Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 22 of 30)

Caroling Caroling through the snow…

11 strong and dedicated HIMs made their way out of the fartsack to start working off their Thanksgiving indulgences. This would be YHC’s first Q is a very long time so of course I had to have some tricks up my sleeve… a couple of early gifts from Santa? Cue the music!

Disclaimer was given, no FNGs.


Goofballs x10 IC

Don Quixotes x10IC

Monkey Humpers x3IC

Start up the music, Christmas Hits for the Black Friday action. Mosey to the parking deck, all the way to the top. Today we would be welcoming back the Q’s best friend.

The Deck of Death

The PAX would perform the exercise on each card pulled. Anything not a face card was given 10 extra reps. Fun, fun, fun.

After lots of mumble chatter, passing of Thanksgiving digestive gases and overall good times we ran out of time. We only made it through about 1/3 of the deck so this will have to be revisited soon.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead men!

Prayer requests: Dry Rub’s wife in the hospital, couple others I can’t remember.

Announcements: Christmastown 5k tomorrow evening, laser shows at the Schiele Museum starting December 14th

Preblast: Dredd to visit the Gashouse

Calling all PAX! On Thursday October 31st, Halloween, the original and still head Nantan Dredd will visit the Gashouse and speak to the Rotary Club of Gastonia. Come for lunch and the message!

Three and a half years ago Dredd and OBT spoke to our Rotary club and YHC hadn’t yet posted for my first F3 workout. I did end up posting that Saturday at Gashouse and the rest is my history. Obviously anyone who’s posted to an F3 workout and understands what a huge part of our lives F3 is appreciates Dredd’s vision and what makes F3 awesome.

YHC is now Rotary Club President and it’s time to bring back Dredd and Dark Helmet to share the F3 message for those who have heard him before but more importantly those who haven’t. Just like I needed to hear Dredd’s passion for why we’re made to be more than who we currently are as men, all of us know men who need F3. I invite all PAX and their visitors to come for lunch ($14) and the powerful message to follow. The meal begins as early as 12:00 and the program starts at 1:00, finishing at 1:30.

Please RSVP directly to Sargento if you can be there and any guests you’re bringing.


Don’t Try This at Home

So YHC had the bright idea of running 10 miles and then Q Gashouse. Nope, won’t do that again… Here’s what happened.


Goofballs IC

Flutterkicks IC

Something else…

Mosey to the front of the Schiele to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

The Thang

Next, the 11 PAX would perform the Bataan Death March heading in a southeasterly direction down the road. Last man in line drops for 5 burpees then makes his way to the front of the line.

By the time YHC stopped the group we were in front of the old orthopedic hospital on New Hope. Conveniently there was a nice hill beside the sidewalk, a perfect opportunity to do the Bernie Sanders. Nur up the hill. Makes a lot of sense just like Bernie’s ideas. Some past weasel shakers disapproved of this exercise noting that the grass was still damp and a little too high. This was the first sandy V sighting.

At the top of the hill we did the Butkus which is 60 seconds of steps ups onto the curb. It wasn’t very hard so we did two more rounds of it just to make sure we got our fill. Confirmed, this exercise doesn’t need to be done again.

Next the PAX got to enjoy the thrill of 11’s. On one side of the parking lot do Hand Release Merkins, on the other side do Tiger Squats, making sure your butt touches the curb. The problem with said curb is that it’s a little short and on a decline which made this already tough exercise even harder. You’re welcome.

Fellowship mosey down the way a bit to the parking lot cul-de-sac. Here we paired up and did the Dora 123. Partner one ran to the bottom and back while numero dos did the exercise. 100 WW1 situps, 200 CDDs, 300 LBCs. Fun.

Mosey back to the Schiele, of course doing the Bataan Death March back. We stopped in Parkwood’s lot to let the 6 catch up. While waiting we started Bring Sally Up. It’s fun too. Keep moseying.

Once we got back we did some stuff I don’t remember because I’ve waited a week to do the BB. My bad.

