Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 8 of 12)

Name That Weinke

It was a bit cooler this morning rolling into the Folsom gloom. The fog added to effect rather nicely. Surprisingly, the humidity was still rather brutal. Folsom is currently marked up for a little facelift and additional recreation equipment installations. Word on the street is we are going to get our very own splash pad/water fountain! Slaw and YHC will most likely be the first to test it out during a WO. Anyway, trying to come up with something creative for today’s Q, I remembered a routine exercise that was used out at BlackBeards AO in Murrells Inlet. While keeping it simple and some modifications to said Q, it worked out well. 5:30 so Time to get at it.



mosey toward the park entrance and loop around down back down by the ballfields to the lower parking lot.


this routine exercise may have a name, but I’m just going with what took place. Each PAX chose an exercise. While PAX 1 runs a fast lap around the parking lot, the remaining PAX AMRAP given exercise. When PAX 1 completes lap, PAX 2 runs and PAX 1 joins the remaining PAX and continue to AMRAP said exercise. Keep the rotation until all PAX have run their lap. Switch to the next exercise and repeat.

Exercises were; Merkins, Mountain Climbers, Imperial Squats, Flutter Kicks, Plank Jacks, Alternating Lunges, 1 more that I can’t remember.

with about 7 minutes left, we mosey to the shelter for Step ups, Low slow Squats, calf raises all x20 IC

mosey back to start

Prayers for our families, Squirt’s M, my friend Tracy, Bedpan job interview

YHC took us out in prayer

Again, thank you men for letting me Q. I love this AO and the group of guys that make it what it is. Let’s keep it rolling!

MDub out

We Ran

YHC was looking forward to PrisonBreak this AM. Running, or moseying for me, is one thing I can still do while the shoulder is injured. Shut-up Folsom. Anyway, moving along, 5 HIMS posted to run. Apparently the so-called “Chief”, Allen Tate, and his entourage were too comfy in the fartsack to attend. SMH. Sister Act arrives shortly after myself and takes off for EC about 5:15.  5:30 hits and the rest take off. No ruckers this morning. Good to see Blart out there. One day I’ll keep up with him the whole route. After about 1.5 miles, Sister Act breezed by as if floating on water. “If only I were 50 pounds lighter…..”. Anyway, all arrive back at start after putting in some miles.


Announcements; Snowbird registration(link is in a PreBlast), CSAUP relay coming soon, runs happening all the time, get involved

COT Prayers for our families, country, and those who didn’t make it out

YHC took us out in prayer

Always an honor to Q.  Thank you for the opportunity to lead PrisonBreak. I’m not a runner or true rucker per say, but the responsibility and obligation has pushed me to get better at it. I know the Folsom PAX will bust my balls later, but thanks to those fools, I’ve been pushing to post and do what I can do with the injuries I have. Without the trash talk and apparent love those guys have for me, I’d just be in “that dark place” ignoring the hand reached out to bring me to the light. (Little Folsom inside shenanigans) I keep hearing from other AO PAX how special the Folsom group is and the image of F3 it brings. I believe it’s not just happening at Folsom, but throughout the Gastonia region. I encourage our region to continue to grow in our fellowship and relationships among one another. The stronger the bonds within our AOs are, the stronger effect we will have in our communities to build more leaders!

MDub Out

PrisonBreak BB

11 HIMS post at the Folsom AO for some PrisonBreak work.



Miles were logged

Times up



Good  work men! Good to see more PAX out there working to get stronger in the run/ruck areas!

Intestinal Issues……Again

  1. Man, was it nice and cool out in the gloom this morning at Folsom. Good to have a break from the 90% humidity. After calling it out on Twitter, YHC knew he best not disappoint. I had a few things on the weinke, but knew it wouldn’t fill the :45 slot. But with the spectacular range of useful props that the Folsom AO brings, it won’t be hard to wing the rest. I honestly felt it was going to be a small turnout, with just myself and Sister Act, but at about 5:25 they roll in.



