Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Montross (Page 18 of 20)

Substitute Teacher

4 showed for a little Mosey around Dallas. The teacher (Site Q) was out so YHC filled in for a few announcements and prayer.

Announcements: bring toys for Operation Sweet Tooth, Christmastown 5k. YHC took us out in prayer

Dirty Dozens

Today was a simple workout. I had the idea during my last Q while doing Walls of Jericho, but also took some inspiration from oompa Loompa’s q last week. Light attendance at Folsom today with only 5 posting. Quality over quantity.

Toy Soldiers 10 IC
Mountain Climbers 10 IC

Mosey to the lower shelter for Dirty Dozens.
– 12 Merkins
– 12 WW1 Situps
– 12 Dips
– 12 Freddie Mercuries (count right leg only)
– Run a lap around the parking lot
– Repeat until time expires

Some got 13 circuits and about 2.25 miles in, some got a little less, one may have had more, but everyone got a little better. It was you vs you.

Convergence Saturday, Christmastown 5k, Prayer requests – a fellow HIM that I won’t list here publicly, men’s fishing trip. YHC took us ok out.

Nothing Fancy Here Folks

6 faced the cold weather this morning for a little workout. It was great to see Volt return after taking a few weeks for his ankle to heal. Time is limited this morninng for me so this will be quick.

SSH – 10 IC
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC
Mountain Climbers – 10 IC

Mosey to the pole for the pledge, quick mosey to the horse track.

Walls of Jericho- 7 each Merkins, WWI Situos,Little Gumby In The Woods, Jump Lunges, then 1 lap, repeat 7 times.

Mosey to historic village for sets.
Dips – 10 IC
Derkins – 10 IC (feet on the porch, hands in the grass)
LBCs – 25 OYO
Step ups- 10 IC
Repeat all exercises.

Mosey to the parking lot for Mary.
Cross-leg Crunches – 15 IC each leg
Sandy Vs – 10 OYO
22 for the Vets
50 LBCs


Pray for the victims/witnesses of the Butler shooting, pray for all the kids, MW mom improving, his leg is improving


Like Pops in Friday said, ‘people too quick to pick up a gun…scared to take an ass whoopin.’ A kid made a life choice yesterday and now will pay for it for years and much of his life is likely now wasted in prison. I wont pretend to know the whole situation here, I just know it is a sad thing to see! Talk to your kids, encourage them, be a role model, and pray for them.

Halloween Came a Little Early at Folsom

If there is one thing that YHC adds to Folsom, it is stirring the pot. I was in full-on troll mode during the summer when I had Roadie deliver a Ghost Q for me. YHC couldn’t deliver it himself at that time due to injury and one HIM who shall remain nameless made the comment “don’t Q it if you can’t do it”. I vowed that once I returned, I would Q that same workout. Well, I had something else in mind for today originally, but this HIM was once again trying to ruffle my feathers on Twitter yesterday. Now being honest, I know he is just trying to give me a hard time and he knows it pushes me. That being said, it did push me. I decided it was time for me to ‘walk that walk’ and deliver my infamous Ghost Q myself – or at least something very close to it.

As I pull into the parking lot at Folsom I see Roadie, Swanson (in the Parks & Rec truck…how appropriate), and a pile of others arriving as I pulled in. Felt like I was rolling in with my posse. We are 10 deep this morning…it’s going to be a good day. I also see a new face I didn’t recognize. Yet another FNG – we ended up naming him Sunshine because he kinda reminded us of the quarterback in Remember the Titans with the long blonde hair. Yet another Hacksaw recruit. For the record, Hacksaw is THE FREAKIN’ MAN. More on that later.

