Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Slaw (Page 6 of 9)

Midoriyama Substi-Q

Blart originally had the Q for Midoriyama but had to get a substi-Q due to work issues. I get the text at lunchtime today, so I looked online for some HERO WODS to try to mix it up. Expecting rain, I planned for picnic shelter work after the warmup. Def Leppard shows up and asked “doesn’t Blart have the Q?” He had to work late, so I have the Q because it’s raining (Quick fact- it has rained on 90% of my Q’s. They should change my name to Rain Man.). I wanted to make sure the men who posted in this weather would get their money’s worth, so here’s how it went:


  • 10 Burpees
  • 40 Squats
  • 10 Burpees
  • 30 Big Boys
  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Imperial Walker Squats
  • 10 Burpees

A couple of PAX notified the Q that their Burpee limit had been reached, so we moseyed to the picnic shelter for the main course.

First WOD: DJ

13 Rounds of:

  • 13 Squats
  • 13 Merkins (Neckies, CDD’s, whatever you got)
  • 13 Reverse Crunches
  • 13 Dips (single count)

Grantan did an outstanding job of keeping up with which round we were on by stacking rocks on the concrete (redneck abacus). Mumblechatter started off heavy but quickly tapered off by round 6 or 7. By round 11, Broke was so delirious that he didn’t know whether to stand up or sit down! Another PAX (whose name rhymes with Gojo) said his nether regions were getting rather swampy!

After a quick recovery, we hit the second WOD-

Second WOD: MA3 Oscar Temores

This was supposed to go 8 rounds, but cut it to 5 rounds due to time restraints.

  • 11 Hand Release Merkins
  • 30 Lunges (count each leg)
  • 19 Big Boys

Everyone was pretty smoked (except for Gold Digger), so after a 10 count by Love Boat, we headed back to the flag. With 1 1/2 minutes remaining, I called the Slawter Stopper (20 Burpees) at which the 1st F Q exercised his right to protest and sat this out. Freight said “I only have 10 in me”. You vs. you, brother!


  • Annihilation workout starting 6/27 at Folsom at 06:30. First Q is Gold Digger. This workout is for guys wanting to push to their limits. All regular Saturday AOs including Folsom will remain open.
  • 1st F Q mentioned a PT Test in the near future at the Saturday AOs.
  • There were rumors in the wind about a convergence (NOT a celebration, Freight) in the future as well.
  • Def Leppard’s Merkin form is getting better (if everyone stops to watch him).

Prayer Requests:

  • Sister Act’s 2.0 and family
  • Clavin’s M
  •  Our country and the world

YHC took us out in prayer.

I tried to keep the pace up and push the PAX today. Mission accomplished. All the PAX pushed hard and worked through it all! Some looked as if they wanted to quit, but they didn’t. Outstanding work, men.

Until the next time,

Slaw (a.k.a. Rain Man)

Downtown Beatdown

YHC finally takes a Q downtown. I know it’s been awhile. I hadn’t posted for a week prior due to sickness, so I wanted this workout to be a good one. Knowing that E-Z Rider has a love for the burpee like I do, I made sure that those would be incorporated into the Weinke. Everyone circles up and the mumblechatter is lively. Everyone seems to be in great spirits. 5:30 hits, and we get to work.


Seal Jacks X15 IC, Don Q’s X10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X10 IC



Mosey to main street for route 66 Burpees. Real crowd pleaser. Mumblechatter almost nonexistent.

Next we moseyed to the parking deck for escalator work.

Ground level was 5 Burpees, then sprint to other end of parking deck and Joe Hendricks/ Bear Crawl up to next level. Rinse and repeat the sprinting/ Joe Hendricks work and add exercises at each level.

Level 1- 5 Burpees

Level 2- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins

Level 3- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges

Level 4- 5 Burpees, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys

Level 5- 5 Burpes, 10 H/R Merkins, 15 Lunges, 20 Big Boys, 25 Squats

Mosey to the top of the deck for Red Barchetta. This has become a favorite of mine. Keeps the heart rate up. We ran down 1 level to the far end for 100 SSH. Ran back up to start. Ran back down 3/4 of the way for 75 Mountain Climbers then back to start. Ran to far end up upper deck for 50 LBC’s then back to start. Ran 25 yards out for 25 Merkins then back to start. We then ran all the way down the parking deck to ground level, then performed the 10 Burpees.

