Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 25 of 30)

It’s been a while

Even though the weather forecast the night before called for rain on this Yank morning, no precipitation was falling and 18 HIMs showed for a cheesy beatdown. For the last month the Sargento house has been dealing with a new puppy that always needs some care just as we’re about to walk out the door for a post. Today was no different and it made YHC forget the weinke. No worries, a few scribbles on the M’s stationary from her 2.0 chariot and we’re ready to go!

There was an FNG present so a full disclaimer was given. The Yank has had some new blood making it’s way to post lately and YHC had to introduce himself to several of the PAX. Keep EHing men!!!

Warm Up

Goof Balls x15IC (of course)

Don Quixot x15IC

Monkey Humpers x15IC

The weinke says to mosey so we head up to the front of the middle school. We do the Figure 8 a lot up here so YHC changed it up this time to do a round of Four Corner Excalator

The Thang:

First corner perform 10 merkins. 2nd corner 10 merkins & 20 flutter kicks, 3rd corner 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks & 30 mountain climers, 4th corner 10 merkins, 20 flutter kicks, 30 mountain climbers and 40 squats. Plank for the 6.

That was so much fun lets do it again…in reverse! Good work men!!!

Mosey to the corner at the convenience store for 5 Monkey Humpers with the business end to traffic. Aye!

From here we’ll do the Route 66 with Bobby Hurley’s at each telephone pole. We even got a couple extras in there. Regroup at the parking lot for LBC mania until the 6 arrives.

Mosey to the 2.0 chariot, pick up a couple coupons and head for the Pit. 11’s from side to side will be the drill. CDDs on one side, WWI situps on the other side. As always the 11s give a great cardio push! 5 burpees for the train.

Fellowship mosey up and around then sprint to the last spot. Zombie walk down the street with lunges at each line. It’s a killer.

Mosey back to the start, waste a minute running steps. Time’s up.

Pledge of Allegiance

Prayer requests: Hunchback’s M’s surgery this week, Tiger’s M, Tiger, school kids with exams and EOGs

Announcements: Memorial Day Murph, Memorial Day Speed for Need, 2nd F at WWC this Thursday

Moleskin: It’s been a while since YHC Q’ed the Yank or any other AO. It’s good to be back. Once I get this half marathon training over with I’ll be a regular everywhere again. I appreciate the opportunity to lead. I miss you guys!!! Welcome FNG Tandem!!!


Stacked deck?

A beautiful morning for a beatdown at Goat Island. Actually the Island was locked due to high water levels, so we stayed on the mainland. It’s all good.

Brief disclaimer, I’m not a professional, etc.

Pledge of Allegiance

Dolph was hollering about some Floyd and Blackie’s so we moseyed that way. When we reached the back of the coffee shop parking lot we came upon what appeared to be a bunch of zombies (imagine a scene from The Walking Dead where they round a corner only to be blocked by walkers and have to find another way). These were really just the girls (mainly) from the bootcamp on a field trip it appeared. Keep moseying back to the green and finally to the gazebo of pain.

The Thang!

The Deck of Death (stacked version)!!!

Each suit in a deck of cards is an exercise, each card determines the number of reps. Aces are are a lap around the green and jokers give a choice of 14 burpees or a lap around the green.

Clubs – Burpees

Diamonds – Merkins

Hearts – LBCs

Spades – Squats

Mayor and his infinite wisdom immediately claimed that my choice of exercises was not imaginative enough. Maybe so but he still hated having to run around so much. Ice up son!!!

We had a good time with some excellent mumble chatter, especially when the PAX realized that the deck I was carrying wasn’t exactly even. Maybe there were a few extra cards to spice things up. How’s that for imagination Mayor?!?

Time ran out before we could finish everything, maybe we won’t do the warm up mosey next time. Great work men, it was an honor to lead you today! AYE!!!

Announcements: All have expired by now I think

Prayer requests: Breaker Breaker’s aunt Judy, Lynn Hamm chemo treatments, proms, college exams, year end finish for area schools

Thank you for the opportunity to lead today men.

5 miler – All hale to Short Sale!