Thank you men for allowing me to Q, also to site Q Linus for asking. Next time I’ll bring the heat!!!

Gardening by the Yard

The PAX didn’t realize that YHC is a gardener. Roscoe does, but he wasn’t present. Crowder Green forever, ask Roscoe if you don’t know. This may be the first gardening themed workout in the history of Gashouse. This is what I remember…


Plank Jacks, Dying Cockroaches, Grass Pickers

Pick up some coupons from the back of my M’s kid carrier.

Mosey to the pad for some Triple Nickel.

5 Pickle Pounders (because cucumbers are grown in a garden then made into pickles) at the bottom, 5 Morning Woods at the top. X 5

Mosey up to the picnic shelter for Elevens: Dips and WWI situps.

Mosey back to the start to pick up the surprise, the big daddy double tire wheel barrow! What could this be for? Keep moseying to the Pit for the next round.

The Thang – Partner up, all the PAX does the exercises while on couple does a partner wheel barrow route (one PAX ride in the wheelbarrow while the other drives) with 10 shoulder shrugs in the middle. Trade with the next group in line and get to exercising!

Merkin Mania: 5 each of Diamonds, Merkins, Wide Arms, Crucibles, Staggered L & R, Tempo and Hand Release versions of the chest work. Aye!

Ab Killers: 10 Oblique Crunches L & R, 50 LBCs, 15 Oblique Crunches L & R, 25 LBCs, 20 Oblique Crunches

Spiderman Crawl to the line then back.

Rinse & repeat for a whole nother round. Strong work men!

Okay, so maybe everything wasn’t gardening related but we used a wheelbarrow and I’ve never heard of this in a workout.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead! Y’all are the best!!!

It’s about time!

I think it was a beautiful morning to Q the Yank again. We’re 3 years into the easternmost of all Gashouse AO’s and still going strong. In this version of our favorite AO Short Sale played DJ for YHC’s workout. His interpretation of what he thinks I would listen to is entertaining to say the least. We appreciate his dedication to lifting up our region. It was a thing of beauty. This is what I remember…


  • Arm Circles
  • High Knees

Mosey around the corner and up the long hill to the convenience store. Cross the street and do brief wall sits for the 6. Keep going down the street until everyone arrived at the middle school.

The Thang:

The Figure 8 – at each point do 20 reps of the appointed exercise as follows:

  • Merkins
  • Arm Taps
  • Burpees (damn you Q)
  • Goofballs
  • Dips (it was at this point that Short Sale had “Rubber Band Man” play on the speaker. Holy cow)
  • Arm Taps
  • Burpees
  • Monkey Humpers

Rinse and repeat another round. Yeehaw!!!

Mosey around the corner again down to the Pit for some

Dora 1,2,3,4 – partner up and do exercises while your partner runs to the traffic barricades and back.

  • 100 reps WW situps
  • 200 reps of ?
  • 300 reps of ?
  • 400 reps of LBCs

Mosey around the corner to the narrow street beside the railroad tracks for one last hurrah. Lunge walk to each painted line where we do a squat. Do it all the way to the end.

Mosey across the street to the fountain for a couple laps of the Death Spiral. Up the steps to the Fighting Yank statue and the Pledge of Allegiance.

The End!

Sargento out!

Just a little late

The region’s top ranked Thursday running workout was loaded with neon yellow today! Safety first of course. We ran a lot, 5 or so miles to be approximate. Some were fast, others not so much. Everyone pushed it. Roscoe even kept his shirt on!

Coming in Hot

I’ve gotten pretty good at timing the drive to all the AO’s I plan to post at. This morning when my alarm went off I accidentally switched it off instead of just snoozing it. Woke up at 6:38! Oh crap, gotta go!!!

YHC jumped out of the car at 7:01 to plenty of jeers from the PAX, deservedly so. I had to make up for my tardiness somehow. It’s a good thing I planned a beatdown on the extra large weinke.