Moseyed back to the pavilion for 5 MOM. Dirt calls 15 dying cockroaches IC, then the other 4 or 5 PAX (you know who you are) decided to be a bunch of “Walker wannabes” and called Flutter Kicks. That’s enough of that! Time’s up.


Convergence next Saturday at Martha’s at 07:00. Yes, we are doing it!

All other events (P200, Community Foundation 5k) may be cancelled/rescheduled soon, but as of now, they are still a go.

Prayer Requests: (My voice recorder flaked out on me, so I’m going off memory)

Family member of Orangeman, E Z Rider’s family, Blart’s M is having surgery next week, and the whole world with the Coronavirus situation.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Until the next time,


Substitute Slaw

Blart was scheduled for the Q at Midoriyama. He gave me a little notice saying he might not make it due to work. By lunchtime, it was confirmed that he couldn’t make it and he asked YHC to pick up the Q. I had a few hours to whip up my Weinke, so I headed to the F3 Exicon and the crossfit bodyweight WOD website. I rolled in, changed my clothes, and walked into the typical gauntlet of Midoriyama mumblechatter.  When Gold Digger realized I was subbing for Blart, he compared me to Josh McCown being subbed in for Carson Wentz in the Philadelphia/Seattle game this past weekend! One thing I love about the Midoriyama boys is they tell you how they feel!


20 Seal Jacks IC

15 Don Quixotes

20 Moroccan N/C’s

Stretch Right leg over Left 10 seconds

Stretch Left leg over Right 10 seconds


Mosey to long parking lot on the other side of the playground for The Longest Mile:

4 rounds of:

10 Burpees

100 Meter Run

10 Hand Release Merkins

100 Meter Run

10 Squats

100 Meter Run

10 Big Boy situps

100 Meter Run

Next, we headed to a small hill for some 11’s with Squats at the top of the hill, run down the hill, Mike Tysons at the bottom, then Joe Hendricks (reverse bear crawl up the hill). All PAX were doing great until the Q realized everyone had Omaha’d to Nurring up the hill instead of Joe Hendricks. Even Gold Digger modified after round 4!

Mosey back to the parking lot closest to the flag and do some Ascending Curb Crawls. Feet up on the curb, perform 1 Derkin. Bear Crawl across the parking lot, 2 Derkins, and so on to 5. The Exicon calls for 13 rounds of this, but time was getting short and the Grantan was giving me Eat $h!t looks.

Back to the flag for a Slawter stopper (20 Burpees) for the finish.



New AO at New Hope Elementary (a.k.a. The Ricky Bobby). Sargento is the site Q.

Freight is starting GoRuck training. This Saturday he will be at Folsom. They will start 2 hours before the end of the workout (which is 1 hour before the beginning of the workout if my math is correct). They will be starting at 5:30 at Folsom and finish up to join the bootcampers at the COT. He will be at Gashouse the next Saturday, then The Yank the Saturday after that. If you’re confused by now, just ask Freight.

Prayer Requests:

Swimmer’s Father-in-Law, Timeframe’s M, Tiger’s Dad, Gumby’s upcoming surgery this Friday, Lil’ Sweet (possible surgery), the situation in the Middle East with Iran.

YHC took us out in prayer.

Love ya, mean it!



Blockwork at Hollywood

13 Men posted in the frosty gloom this morning at Mt. Hollywood. I knew that the coupons hadn’t been used at Hollywood yet, so I to bring them out to break the AO in. I had borrowed a portion of my Q from Goodwrench in Sailview and these PAX were going to be the test mules for the workout.


Seal Jacks X 10IC, Gravel Pickers X 10 IC, Morr. Nightclubs X 10 IC


“The Last Castle” I had placed a pile of coupons (CMU’s, Medicine Balls) in one of the parking spaces at the middle school. All PAX line up shoulder to shoulder 20 yards away from coupons. First PAX moseys/walks/skips to the pile of coupons and transports them by any means to another parking spot approx. 10 yards away. Q calls an exercise for all other PAX to perform while their brother is transporting the coupons. The Q may have placed too many coupons for a crowd of this size. Realizing this would take forever, I reduced the number of coupons to facilitate a quicker turnaround time for each PAX. I can’t remember all the exercises called, but I attempted to keep it balanced between cardio/chest/legs/abs. Side note: Blart is a Jenga champion with coupons. I will need to modify this routine, but I was pleased with the disgruntled mumblechatter it produced.

