forgot and truly apologizes to those who mentioned prayer requests

YHC took us out in prayer.


Roscoe mentioned the beginning of the 40 day challenge today. Def Leppard and Whoopee shared some wisdom from Jocko Willink on discipline at Folsom yesterday. Even when you don’t FEEL like posting/running/eating right, the discipline of sticking to your goals will see you through. Even when you feel like you’re just “going through the motions” of working out, do it anyway. You may not like it while you’re going through it, but you will be glad you did after you’re done. Whoopee spoke on keeping each other honest and accountable during the challenge. Don’t be afraid to call your brother out (in a brotherly love kind of way) and help keep him on track. That’s the whole “Iron Sharpens Iron” aspect in the shield lock. YHC has seen firsthand how  much of a difference being disciplined has helped our PAX during the last 40 day challenge. Let’s get to it and push each other.

Keep pushing,


Midoriyama Millennium

When YHC decided to take the Q, he already had the Weinke locked and loaded. YHC had posted at the Schiele a while back with Brownstreak at the helm. He announced that the workout was the “Millennium”. Different exercises performed with a total of 1000 reps performed. YHC wondered if he could pull the same workout off at Midoriyama with 15 minutes less than Sir Streak. No problem. YHC will cut out the mosey and keep the warmup “Whoopee friendly”. It seems as if rain follows YHC and his Q schedule.  Def Leppard texted YHC 15 minutes before the workout and said “might need a rainy day Weinke”. Well sir, YHC does. It’s called get out in it and get it done!The rain started 5 minutes before start, which YHC totally loved. 10 men answered the call, and 5:30 hit. Time to get to it.



  • SSH x 1 IC
  • Don Q x 1 IC
  • LBC’s x 10 IC
  • Slawter starter (20 Burpees OYO)

The Thang:

Unload coupons out of the truck. Circle up for 4 rounds of: (all exercises single count)

  • Dips x 25
  • Squats x 25
  • WW1’s x 25
  • Plank Jacks x 25
  • Block Thrusters x 25
  • CDD’s x 25
  • Block Curls x 25
  • Flutter Kicks x 25
  • Block Swings x 25 (like kettle bell swings)
  • Merkins x 25

1000 reps completed just in time. Mucho mumble chatter from the PAX during the few rest periods during the workout. The rain poured relentlessly for the duration of the workout. Maybe YHC should request his F3 name be changed to Rain Man. On a positive note, it did keep the PAX cool on an evening where it’s usually warming up pretty good. Hard work by every man in attendance. Props to Wheezy for doing his flutter kicks under Swimmer’s dropped tailgate of his truck. #worksmarternotharder.


  • Frisbee golf this Saturday at Rankin Lake
  • Coconut Horse start times the Sunday: 06:00 (walkers/ruckers) 06:15 (clydesdales) 06:30 (anyone left)

Prayer Requests:

  • JK2’s dad
  • Family of a man Pockets was acquainted with who passed away
  • Def Leppard’s son Logan
  • Def Leppard’s hip
  • Tool Time’s workout limiting injury
  • Oompa Loompa’s Mother
  • Allen Tate’s Mother-in-Law
  • Ronald Gibson (in CMC and not doing well at all)

YHC took us out in prayer.


This past Tuesday, Swimmer shared a story of his Father passing away when Swimmer was only 5 years old and how he has “outlived” his dad by 6 weeks now. He also mentioned how important it was to know you’re right with the Sky Q, then live every day to the fullest, because we aren’t guaranteed tomorrow.

That made YHC stop and think about his life and his family. YHC’s daughter will be off to her Junior prom this Saturday. YHC can’t believe how fast time has flown and all the time he thought he had to spend with her has almost completely vaporized. At lot of PAX out there with an empty nest can relate. Every day is a precious gift from above and should not be taken for granted. YHC urges all PAX to be intentional about spending time with their family and friends, because once the day is gone, it’s gone. YHC is trying to be the HIM his family needs and the Sky Q expects. Thank all of you for your encouragement and allowing YHC to lead.