The original ghost q included a Slawter-starter. I debated it, but frankly, my legs are still junk after Sister Act’s Q from Saturday and at least 2 other PAX said the same thing so I tweaked it a little to help stretch out the legs. (I did say it was very close to the original Ghost Q) —edit, there was no Slawter Starter in the original Ghost Q so it worked out, I guess)

SSH – 10 IC (I asked the PAX if they wanted 50…no takers)
Toy Soldiers – 10 IC (stretch those legs fellas)
Mountain Climbers – 10 IC (Huck wasn’t here today, this was for you big guy!)

Let’s mosey! Right out of the parking lot, up the hill to the fork, make a circle, and mosey back down by the tennis courts to the middle of the lower parking lot. Yeah, everyone probably assumed we were headed to the top of the hill but NOPE, I threw them a curve ball! At this point I said some things about “Don’t Q it if you can’t do it” and let the guys know the Ghost Q was back and I was delivering it myself today. Excitement filled the air.

Dirty 11s – a Tronmoss favorite! Jump lunges and Sumo Squats with 2 Plankjack Merkins in the middle of each pass across the parking lot (I liked those Saturday Sister Act, so I ‘borrowed’ them for my 11s). Chief, in his constant desire to push the rock, decided to increase his plankjack Merkins by 1 each pass…and by decided, I mean he misunderstood and didn’t realize it until he was doing about 5 on each pass and everyone else was doing 2. Hacksaw was kicking butt and taking names on the 11s. He was the first one done and didn’t skip a rep. If you ever workout with Hacksaw, he sounds like a mad man in the guy, grunting and making all kinds of animal noises to keep pushing himself. Much respect to that man, he is getting it done!!!!! Medicine Woman was pushing the rock as well and finished a half-lap ahead of YHC. Somehow though, everyone was standing around as I finished up my next to last leg. I feel like some of the guys skipped a few reps (hey, you vs you), but I asked that everyone finish the last lap with me and they did. Good job guys.

I then asked for praise reports! FNG and Swanson – this is a lesson guys. When you’re tired, sometimes you have to talk to the guys, share some wisdom, or ask questions. #protip Ok, enough recovery!

Mosey to the tennis courts for misspelled BOMBS. Ah snap, YHC left the weinke in the lower lot and I couldn’t quite remember the layout of misspelled Bombs. No worries though, we’ll adjust and do regular BOMBS…they’re plenty hard on their own! Thanks to the PAX for the assist on this. Partner up, cumulative reps, one PAX runs while the other does reps, flip flop and get as much done as you can in the time we have:
50 – Burpees
100 – Overhead Claps
150 – Merkins (dear God, why did I call this!)
200 – Big Boy Situps
250 – Squats…well, no one got to these so did I really call them?

I believe everyone struggled on the Merkins. I believe everyone made it to Big Boys. I don’t think anyone did squats, but some were VERY close and would have, but I called TIME!

Announcements – 40 day challenge – get some!!!! 40 Day Challenge Details Here ! Convergence on Nov 10 at the Yank. Also, it was mentioned after the COT, but go support Bedpan as he takes over as site-Q Friday morning F3 workout at the Pavillion in downtown Gastonia. Sounds like a lot of people were pushing him to take the opportunity last Friday so you better get your butts out there and support my man…..and sign up for Q spots. Prayer requests for Cheesepuff (and others) as they adjust to Middle School (that is a tough time in life!!!!!), MW’s mom continues to improve, pray for each other and our kids. YHC took us out in prayer.

F3 gets you involved with a solid group of men who help support and push each other. I come out there and do things I would not push myself to do if you all weren’t there. As I Q, I sometimes think “why did I call this crap” or “am I going to make it through this exercise”…but I know you guys are pushing me and I am not about to let you down, so I persevere and it feels good when we are done. Keep pushing the rock fellas!

-Montross aka Tronmoss aka T-ron aka Tee-ron aka Assistant Chief Rockpusher of Folsom aka….dang we have a lot of nicknames at Folsom!

2 Rockpushers, a Preacher, and a FNG Walk Into a Bar

What happens when 2 Rockpushers, a Preacher, and a FNG walk into a bar? Well, first off, you can bet my preacher is going to be late…but then they hang out with their friends and beatdowns are issued…and that is exactly what went down at Folsom this morning.

