Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Sargento (Page 14 of 30)


Three HIM posted for a pre-Thanksgiving bootcamp at Mount Hollywood. It was raining but that’s ok. This is what happened…

No disclaimer, all veteran F3 PAX present.

Mosey across the street to the covered area at Ida Rankin Elementary.

Warmup – don’t remember, my bad.

The Thang – Do 20 reps of the called exercise then do a lap around the parking area.

T – Alternating Shoulder Taps (each side)

H – Monkey Humpers

A – American Hammers (each side)

N – Nolan Ryan’s (each side)

K – Karate Kid’s , think crane kick (each side)

S – Side Straddle Hop

G – Goofballs (could there be anything else?

I – Imperial Squat Walkers

V – V-Ups

I – Iron Hulk (merkin followed by 4 air presses x20)

N – Newton’s Cradle (each side)

G – Gorilla Humpers

We did a round or so of Mary where Mayor called for V-Ups again. Nice choice.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!!!

Announcements – Christmas party Dec. 11, Biloxi half marathon Jan. 29

Prayer Requests – Mayor’s M, Queso’s knee & South Point football safety



Remember the classic movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when the teacher, Ben Stein, was taking roll? When it got to Ferris, obviously he wasn’t there but teach kept calling for a name, Bueller…Bueller…Bueller… That’s what happened in this edition of TRB. There was no Q named Tesla to be found! Oh well, there were three of us who actually set our alarms correctly so we hashed it out and got after it. This is what happened…

No disclaimer, all veterans.

I think we did a warmup.

YHC took the lead for the first section of the workout.

Suicide Ladder Escalator !!!

Run to the first light and back, doing 5 burpees at the start. Then go to the second light and back, then the third and then fourth, doing 5 burpees at the start each time except on the final return do 20 WWI situps. We did 3 sets of this thang.

Next up Nutria made up some Triangle Thang

Each PAX would do AMRAP of something while at another station that dude counted to a number. The idea was to do the exercise until the other guy got to your station. That was the idea…

1st round – 10 Step Ups each leg, AMRAP American Hammers, AMRAP Hand Release merkins (stupid merkins)

2nd round – 10 Decline merkins, AMRAP Lunges, AMRAP Flutterkicks

3rd round – 20 Mountain Climbers each leg, AMRAP Squats, AMRAP Heels to Heaven

Finally, CPAP decided to do a 4 Corner Escalator on the field. It probably should be called the Field of Tesla’s dreams since he didn’t get his cussin’ rear out of the fartsack this morning!

Corner 1 – 10 CDDs

Corner 2 – 10 CDDs and 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg

Corner 3 – 10 CDDs, 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg and 30 LBCs

Corner 4 – 10 CDDs, 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg, 30 LBCs and 40 Mountain Climbers each leg

We headed back to the start due to time after that.

Moleskin: You have to be ready when unexpected circumstances come your way in life. You may not like having to deal with stuff but being prepared will help make the most out of what often could be a really crappy situation. Even though Tesla screwed his Q up royally, it gave the 3 HIM in attendance the chance to modify and lead like we’re all called to do from time to time. The moral of the story is: stand guard, be ready and don’t ever let Tesla forget his mistake! 🙂

Announcements: Christmas Party (M’s welcome and encouraged to attend), Speed for Need at Christmastown 5k

Prayers – Buckshot & M, Queso’s knee recovery and team health, good sportsmanship

Sargento, Nutria and CPAP out!



What was that?

In what was the Saludatory running of Members Only, YHC laid out a new route for the PAX (aren’t they all so far) because we here on the east side of the county like variety! Most of us were able to complete the route without getting lost or taking wrong turns. It was Halloween morning. This is what happened…

We ran north, took a right on Keener, a left onto Woodrow, right on Main Street, through the Bojangles drive through, EC through the McDonald’s drive through, then south on Catawba back to the start.

Everybody was present and accounted for but only one driver honked at the person dressed up for Halloween. That guy had a carrot costume on. Really weird…

Announcements: Extinction run this Saturday at Primal Brewing, give blood Wednesday November 10, Christmas party December 11

Prayer requests: PAX looking for jobs, Billy Ray (Quiche’s 2.0) senior year recital this Friday, Gavel started new job

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men. Aye!

It was a dark and unstormy night

Q’s have to get creative when they lead Tequila Sunrise this time of year. Safety, even when it’s considered 3rd or worse, should still be a concern and being that there are virtually no lights at this AO, peeps have to watch out! This being the case, YHC lead the 9 other HIM around somewhat more carefully than normal so nobody regrets coming out. This is what happened…



Mosey around the way and up the street, stopping for a brief session of Zombie Walk. Keep moseying until we get to the cemetery. The almost full moon was helping us see better than back at the school so we consider that a blessing.

Do some Frankenstein’s down the hill then mosey around the maze of streets where we arrive at the starting point of the The Thang.

The Triple Decker

At each of the three roundabouts, do increasing 10, then 20, then 30 reps of the following exercises.