Until the next time,




Rainy VERN

As YHC was planning the weinke for Midoriyama, he decided to back off on the Burpees and Block work and go with a workout that is truly a you vs. you type workout. YHC was able to post at the Goat last November and Dolph led the PAX with the VERN. It’s simple but very effective, and all PAX can push as hard (or not as hard)as they want to. 6 men posted at Midoriyama for a VERN in the rain and mud.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
  • Abe Vigodas x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 IC

The Thang:

Mosey to the playground for the VERN. It consists of:

  • 10 Pullups then Mosey around parking lot between Turd Shack and Field #4 back to playground
  • 20 Dips then Mosey the loop again
  • 25 Merkins then Mosey the loop again
  • 30 LBC’s the Mosey the loop again

Rinse and Repeat the whole circuit until time’s up (roughly 40 minutes)

PAX completed 5+ circuits before time was called.

Everyone pushed hard through the workout. Lil’ Sweet seems to insist on wearing his work clothes to the workouts. He swears they are comfortable. YHC is doubtful. Our Nantan was latched to Canteen’s hip for 95% of the workout. They pushed each other the whole duration. Wojo, great work sir. He pushed through the whole workout and never stopped. He also had enough in the tank for a jailbreak back to the flag at the end! Thanks to Broke for pushing YHC and never letting up. We also had plenty of 2nd F discussing the ups and downs of raising daughters (he has 2, YHC has 1).


4/7/18 Gashouse 50 mile AO run. 4 man teams. Will be great 1st and 2nd F opportunities.

4/14/18 Community Foundation 5K Downtown Gastonia.

4/21/18 Christina Latini 8k, Huntersville, NC

Numerous 2nd F events being set up by Sargento. T-Claps, sir!



Prayer requests: Sly is in Afghanistan. Prayers for him and his M (ToolTime’s 2.0) The separation is hard on a marriage. YHC knows, he’s been there. Worldwide’s 2.0 is being tested for neurological issues. Def Leppard’s 2.0 as well along the same lines as Worldwide’s 2.0.

YHC led us out in prayer.


YHC read Mark 4: 35-41 this morning. It’s the story of Jesus and the disciples encountering a storm while crossing the sea of Galilee. As they were crossing, a furious squall came up, and the boat was taking on water. Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. The disciples woke him up and said “Teacher, don’t you care if we drown?” Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves “Quiet! Be still!” The wind died down and it was completely calm.

YHC admitted that in his past, he has been the one to accuse the Lord of “being asleep in the boat” while YHC was going through a storm in his life. Of course, the Lord brought YHC through the storm. When things head south in our lives and the storm rages, He is with you. He will take care of you. We have to trust Him and have the faith to remember He loves us. The storms in our lives are intended to strengthen our faith and mold us into who He wants us to be (which is more like His Son). He’s in the boat with us, and he will land us safely at His intended destination.

YHC has heard this story a hundred times, but something resonated in it this time like never before. YHC also noticed that the disciples were a tight knit group serving the Lord and others around them. Sounds a whole lot like a shield lock to YHC! AYE!

Keep the shield lock tight and keep EH’ing others in!

Until the next time,





Ruck and Run

14 Men posted for some early morning work at the Coconut Horse. 4 ruckers set out at 06:00. 10 runners left the stable at 06:30. Wonderful morning to be outside and getting some cardio in with the Gashouse brothers.

5 for Coffeerama afterwards.

Prayer Requests:

Worldwide’s 2.0 is having nervous system issues. Def Leppard’s son is also having his nervous system monitored as well. Sly and upcoming deployment.

Quiche took us out in prayer.

Have a wonderful day today, gents. Until next time,


Countdown Beatdown

11 HIMs posted for what Pockets has dubbed a “Slawful” workout. Site Q Sparky had asked YHC to grab a Saturday Q at Folsom. YHC was undecided on which way to take the workout. Folsom has done a ton of running as of lately, and positive results are evidence of the hard work the men have been putting in. After speaking with the “ghost Q”, YHC lined up a slobberknocker that was targeted towards more muscle work with less mosey time to give the guys a break from running.  As YHC rolled in, he came across Sister Act, Tyson, and Sparky getting in 4 miles of EC. Rolling down the hill, he sees Dolph is in the house! With the PAX circling up, YHC scanned his lengthy Weinke and hoped it was tough enough for everyone. YHC supposes so, because 20 minutes into the workout, 90% of the PAX were begging for some mosey! Why, you ask? Let YHC break it down for you.