Our good friend Gumby is dealing with an injury so Chief Allen Tate and YHC volunteered to cover Q duties this morning. Hope to see you back out there very soon Gumby!

Good news to share – we had a FNG today. He works for B.C. Parks and Rec so we now call him Swanson. Swanson didn’t realize what he was facing today!

Chief calls SSH – 50 IC….yep, 50! Get that blood pumping!

Tronmoss takes the lead and we take a brisk mosey to the lower turd shack by the pond. I would normally choose the ampitheater, but we learned there are wasps in it on Saturday so we avoided it.

3 sets of:
– Balls to the Wall – Partner up – 1 partner does BTTW while the other runs up the stairs, across the parking lot, and back. Flip-flop.
– Mike Tysons 15 IC
– Dirty Hookups 15 IC
– Jump Lunges – 10 (count right leg only, we skipped the 3rd set due to time…yeah, that was the only reason)

Pastor Clever joined us about near the end of the first set. Then he had to never to start talking about short changing him on some Dirty Hookups. Clawdhavemercy! Medicine Woman was particularly excited because Clever was his partner and that meant less time Balls to the Wall for him. Clever can move! Pastor Clever is good at 3 things: preaching, running, and being late to F3.

Chief takes the lead, 5 calf raises on each step. Then mosey to the tennis courts.

I had a little chat with Swanson on the way up the hill. And by chat, I mean I was talking to him and he was huffing and puffing like he was about to blow someone’s house down! He was still hanging in there though. He’s gonna be alright, I believe.

At the courts, Tronmoss cranks up some “90s Booty Music” – you know, some edited versions of 2 Live Crew, Luke, Trick Daddy, and Young & Restless. Chief and YHC both have a deep love for the music we listened to back in the day. I know that not everyone shares our love for this music but…we the Q so deal with it! I don’t bring a little speaker, I bring the boombox too in order to make sure everyone can hear just fine.

Chief calls the “Folsom 311”. Partner up for cumulative exercises, 1 PAX runs the courts while the other does reps, flip-flop and repeat.
– 300 LBCS
– 100 Hip Slappers (placing your feet on the fence)
– 100 WWI/Big Boy situps

Quick fellowship mosey to the parking lot and 10 burpees.

Today was one of the more quiet days I’ve heard at Folsom in a while. There was some mumble chatter about the 50 SSH’s but it got quiet at the turd shack and it stayed relatively quiet through the Folsom 311. I guess that’s what happens when you are getting your ass kicked! For sure though, guys were pushing the rock today and getting it done.

COT – Announcements – Christmastown 5k, Convergence Nov 10 at The Yank, 2nd F at Hickory Tavern tonight. Chief took us out in prayer. Several prayer requests…keep MW’s mom in your prayers as she’s been sick and hospitalized and keep Toto in your prayers as well.

Moleskin – Thanks for the opportunity to lead…well, co-lead today. I am personally so glad to be back in the groove of working out on a regular basis. I’m working my way back into shape and it’s coming around quicker than when I first started. I consider many of you as good friends and that is such an important piece of F3. It touched my heart to hear Roadie talking about getting together with Toto tonight and, while I know people have things going on and most of us won’t be there, but I also know a few will.


Rock Pushing Mutha-Shut-Yo-Mouth!

After 3 months on IR and crutches, I have learned 3 things. 1) That extra hour in the bed feels good. 2) I would rather get up in the morning and do rock pushing thangs with my rock pushing friends. 3) All that hard work goes away quick when you stop posting. So I’m out of shape (my first real post in 3 months was Saturday at Painlab), I’m still having some pain in my hip from a torn labrum, and I started rehab less than a week ago…..I was planning to let Sparky pick up the Q this morning (he had told me he would last week if I needed him to).