SSH x10 IC, Toy Soldiers x10 IC


mosey, continue across death road to Walmart where Sparky tries to take lead and send half the PAX across the parking lot. Sister Act reminded him to listen to the Q. Back in formation, we follow the path around the back of the store around to the right side of the building. This is “THE” hill of the Hill Gods. Mumblechatter quickly started to vent as YHC calls out the orders.


partner up for some Dora 1,2,3. Partner one Nurs the hill will partner 2 performs exercise. Flap jack and continue until complete. Hipslappers x100 single count, 200 Dirty Hookups, 300 sitting wall assisted shoulder presses. Allen Tate needed a demo of the dirty hookup, claiming he had only witnessed the kind you get down on Airline Ave. Stay sitting on the wall for some marching while arm bicycling IC x20. I noticed it is pretty tough for my Folsom men to do both of those at the same time, but they managed to get the burn it meant to give. Next face the wall and step up on the curb for calf raises x20 IC. Next up, Triple Nickel, on the hill again. Mike Tyson’s on the curb x5, up the hill for 5 burpees. Repeat five times. During this epic moment of events, Sparky leaves the pack for the Walmart Turd facilities. I honestly had thought Sister Act would’ve been the first to go or at least join him, cause something horrible was going on with him this morning. Like he needed his intestine worked on or something. Anyway, fellowship mosey for a second, then mosey back across to the AO playing a little frogger on the way. Continue to mosey a little longer route due to having a few minutes to burn. LBCs while we wait on the six, who were not far behind. Way to push! 22 for the vets. Time

Announcements; Green River Tubing Saturday, Runs popping up everywhere to register for(follow Speed For Need)

prayers for our families and that God lead us to be leaders in our family and communities.

Its an honor to Q. It’s truly a blessing to be a part of this group of Men. I’ve been surrounded by drama and bull crap with some friends and other family lately. It’s stupid how immature people can be, yet be adults. I continue to do the one thing we all are commanded to do, Love. Regardless of what’s going on, love without restriction. Easier said than done, trust me. This group of men show that trait daily toward each other. Not in a bad way, TeamTimberlake, don’t get wrong idea. We truly love and care about each other. That’s noticeable just in attendance from a year ago compared to today. I know I’m not the only one who would just fartsack and live that sad clown life without the encouragement, support, and brotherhood these guys bring. Let’s keep it growing.

MDub Out

Murph on the Fourth

Ok, after hours of smack talk and proper democratic voting for a time start for PrisonBreak, the Murph will start at 5:30. I know, YHC and Sparky had moved it to 6:30 to allow that apparently much needed extra hour in the sack for some. Then, after a last minute schedule change for my M’s work, the that decision was retracted. Oh the whining that came with it.  Especially from Sister Act. Anyway, a few Folsom PAX hit the clown car to the Fort for their convergence, but Midoriyamas finest filled in nicely.

YHC arrived early to map out a mile which allowed for some EC. Towards the end of my run, the headlights start rolling in. After a little chit chat and trash talk we clock in.

No FNGs(as of yet)


SSH, Hillbillies x10 IC


Wheres Sparky? Oh well, if he shows, he can catch up.

Mosey a mile, finish at start to hit the bars at the play ground. 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push ups, 15 squats= 1 rep. Total 20 reps for 100, 200, 300. We saw a runner in the distance thinking maybe a PAX showing up for what was the 6:30, but it wasn’t. Little did he know, he would soon become an FNG.  All pushed hard and knocked out the hard stuff. Time to finish up with the second mile. The Men were gassed from the humidity but all were willing. As we start out, the fore mentioned runner, just happened to be heading in our direction. “Hey man, want to join us? We got a mile to go.” The response, “sure.” Jumping right on, he finished it out with us. Way to push men! Whole Murph, except for the weighted vest in just under 1 hour.

Brief introduction and explanation of F3 to the FNG. He had mentioned he saw the metro guys at the men’s shelter where had volunteered recently. He had just moved to Dallas for work. After some more chit chat…………

Announcemencts. It’s Independence Day!

prayer requests lifted



Thank you men for the continued sarcasm that I just can’t get enough of? After a few posts in other regions, YHC sees something different in the Gastonia region that I haven’t seen elsewhere. True brotherhood, not saying others don’t have it, but it is “Real” here! It’s amazing and a “Blessing” as Recharge(FNG) proclaim once he was received in, to be a part of not only a group of HIMS, but a movement to build more of them. Happy Fourth!

MW out!

Here’s The BackBlast

Alright……..good to be back at it this morning to work a little soreness out. Wednesday’s for PrisonBreak are always a good break from the normal boot camp beat down. You still have the options to either run or ruck. The gnats were out again in full force as I exited the truck. Good to see Blart out there during the week. I thought it would only be 3 PAX until about 3-4 minutes before click in, headlights start rolling in. While we all chit chat the last minute or so, we got some stretching in. Let’s roll.