Disclaimer since we had an FNG, nice job Breaker Breaker!

Warm Up:

LBC’s (thought I’d do good balls, didn’t ya?), Plank Jacks, Morrocan Night Clubs, then GOOFBALLS!

Mosey up the sidewalk then get a count-off at the corner from the PAX so we can keep tabs on everybody. 14 in all, good crowd.

Route 66 – do CDD’s (Def Leppard Merkins) at each telephone pole adding 1 extra at each one until we reach the corner. Countoff…

Mosey around the corner to the back of the middle school for a new routine YHC found in the exercisicon.

The Thang:

The Gross – do 12 reps of 12 different exercises- YHC picked 12 I really don’t like doing too much. ALL WERE IN CADENCE!!! Sort of…

  • Gorilla Humpers
  • Burpees
  • Werkins
  • V-Up Roll Up (for Nantan emeritus ToolTime)
  • Lunges (Orangeman had the brilliant idea of making them jump lunges, so we did that at the halfway point)
  • Diamond Merkins (I really hate these)
  • Hip Slappers (but not as much as these)
  • Shoulder Taps
  • WWI Sit Ups
  • Tiger Squats
  • Mike Tysons
  • Maktar N’Diayes

Countoff… this is where Tiger left…then mosey down, around the track and to the shelter where the concrete is smooth for…

The Grater (a Sargento original where we get our cores shredded! Get it?)

  • Weezy Jeffersons (look it up)
  • Windshield Wipers
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Oblique Crunch (for Nantan emeritus ToolTime)
  • Protractor
  • Peter Parkers
  • Parker Peters
  • Outlaws
  • Dollys

This is where the FNG said he had to leave to catch his 5 year old’s t-ball game. We had to name him before he left so YHC stopped the proceedings to learn a little about him then give him his name. Welcome 5 Degrees!!!

Mosey down to the amphitheater for one last hurrah.

The Triple Nickel – Mountain Climbers, which YHC switched to Plank Jacks at the bottom, Big Boy Sit Ups at the bottom. Plank for the 6. Tesla was the only one who followed the instructions. Great leadership Site Q.

Mosey around the park, do a Death Spiral lap around the fountain, then head to the Yank for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Announcement – Mt. Mitchell hike rescheduled for the 19th, 5k in Belmont, other stuff

Prayer requests – way too many for me to remember. Just remember to lift each other up and encourage everyone.

Moleskin – The last few weeks have been pretty tough trying to keep everything together with my M-in-law getting very sick then going to be with the Lord. Knowing that our PAX has each other’s back in prayer and in our lives is very real and powerful. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers and support. Our wives need the same type of community that we’re so blessed to be a part of. Please encourage and support your wives to get involved in relationships outside of the usual family unit that can provide similar support like we have. Church, exercise groups, neighborhood groups, wherever they need to go to develop the ShieldLock that we all have. It’s critical for them just as much as it is for us.


Until the next time I’m just making it to a workout…peace.

He is Risen!

Another beautiful spring morning in Belmont for the Yank. YHC had the Q and I wanted to make it something unique. 14 PAX were present once DDC and Vuvuzela showed up after the warmup. Let’s get it on!


Goofballs (of course! The Goofball is the first cousin of the Side Straddle Hop, so it’s ok to start with. It was made even better because ToolTime hates them so)

Don Quixote (see above, sorry brother!)

Can’t recall the last warmup

The Thang

YHC brought back a weinke used 2 years ago on the same Easter weekend Saturday. It’s a tour of worship locations throughout Belmont.

Mosey up the street to our first stop, the Lutheran Church. Here we did the King of Hearts (that’s Jesus!) routine. Suicides from one end to the other doing Karaoke L, Karoake R, Skips and regular sprints. There was plenty of mumblechatter and general mouthiness about having to run. Don’t worry, it’s good for you. Rinse and repeat.