So he texts yesterday a simple message: “Are you good with the Q tomorrow?”. I almost replied asking him to do it for me. I’m not ready. I’m out of shape. I’m not sure if I can do it yet. I had my reply all typed out but before I hit send, I thought “What would the Chief do?” We joke around about it but I’m serious. I’m thinking what better way for the Assistant Chief to set that rock pushing example than to Q on his 2nd post? I felt I needed to challenge myself to. Can Montross bring a Painlab-style beatdown despite not being in shape and able to run? Damn right I can! I immediately erased that reply and told Sparky I had it, bring blocks. I scrambled to put together a weinke unlike any other I have done before. I was going to set it up to push as hard as I could and let the team pull us through to the end of the workout.

I arrive a little early to have time to stretch and I see a few vehicles and some early birds getting in some running. Volt was running through the park and Hacksaw took off just before 5:30…both guys have to cut out early to get to work. I respect that! Many familiar faces in Folsom this morning though a few did not make it. There is a fng named Chris Gattis (maybe I spelled that right) who was recruited by Stepdown. He just showed up this morning. Nice guy, in the Guard, military background, works with boxes…welcome. The Chief pulls in about 5:29 bumping Wu-Tang. I’m feelin’ it. I let him know we have a FNG and he spins in circles celebrating. Quick disclaimer – I’m not a professional….yada yada yada. Let’s go.


SSH – 10 IC (noticed I was going a little slow so I picked up the pace at the end)
Props to the FNG…he knows how to count along.
Def Leppard Merkins (aka CDDs) – 10 (a little Q counting fail here….there’s more, don’t worry)
Monkey Humpers – 10 IC (yet another Q fail…IC didn’t work well)
Did something else here….I made it up on the spot and don’t remember.

Pledge….how appropriate Huck still has the Painlab shovel flag. I’m so glad he had it though…I was not trying to run to the flag pole today.

Grab a block and let’s go to the tennis courts. I turn on the boom-box – nothing but 90s rock today guys.

With the Burpeethon coming up, I felt it would be a good idea to go through the burpee in detail to make sure everyone had a good grasp of this wonderful exercise. Some say it is the most complete full-body exercise you can do.

10 Burpees OYO – I figure a little pre-test is a great way to evaluate everyone’s burpee efficiency.

10 to 1 Deconstructed Burpees – the best way to hone your skills is breaking down a problem task by task and practicing those tasks. So we broke the burpee down and we practiced it. (thanks Huck for helping me get the flow together…I needed some practice too)

10 Reverse Burpees OYO – A few guys from Snowbird got the joke when I said “now I’m gonna put my thang down, flip it, and reverse it”. The reverse burpee threw a few Pax for a loop…but it’s basically just a burpee with a jump and clap at the beginning.

Super Mike Tysons 10 to 1 – Now for the advanced section. There were MANY selections to choose from. Slaw and Oompa gave me some suggestions on Group Me but I ended up with my own little variation – Super Mike Tysons. I have called them a few times. What are they? For 10 Super Mike Tysons, you do 10 Mike Tysons and 10 Burpees. I fully intended to Omaha to leave time for the next exercise but I believe the whole group was about to fall out after the second set. We ended up going 10 to 9…maybe next time. Recover! I go grab Huck’s deck of cards for the next part. This is the part I planned to have the Pax help pull me through to the end.

Let’s play Blackjack. We split into 2 teams, Huck and I are captains. We play a hand of blackjack, each team completes all the exercises on their hand. However the team who loses the most hands also gets 5 blockees at the end. We played a few hands, we did a lot of exercises but it was kinda hard to keep up with in the dark. At that point, I just started pulling cards from the deck. We did Merkins, we did lunges, we did all kinds of stuff. I decided we’d all do 5 blockees because it just wouldn’t be right to sit there and watch our brothers do blockees alone. Done.