We had 1 to ruck and 5 to run. There were more of the parks finest wild animals on show this fine day. Reports of 2 skunks; 346,214 gnats; 1 fox or possible small coyote(which Blart and I discussed, but he had a better visual than I did), and a few duck. All PAX returned to start at time without any animal confrontations.


announcements: JJ5K, July 4th 4-miler, Pastor Clever VQ Thursday at Folsom, XMAS Town 5k registration has begun

prayer requests lifted

YHC took us out

Honor again to Q this fine establishment. I know many will be in and out on vacations, but let’s continue to reach out and not allow them to fartsack when back in town. I’m also working on segments in Strava so those of you who use the APP can track your progress week to week through certain sections of the route. Pizza Man already has a couple segments that I’ll just build on. Way to push men. Those who weren’t there; ShowToKnow!!!!!!!

Return of Tha Gnat

Its been a while since YHC had the Q at Folsom for a bootcamp beat down. With the heat coming hard and heavy, you start to wonder how many might just fart sack rather than post in the humidity. This AM was no different. The humidity was rather non pleasant due to the bit of rain late yesterday, but I remain optimistic because of the Fire these Folsom PAX have under them. Huck is already present as I pull into the park. At 5:20 I step out of my ride to stretch. You realized very quickly that the freakin summer gnats are back and back strong.  More headlights roll in as Huck and I try to figure out how to breathe without inhaling a cloud of these pests. A new truck is spotted thinking “FNG?” Nope just Allen Tate in yet another one of his vehicles. It’s time.

warmarama-Omaha was quickly made due to the amount of gnats in the start area. So we mosey. Continue to the flag pole. Yes, YHC forgot the shovel flag.

Now warmarama-LBCs, SSH, Merkins all x20IC.  Then Moroccan NightClubs while Huck gets the six.


Mosey back to the large lower parking lot for some Triple Nickel. I know, it’s usually hill work but we used the parking lot which has a pretty nice grade to it. 5 Burpees at the top, run to the bottom for 5 plank jacks. Repeat x5. Mumblechatter by a couple PAX asking what is Triple Nickel. After an in-depth explanation from YHC, there was still a question about the running part in between each exercise. Those claim that it was 10 runs not 5?! Well, I started to wonder if we were actually at Midoriyama. Anyway, I continue to explain. Finally, all is understood? So, continue until all PAX are finished. Still, tons of gnats and some were looking for water to wash them down.

Mosey to top corner of the lot for 4-corners. This should’ve also been easy to understand but math questions come up again. Q calls for 4 exercises. SSH, LBCs, Squat Jumps, Flutter kicks. Corner 1-all 4 x10 each, corner 2- all 4 x20 each, corner 3-all 4×30, corner 4-all x40 each.

Mosey to shelter for a few more. Dips, Freddie Mercury, sandy V, Step Ups all x15 IC

running out of time, mosey back to start. Again, the gnats are extremely thick so we try to hurry through the rest.

announcements- Clown car July 4 to The Fort, July 4th 4-Miler, Metro convergence

prayer requests, Each other, Allen Tate family, praise from Pastor Clever on his mission trip

YHC took us out

honor to lead you men. Thanks for all the encouragement and crap talk. I know the men got a good amount of protein inhaling gnats. I honestly had more to write here, but the Folsom PAX are nagging the heck out of me to get the B.B. up.


Run/Ruck, your choice

Ok, before YHC forgets, which Folsom won’t allow it, here’s the back blast for Wednesday’s Prison Break. So I roll into the gloom debating wheher or not to run or ruck as usual. To my surprise, there were no PAX on site? Well, guess I’m going solo, wait, here comes some headlights. Ok, well now we have 3. It’s 5:30 so time to roll.

All are going to mosey this time. As we head out from start Sparky rolls in as usual 5 minutes late. Not sure how he can be that consistent? Anyway he will catch up. So, we continue on the normal route around the college and as we are returning by the prison Pastor Clever catches up with Sparky in tow. Today felt lazier than other runs for some reason, but any pace is better than no pace. All return to start with between 3-4 miles of work logged.

COT, Self Family, all requests lifted up

YHC took us out in prayer.

Thank you men for the opportunity to be a part of such a great group. Folsom has really taken off since I started back over 2 years ago. Keep at it and let’s not stop growing. EH every chance you get.