  • Merkins (hate ’em)
  • American Hammers (count right side only)
  • Lunges (count right leg only)

When we finished this up we moseyed the long way back to the blacktop play area at the school for 11’s. At one end do WW1 situps and at the other do Jump Squats.

This took about all of our time. Plenty of running around and mumblechatter this morning. It must’ve been Friday because everybody was in a good mood. Thank you for the opportunity to lead as always men! AYE!

Announcements: Christmas Party, Christmastown 5k (Speed for Need), Extinction Run, Give blood, Chad 100 November 11

Prayer Requests: Rockabilly family, Breaker Breaker’s second cousin’s husband passed, PAX looking for new jobs

I like bourbon and other stuff too

There were an even dozen HIM who showed for a Folsom beatdown by YHC. It was a perfect morning for putting some work in. This is what happened…

14 of our region’s finest were in Kentucky having a good ole time chasing the bourbon, YHC decided a playlist in tribute to them was in order. The songs all had a theme of drinking and, believe it or not, turns out the vast majority of all drinking songs are country songs. It was quite fitting for this crowd. Message YHC at 704-460-4516 for the playlist.

The JBL got fired up so we could have tunes to sweat to during workout. To start off with, we did Bring Sally Up. Always a crowd pleaser.

The Thang

The What? This was a timed routine. For 10 minutes on the tennis courts, the PAX would line up on one end and do 10 Merkins, run up to the net, do 3 Burpees, get over the net however you can, do 3 more Burpees, run to the other end and do 10 WW1 situps.

After a round of this YHC lead the group out to the driveway for a round of Route 66 or so. Wichita said we should do CDDs so we did that at each light in the ascending pattern all the way to the Extension office and back. Think we got to a max of 14 reps.

Head back  to the tennis courts for another round of The What? This time we’d do 10 Lunges (each leg) at one end, go to the net, do 3 Burpees, jump the net, 3 more Burpees and 10 Dying Cockroaches at the other end. We did this for 10 minutes again.

Next, the BOURBON. We did exercises beginning with the letters of the word.

B – It was supposed to be burpees but we didn’t and I can’t recall what we did

O – 10 One arm pickle pounders (each arm)

U – Chop high knees and do an Up Down whenever YHC said so. 10 total

R – 25 Rosalitas

B – 10 Bobby Hurleys

O – 25 Overhead claps

N – 10 Newton’s Cradles (each arm)

There was a little time left by this time so we circled up for some Mary and it was good.

Moleskin – You may not know this but YHC isn’t a resident of Dallas, although I feel right at home with my boys here. It’s because I’ve spent many a gloom up here with the PAX and broken many a bread with them at their excellent coffeerama’s that I’ve gotten to know them pretty well. There were several PAX who made their way from the eastern side of the county to visit Folsom and I’m glad they did. I’ve always tried to be intentional about getting around to the different AO’s for several reasons.

  1. There are different guys at other AO’s and you might make new friends
  2. Different AO’s offer different stuff to do
  3. It gets us out of our comfort zone and shakes up the routine, which can be good
  4. You might just learn something new or grow because you’re out of your comfort zone
  5. Seeing new guys or guys you don’t see too often might encourage them to venture out to your AO sometime
  6. The other guys might need you to be there providentially and you don’t even know it

No matter why we go to other AO’s, it’s important for us to post and do it at different places, just for the sage of trying new things sometimes. Let’s get out of our comfort zones men! AYE!!!

Announcements: Extinction run, blood drive, Christmas Party, 40 day challenge, Rudolph & T Square going away party

Prayer Requests: PAX job searches, Tiger M & step sons, the homeless

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Best Ever

As I recall, 6 HIM ran the best route ever. Even Stroganoff made it out after a few quarters on IR recovering. It was awesome, you should’ve been there.

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Won’t do that again!

10 HIM posted despite YHC’s warning that we’d be doing the IPC today. Actually, the announcement may have helped lure a few guys out who wouldn’t have normally posted at the world’s premier afternoon AO.

Unfortunately, former nantans Freight and Def Leppard and current nantan Broke elected not be strong and instead do a running workout. Maybe this was a good idea after all. This is what happened…

No FNGs so not much of a disclaimer other than that the IPC is gonna suck really bad this week.

No warmup.

IPC Week #4

A timed workout for a full 52 minutes and 30 seconds. Everybody exercises the whole time (except the nantan mutinees).  The routine was to do 25 reps of the exercise you’re on, run 25 yards, do 3 burpees, run back and pick up on the rep you stopped on. Do this until you’ve finished the prescribed number of reps then move on to the next exercise. If you finish the whole workout before time is up, you start going back up from where you finished. The exercises and reps were

200 Curls (with blocks)

175 Squats

150 Overhead Presses (with blocks)

125 Kettlebell Swings (with blocks)

100 Merkins

75 Thrusters (with blocks)

50 Bonnie Blairs

25 Blockies (with blocks, duh)

Honestly, this was totally insane and I hated it. Soccer arms were tested to the limit and YHC failed badly.