Warmup: (All exercises IC)

  • SSH x 5
  • Flutter Kick x 5
  • CDD’s x 5
  • Low, slow Squats x5

R&R while reducing number of reps by 1 each round 5,4,3,2,1


Short mosey to the tennis courts for something the ghost Q cooked up. YHC loved it, and the PAX did as well (after it was over).

Ghost Q had read about American POW’s that still worked out while in prison to stay in shape and ready for whatever may come their way. They were in cramped quarters, so workout options were limited. YHC asked the PAX ” which exercise give the best total body workout with the smallest amount of area available?”. Dolph said with resounding confidence “THE BURPEE!” Yes sir!

Starting at one corner of the tennis courts, all PAX perform 20 burpees OYO. Mosey to the next corner and knock out 19 burpees. Mosey to far corner, 18 burpees. Mosey to last corner, 17 burpees. Mosey back to beginning for 16 burpees. Keep moseying and counting down until burpees are completed all the way down to 1. Mucho mean mumble chatter from the PAX. Fearing a mutiny, YHC divulged the identity of the ghost Q to appease the masses. No kidding, this was tough. YHC had contemplated an Omaha, but ignored the notion and stayed the course. After all PAX were through, YHC informed them they had just performed 210 Burpees!

YHC and a few PAX grabbed the coupons from the truck and carried them to the tennis courts. Circle up for a block work countdown. The thing about this workout is to never let the block touch the ground (if possible).Starting at 10 reps and working down to 1, the following exercises were performed:

  • Curls
  • Overhead press
  • Lawnmowers (bent over rows)
  • Flutter Kicks (with block straight up in front of face, arms locked out)

The PAX were plenty smoked by now, but YHC still had 7 minutes left. So some “Tennis B.O.M.B.S.” were prescribed. All PAX line up along the long foul line of the first tennis court. Once a small breather was given, all PAX:

  • Bear Crawl across first court
  • 5 Bobby Hurleys (if YHC called Burpees, he would’ve certainly died)
  • Bear Crawl across second court
  • 5 Overhead Claps
  • Bear Crawl across third court
  • 5 Merkins
  • Bear Crawl across fourth court
  • 5 Big Boy Situps
  • Bear Crawl across fifth court
  • 5 Squats
  • Bear Crawl across sixth court

Wait for the 6, then R&R the sequence but down to 4 reps. YHC had planned to de-escelate down to 1 rep, but time was over. Time flies when you’re having fun!


  • Community Foundation 5k (Speed for Need event) 4/14/18
  • Christina Latini Memorial 8k 4/21/18


  • Sister Act is working out of town for 13 weeks starting Monday. Prayers for safe travels.
  • Sly during his deployment to Afghanistan
  • Def Leppard and his hip issues
  • Gumby and his stomach issues (YHC has the same symptoms, so YHC as well)

YHC led us out in prayer.


This was a tough workout. Every man in attendance pushed hard. 210 Burpees are no joke. Add all the other crap YHC slung on these guys, and they kept coming back for more! Sister Act- you wanted a good beatdown. YHC hopes that was fitting. Tyson is becoming the “Defib Jr.”. 4 miles before the workout and still pushed and stayed near the top of the group. Dolph- it was great to see you again, sir. Thank You for getting the 6 during the workout. Thanks for posting. You had YHC pushing extra hard today. Oompa Loompa didn’t modify one single Burpee. He performed all of them. T-Claps to you, sir! Roadie has  been one of the hardest working guys during the 40 day challenge. You must have lost those last 3 pounds today. Montross is improving by leaps and bounds and pushing that rock. Keep going! Volt is the most rock solid, consistent PAX anywhere. He just quietly gets it done and crushes it! Great work! Gumby is a spark plug that won’t stop igniting! He was at the front all day today. Thanks to you and Dolph for the push through the Burpees. Blart crushed the workout today. YHC forgets that burpees suck extra for you because you are 1 1/2 feet taller than YHC! Bed Pan hasn’t been posting long, but he pushed through and came out smiling on the other end! Outstanding!

And YHC- well, he’s an Idiot. You guys knew that, of course. Thank You men for allowing me to lead. Great work today by all.