MW ooouuut!

Tha Shartz

Well, knowing that Wednesday’s are just for the option of running or rucking at Folsom, there’s not going to be a real in depth B.B.  That  being said, it was more eventful than expected. YHC rolls into the gloom trying to decide which of the 2 options I was going to participate in.  Roadie was on my heels pulling in and not long after, several more roll in. Lots of random chatter taking place and then the Q calls “it’s 5:30!” Well, that worked. 🙄 YHC calls again at 5:31.

Yeah, whatever. So I take off for a run. The others still jibber jabbering slowly start to roll out behind.  I got up to my normal “non-runner” pace and here comes Sparky rolling in. I put it on myself not to let him catch me, which he never did. Now, that’s not because I was rolling at a high level, there were other circumstances that prohibited it. Sparky had sent this picture to our group text yesterday of this strawberry desert thing he called a “sticky?” It looked rather delicious, but for sure would’ve been a cheat meal. Anyway, I make the loop around the college and still haven’t been caught, but got to chat briefly with the ruckers. I make it to the red light at the college entrance Andy had to stop briefly to massage the bum leg. I look back and Sparky and Pastor Clever are rolling closer. Wait, where’s Sparky going? The hill beside bojangles is not part of the route. So, I take off again then Clever catches me and says that Sparky had to make a toilet stop. Makes sense now. So, I continue to finish my route and as I’m cooling down, here come Sparky. He didn’t stop, but ran to his truck saying “I gotta go so I can get some underwear and socks before work.” Underwear and socks? The Sticky had control of his bowels. After bojangles he ran to one of the park turd sheds and locked. With no other option, he unleashed at the horse stalls where apparently he lost his socks and drawers. Not only was Sparky having issues, but Roadie was too. I’m guessing just looking at the Sticky picture caused his bowels to act up. As far as I know, he didn’t lose any clothing. All finally returned to start.

announcements, The Forge 6:30,Warrior Dash Saturday.

prayer requests, Self Family, Oompa Loompas family(father n law passed)

i know, “show to know”, but this was a story that had to be told.

MW out!

The Possum Has Arrived

Even though Folsom has recently become “The Premier Running AO in Dallas,” some PAX choose to use this time for rucking also. Today marks another successful WO. Dating back several months, the newly awarded Chief Rockpusher, Allen Tate, has proclaimed “there will be an FNG who gets the name Cod Possum.” This has been a bit of an inside joke, but as of today, it is no longer as such. I give the man credit. Allen Tate pushed for the name to be awarded to some 2.0s last week during 2.0 Day at Folsom without success. This morning was different. It was in the air, you could smell it. With the possibility of Roadies brother posting brought new life to Allen Tate’s mission of branding such name.

Enough of the prequel, let’s clock in.



several ran, several rucked. Lots of mumble chatter and high fives during the activities. This is actually a great opportunity to get to know each other and hash out life. Not being a runner, something continues to drive YHC to be better at it; makes no sense really. Anyway, after a few miles of asphalt and sweat, the PAX come back together at the start. Way to push Men!

So, we have an FNG. Many say it was predetermined what this lucky young man would be named, but there were ample opportunities for him to provide info which could deter said determination. After several questions by the PAX, there was only one name that really fit and the timing couldn’t have been better. So, without further ado, Folsom welcomes Cod Possum. Looking forward to seeing you in the gloom brother.

Announcements: Warrior Dash June 2, Vigil at Surf n Turf 8pm tonight, Brody Holloway speaking at Venture about this past weekends event for the youth and families, open worship and prayer Thursday night 6:30 at Venture.

Prayers continued for the Self, George, and Burns families. Prayers especially for Roger Self(he needs them now more than ever)

Bedpan took us out

Men, this has been a rough past few days for the Dallas community. We have witnessed a man of God, a true leader and believer in Christ do something imaginable. Myself, struggling with anxiety and depression for over 20 years, can understand that this is a Disease! It’s something to never take lightly. It’s an illness that no one should ever have to battle. I’m here to tell you that if you do battle it, these F3 guys are going to come up to you, grab hold of that burden, and walk with you every step of the way! When things like this happen, it’s not time to ask why or how could this happen. It’s time to pray, reach out to those involved, and continue to be a strong spiritual presence when needed. You men have helped teach me what love and brotherhood is really about. Life is going to be hard, but always remember you will not have to walk it alone. Honored to be a part of this group!

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