It was a brutal run if I’m being humbly honest with how great of a job I did, I mean come on – I’m Sargento – the Big Cheese. Great things are expected of me and I’m here to deliver. So I designed a challenging course to mosey from Publix to Martha River’s Park and back – just a little over 5 miles. To my astonishment, I learned from Defib this was not a virgin voyage, but there are only so many routes from the center spoke of The Pub. It was a mixed crew of various levels but no disclaimer was provided – everyone knows to run at your own peril, right? So 0530 hit and we were off at a torrid pace. Defib is in the home stretch of his marathon training and I’m working up for a half-thon (that is a code name us runners like to throw around when we talk shop). Yeah, I’ve got a lot of options for my next “thon” – probably going to get on the road to Waco – not Texas but Cleveland County – I’ve always wanted to run by the fair and maybe grab a turkey leg – kind of like the Krispy Kreme run in Raleigh – of course that is a meager five mile run and not a “thon.” But that brings me back to this backblast. I was completely amazed that Short Sale sprinted ahead of me and Defib. Let it be known that I personally recruited him to run the Tuna last year and put him in the Emotional Headlock once again for this Fall’s Bourbon Chase and I secretly pushed him to the 2nd most miles of the entire race (second only to YHC of course!) but even more than our secret weapon QWEEESH. So it was like one of those proud papa moments to see the little seed I’ve cultivated shoot past me on the run. But like the first time Queso beat me in basketball – wait no one is supposed to know that…but it was like that moment (lucky three point shot by my boy). So I suggested to Defib I should catch him because I was in fact The Q and the Q leads, not follows. The Q does not follow! Defib said I should leave because he was patronizing me as he really wanted to perform the Burpee Mile and I was annoying him. So he started doing burpees and I took off. I finally caught my young protégée as he arrived at the entrance to Snoballs (site of my Wednesday Q – anyone else go 5 days in a row? Oh, sorry Mr. Gastone…anyone else attempt 5 straight Q’s? As Charlie Sheen once said “winning!”). I’m nearly out of breath having run a 5 minute mile pace. Mr. Sale suggests we do an ab set since we had time. So we plop down in the Snoballs parking lot and do flutter kicks until the others arrive. Stroganoff was so proud to see his favorite exercise employed, he joins us for a few and then Gastone challenges us to perform 100. I check my watch and realize it is 0555 and we’ve got to get back to the AO. As the natural leader I announce it is time to head back. We begin at a slower pace, obviously recovering from our ab set. I had no more shared the words “let’s pick up…” before Mr. Sale once again took off in an impressive sprint. The rest of us could do nothing but be amazed. I reach the crest of the hill left of the new Harris Teeter and Short Sale is not in sight. I wonder if he took an Uber. I have no choice to lead the other men left to my charge. We pick up Defib in front of his neighborhood completing his 1000th burpee. I ask where he got the water to which I learned Short Sale went into Harris Teeter to buy a Starbucks and case of waters to share with the team – I wonder why I didn’t think of that? So as he sped by, Mr. Sale offered Defib a water. I’m kind of thirsty, water should would taste good about now. I guess we better catch up. Our four man crew arrives into the parking lot at Publix at 0614, a PR for me my watch informs me. Clavin and Stone Cold are sipping cold water having completed their circuit. Short Sale is running between the medians performing a set of 11’s. Apparently my brutal workout lacked and he needed extra. I’ll consider revising my next Pub Weinke. I’m a bit surprised though as somehow he carried a case of waters and medium Mocha Frappuccino nearly two miles. Man – what kind of monster have I created? Truly a beast is all I can say, except he’s not Q’ed 5 days in a row. The gauntlet has been thrown my fellow Wolfpacker…are you up for the challenge? Oh and thanks for the water – it hit the spot. Next time I promise to include you in the back blast.

What he said

Full disclosure…I didn’t get around to writing this backblast before I went on vacation. I can’t remember what we did except for the weinke. Props go to Whoopee for letting me use his weinke (in a purely platonic way of course). 5 Qs in 5 days leads to lack of imagination. His backblast is more of a literary masterpiece than this one too but here goes.

Warm Up

5 Burpees


10 Burpees

20 LBCs IC

5 Burpees

10 Squats IC

10 Burpees

Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey to back of middle school.

5 Hip Slappers at the top, run down the hill and do 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 LBCs at the bottom.

Mosey around the track.

Partner up. Partner 1 run across field, Partner 2 do hanging pull ups, hip/thigh extensions, derplankins all for 3 sets.

Mosey to the amphitheater hill.

At bottom perform 5 merkins, 5 burps, 5 squats then run up the hill. Repeato x5.

Mosey to the big steps closer to downtown.

At the bottom do 5 merkins,  at the top do 10, 20, 30, 40 then 50 flutterkicks.

Mosey across the street for some Mary including but not limited to:

Crunchy Frogs, LBCs, Burpees, SSH, LBDs, Peter Parkers

Thanks for letting me lead me. My apologies for the tardy BB.



