Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 8 of 30)

Transvergence at Bulldog

It was a beautiful morning in the gloom for the inaugural Inter-Region Transvergence between Gastonia and Lake Wylie. Plenty of PAX (38 Gastonia and 11 Lake Wylie) and many shovel flags were on hand to make magic. This is what happened…

Circle up for a quick introduction muster and then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Mosey to the middle of the field for the warmup. YHC asked Wolverine what the mission of F3 is. “To plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men, for the invigoration of male community leadership.” Aye!

Warmup: Side Straddle Hops, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Merkins with offer to sign up for the Merkin Hater Club (I’m not only the president, I’m also a client)

Mosey from there to the corner of the track nearest the hill for Dora 123. Instructions were to pair up with someone from another region if you can. Partner 1 runs up the hill and does 5 squat jumps while Partner 2 does 100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs.

Once we finished this up, we Switzer’ed for some words by YHC. At this point the Q was handed over to Wolverine for his portion.

He started by moseying us around the track to one corner where we did 10 Bomb Jacks. Then another 1/2 lap and 10 Bomb Jacks + 15 Diamond Merkins. Another 1/2 lap for the first two + 20 lunges. Another 1/2 lap for the first 3 + something else I can’t remember.

We then lined up on the field for some suicides, sprints, skips and such. It was fun. Broke and Doodles tried using some crafty old guy tricks to finish closer to the lead but we know what the deal is with that.

At this point YHC took back over for the finale, 11s!

At one side we did Goofballs (some Lake Wylie guys didn’t know what that was) and on the other side we did Sandy V’s (none of them knew what those are). It was great and pretty wet too…

By now, the time was about up so we circled up for the announcements, prayer requests and namorama.

Announcements: 2nd F lunch at Byrum’s 10/19, Christmastown 5k needs Track Commanders, Christmas party 12/3

Prayer requests: Huckleberry, Turtleman, Termite’s brother, my apologies, I can’t remember the rest.

Now we gathered for some coffee and the good word from our very own Doodles. His message was awesome. As I recall, the main point was for us as men to live with PURPOSE. That’s something I can get behind. Thanks Doodles!

Great work today men. It was awesome seeing so many of our guys out there and welcoming the LW guys too. We’ll do it again sometime soon. AYE!


161 hour rule

So we here in the Gastonia region have the understanding that backblasts should be completed within 48 hours. This hurts, but YHC has been slippin’ with this one. 161 hours ain’t good. My apologies.

The weather was perfect. The weinke was ready. This is what happened…


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey west toward the bail bond shop. Everybody grab the position for wall sits, then with marching, then with overhead claps.

Mosey around the corner for…not what Short Sale expected. He thought we were going to do Route 66. Hahaha! Head fake to some 11’s. Do merkins at one end, run to the light and do dying cockroaches. This took quite a while because it was a fur piece.

Mosey down South Street to the corner and do monkey humpers IC pointed at McQuitter’s wall as a salute.

Keep going down the block, hang a left and head into the parking deck for the Thang. At the top of the deck we saw a sight probably no one ever thought we’d see. A high rise construction crane in downtown G’town! Another salute to this is the Dora 123.

Partner up, #1 runs around the top part of the deck while partner #2 does the exercise. 100 Daniel Sons (it’s a crane, get it?), 200 CDDs, 300 LBCs. It was awesome!

Mosey down the deck and around the block to the start. Under the pavilion we did a Bear Crawl ring of fire with the PAX doing Shoulder Taps while we took turns bear crawling acound the circle. Time!

Announcements: Amoeba Ruck 10/8, Dredd 10/, Convergence 10/15, Christmas Party 12/3

Prayer Requests: Purple Haze’s mom, Golddigger’s grandmother

Inaugural Gastonia-Lake Wylie Inter-Region Convergence (IGLWIRC)

Who: all PAX from the Gastonia and Lake Wylie regions and anywhere else for that matter.

What: the Inaugural Gastonia-Lake Wylie Inter-Region Convergence, or IGLWIRC for short.

When: 7-8am Saturday October 15th

Where: Bulldog AO – Bess Elementary School – 4340 Beaty Road, Gastonia, NC 28056


The time has come to come together. To reach beyond our borders and welcome friends old and new! Mettle will be tested, friendships will be forged!

Bring your game face for the MEGA beatdown. Stick around for on-site 2nd F with coffeerama with plenty of extras.

