Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Roadie (Page 2 of 2)

Touchdown Beatdown

We started this weekend off right with a good ole beatdown. Sister act had a very impressive month of July with 37 post. Mad respect bud you have inspired a lot of men to really push the rock. BUT because of his push he has been a little mouthy lately. Therefore I made sure he had a weighted vest for warmup.




Slawter starter(20 burphees oyo)


Let’s mosey to the bottom parking lot.


The thang:

Touchdown beatdown

Start in the endzone and bear crawl to the 10 yard line for 10 CDD

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 50 for 50 lbs

Run to the 40 for 40 squats

Run to the 30 for 30 merkins

Run to the 20 for 20 lunges

Run to the 10 for 10 CDD

Run back to the start and r&r for 45 mins.

After 45 mins of tdbd we fellowship mosey back to the parking lot. There we pledged and did 22 for the vets. We also my have cooled Sister Act down a little.



August Monthly Challenge of 20 Contra Burpees per day

The Forge – Wednesday’s @ 6:30pm (Green and Grit’s in Lowell)

August 6th @ 5:30am – Official Mt. Hollywood AO Launch (Mt. Holly Middle School – 124 S Hawthorne St, Mt Holly, NC 28120)

August 11th – F3 Gastonia M’s workout @ Folsom @ 8am

August 12th – Crossroads Convergence (Coconut Horse will be CLOSED)

August 25th – BRR/Bourbon Chase Relay CSAUP @ 4am….sign up here –

August 25th – 2nd F event at Sargento’s Casa (PAX and M’s ONLY)

Sept. 22nd – Stop Solider Suicide 5k/10k Speed For Need event in Belmont….sign up here – Discount Code: HAPPY

Sept. 22nd – JJ5K at Common Grounds in Stanley…sign up here –

Oct. 6th – Special Olympics Burpee-thon – More information to come

Prayer request we had some mentioned and some not mentioned

Way to push today men it was an honor as always to lead.


Did someone fart

We started this day in the gloom with no warm up. Judging by the weather it was not needed.  We said the pledge and went to work. Slow mosey to the courts.  We had a circuit set up with a big ass tire some blocks and some kettle bells. First round snatch press, up and down with the battle rope, inclines Merkins, flip the tire(with no rim), curls with the 30lbs dumbbells,  overhead press with a block. We did 1 min at each. Run half the tennis court and nur the other half. Now we did front raises with the kettlebells,  side to side with the battle rope, decline merkins,  chest press with the dumbbells,  flip that dam tire, blockees, (we did all of these for 2 min because of the mumble chatter) we did this till time ran out. Oh yeah we did some lbc’s too because it wouldn’t be a roadie workout with out them. There was a lot of mumble chatter today(which makes me think I did something right).


We had some announcements and some prayers.


It was a honor to lead today men.  I know that I don’t always bring the hardest workouts to the table but I hope y’all know that leading ya’ll is truly an honor.  I hope that everyone left the workout today satisfied. I have never been one for words of wisdom so I hope yall look to someone else for that. I’m just here to feel a gap and push y’all the way yall push me. God bless y’all and god bless this country.




Love all of you men like brothers.


Why weren’t you there

9 hims showed up to crossroads to push the rock. Some ran some rucked. There are some really great things happening in the dallas area. SHOW TO KNOW.  If you are not working out on Sunday morning I encourage you to visit crossroads. The men that show up here on Sunday continue to push themselves to be better.


Some prayers were lifted up to the big guy upstairs.


Then we drank some  coffee

No title needed

Today was a beautiful day to fartsack. When you are a true HIM you resist the urge to fartsack and 9 men did that today. 6 rucked and 3 ran. Way to push today. Hacksaw(fng) pushed hard today on his first ever ruck. Way to show these men that you mean business and you are a natural born rock pusher.

Pledge was said and shortly after a sad clown walked up and said “I don’t know who y’all are or what y’all are doing but if y’all are saying the pledge out in the open I want to be a part of it.”  We gave hi. All the information needed to come out and join. I hope he does.  Keep in mind guys there is always someone watching. You never know how much what you are doing will impact someone else.


Announcements where said and prayers were raised up. Def Leppard(get your butt down leppard) took us out.


Thanks for the opportunity to lead men it was an honor to lead a great group of Hims

To run or to play that is the Question

Most of the pax was on time. Even sparky showed up early (on time). We started the gloom with 7 hims.

Warm up.

SSH x 15 ic

Hillbillys x 15 ic

(Couple more cant remember should have wrote the BB the same day)

I gave a speech on how f3 is all about sharing. We share in the wins and we share in the hard times. We are there for our brothers no matter what it is One of the things I like most about f3.  We had a football to share with each other if it was dropped you had to do 5 burpees oyo.


Let’s mosey to the big flag and say the pledge. On you six for some lbc’s and flutter kicks. Mosey to the small parking lot on the left. Route 66 with merkins and then bring it back with big boy Sit ups. The we played football frisbee football rules for the remainder of the time mosey back to the shovel flag for cot and prayers. Thanks agin for letting me lead it was a pleasure.

Touchdown Beatdown

Warmup 20 ssh ic

Let’s mosey


As we mosey to the lower parking lot the mumble chatter is starting to pickup about all these cones. Something about the DOT must have it shutdown.  No sir it is time to begin the beat down.

Start in the end zone and bear crawl to the 10 yard line for 10 CDD run to the 20 for 20 lunges run to the 30 for 30 merkins run to the 40 for 40 squats run to mid field for 50 lbc.  Time for the decent run to the 40 for 40 squats then to the 30 for 30 merkins to the 20 for 20 lunges run to the 10 for 10 CDD run threw the end zone sprint to the start line and rinse and repeat for 45 min straight .

Then for a little fellowship mosey back to the parking lot while carrying cones.  Well we havnt said the pledge of allegiance and you know we are Americans so let’s mosey to the big flag say the pledge and mosey back for time.

We circled up for announcements and pray request.  YHC took us out in prayer.

Great work men it was an honor to lead

P.S. Gumby won the folsom cup way to push you are a beast

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