Next, all grab a coupon and circle up for curls/ overhead press. Start from 15 (curls/ overhead presses) all the way down to 1, never letting the coupon touch the ground. This locked down the mumblechatter.

Next was the Bearmuda Triangle. Bear crawl in a triangular pattern on the sidewalk (there’s a perfect spot at Mt. Hollywood for this) and perform escalating hand release Merkins until you reach 10. This is a shoulder burner for sure.

Quick mosey back to the coupons for 5 Blockees to finish us out.


Christmastown 5K this Saturday. We have 7 chariots committed (possible 8th). It’s going to be awesome!

Convergence on 12/28 at Gashouse. All other AO’s will be closed.

Christmas Party on 1/4/2020. RSVP will posted soon.

Prayer Requests:

Pillagers’ sister-in-law (surgery), PAX/families traveling for the Thanksgiving season

Those who have lost loved ones that will make this Thanksgiving/ Christmas season more difficult.

YHC took us out in prayer

We then had the Pledge and Name-o-rama. (Q fail)


I know this workout seemed scatterbrained. I was trying some new things, and I appreciate the PAX working with me to see it through. Thank all of you men for allowing me to lead. I encourage each of you to remember what the Thanksgiving Holiday means and to remember those things that you’re most Thankful for. Don’t take a day for granted!

Until Next Time,


Raisin Bran Sucks

12 Men posted at Folsom this morning for a workout delivered by YHC. As I roll in, the ruckers are finishing up and unloading their canned goods in Freight’s truck. He had half a bed full after all was said and done. Outstanding work by our former Nantan to make an impact and get other PAX involved as well. Dr. Seuss rolls in from a solo EC run. He was running so fast that Freight said they thought he was riding a scooter! The wind was blowing pretty hard this morning, adding to the suck factor. We circle up and at 6:30 and get to work.


Seal Jacks X 15 IC, Gravel Pickers X 15 IC, 5 Burpees (credit Freight for those), Goofballs X 10 IC

I can’t remember if we got the pledge in at this time. If not, EPIC Q FAIL.


Mosey to tennis courts for the “Marguerita”. It’s a Crossfit benchmark WOD that I selected for a specific reason (I’ll explain later).

50 Rounds (yes, 50 rounds) of: 1 Burpee, 1 Merkin, 1 SSH (single count), 1 Big Boy Situp, 1 CDD. This takes some time, and mucho mumblechatter ensued. That’s what I love about the Folsom squad (especially with Freight in the mix to stir the pot). Many topics were discussed, but the main topic was our 1st F Q’s cereal addiction. He usually keeps “6 to9” boxes of cereal in his house. The older PAX (Broke, Leppard, and YHC) remembered when we had to pour sugar on our cereal to sweeten them up. Strange fact- Def Leppard had no idea that other cereals existed besides Corn Flakes and Raisin Bran. When the Silver Fox confessed his love of Raisin Bran, the usually quiet Volt exclaimed “Raisin Bran SUCKS!” It was awesome to hear Volt put the old man back in his wheelchair! Way to go, Volt!

Next, all PAX lined up on the first tennis court line.

At this line, 5 Flying Squirrels (or Burpees if you got it) Bear Crawl across first court, then 10 Sumo Jump Squats. Lunge across next court, then 15 Werkins. Bear Crawl, then 20 Big Boys. Lunge, then 25 CDD’s. Bear Crawl, then 30 LBC’s. Lunge, then 35 SSH (single count) at the end. Reverse that all the way back down to 5 Flying Squirrels while Lunging and Bear Crawling backwards across the courts (thanks for the suggestion, Pizza Man).

Next, we lined up for 11’s with Mike Tysons and Squats being the exercises of choice.

6 minutes left for some Mary. LBC’s, Rosalitas, American Hammers, Flutter Kicks, Peter Parker/ Parker Peters and LBFC’s called by the Silver Fox.


Announcements: Christmastown 5K 11/30, Christmas Party at Lewis Farm on 1/4/2020. I also forgot to mention the 40/50 challenge Defib had issued and progress so far.

Prayer requests: People battling addiction, Clavin’s Family, others YHC cannot recall at this time.

YHC took us out in prayer.