We have 7 minutes left so we circle up for a round of Mary. I called 25 LBCs (also had another Q fail which Sparky gave me a hard time about….everyone called me Gomer). So, I call Sparky next and 10 burpees he says. Crap! We do them. I call Hank – 10 Blockees. Crap, Crap! I call on Allen Tate – 10 Blockees. WTF! We do them…well, we try…I was just controlling my fall at that point. I think that was all. Hell I don’t know at this point, I was about to lose consciousness! Time!!!!!!!!

COT: Prayers for BP’s church, our families, our kids, Maddox (the young man ‘lost’ at Rankin Lake), his family, and those searching/investigating, and those affected by and supporting recovery from the floods after Florence. YHC prayed us out.

Oh yeah, and we named our FNG Clubhouse. Let me tell ya, he was ALMOST Sleeping Beauty. He answered the ‘favorite Disney princess’ question. However, we didn’t rush it…the Chief said we should ask a few more questions just to be sure. Turns out Chris works for a company that builds boxes. Now you know Folsom loves the Friday movies with a passion! Chief says ‘What you stealing boxes for, you trying to build a clubhouse.” If you know Friday, you know that line! Clubhouse it is.

Moleskin: Thanks for the opportunity and the push. I tried my best to stay connected while I was injured but it was tough not getting out there and posting with you all. Through Twitter, Slack, Group Me and breakfast each Saturday, you guys kept me motivated and itching to come back. I’m out of shape again right now, but I can tell it’s not as bad as it was when I started. All that work wasn’t for nothing. I’m going to try to balance working hard and rehabbing and I fully expect to be back to where I was in May pre-injury sooner than later. I do still have the torn labrum but it didn’t seem serious according to the doctor. Hopefully it’s something I can manage and I won’t need surgery down the road. Looking forward to seeing all of you guys in the Gloom soon!

Walk Off and Limp Off at Folsom

4 came out early for Extra Credit

A little out of order but thisnisnwhat happened…may edit later

Time to start.
Circle up. Grab 3 rucks pass right to left. Pass with overhead press, change to squats.

Enough warm up. Mosey to tennis courts. Carry rucks to back fence. Split up into four teams, grab a ruck go to the corners.

Pair off into kickball teams.
Lots of whining crying cussing and burpees. Hacksaw got some puss and hurt his hip.

Walk off grand slam by Bedpan.
Name o rama and Q took us out.
Exercise is buddy humpers.
Call an exercise for your teammates to perform while you grab a ruck and mosey to fence and back. Did that 4 rounds.


Which Is Scarrier: Strangers or Ghosts?

It sucks being stuck on the sidelines. For 6+ months, F3 was life! I was pushing myself and having a great time doing it and BAM, I am reminded I am a 40 year old recovering sad clown. I am trying to be patient until I can return, but I am always looking for ways to stay close to the guys and stir the pot to keep Folsom on it’s toes.

Flashback 10-ish days ago – it’s early August and Sparky is trying to fill a few remaining Q slots. You may not realize this but, since April, the Qs are all gone within 1-2 days of Sparky asking for volunteers. Props to the guys for stepping up! However, things seemed to be going a little slower this month so I quietly ask if anyone is interested in a Ghost Q. Within minutes, Roadie send me a PM “I’ll do it!” and he grabs a Q slot. Other than us 2 and Pastor Clever, no one else knew what was coming today.

Stranger Danger: The spookiness starts Monday as Roadie comes by my house to pick up the weinke and hang out. My kids have never met Roadie and they are swimming in the backyard. I tell him to just walk around back, say hi to them, and tell them he has a puppy in the truck and ask if they want to come check it out. Now we have always told our kids if someone you don’t know tries to get you to go with them, run screaming and tell us. We have all seen videos of parents testing their kids at parks or wherever and 2 minutes later, the kid walks off with the “stranger”. It is frightening and I always wondered how my kids would react. Would they run screaming? Well, THEY DID! I underestimated the amount of water they would bring into the house as they yelled “there’s a kidnapper here!!!” I quickly told them the truth and told them how proud I was of them. I also underestimated how funny it would be to have Roadie scare my kids. We were rollin’!!!!! So, with that, I can personally vouch for the Roadie Scared Straight Program.