HC to your Nan’tan so we can get a headcount and prepare accordingly. See you there! AYE!!!

El Presidente

It was a good day to have a good day. Unfortunately today was a test of strength, stamina and memory. This is what happened…

YHC rolled into the Mt Holly Middle school later than planned due to some traffic light hijinks on the trip north. As the luxury sedan arrived, the President of F3, Dark Helmet, called for the PAX to head away from the start…before start time! Sure, YHC can cut time close sometimes but I had at least 15 seconds before 5:30. Thankfully the Q stopped before he got out of the parking lot. Gracias!

The Q probably did a warmup, and he definitely asked if there were any FNGs present, of which there we none. At some point in all this he asked if anyone, other than YHC, could recite the Mission of F3. No one spoke up so we were instructed to do 5 burpees. We moseyed at a pretty good clip around the corner until we stopped. The Q asked again if we could recite the mission, nothing close was given, 5 more burpees. This scenario occured several more times, along with the Q asking for the 5 Core Principles of F3. This was a little better but still not close enough. More burpees… YHC even spoke up one time when something other than the Mission and Core Principles was asked and I wasn’t supposed to answer. More burpees….Apparently Pillager can’t do Side Straddle Hops in cadence either. More burpees…

By the end of the beatdown the PAX was pretty close on both counts, so the Q let up the pressure and allowed us finish up in one piece. Many thanks to Dark Helmet for posting north of his native land. Aye!


Nice Sunday

YHC rolled up to the club after just a few hours after a long trip to Raleigh to see the Pack roll the Red Raiders. Luckily, I paid my dues and was allowed in. It’s for Members Only, you know. This is what happened…

Tesla and I ruck walked down the street and back. The others who started before us were out doing their thing and we coalesced at the end.

Prayer requests – Huck, Turtleman, Tooth Fairy’s daughter went home!, Living Hope Church now meeting at DSBG

Announcements – JJ5k 9/24, 2nd F lunch 9/28 @ Me Viet Kitchen, Amoeba Ruck 10/8 from near downtown Gastonia, Convergence 10/15 @ Bulldog, Christmas Party 12/3 @ Lewis Farm

Danger run

It was another beautiful day to get some miles in. The Sammichers were again on site for their version of work. It’s training season and the HIM were ready to go. YHC gave instructions for the most dangerous but rewarding route in all of Publand. It was glorious!

Announcements – JJ5k 9/24, 2nd F lunch at Me Viet Kitchen 9/28, Amoeba Ruch CSAUP 10/8, Transvergence with Lake Wylie region at Bulldog 10/15

Prayer Requests – Roscoe’s neighbor’s mom passed, BOS

The long awaited Smokey Mtn Relay backblast!!!

As I write this backblast about the terrific event that it was over 4 months ago, I realize that of the 12 runners we had, only 5 were not respectable (R). Maybe time is catching up to me and is why I keep forgetting to write the backblast. Maybe it’s because this relay sucked all the life out of us all with it’s never ending uphills and extreme remoteness. Maybe I just wanted to forget. Either way, here’s what happened…

Van 1 left from the Intergalactic headquarters of my very generous employer GSM Services at approximately 1:25am fully loaded with the beasts of the road and gravel. They were: Wirenut at the helm, Frank, Pockets, Hot Air, Termite, Sargento and YHC. It’s a good thing we left really early to give ourselves enough time to be there in time. Luckily, the travel gods were with us and there was no traffic and maybe there was a slight miscalculation on the time it’d take to get there and we arrived about 1.5 hours before the start. Anybody need a nap?

Well after we got our stuff, everybody peed a 5-6 times and we got some shut eye, YHC headed out into the dark woods on Leg 1. Wheee!

The van drove down the road to wait at the next EZ so Termite could then trot off down the road. He’s pretty fast for an old geezer.

Hot Air had leg 3 and he’s really fast. This being the case we didn’t delay and we headed out promptly to get to the next EZ. Now Hot Air was going where the van couldn’t so we had to go around the mountain and through Brevard to get there. Wirenut knows how to keep the van on the road. Sargento was riding shotgun and YHC was monitoring the map for directions. Apparently between the three of us, something went wrong and we ended up driving for about 20 miles until we got to Cashiers. It’s a pretty little town if you’ve never been there but theres a problem with it, it’s NOT where we were supposed to be. Not even remotely! Even more unfortunate than that is there is virtually no signal in this part of the world and we couldn’t contact Hot Air to let him know what’s happening. When we were finally able to make phone contact with him he had already been getting hit on by chics for 30 minutes or so as they tried to “console” him during his abandonment. We finally rolled into the EZ after he’d watched a couple dozen team pass by after all his heroics to get kills during his run.