14 showed for day 4 of the tour. Another perfect day to push the rock. Today was a little more special than normal though, it’s VQ day with Queso.  YHC’s overgrown 2.0 loves F3 and enjoys coming out with the guys to be a part of something great. Definitely a HIM in the making.

The deal was that Queso would create the weinke with some help from dad and lead as much as he wanted. So that’s what we did. Here’s what I remember.


Newton’s Cradle x15 IC

Goof Balls x15 IC (for the absent Short Sale)

Mosey around the big island in the parking lot back to the pavilion.

Thang 1:

B.O.M.B.S. – Partner up and do cumulative reps of:

  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Over Head Claps
  • 150 Merkins (these sucked super bad)
  • 200 Big Boy Sit Ups (these sucked even more than the merkins)
  • 250 Squats

While partner 1 does the exercises, partner 2 runs. We first went around the big island in the parking lot but that took way too long so YHC switched it to 2 laps around the pavilion. Much better and it kept us close together for good mumble chatter. Good conversation and strong effort here! Aye!!!

Thang 2:

The A.S.H (supposed to be the WASH but shortened due to time limitations and YHC’s already burned out pecs) – Keep the same partner as before and do cumulative reps of:

  • 100 American Hammers
  • 150 Step Ups
  • 200 Hip Thrusters (aka baby makers or limited stroke pickle pounders) as expected there were numerous exaggerated counts and crude comments of PAX needing a cigarette or a nap. Great examples for the adolescent Q.

Like before, while partner 1 works partner 2 runs around.

Recover! We had a couple of minutes left so YHC called for a quick set of Nolan Ryans. Done!

Announcements: CSAUP next Saturday, Forge on Wednesdays, Community Foundation 5k April 14

Prayer requests: Roscoe’s 2.0 surgery, Lynn Hamm recovery from brain tumor surgery, Breaker Breaker’s step dad’s knee, safe travels for PAX, friend of Gastone

As always men, it was a pleasure and I appreciate you ALL welcoming my 2.0 and supporting him as you do! AYE!!! He was super excited to lead and I know he’s looking forward to doing it again soon.

Happy Easter! The Lord is Risen!!!

Here we go again!

The Wednesday workout at Pelican’s turned up 15 HIM’s for a perfect weather day on the 2nd round of the Sargento Q Tour.

Warmup – The Mosey

We made our way out of the friendly confines down to the main parking lot. Today’s beatdown would be an instant replay of yesterday’s, The Alphabet!

The Thang – The Alphabet – Each letter is what names the exercise. Do 15 reps of each one, 15 per side just to be clear!

A- Alternating Shoulder Taps

B – Burpees

C – Crunchy Frogs

D – Diamond Merkins

E – Empty Wheelbarrow (partner, many didn’t like this one)

F – Flutterkicks

G – Gorilla Humpers (Short Sale insisted that we do some Goofballs instead so he threw some in for fun)

H – Hillbillies

I – Iron Squats

J – Jumping Spiders (crowd pleaser)

K – King of Hearts

L – Low Country Crabs

M – Merkins

N – Newton’s Cradle

O – Outlaw

P – Pickle Pounder (laughs and PG-13 humor abounded)

Q – Quarter Mile (kinda)

R – Russian Dips

S – Spiderman Crawl

T – Turkish Get Up (15 of these is more than enough!)

U – Up Straddle Hop

V – V-Up Roll Up (somebody farted)

W – Werkins

X – X Factor

Y – Yeah! (the one with Ursher, Ludacris and Lil’ John)

Z – Zombie Walk

Mosey back to the start. One round of Nolan Ryan’s. Somebody reminded YHC to catch the the Pledge of Allegiance. Aye!

Announcements: Revolution Park in CLT, Community Foundation Run 5k

Prayer Requests: Short Sale’s daughter has a concussion, college decisions for high schoolers, Lynn Hamm recovery from brain tumor surgery, holiday travels

Thank you for allowing me to lead men!

Midoriyama VQ

YHC has been posting for over two years now and has Q’ed too many times to remember. There are only two AO’s in the Gashouse region that have felt been melted by the ferocious fury of a Sargento beatdown. 16 HIM’s were out today to witness the VQ in person. This is what I think happened.

Warmup – The Mosey

We made our way out of the friendly confines of the park across the street to the new parking area. When we got to the spot it was noticed that there is a 50 foot dead end trail that takes you to a fence. Strange. The new lot is nice and smooth, perfect for today’s beatdown, The Alphabet!