Roadie teased a “spooky” workout leading up to today and did a nice job stirring the boys up to let then know something special was coming. Results speak for themselves: 12 made their way to Folsom this morning. Roadie started off letting them know it was a ghost Q but held off sharing who he was representing.


SSH – 10…make it 14 IC – it sounds like the ol’ Road Dawg got a little carried away.

Raise the Roofs – 10 IC – mumble chatter is stirring. Who is the ghost Q, Gomer? Wrong, guess again.

Rhondas…err, Monkey Humpers – 10 IC – Is this an Allen Tate Q? Wrong, guess again.

Morrocan Night Clubs – as we wait for Sparky. What he is already here? Ah hell, lets do them anyway! I had to build them into the weinke because odds are very good Sparky will be late. I had to prepare Roadie for it!

Pledge – you have 2 options, we have a perfectly good shovel flag, but we also have our new mascot @WomanLeg draped in old glory. The choice is yours!


Roadie leads em out of the parking lot and takes a right. They are headed for the lower parking lot but this a ghost Q so it isn’t going to be easy, we are running around the pond. An unnamed PAX complained about running in the dark around the backside of the pond. Way I see it, Midoriayama has plenty of sunshine in the afternoon if ya need it. Special thanks to Pizza Man for picking up the 6!

I fully expected someone, most likely Medicine Woman, to complain about taking the long way. I had 5 ‘punishment’ burpees planned! With encouragement from Pizza Man, Roadie calls them anyway. 5 OYO!

About this time, Roadie reveals that Montross is the ghost Q. So during the last workout I attended before getting hurt, it was pouring rain and Sister Act called Dirty 11s across the parking lot. It was brutal! So, next exercise is….

Dirty 11s across the parking lot featuring Sumo Squats and Jump Lunges. Gotta be honest here, I originally had Sumos and StarJumps here, just like SA’s Q, but Roadie said Folsom struggled with Jump Lunges during the Iron Pax worjout and needed more practice. A good Q listens to his PAX so I agreed. You can Thank Roadie for the Jump Lunges as you ice down your butt cheeks tomorrow! Reports tell me mumble chatter was lively. MW was heard saying ghost Qs shouldn’t be allowed! My name was cursed. I love it! Way to push fellas.

Mosey to the courts for more beatings!

My last Q before injury was at Gashouse and it was probably my best effort. The feature exercise was Mispelled BOMBS, borrowed from our good friend Gumby. Grab a partner and line up. You know how it goes, cumlative reps – 1st pax does exercises while the 2nd pax runs down and back, switch, rinse and repeat.
– 50 burpees
– 100 big boy situps
– 150 merkins
– 200 squats
– 250 lbcs

I didn’t think the guys would have time to finish this but amazingly, some guys started LBCs before the clock struck 6:15. Time!

COT – Pastor Clever was gracious enough to take the guys out in prayer. Kinda cool he helped out by praying since he was the only other person who of the ghost Q. I appreciate you saying a prayer for me!


I know this was tough guys. I am always trying to think of ways to keep it interesting and that was the goal today. I am not letting you forget about me LOL! Cool thing is as I talked to Roadie this afternoon, I could tell he was as excited about it as I was.

I go to the doctor in 2 weeks. I am sure they will keep me limited for a while, but I will be posting when I can. To be fair, I will break out the ghost Q again and call it myself so be ready. Granted, I will need some time to get back in shape first, but it will be back!!!!!!

I know this was long so I will finish by saying nice work guys! It is always an honor to lead and it is always great to have guys like Roadie willing to help me stay involved and also push himself and everyone else.

Now, time to fire up the NES Classic!

  • Montross the Friendly Ghost Q
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