The supreme victor of the day was Defib, which is no surprise because he is a total beast. That guy is awesome. Hats off to the rest of you guys for doing your best, it was awful and I won’t do that again!

Thanks for the opportunity to “lead”.

Announcements – convergence happened today

Prayer Requests – Huckleberry’s mom, man from Lil Sweet’s church on ventilator, Survivors of Shop Vac who was PAX in other region, also Tiger mentioned a lady Katie Sparrow who both passed at young ages leaving families behind.

These requests bring to mind how fragile life is and that we’re not guaranteed another day. We need to be intentional. We need to let those we love know how much they mean to us, to get right with our Lord and to lead well because you never know the impact you’ll have on someone, even if it’s just one something little. Let’s make a difference in our worlds and be intentional. Aye!


Gameday…Time to Grind

There were HIM a plenty at the Yank this morning. Unfortunately, only 6 were willing to take the beating that YHC had planned out. The rest of them went to listen to Roscoe’s rat-tail friendly trash metal. This is what happened to the brave few…

After Roscoe’s warmup we moseyed up, around and through the park to the track of the former Belmont Middle School. What laid ahead can only be described as our destiny, The Wolfpack Grinder. It’s the best gameday workout known to man.

At one end of the track the PAX would do:

  • 20 Prayer Squats IC and 20 Merkins OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Prayer Squats IC and 20 Mountain Climbers OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Prayer Squats IC and 20 Merkins OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Prayer Squats IC and 20 Mountain Climbers OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Monkey Humpers IC and 40 LBCs OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Monkey Humpers IC and 20 Plank Jacks OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Monkey Humpers IC and 40 LBCs OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap
  • 20 Monkey Humpers IC and 20 Plank Jacks OYO
    • Run 1/2 lap, turn around and head toward the Pit

On the way to the Pit we stopped at the shelter for 20 dips IC. After that we stopped at a curb and did 40 or so Rocky Balboa’s IC.

Once we got to the Pit we taunted the slow moving group of dudes with our high speed, exciting routine of 11’s. You know the routine, do 10 on one end and 1 at the other, increase and decrease the numbers until you flapjack the reps.

  • At the wall we did Donkey Kicks
  • At the highway barriers we did Derkins

We had a few minutes left over so we headed to the amphitheater for some Mary. We all had time to get in our own choice of exercise.

A special treat was having Brutus lead a round that started off slow, ramped up the intensity and then back down to a stop. It was masterful! When YHC asked why he hadn’t ever Q’ed over here, he said that he was taking some time off from Q’ing. Me thinks we have a gem of a Q that needs to share his expertise. Go Brutus!

We met up with the low intensity guys at the statue for the Pledge and namorama. Roscoe posted all the prayer requests and announcements on his backbast.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead men! AYE!!!


Update: No doubt thanks to our efforts with the Wolfpack Grinder the mighty Wolfpack earned a big WIN against the stupid Tigers on Saturday. GO WOLFPACK!!!


Did someone say Fibonacci?

There were 6 HIM who showed up at the premier Wednesday workout TRB. YHC got an idea to come up with some sequence work. This is what happened…


Warm Up

Mosey to the back parking lot where YHC explained the Thang.

Some of us have heard of the mathematician Fibonacci and his famous sequence. He didn’t invent the sequence, he just figured it out. It goes like this, each number in the sequence is the sum of the previous two numbers. It goes like this, 0,1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 and so on. Because F3 involves exercises, we did this.

1 Burpee

1 Burpee

2 Merkins

3 CDDs

5 WW1 situps

8 Bobby Hurleys

13 Lunges each leg

21 Mountain Climbers

34 Flutterkicks

55 Squats

89 Side Straddle Hops

144 LBCs

233 Air Presses

377 of nothing! That’s too much!

Mosey up to the front of the school and back for some trivia.

Fibonacci was born in what year? 1170 AD.  Do 11 Alternating Shoulder Taps and 70 Moroccan Night Clubs

The great band U2 was formed in what year? 1976. Do 19 Werkins and 76 Goofballs

Mosey back to the front of the school this time.

Another great band Led Zeppelin has sold how many albums? 111 million in the US and 300+ million internationally. Partner up and do 111 Merkins and 300 Dying Cockroaches. The partner who runs will go down the way to the last light. Time’s up!

Thanks for the opportunity to lead men!

Announcements – Convergence, Blood Drive November 10 at South Point Methodist, Extinction Run

Prayer Requests – Pillager hernia surgery


Pamela is inappropriate

11 HIM made their way on a rainy Thursday at The Pub. The night before, YHC chose to take us on a seldom used route of late, one that conjures inappropriate, but no less funny jokes from many of the PAX. Pamela never disappoints, so that’s where we went. It was fun, even with the big hill on Gardner Park road. All arrived safe and sound at the end.

Announcements: JJ5K, Convergence, other stuff

Prayer requests: Roscoe’s father in law, Cougar’s grandmother, BOS’s sister in law, our nation

YHC took us out in prayer. Thank you all for the opportunity to lead. AYE!

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