Mosey from there to the campus of Holy Angels which used to be Sacred Heart College. Plenty of worship and praising our Lord happens here. We gathered in the gazebo for the next routine, Six Minutes of Mary (she was the mother of Jesus). We did our first countoff to make sure everyone was present and accounted for, 14 total. YHC set a timer for 6 minutes and called various ab exercises that lasted between 45-60 seconds each. All exercises were called in cadence even if they’re not normally. This caused epic laughing from lots of PAX, especially the Nantan emeritus ToolTime who sounded like the guy from Revenge of the Nerds more than once. I think I’m a pretty funny guy but TT took it to the next level here. Good times!

Mosey up to the intersection where we had a view of our nations flag so we recited the Pledge of Allegiance.

Keep moseying down the street, stopping a couple of times to let the 6 catch up until we reached the Belmont library. YHC’s idea here was to make up for the train that passed through earlier of which we didn’t pay respect to with burpees. 5 burpees OYO. It was at this time that Anchorman pulled a moving EH and what do you know, the young fella took him up on the offer. We had a mid workout unexpected FNG! BOOM!!! Nice job Anchorman!

Mosey to the First Baptist steps for Jacob’s Ladder. Increasing reps from 1 to 7. Burpees at the top, Bobby Hurley’s at the bottom.

Mosey to First Presbyterian parking lot for a quadruple smash up. Hail Mary’s (Q fail, didn’t remember what this exercise was on the first go round but thanks to the F3 app YHC figured it out), Prayer Squats x20, Superman’s for 1 minute, Hallelujah squats x20. Rinse and repeat 3 times.

Mosey back to the pad for one last exercise. Nolan Ryan’s x15 IC.

Time’s up. Welcome FNG Halftime! Way to push the rock everyone!

Jesus is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!!!

Best Backblast Ever!!! Running right past the rock

Tuesday morning, a beautiful cool day to push the rock. YHC remembers the days when the Monday AO was known as Derecho. It was a running based workout where we did stuff other than just run a certain route. We did creative stuff like sprints, hill work and fartleks (actually we never did fartleks but we could’ve). Mayor and Top Hat gave an audible groan when I mentioned what we’d be doing today. Time to have a throwback Tuesday!

Warm Up

Goofballs (of course)

Monkey Humpers

Dying Cockroaches

Mosey from the starting area around the parking lot to the small roundabout.

The Thang

Sprint to the first road hump, do 15 merkins, sprint to the next, 15 more, sprint to the next, 15 more, mosey to the stop sign. Props to the Mayor, he’s a pretty good sprinter.

From the stop sign the PAX nurred up the hill to the artwork. Once there the PAX woudl bearcrawl the circle. A few of the elder PAX decided to take the outside circle for a little extra effort. Nice job showing the young whippersnappers what’s up.

Mosey from there back to the small circle where we started.

For this round of action instead of sprinting we skipped and karaoked from speed hump to speed hump. At each hump the PAX did 10 burpees.

Get to the stop sign then nur up to the top.

We were going to bearcrawl around the artwork but Mayor had a great idea to do it backward. Anchorman said we should take that up a notch and not only go in the opposite direction but switch to crab walks. Once again the elder rockpushers took the long route around.

Mosey back for one more round. Sprint to each road hump and then do 25 LBCs. We made it through the 3 roadhumps before it was time to head back.

Once at our original start we had time for a round of Nolan Ryans.


Prayer requests: Anchorman’s mother in law, others I forgot

Announcements: Mt. Mitchell hike May 5th

Thanks for the opportunity men. It was a pleasure as always.

Eat It!!!

Diablo Sammich, zero dark thirty. Let’s get to eatin!

We carried our rucksacks around the park, staying on the path for safety. YHC set his timer for 5 minutes. At each alarm we did 10 merkins with our rucksacking sacks on. It was great.

If you’re not going to run you might as well rucksack. That’s what Whoopee always says…I think.

It was a pleasure to be out here with you guys!

Sargento out!!!

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