As I stated earlier, I chose the Marguerita because I knew it would take some time to complete. I admitted to the PAX that I have the tendency to cheat myself at workouts if the workout is very difficult. I brought sidewalk chalk to count every round and see it through to the end. My personal accountability has been substandard lately. I had a gut check and realized I’m cheating myself and performing to my full potential when I cheat myself. Another issue I confessed to the PAX was seeing traits in my 2.0 that she had learned from her Dad. These were not good traits. I’ve always been a glass half-empty type of person. Hope for the best, but always prepare for the worst. I had no idea that she had been picking up these habits from me while she was living at home. Now that she’s in college, I see clearly that she is acting and reacting to situations the same way I would. Even though I believed I had taught her differently, she’s acting like her Dad, which isn’t good. I say this to remind all of us- (especially the men with younger children) to live a positive lifestyle and exhibit behaviors that you would want your children to have when they grow up. Also, tell them that you love them. Every day. They need to hear that so much (as well as the M). We all have to be the HIM that our wives and children need us to be.

Until next time,


Red on both Ends

Gold Digger originally had the Q for Mt. Hollywood this morning but he had a last minute schedule change and asked YHC to take it. I agreed and started to develop my Weinke. I wanted to give the proper beatdown without having the complexity of a Short Sale workout (because, let’s be honest, my mind isn’t as developed as well as the former weasel shaker’s). I took to Twitter and Slack for inspiration. I came across the recent “7 albums in 7 days challenge” that many of our PAX have been participating in. I came across a few posts of Whoopee’s favorite band- Rush. He’s the one who introduced many of us to RED BARCHETTA. That’s all I needed for inspiration.

As the PAX were circling up, Broke asked “before I get outta my truck, how many burpees are we doing?”. I told him somewhere between 1 and 300. It won’t be THAT many.


  • SSH X 10IC
  • Gravel Pickers X 10IC
  • Low Slow Squats X10 IC



Mosey out of the school parking lot and through the light at Hawthorne. Right onto Mt. Glendale street. Right at the end of Glendale to the back parking lot of Second Baptist Church. YHC already had the cones set up at 100, 75, 50, 25 and 10 yards for Red Barchetta.

  1. 100 yard sprint to end cone then 100 SSH (single count). Sprint back. Plank for the 6.
  2. 75 yard sprint then 75 mountain climbers (count right leg). Sprint back. Plank for the 6.
  3. 50 yard sprint then 50 LBCs (single count). Sprint back. Plank for the 6.
  4. 25 yard sprint then 25 Merkins. Sprint back. Plank for the 6.
  5. 10 yard sprint then 10 Burpees. Sprint back. Plank for the 6.

After a quick 10 count, mosey to a smaller section of parking lot for escalator Burpee Dans. PAX perform 4 lunges then 1 burpee until they reach the other side. On the way back, lunges stay the same, but burpees increase by 1. We went up to 5 burpees, then back down to one. Mumblechatter was pretty nonexistent except for a few unfavorable statements directed at the Q.

Last on the agenda was a rinse and repeat of Red Barchetta. The PAX were thrilled to hear it! Checking the time, I decided to cut the reps in half at each station. All the guys pushed through like the HIMs that they are. We then moseyed back to home base. With just a couple minutes left, a couple rounds of Mary.

Broke called Flutter Kicks- 15 IC

Sister Act called Dying Cockroaches- 15

Tiger called American Hammers-20 or 25 IC. Sorry, I forgot.



  • Pizza Man’s 2nd F event at Rankin Lake park from 10:00-14:00. Sign-up at the pre-blast link he posted on Slack. 8/17
  • 9/11 Stairclimb on 9/14.
  • Stop Soldier Suicide 5k/ 10K Speed for Need Event 9/21
  • JJ5K at Stanley Common Ground (trail run) 9/28
  • Ragnar on 10/5
  • Tuna 200 on 10/25-10/26
  • BRR Ruck is happening. Check Whoopee’s post on Slack about a meeting coming up.
  • Already looking ahead to next year for P200 and the Colonial 200.
  • Christmastown 5k. Sign up soon. This race usually sells out by September.
  • Shocker is putting on a Golf fundraiser for “Promise for Haiti” that he’s involved with.

Prayer Requests:

Def Leppard’s M is having surgery in September, F3 Guts (Connor Wise) is battling Crohn’s disease, teachers and students going back to school.

YHC took us out in prayer.