The Thang – The Alphabet – Each letter is what names the exercise. Do 15 reps of each one, 15 per side just to be clear!

A- Alternating Shoulder Taps

B – Burpees

C – Crunchy Frogs

D – Diamond Merkins

E – Empty Wheelbarrow (partner)

F – Flutterkicks

G – Gorilla Humpers

H – Hillbillies

I – Iron Squats

J – Jumping Spiders (crowd pleaser)

K – King of Hearts

L – Low Country Crabs

M – Merkins

N – Newton’s Cradle

O – Outlaw

P – Pickle Pounder (laughs and PG-13 humor abounded)

Q – Quarter Mile (kinda)

R – Russian Dips

S – Spiderman Crawl

T – Turkish Get Up (15 of these is more than enough!)

U – Up Straddle Hop

V – V-Up Roll Up (somebody farted)

W – Werkins

X – X Factor

Y – Yeah! (the one with Ursher, Ludacris and Lil’ John)

Z – Zombie Walk

The variety in this workout was great. For those that have been to a Sargento Q you know I try to incorporate new exercises in each time. This one had 7 new ones for YHC. Good times!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements: 3rd F at Parkwood coming up, Community Foundation 5k, CSAUP next weekend

Prayer requests: Oompah’s 2.0 mission trip to Honduras, a mom with Cataracts, FNG’s friend’s lung function, sorry I didn’t get them better

It was a pleasure men, until next time, AYE!


Top ‘O The Mornin to Ya

This time of year is awesome. Grass starts getting greener again, flowers have started popping out and the weather is perfect for getting out to push yourself to be better. In YHC’s opinion it’s the best season, especially when you can have fun celebrating a day like St. Patrick’s day. This was the theme for today’s beatdown!

YHC was running a little behind this morning and when he arrived the PAX present and accounted for. There were big things planned for the men of the Yank today so after a very short disclaimer and a warmup consisting of just 10 Goofballs IC it was time to get moving. We moseyed about 20 feet for the Pledge of Allegiance then everyone picked up their coupons from the trunk for an extended mosey. Lately YHC has become a fan of having music to keep us pushing so we grabbed the speaker and set out on an extended mosey. The first session included some of my favorite Irish jigs, perfect for keeping your mind off of the mosey.

After about 15 minutes, we arrived at the destination, the new Teeter in Belmont. Nice newly paved parking lot and an empty field and hill for conquering! To give the PAX a chance to catch their breath, we had a round of St. Patrick’s day trivia. So much fun. DJ Jazzy Sargento switched up the music for Ireland’s undisputed kings of Irish music, U2!

A prior count-off gave us 7 strong this morning, so partner up, plus 1 for the St. Patrick’s day version of Dora 123, the over-the-top Sinead 123!

Sinead 123: Partner up, cumulative reps while carrying coupons

  • 100 Brickens
  • 200 Shoulder Presses
  • 300 Squats

A couple more trivia spots and then it’s time for the last routine.

Quarter Pounder with Cheese

  • Run 1/4 way across the parking lot, do 25 Merkins, NUR back
  • Run 1/2 way across, 50 lunges, NUR back
  • Run 3/4 way across, 75 Mountain Climbers, NUR back
  • Run all the way across, 100 SSH, NUR back

We were pretty well gassed at this point and still had the 15 minute mosey back so YHC took the idea from Orangeman during the first mosey to leave the coupons behind and get em later. The PAX liked this idea. Smart guy that Orangeman! Let’s mosey.

Upon arrival we had time for about 30 seconds of plank. Time.


Schiele Museum – Animal Babies (perfect for young 2.0s) March 24 next week!

CSAUP April 7

Community Foundation Run April 14

Prayer Requests:

Lynn Hamm brain tumor biospy

Tesla’s son going back to MS for school

PAX tests

It’s a lot of fun leading you men. We have a great group coming out regularly. There are a lot more who’ve come in the past but have gotten out of the routine so call, text, tweet, slack attack or visit a brother you know who needs to come back. They miss us, just need a little encouragement to realize it.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day (he wasn’t Irish)!!!


The Q is always right!

As the weather gets warmer it brings our more and more PAX. Today at Gashouse was no different where 21 who were willing and able to get after it did just that. Many of the PAX got in some EC with rucks or runs as well. Keep up the strong work.

YHC is always in EH mode and it finally paid off with two FNG’s following through on their HCs from earlier in the week. There was also one FNG who showed by his own gumption and motivation. HIM’s all around! Aye!!!

