Remember the classic movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off when the teacher, Ben Stein, was taking roll? When it got to Ferris, obviously he wasn’t there but teach kept calling for a name, Bueller…Bueller…Bueller… That’s what happened in this edition of TRB. There was no Q named Tesla to be found! Oh well, there were three of us who actually set our alarms correctly so we hashed it out and got after it. This is what happened…
No disclaimer, all veterans.
I think we did a warmup.
YHC took the lead for the first section of the workout.
Suicide Ladder Escalator !!!
Run to the first light and back, doing 5 burpees at the start. Then go to the second light and back, then the third and then fourth, doing 5 burpees at the start each time except on the final return do 20 WWI situps. We did 3 sets of this thang.
Next up Nutria made up some Triangle Thang
Each PAX would do AMRAP of something while at another station that dude counted to a number. The idea was to do the exercise until the other guy got to your station. That was the idea…
1st round – 10 Step Ups each leg, AMRAP American Hammers, AMRAP Hand Release merkins (stupid merkins)
2nd round – 10 Decline merkins, AMRAP Lunges, AMRAP Flutterkicks
3rd round – 20 Mountain Climbers each leg, AMRAP Squats, AMRAP Heels to Heaven
Finally, CPAP decided to do a 4 Corner Escalator on the field. It probably should be called the Field of Tesla’s dreams since he didn’t get his cussin’ rear out of the fartsack this morning!
Corner 1 – 10 CDDs
Corner 2 – 10 CDDs and 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg
Corner 3 – 10 CDDs, 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg and 30 LBCs
Corner 4 – 10 CDDs, 20 Bonnie Blairs each leg, 30 LBCs and 40 Mountain Climbers each leg
We headed back to the start due to time after that.
Moleskin: You have to be ready when unexpected circumstances come your way in life. You may not like having to deal with stuff but being prepared will help make the most out of what often could be a really crappy situation. Even though Tesla screwed his Q up royally, it gave the 3 HIM in attendance the chance to modify and lead like we’re all called to do from time to time. The moral of the story is: stand guard, be ready and don’t ever let Tesla forget his mistake! 🙂
Announcements: Christmas Party (M’s welcome and encouraged to attend), Speed for Need at Christmastown 5k
Prayers – Buckshot & M, Queso’s knee recovery and team health, good sportsmanship
Sargento, Nutria and CPAP out!