I think Frank ran the next leg, during which we passed Van 2 who had already caught up with us. Oh Lord! We had to get creative for the next few legs to make up time so we decided to let one runner start, drive ahead to the next and that guy start without waiting for the next guy and so on until we were done. We did this with Pockets, then Sargento and that was all for the Van 1 first legs. The plan worked and we were back on track from a time standpoint.

The assessment of how the relay was going so far… uphill, more uphill, no cell signal, still going uphill, and we got lost. It’s awesome!

Van 2 reported as having some terrific runs with nice views of the mountains and countryside. Sarlaac decided to take the hardest legs possible because he’s a true HIM. Soul Glow never complains and runs like a beast. The others showed up for work and got it done!

We watched at the first big EZ near Cullowee in anticipation of Breaker coming in with all the kills. While we waited, we all some rest, some showered and we even got a taste of an avacado based energy thing. Gross! Stay away!!!

Breaker finally rolled in and YHC took off for a pretty flat and relaxing mosey. It was great, you should’ve been there. Termite was up next for a hellish uphill that seemed like it was never going to end. Actually all ther rest of our legs seemed like they were straight uphill. Luckily, it was getting dark as Termite was headed out so it made the sucky uphills a tad bit easier only because we couldn’t see where the hills ended up.

We came across some local yocals messing with the signs and some of the other runners went the wrong way for a couple miles in the dark. Funny, not! Thank goodness none of our guys fell victim to these hijinks and we kept motoring along.

Sargento finally finished his leg at a blistering pace and handed off to Soul Glow who had the pleasure of running a trail in the dark. For anyone who has ever had to do this (see Quiche or Radar from the Mortimer), you know how crappy this can be. Of course, SG handled it with the grace of a man of the cloth, which he is!

All the other runners ran in pitch darkness too but they all ran like pros!

Van 1 motored through the woods, up a few mountains, around our elbows, and past a truck that caught fire on one road in the middle of nowhere that we happened to be on. It’s a good thing YHC has experience in fire and rescue work so YHC did what YHC does and put the fire out by myself!  After this delay, we finally arrived at the next big EZ, which was anything but big. Actually, it was really bad because it was at an overlook on the side of a mountain with very limited room to operate and spead out. Sargento kept a positive outlook by noticing that “at least we had a nice view of the stars” from where we were. We make the most of what we have. Did I mention that it was cold by this point too?

Breaker came rolling in again like a boss (not the BOS) and off went YHC into the gloom. As fortune had it, my leg was mostly downhill and a record pace was set! Wheee!

By this point the delirium was running high and, as such, YHC is having a hard time recalling the details. There was a point in my run when what appeared to be runners of relays past came to me in a vision that was clear as day…..I saw Quiche speak to me about the health benefits of running more that I already had, skipping full body exercise and even neglecting other body parts for the sake of the run. He said something about “withering down you arms” so you can be faster, whatever that means. I saw Buckeye with his former Magnum PI look-alike hairdo and stache trotting to and fro like a giddy schoolgirl. Goldigger raced by me like the Flash from Marvel comics except he was wearing his signature no shirt wardrobe. I saw Boudin’s magical blue eyes staring at me from the darkness for at least 3 miles. There was even the image of Dr Seuss sitting in an easy chair, puffing on a pipe wearing a satin robe reading “Pre: The Story of America’s Greatest Runner.” It was all so clear I swear I could reach out and touch them all. Maybe it was an out of body experience. Were they really there with me on this forsaken relay? Maybe I wrote this backblast way back in May and I just forgot to hit publish. Maybe I’m just trying to forget. Maybe…

I finally came to as I was handing off my leg to Termite, who handed off to Hot Air, then Freight, then Pockets and finally Sargento.

We were at a tiny school somewhere so some of us tidied up in the men’s room while others just hung out. It was hot by this time and we just wanted to get to the finish, eat some food and chill out. Luckily, the finish was at the Nantahalla Outdoor Center where there was all of that and more. The river even goes through the site and it provided the perfect spot for basically doing an icebath without the ice. It served it’ purpose and helped keep swelling, pain and other ailments to a minimum.