Until next time,




Midoriyama Music (kinda, but not really)

It’s starting to get pretty cold at Midoriyama in the evenings. YHC had a weinke ironed out that involved coupons (real shocker), but Omaha’d due to colder weather. The PAX must stay motivated and moving to keep from getting cold. All the discussion about the musical tastes of certain Gashouse PAX had YHC plan a musical themed weinke. As we circle up and get ready to begin, Wojo rolls in with his 2.0 Luigi. Great to meet you, little man! After a call from Madoff telling YHC he was stuck in traffic and coming in hot, we get going.


  • SSH x 10 IC
  • Imperial Walkers x 10 IC
  • Grass pickers x 10 IC

The Thang:

YHC borrowed his 2.0’s bluetooth speaker for Flower by Moby (the bring Sally up, bring Sally down song).

Starting in high plank position, drop to low plank when we hear “bring Sally down” and back to high plank when we hear “bring Sally up”.  Madoff rolls in about halfway through the song. This seemed like an excellent way to start the workout. It was! All mumble chatter from Nantan- elect ToolTime was shut down about halfway through the song!

After what seemed like an eternity, the song ended and the PAX quick moseyed to the 120 yard (thanks for the correction, Madoff) soccer fields at the back of the park for a Whoopee favorite- Red Barchetta (because he really appreciates Rush, but their music still sucks). Whatever. It goes like this:

Goal line-to-goal line sprint, 100 SSH (single count) sprint back to original goal line, plank for the 6

75 yard sprint, 75 Mountain Climbers (count right leg) sprint back to goal line, plank for the 6

50 yard sprint, 50 LBC’s (single count) sprint back to the goal line, plank for the 6

25 yard sprint, 25 Mericans (single count) sprint back to goal line, plank for the 6

10 yard sprint, 10 Burpees, sprint back to goal line, plank for the 6

After a count off, another quick mosey to the small soccer field and line up at the bottom of the hill for Stairway to seven.

At the bottom of the hill, each PAX performs one Burpee, one Diamond Merican (no steps to perform incline Mericans). Run up the hill, perform one squat. Run back down the hill, rinse and repeat except increase one rep per exercise until 7 of each are complete. This was a good crowd pleaser. Wojo had Luigi off to the side showing him the moves and getting some extra cardio in. Great to see a 6 year old out there spending some quality family time with his dad! YHC predicts Luigi will be the anchor man for ANY relay race he enters as he gets older! The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree! Great work, little man!

Mosey to the playground for 3 rounds of:

5 pullups

5 Mericans

5 Burpees

After planking for the 6, Mosey back to the flag where YHC whips out the ol’ speaker and plays Flower again! Leg raises/lowers were performed instead of Mericans. After song complete, a couple minutes of Mary including:

Oompa Loompa- Cross Crunches 20 each side

Ash Pond- 100 American Hammers (single count, but brutal anyway)

Mr. Bubbles- 10 Mericans

Ariel- 20 LBC’s IC

22 for the Veterans




  • Nomads are heading to Hickory on 12/30. Freight is setting it up.
  • New Year’s day convergence 1/1/18 at  the Black Knight
  • Joe Davis Run 1/6/18 in Fort Mill, SC (sign up!)
  • Rooster marathon relay race 1/20/18

Prayer Requests:

  • Rusty (ToolTime’s M’s co-workers’ brother) his time on earth is short
  • Wojo’s father-in-law
  • PAX on the IR
  • Our new Gashouse Leaders as the new year begins

YHC took us out in prayer.

Once again, it’s an honor to lead my brothers once again! Thank You, gentlemen! Great work and drive by all. Nobody quits. Nobody.

Don’t let the cold weather prevent you from posting with your brothers. They need you out there in the gloom. Keep pushing the rock!


B.O.M.B.S. by the Gross

Fear is a powerful motivator. A few weeks ago, Spiderman told the Downtown PAX that if he didn’t get some men to step up and Q, the following workouts would become “more painful”. For some reason, the 45 minutes YHC spends under the oppressive boot of Spiderman is long and painful enough. When he asked for a Q after last  Friday’s workout, YHC gladly stepped up.

YHC followed Sargento’s lead and consulted the F3 exicon for help. YHC decided on simple routines with coupons, so B.O.M.B.S. and the “Gross” made the Weinke complete. YHC is a Midoriyama Homie, so the simpler, the better.