The disclaimer was given for the benefit of the FNG’s and the rest of the PAX. With that out of the way we can get to it.

Warm Up:

Goof Balls x15 IC

Don Quixote x10 IC

Monkey Humpers x 15 IC

Pledge of Allegiance

Some split off for Pain Lab, the rest mosey across Garrison to the parking lot of the office of on Boss Hog (someone EH that guy to come back out with us).


The PAX performs dips on the high end and mountain climbers at the low end. 10 reps of one and 1 of the other, then switch to 9 & 2, 8 & 3 on until you’re completely flipped. Make sure you do 11 total reps on each cycle though. I think everyone enjoyed this.

Mosey down the street to the big parking lot at Parkwood. YHC did some recon before his 10 mile EC mosey and found a perfect place to perform his favorite routine from The Yank, The Figure 8! As expected, when he began explaining the routine to the Figure 8 virgins they whined and questioned everything like a bunch of girls afflicted with the sandy V. YHC had to reassure them that it wasn’t nearly as complicated as they thought, just do the thing!

The Figure 8:

20 reps of each exercise

Station 1 – Merkins

Station 2 – World War 1 situps

Station 3 – Bobby Hurleys

Station 4 – American Hammers

Station 5 – Side Straddle Hops

Station 6 – World War 1 situps (again)

Station 7 – Bobby Hurleys (again)

Station 8 – Alternating Shoulder Taps

By the end of that rotation everybody had gotten the hang it. See, YHC wouldn’t steer you wrong. It was so fun we decided to play it back again. YHC recalls that this round was when a certain PAX, whose name rhymes with Sort Shale, was complaining that the routine was incorrectly named. All YHC knows is that when he wants to come up with a routine on his own, he can name it whatever he very well wants to! It’s shaped like a figure 8!!! Repeato for a third time for good measure.

Mosey back down the street down to where Stroganoff has flashbacks of former baseball glories for our next routine.

Triple Nickel:

YHC understands that there was some variation to this but we had to cut it short due to time. At the bottom perform 5 squats, bear crawl to the top and perform 5 derkins. Repeato x3 and we’re done.

Mosey back to the Schiele for the finishing touch, Bring Sally Up. Man, it seemed a lot harder this time that usual. Aye!

Prayer Requests: Forestview students in car accident this week, First ARP mission team to Haiti, my apologies for not recalling the rest

Announcements: Speed for Need is at Community Foundation Run on April 14th.

Moleskin: The passing of Billy Graham this week reminded me of what a profound impact we can have on people by our words and actions. His example of what a Christian husband, father, friend and leader can look like is a legacy that will live on well past his life. We should all strive to create our own legacy that glorifies God like Pastor Graham did.

Great work today men. It’s a pleasure leading you and I won’t let so much time go by before the next one here. Have a great week!

Cadence or OYO?

It was a warm morning for mid February at Goat Island. 8 showed for a Sargento special. This is how it went I think.



Good Balls x20 IC

Don Quixote x15 IC

Monkey Humpers x10 IC

The Thang

Mosey around the back of the downtown buildings up the stairs to the secret parking lot.

Happy Jacks x20 IC. This was the first time trying this exercise and after a disastrous attempt at cadence we Omaha’d and finished up at 10 reps.

Mosey under the train tracks down to the basketball court.

Monkey Drill the length of the court. At the end perform 10 Monkey Jumpers and Monkey Drill back to the start. Repeato for three rounds.

Mosey back to the secret parking lot.

Happy Jacks x10 OYO! This one went much better.

Mosey down to the base of the bridge.

Mountain Goats x10 IC. This too was a disaster to try and call in cadence. Abort! Abort!

Bear Crawl the wooden span of the bridge. Once across the PAX was to Skip to the next bridge. That was fun!

Fellowship mosey down to the back parking lot for…

Elevens – On one end perform Scorpion Dry Docks, on the other it’s squats. Strong effort was given by all.

Mosey back onto the island to one of the picnic shelters for a rousing round of everyone’s favorite…

27 or 40?!? This was in honor of it being the 27th day of our 40 day challenge which everyone loves. When called upon, the PAX would call the number they want and YHC would name the exercise. Suffice it to say that I can’t remember who or what was called but here’s my best recollection.

Merkins, LBC’s, Freddy Mercury’s, Dips, Flutter Kicks, Nolan Ryans

Mosey back to the start for the Pledge.

Prayer Requests

Announcements – F3 Dads tubing at Crowder’s Ridge Sunday

It was a pleasure to lead today men!

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