We all lounged around for quite a while waiting for Van 2 to arrive, which they finally did to much fanfare. A little while later Breaker Breaker came chugging down the mountain from who knows where and crossed the finish line like a champion. We were DONE!

We celebrated for a little bit but mostly we just wanted to rest. YHC booked a couple of cabins near the Center and about half of the guys stayed the night. The other half headed home since it was only about 3pm and their M’s said they better get back. Wusses!

In both groups, conversation circled around with stories of who had the hardest legs, steepest legs, dangerous encounters, what hot chick tried to hit on who, who was hurt now. You know how it goes, lot’s of toppers doing their one-upmanship routine. It’s all part of the relay experience. The main thing we all agreed once we were done….

We ain’t never doing this dang thing again!!! At least not until next year…



Tequila in the morning

When you’re thirsty for a beatdown the best thing to do is grab a bottle and head to the best AO on Friday in Belmont. I love Tequila in the morning! There were 17ish HIM doing various things this morning, all to achieve the same goal, acceleration! This is what happened…

The men gathered and I gave a disclaimer. No FNGs unfortunately. That means extra pain. GOOD!

Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup – Don Quixote’s, Air presses, 5 burpees for the train

Mosey all the way to the covered area where the kids get picked up for some Chabata. Power up the trusty JBL Flip for a custom playlist of Tequila themed music, most of which was country but that’s ok. The time was set for 1 minute of exercise and 15 seconds of rest for 3 rounds. The exercises were CDDs, LBCs, Alternating Shoulder Taps, Heels to Heaven and Dips.

Take a lap around the parking lot to shake out the swole and do a few laps of encouragement around Roscoe who was doing his Iron PAX Challenge workout.

Muster back at the map of the United States for the next thang, 11’s! At one end do Big Boy Situps and mosey to the other end for Goofballs. This was lots of fun!

Circle up for some Mary which we took turns calling for the good everyone. We did this for several rounds until time was up. That was fun too!

Announcements: 50 Mile Relay 9/10, Skating with Mayor 9/17, JJ5k 9/24, Convergence 10/8

Prayer Requests: Tesla’s son & family, Breaker’s uncle, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Nutria’s sister in law recovery, his brother in law going through Chemo & his sister in law’s mother  who passed, Tigers family

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men, it was great!!!

He’s Sovereign

The last Monday of August and plenty of HIM started their week off right. There were runners and ruckers and just plain walkers. Rocks were pushed until we all came together to hear the (s)word.

29 “Therefore since we are God’s offspring, we should not think that the divine being is like gold or silver or stone—an image made by human design and skill.

We were created by God, for His glory. He doesn’t owe us anything, quite the opposite, we owe him everything. He can do whatever he wants to do, period. It is only by his grace and mercy that we have anything good in this world.  Through His grace and mercy we have a Savior. Praise the Lord!


Announcements: 50 Mile Relay 9/10, Skating with Mayor 9/17, JJ5k 9/24, 2nd F lunch 9/28, Co-region convergence 10/8 at Bulldog

Prayer requests: Striper’s brother, Sarlaac’s daughter, Huckleberry, Turtleman, Gearwrench’s friend’s brother in car accident

How’s that go?

5 HIm showed for a mid-week session of rock pushing. This is what happened…

Pledge of Allegiance

Warmup of Don Quixotes

Mosey to the center of the baseball fields at Martha’s House for some Dora 1,2,3. Partner 1 did the exercise and Partner 2 would bear crawl to the flag pole and back. The exercises were 50 Merkins, 100 Jump Squats and 150 LBCs.

Once we finished that we headed down to the lower end of the parking lot for the Sargento classic, The Figure 8. In the shape of a figure 8, the pax did 15 reps of the following exercises: Dips, Bobby Hurleys, Merkins, Flutterkicks, Monkey Humpers, WWII situps, Dying Cockroaches, Lunges, Side Straddle Hops, Squats, etc, etc, etc. We did 5 round of the Figure 8 with those exercises and more. It was awesome.

The PAX enjoyed getting their sweat on and the mumblechatter was excellent today.

Mosey back to the start just in the nick of time. Aye!

Announcements: 50 mile relay 9/10, skating with Mayor 9/17, 2nd F lunch, JJ5k 9/24, Transvergence 10/8

Prayer requests: Easy Rider’s family, Huck, Turtleman, Oompa Loompa recovery, kids in school

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