As YHC rolled in, he observed the usual suspects getting in some EC before the workout began. Roscoe, Pizza Man, Monk and Whoopee were getting it done as YHC parked the truck. As it got closer to 5:30, more and more PAX kept showing up. It was awesome to see a total of 20 men (YHC not included) post. F3 Udders from Greensboro posted since he was in town visiting the in-laws for Christmas! Great to have you with us, Sir! With 5:30 on the clock and everyone circled up, time to get started.

Warm Up:

  • Seal Jacks x 15 IC
  • Low, Slow Squats x 15 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x 15 IC
  • Don Quixotes x 15 IC at Warp Speed (Good to see Tool Time finally warming up to these)
  • Dying Cockroaches x 15 IC


The Thang:

Mosey around the West parking lot real quick then partner up for some B.O.M.B.S.

Partner #1 performs said exercise while partner #2 runs length of parking lot and back. Reps are in aggregate.

Burpees – 50

Overhead Claps – 100

Merkins- 150

Big Boy Situps – 200 (YHC will ensure these are performed on grass next time- QFail #1)

Squats – 250

After all PAX are complete 5 Burpees OYO due to train traffic

Next, all PAX grab a coupon out of YHC’s truck. Correct pronunciation of the word coupon was quickly discussed. Depends on which side of Macon (Georgia)- Dixie line you’re from, apparently.

Set up for the Gross. 12 exercises x 12 reps per exercise = 144 (1 gross). Exercises were:

  1. Block Webbs (one of the PAX voiced his displeasure of performing these on asphalt due to his soft, supple knees). YHC called BS and exercise was performed anyway. Going forward, these will performed on grass as well- QFail #2
  2. Curl to Overhead Press
  3. Kettleblock Swings
  4. CDD’s (IC)
  5. Standing Block Push (F3 Canteen’s chest and shoulder builder)
  6. Upright Rows
  7. Block Flutter Kicks (IC)
  8. Thrusters
  9. Mike Tysons
  10. Shrugs
  11. Merkins (IC) Whoopee wanted to add some added difficulty to these by literally locking up with YHC while performing these. YHC enjoyed the challenge. YHC also wonders which scent of AXE body spray Whoopee uses. Smelled good!
  12. Freddie Mercury (IC)

It must also be noted the QFail #3 occurred multiple times during this evolution. YHC completely forgot the proper protocol before beginning exercise (In position, ready, move). Thank you, Freight and Tool Time for keeping YHC honest.

With just a few minutes left YHC called for some Mary.

  • Pattycakes x 15 IC (show to know)
  • Hip Rock and Raise x 15 led by Tool Time.
  • Slaughter Stopper(20 Burpees OYO, but only got to 15 when time was called)


  • Joe Davis Run 1/6/18
  • Rooster 1/20/18
  • Krispy Kreme challenge 2/3/18 (See Sargento for details)

Prayer Requests:

  • The McNulty family
  • PAX who have lost loved ones recently
  • Remember the True Reason for the season
  • Also, YHC forgot the military and their families (QFail#4)

YHC took us out in Prayer.


YHC would like to just let everyone know how much F3 has been such a positive change in his life. He has met so many High Impact Men and is honored to call all of them brothers. He finds himself EHing every man he crosses paths with just to get them out and see what they don’t know they are missing. He finds himself (with help from the SKY Q) being a better husband, dad, brother, uncle and servant. Thank You, Men. It was truly an honor to lead!

Great work by everyone today (as usual).

It was great to have Udders from Greensboro with us today! Will definitely post up your way when in the neighborhood!

Merry Christmas to Everyone!


Epic Gloom

All the conditions were present that precludes a perfect storm. A rainy, overcast day. Daylight savings time has Midoriyama in the dark by mid-workout. A fog bank rolled in. The setting could’ve been the post card for epic gloom conditions. The icing on the cake actually began a couple days ago when the site Q  became a social media troll and raided my M’s Facebook page for an incriminating photo of YHC. YHC can’t prove it, but is 99% certain site Q got some tech assistance from Floppy Disc! YHC LOVES TWITTER! Almost all Gashouse PAX lit YHC up like a Christmas Tree on Twitter and helped fan the flames that help create awesome beatdowns. As YHC rolled in, he was instantly asked many questions on the meaning behind the pic. To make a long story short, YHC was  pushed into the Taylor Swift train (a couple years ago) via his 2.0 and her BFFs. Truth be told, many F3 dads have been on the same journey YHC is traveling. Man up and admit it. You guys like Taylor Swift as well. YHC was posing a silly pose to get a laugh out of the M and the kids. It has also generated a few laughs lately as well. Glad YHC could help out. As 17:30 hit, site Q rolls in hot while disclaimer is stated. PAX instantly did their greatest Taylor Swift heart pose to welcome him in. YHC was so proud. Alright men, let’s get to it.