I really didn’t have any words of wisdom or encouragement for the guys this morning. As I was riding to Mt. Hollywood, I was listening to the radio and heard the speaker say “the three words that all of us need to hear and want to hear from someone else is- Don’t Give Up.”. There are many people throughout history who made an impact on all of us just because they didn’t quit. I’ve had many of my F3 brothers message me or talk to me and give that very encouragement to me the past few days. To every one of my brothers, I want to thank you for  your friendship and the brotherhood that cannot be replaced. All of you have inspired me and motivated me to be a better Husband, Dad, Son, Brother, Friend and Christian. I hope and pray that I can return the favor to all of you guys. I’m honored to be part of the Gashouse Brotherhood!



P.S. Ask Tesla about an upcoming x-ray that Sister Act will be getting soon. It seems like some cutting edge medical science to YHC!

Kotter Q

It has been a long time since the Slaw had Q’d anywhere. I finally got off my useless butt and picked up a Q at Folsom (thanks for the push, site Q). It was a humid morning at Folsom, and I was anxious to see how many PAX (if any) would post. I was happy to see 10 of my Folsom brothers show up for my Kotter Q. I was going to keep it simple and get back to basics. 5:30 rolls around. Time to get started.


  • Don Q x 10
  • Grass Pickers x 10
  • Seal Jacks x 10 IC
  • Hillbillies x 10


Mosey to the Flag at the top while stopping at the speed bumps for 5 Burpees at each one.

10 LBC’s IC led by Sparky then the Pledge

Short mosey to the parking lot beside the AG center for Deck Of Death. With an old school deck of cards, we shuffled them up and then placed them in the circle of PAX. Each PAX drew a card and all performed the exercise. Exercises were: Spades- Merkins, Clubs- Squats, Diamonds- CDD’s, Hearts- Flutter Kicks(IC). Jokers were left in the mix for 10 Burpees apiece. I had forgotten how much fun this workout was. Mumblechatter was lively. After completing the deck, we moseyed back to the flag, making sure to stop at the speed bump for 5 Burpees. With 4 minutes to go, I pulled up Moby’s “Flower” (Bring Sally up) song. we performed Leg Lifts/ Six inch leg hold for the duration. Real crowd pleaser for sure! When song was complete, 45 minutes of work was in the books.


2.0 Workout this Saturday 7/20 at Folsom.

Ratchet is having a drag race at Shadyside on 7/20 as well.


Prayer Requests: Blue, the Smoot Family, Montross’s Foot/Ankle issue, Medicine Woman and his Family’s new land/home endeavour, Rockabilly’s upcoming job interview.

YHC took us out in prayer.


All the men pushed hard today. I want to thank all of you men for posting this morning and supporting the Slawbag!




Call YHC Rain Man

It had been awhile since YHC had volunteered to Q at his home AO of Midoriyama, so YHC volunteered a week and a half ago to Q. If you happen to be a Midoriyama regular, you should’ve noticed by now that it is raining or just finished raining if YHC has the Q. Some of the PAX were discussing whether YHC should get his F3 name changed to Rain Man. As the PAX roll in, YHC notices a dark gray Tacoma rolling in. Former Nantan Freight is off the IR and back out in the gloom. Great to see you back out, brother (at least that was YHC’s initial thought).  Thankfully, the rain has stopped. Def Leppard rolls in a couple minutes late (presumably on purpose just in case the Q calls  the Slawter starter). No FNGs, short disclaimer, let’s go!


  • SSH X 10IC
  • Don Q’s X 10IC (this is where the constructive sarcasm of the prior Nantan began)
  • Morr. N/C’s X 15C
  • Goofballs X 10IC


The Thang:

Walls of Jericho-

All PAX perform 7 reps of 7 different exercises, then run a lap around one of the parking lots at Midoriyama. This will be repeated for 7 rounds total, except the final round the PAX will run 7 laps around the parking lot.

Exercises were: Merkins, Squats, In-N-Outs, Diamond Merkins, Sumo Jump Squat, WWI’s, and Flying Squirrels.

YHC believes he heard some constructive sarcasm from the six, but the six was so far back, it was really hard to tell.

Red Barchetta

With everyone out of breath (except for Madoff, who looked as if he were waiting for the warmup to finish), we fellowship Mosey over to adjacent parking lot for some Red Barchetta. YHC was introduced to this exercise by Whoopee. YHC had cones placed at 0, 10, 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. As YHC was explaining the exercise the PAX, newly crowned site Q Blart jumps on the constructive sarcasm train with Freight and questions the Q’s measurement methods to ensure we are at the correct “yardage” to achieve optimum workout/ cardio. After explaining that YHC used Google to measure the distances (Google is never wrong), we got to work.

