Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Rockabilly (Page 2 of 2)

My Favorite Board Game

Growing up, my cousins and I played a lot of monopoly.  I wanted to incorporate my favorite game into a workout.  I was going to take a monopoly board and put some block exercises on the properties, but as I mentioned this on the world famous Folsom groupme chat, Hippa said there was already a “Painopoly.”  So. My job just  got easier.

The thang:

take the painopoly board place it in the middle of the circled up pax, roll the dice, do the exercise that’s on the property you land on.  We had deck of death cards for community chest and chance (thanks watts up).  We used blocks and kettle bells (pax preference).

Hippa deserves co-Q credit as I didn’t know some of the exercises that was on the board he brought and he had to demonstrate a good bit!

All pax got better! Thanks for coming out!!!

My first painlab Q

Watts Up gave me an opportunity to lead painlab this week, thanks brother!

15 ssh with boot camp for the warm up

9 stayed back with me for the painlab experience


everyone grab a block out of “the Prius”


the thang:

YHC was worried that I wouldn’t have enough to take up the entire hour….. I was wrong

25-1 blocks but it actually went 25-11 because we ran out of time and I’m actually pretty sure nobody was mad that time ran out on us.


squat thrusters

calf raises

block swings

Chest press (on our 6)

we had to modify the swings and squat thrusters to 10 reps after the first 2 rounds because these were way more brutal than I expected and again I don’t think anyone minded.

Like I said above we only made it through the round of 11 before we ran out of time….


great work by all the pax!  Thanks for showing up to my Q!

too many commercials

After getting woken up by thunder and lightning, I was worried that my Q may have to be delayed due to weather.  That was not the case, when  the 4:20 am alarm on my phone went off, I was delighted to see the storm was gone.  I arrived at Folsom about 5:22 am to see Roundup getting some EC in and Volt was getting his early work in.


5:29 am is here and I realize we have a nice crowd!  5:31 am we begin (Q fail, chattering away). No FNG’s so I just reminded the pax that a lawsuit against me would be highly disappointing.


Warm up: 

10 SSH in cadence 

10 Don Q in cadence 

10 squats single count 

Mosey to the tennis courts 


Rugby sprints 1 court width  repeat after each exercise!

10 flying squirrels OYO  (some upgrades to burpees)

1 minute raise the roof

1 minute merkins

1 minute Morroccan night clubs

Mosey to the other end of the courts and back

Still rugby sprinting

1 minute emperial walkers 

1 minute hillbillies 

1 minute LBC

1 minute flutters

1 minute Rosalita’s

Mosey to the end of the courts and back 

Still rugby sprints 

Lunge walk 1 court and back

1 minute squats 

1 minute calf raise 

1 minute squats 

1 minute calf raises

Mosey to the end of the courts and back.

Rinse and repeat 

The entire work out had music blasting (thanks Pappy for the speaker)  and served as a great way to get the mumble chatter going as I had some very familiar  90’s tunes and a few other not so familiar tunes as well.

Rugby sprints was a great way for us to keep the heart rate up and YHC to be able to keep up with the pack.  This group of men at F3 Gastonia encourages me to be better every day.  I hope the workout today wasn’t too JV for some of our more athletic men.  Thank you all for the support today!

We needed a spark

11 pax posted for my VQ and co Q Montross

warm up

10 ssh in cadence 

10 hillbillies in cadence 

10 monkey humpers 


The thang from YHC

Modified Dora (partner up) bear crawl to the first light post both directions, run in between 

50 of your choice either burpees or flying squirrels 

100 squats 

200 raise the roofs

this was a Q fail for me as after the first set of bear crawls I was winded (had to modify to just 1 court of crawls each direction)

Montross part

Route 66 with blocks…… oh wait…. sparky was a no show and he was supposed to bring the blocks.

Omaha: Route 66 Lunge walk with Mike Tyson’s

after this we did a mini tour of the amphitheater and the grass by the shelters

YHC called 3 exercises at the amphitheater

On your 6. 

Flutters 10 in cadence (I miscalled these swimmers, Montross set me straight)


10 ssh in cadence 

10 toy soldiers in cadence 


to the grass where Montross called 3 exercises



Big Boys


back to the ampitheater YHC called 3 more exercises

ssh 10 in cadence

monkey humpers 10 in cadence

and I can’t remember the last one (to many parties back in the day).

Last trip to the grass

I believe Montross just rinsed and repeated

every time we moved to a different area Montross called some plank exercises while waiting on the six (guess who that was…… me)

after 2 sets at each shelter it was time to go back to the courts for a short round of Mary.

Back to the parking lot for COT.

prayer request: Roadie and family, our youth, Stogie’s Family

announcements: Ragnar trail run (y’all to somebody from the Rock Hill region if interested)

special shout out to Pac-Man for driving nearly an hour to support YHC in my VQ

Also you guys have helped me probably more than you realize.  Happy to lead you guys and hopefully helped you all get a little better.

Iron sharpens Iron proverbs 27:17

How is a running AO my first Q????

YHC pulled into Prison Break at 5:20 with Roundup already waiting and Oompa Loompa in his car, shortly after Lion King pulls up and we see a truck that looked a lot like Sparky but we knew better…. or did we?  Turns out Sparky was on time!  We chatter for about 2 minutes then we head out,  Montross, Sgt. Hulka, and Tyson were there early (thanks for the flag Montross) Oompa, Pappy, and YHC Ruck/walked while everyone else burned the road up.  6:15 is here in no time, pledge, prayer request, COT.


Q fail I forgot to see if we had announcements.


prayer request:  each other, Big Pappy’s Family, Lion Kings Friend, Sparky’s coworker’s Mom.  I hope I didn’t forget anything, if I did I apologize.

Thank you men for letting me Lead!  You guys help me more than you probably know.



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