  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Don Q’s (sorry Tool Time) x 10 IC
  • Merkin Wipes x 5 IC (look them up, work great. Great crowd pleaser)
  • Michael Phelps x 10 IC
  • Cherkins x 10 (It’s a slow motion Def Leppard Merkin and touch forehead to ground)


Mosey to playground real quick to get everybody’s daily dose of pull ups (Hats off to Pizza Man) 6,5,4,3,2. 20 total.

Mosey to long parking lot for bear crawl Merkin Ladder. Bear crawl across parking lot. Stop at every other line and perform 2 merkins. Keep this up for approx. 35-40 yards. Site Q accused YHC of performing these to punish him for the aforementioned photo trolling. Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, moving on…….

Mosey to large soccer field at back of park. Burpee Suicides. One Burpee at the end of field. Run to the different lines on soccer field and back, increasing burpee count by one. 28 total burpees.

Quick count off and then escalating four corners.

Corner one- 10 Werkins

Corner two- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats

Corner three- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s

Corner four- 10 Werkins, 20 Squats, 30 CDD’s, 40 Flutter kicks (20 each leg)

YHC then called for de-escalator 4 corners. Same exercises as above, just performed in reverse order.

PAX then lined up for an Indian Run back to Turd Shack closest to the flag. Fastest Indian Run YHC has ever participated in, for sure!

Wall work at Turd Shack. 3 rounds of:

Donkey Kicks x 10

Hip Slappers x 10

Wall Sits with 25 overhead presses.

Short mosey to the flag with 22 Merkins for the Vets led by Oompa Loompa. AYE!

And that, as they say, was that.


  • Advisory Board meeting this Sunday @ Cavendish brewery.
  • Christmas party Dec. 1st at Lotus. $30 per person. Money must be in to Freight by 11/18/17.
  • Dec. 2nd – Convergence at Gashouse. All AO’s will post there. This is also when we will collect toys for Operation Sweet Tooth.
  • F3 Dads this Sunday @14:30. Reach out to Roscoe or Whoopee if interested.
  • F3 Ruck/ Hike on 11/19. Crowders Mtn. to Kings Mtn. (or vice-versa)

Prayer Requests:

  • Brown Streak and his family on the passing of his Father.
  • Oompa Loompa’s 2.0 is facing foot/ankle surgery.
  • Other PAX who have friends/ loved ones battling cancer.

YHC led us out in prayer.


The earlier darkness and cooler temps make Midoriyama a “morning like” AO. It was awesome to see my brothers pushing and encouraging each other in the foggy gloom. Every man was pushing his best. Defib and Tyson were in beast mode today. Lil’ Sweet shows up late and worked out in his work clothes! Tiger rolled in and joined us at the pull ups. Solid work, sir! Hope to see you back out at Midoriyama. Don’t look now, Roadie- you are becoming a runner! Shout out to Swimmer for not stopping and pushing every Burpee out during Burpee Suicides. Also, Oompa Loompa for posting in Houston, Texas this morning, then double-timing back to Midoriyama for the evening workout! Outstanding! Wojo can still out-sprint everyone even when his back is knotting up. Blart posted sick today and never splashed Merlot. He was close a time or two, but he choked it back down. Sister Act for getting the work done, no matter what you throw at him. He’s a machine. Tool Time- it’s great to see you back out in the gloom, sir. Solid work (as always). Freight was always keeping the mumble chatter lively while still encouraging the PAX in his own way. YHC calls it “constructive sarcasm”. That’s why he’s the Nantan. Def Leppard rolls in, plants the shovel flag, and immediately gets to it. Don’t let the Silver Fox fool you- he’s always “in it to win it”.

Like YHC stated earlier, great work by all. Thank You for allowing me to lead a wonderful group of men today. If you haven’t been to Midoriyama lately (or ever), come on out. The weather is fine.



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