  • Sprint to 100 yard marker, 100 SSH SC, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 75 yard marker, 75 Mountain Climbers (count right leg) sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 50 yard marker, 50 LBC’s, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 25 yard marker, 25 Merkins, sprint back to start
  • Sprint to 10 yard marker, 10 Burpees, sprint, crawl, walk back to start.

Constant Mumblechatter/ Sarcasm throughout the entire evolution.


Finally, the PAX lined up for 11’s. Tiger Squats/ Merkins. Q’s form was questioned by lead instigator/ constructive sarcasm director. YHC will acquire some logs to be used as coupons next workout so he can incorporate the “Log in your eye vs. the speck in your neighbors’ eye” parable. Might be beneficial.

Mosey back to the Flag just in time. (This is where the constructive sarcasm of the prior Nantan ended.)


  • Convergence 11/10 at the Yank with 3rd F afterwards.
  • New AO Bulldog at W.A. Bess elementary school on Tuesday Mornings. Hippa is site Q
  • Christmastown 5k on 11/24 at 18:00. Come out and support if you didn’t get signed up in time.
  • Christmas Party at Dr. Queeesscchhh’s house on 12/15.
  • Some PAX are running the Santa Hustle half marathon in Belmont on 12/22.

Prayer Requests:

  • Tiger facing some big decisions in his life he will have to make soon.
  • Safe travels and return for DDC while he is in Central America.
  • Tyson and his family on the passing of his grandmother.
  • Nikki Bailey battling cancer.
  • Safe travels for Tool Time and his family while on cruise. #SeamanToolTime


YHC took us out in prayer.


If you read the story of Joshua and how the walls of Jericho fell, it’s truly an amazing story. Joshua was tasked to lead a group of untrained, unarmed nomads to take a city that was double-walled, on a hill, and self-sufficient as far as food and water goes. The directions to just march around the city for 7 days then blow the trumpets and scream must have seemed ludicrous to Joshua. Even though the odds were against him, he was obedient. And because of his obedience, the walls of Jericho fell and the Sky Q kept his promise. What “Jerichos” do we have in our own lives? Physical? Spiritual? Emotional? Job? Whatever the case, being obedient to the Sky Q is the best way to handle the situation.

Thank you guys for allowing me to lead. Thanks for posting and supporting even when it’s wet and nasty outside. Great work by all. And it was good to hear the lively mumble chatter this evening.



Wingin’ It

YHC grabbed a Q at F3 Gashouse’s newest AO- Mount Hollywood. YHC had his Weinke locked and loaded the night before the workout. He was wakened by the sound of rain at 0230, so for the next 2 1/2 hours, he laid awake in bed modifying the Weinke. “Never mind. I’ll just wing it”. 12 men took the DRP and rolled out of the fartsack on a wet Monday morning to start the day off right. With half the PAX in the RESPECT age group, Sargento sleep walking, and Sister Act’s back outta whack, YHC considered taking it easy on the guys. Then again, this is F3, not FIA. 5:30 hits and YHC attempted to give the PAX their money’s worth.


  • Seal Jacks X 15 IC
  • Gravel Pickers X 15 IC
  • Morr. Nightclubs X 15 IC
  • Chinooks X 10 IC


The Thang:

Mosey to Brokeback wall by Ida Rankin Elementary for 2 rounds of: 10 Dips IC, 10 Derkins SC.

Next, mosey to Wells Fargo bank under the drive-thru area for some ATMs (because we’re at a bank).

10 Alternating Shoulder Taps, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Merkins. Immediately go to core work with 10 Freddie Mercuries IC, 10 Flutter Kicks IC, 10 Plank Jacks IC. Rinse and Repeat for a total of 3 rounds. This was a real crowd pleaser.

Mosey to the Presbyterian church parking lot for some 4 corners escalator.

Corner #1- 20 Squats, NUR to corner #2

Corner #2- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s. Bear crawl to corner #3.

Corner #3- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBCs. Mosey to corner #4.

Corner #4- 20 Squats, 40 CDD’s, 60 LBC’s, 80 SSH. Plank for the 6.

Mosey to the White Wall behind BB&T bank for some wall work. Starting at 10 reps IC and decreasing by 2 each round, perform: 1) Dirty Hookups and 2) Hip Slappers. Note to future Q’s at this AO- Dirty Hookups on a glossy painted wall with wet gloves/ hands= PAX potentially needing emergency dental work. Q fail. Broke nearly ate the asphalt on that one. Sorry, brother.

