Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Israel Nesbit

Ratrod Q#2

lost the weinke I had that day so on memory.

Warm up 15 side straddle hops in cadence, 15 windmills in cadence , right foot over left stretch then switch for 20 seconds.

Mosey down to lower shelter 3 rounds 15 reps dips then 15 squats, mosey up road stopping at each light pole 3 burpees Then we did the pledge and other stuff , back to the tennis courts partner up for Mrap and then Rackem Stackem 4 corners. Had to improvise first hour Q but we made it threw.

a few announcements

prayer request Ponyboys patient, Gearwrench coworker, happytrees mother in law


RatRod’s VQ

Rolled into Folsom a little early since it was my VQ. Weinky and F3 cards in hand ready to go, a little nervous but ready. As I drove down the entrance road I saw 2 lights coming at me. Ball Joint and Hacksaw running before anyone else got there. Started at 5:30 with 20 Side Straddle Hops ( IC ) counting down,  15 Morican Night Clubs ( IC ) counting down, then 10 Gravel Pickers ( IC )counting down. Mosey up to the corner for 10 Bigboys and up the road stopping at the light poles for 10 more. At the triangle going up the road we did 5 Mercons at each point. Continuing up the road still stopping at each light pole for 10 Bigboys all the way to the top at the flagpole. Time for the pledge and a short word from the Bible – John 3:30 reads ( He Must Increase , but I Must Decrease ) Less of me and my way and more of Jesus and His way. The more I Decrease in myself will allow Jesus to Increase in and through me to others.   Over to the parking lot for Dirty 11.  Mike Tyson at the starting point then to the center  for a Navy Seal Burpee  ( demonstration was given on burpee ) over to the other end of the parking lot for Squat jump.  Slaw gave us a 10 count and we moseyed back to the road for a slow trot leap frog back to the parking lot but the last man in line did a burpee and sprinted to the front of the line. We made it around twice before reaching the parking lot. Still had 13 mins left so i grabbed the cards and we circled up. Someone pulled a card and we did the exercise.

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