Quick Mosey back to the flag with 3 1/2 minutes left. Circle up for some Iron Hulk. PAX made it to 8 Merkins/ 32 air presses when time was up.

COT/ Announcements:

  • Gashouse Convergence on 11/10 at the Fighting Yank. 3rd F afterward with Tiger and Squirt speaking.
  • Christmastown 5k on 11/24 at 1800. If you didn’t sign up, please come and support. We will be pushing 8 Chariots this year. It’s going to be great!
  • Christmas Party at Dr. Quiche’s house. More details to come.
  • Hipaa is starting a new AO at W.A. Bess Elementary on Tuesday mornings. Kettle bell  workout.
  • Operation Sweet Tooth Toy drive is underway this year. Check the Twitterbox for details.

Prayer Requests:

Sly’s safe and quick return from Afghanistan, People battling addictions, Roadie’s M, Any PAX hurting physically or spiritually.

YHC took us out in prayer.


My Pastor made a statement yesterday that YHC had never heard before. Although not verbatim, he said “We are more wicked than we are willing to admit, but at the same time we are loved more than we can ever imagine”. He then stated Romans 5:8- “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners”. No matter how low we believe we have gone, on our worst days, God’s love for us is just as strong then as it is on our “better” days. YHC sat thinking long and hard on that one. It’s almost unbelievable and inconceivable that His love is that strong and unwavering for each and every one of us. Furthermore, we are to extend that type of love to each and every person we meet.

Thank You for the chance to lead,




Hurricane Florence Pre-Party

13 showed up for a beatdown by the ol’ Slawbag. Mumble chatter was lively pertaining to the slowly approaching hurricane. Weather was beautiful and slightly breezy for the workout (which is odd due to the fact YHC is usually Qing in the rain). Broke, Gold Digger and Defib roll in from some EC. 5:30 hits and it’s time to get started.


  • SSH X 15 IC
  • DON Q X 10

(It should be noted that 2 PAX immediately began Burpees at the beginning of the warmup. YHC has these boys trained! In the future, he plans to have them sitting up, rolling over and fetching the paper!)



Mosey to large soccer field at the back rear of the AO.


  • LBC’ X 50 OYO


25 yard sprint then back to start, then perform 10 Perfect Form Merkins (Hand release Merkin w/ alternating shoulder taps at the top).

At this time, YHC must admit these were supposed to be suicide-type sprints, but the soccer field had not been painted yet (Q fail).

Modify for 100 yard Sprint, 10 Perfect Form Merkins.

R & R X 3 for 400 total yards and 40 Perfect Form Merkins

Partner up for some CORA 1,2,3. P1 Sprints (or Moseys) 40 yards and return will P2 performs:

  • 100 Leg Lifts
  • 200 Freddy Mercs (count right leg)
  • 300 Flutter Kicks (count right leg)

Mosey to large parking lot beside the playground for some 11’s with Mike Tysons and Tiger Squats.

At this time, one of the PAX questioned the correct form of his Tiger Squats. Until now, the Tiger Squat was sufficiently performed as long as the PAX’s backside touched the sidewalk/curb (which is EXACTLY what YHC was doing). Now it seems that this certain PAX believed that the backside should touch the sidewalk, then lift the feet off the ground to perform the Tiger Squat correctly. He then felt the need to “Phone a Friend” for a “correct” interpretation. He asked Tiger, of course. Caving under peer pressure, Tiger agreed with the pitiful protester. This made the protester feel vindicated. Good for him. YHC suspected his V was still sandy from the volleyball pit on Tuesday. After YHC Omaha’d back to the flag, he discovered a rather large amount of sand on the sidewalk where the protester had been performing his 11’s. This confirmed the Q’s suspicions.

Mosey back to the flag just in time.


Q vs. Q battle on 9/15. It’s looking like it going to be great! Folsom and the Fighting Yank cancelled on 9/15.

9/22/18- JJ5K trail run in Stanley, Stop Soldier Suicide 5K/ 10K in Belmont. SIGN UP!

Burpeethon 10/6/18 at Rankin Lake Park in Dallas.



Prayer requests

YHC took us out in Prayer


As this Hurricane comes ashore, it will bring record levels of rain with it. YHC encourages all of us to be a HIM and help or assist others any way that we can.

Until next time,






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