Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 7 of 12)

“ Weeeaasselllll!”

After a week and a half off from the gloom, YHC finally has his blood pressure under control and chest tightness to a minimum. For you younger folks out there, it sucks getting old. Ok, back to the real literature. I show up at Folsom all alone. My guess was that the regulars may be fartsack one due to how brutal my Q might just be. Negative, here come some headlights. Alright, 5:30 hits.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Hillbillies all x10 IC



Mosey to the flag pole for a little core work. Thought I’d save the legs for what was about to come. On the 6. LBCs, Flutter Kicks, American Hammers, Sandy Vs all x10 IC. Recover…..mosey on across the road to Walmart. Not sure if a few PAX even looked both ways before crossing, but one driver passing seemed a little upset due to the pack lazily running across. We hit the parking lot entrance and here comes a freakin coyote…….wait, no it’s just a stray dog. It must not have been interested cause it kept on its path. Continue around the back to end up st “The Hill.” Yes, it’s been a while. Q calls Triple Nickel. Mike Tyson’s x5 on the curb, Nur up the hill, 5 burpees at the top. Rinse and repeat 5 times. Before finishing, we hear a voice in a distance, “Weasel!” We look up and see a fella with a flashlight yelling for his dog. Our guess was the dog we saw was the fugitive. We nicely holler, “we saw it on the other side of the lot!” Quickly and harshly, he yells back, “WHAT OTHER SIDE? “HELP ME OUT!” We not so politely responded. I mean damn, even an ole Lowell boy knew what that statement had meant. Ok, that dude continued looking for Weasel while we finished the nickel. Crap, here he comes again, “YOU SEEN HER?” We say no. He continues to walk forward. He quickly realizes that he’s walking up on some HIMS. He quickly changed tone. “My dog for 11 years, I gotta find her. Sorry for being so rude earlier. I just want to find her.” Ok, drama over, PAX get on the wall for a wave of hip slappers. All BTTW while each PAX perform 5. Recover, plank it up facing the wall for Dirty HangUps x10 IC. Fellowship mosey a little then head to cross the road again. We hear the poor guy yelling still for the dog so we run up towards him and again he asked if we’ve seen it. Again, we say no and continue our mosey back toward start. Stop at random street light for 10 Merkins IC. Mosey back to start and finishing up with Route 66 with Bobby Hurley’s back to the flag. 22 for the vets. Time is up.

ChristmasTown 5k(full now)

prayer requests lifted up.

Honor to Q and be a part of this AO and Region. I’ve visited other regions, but haven’t really witnessed the bonds that Gastonia seems to have. Of course, a couple posts may not be enough to observe. Anyway, I appreciate you Men and the trash talk helps keep me out there.

MW’s Jacked up Tag

Well, as you all may know, YHC broke his leg about a year and a half ago. Since then, I’ve had some minor setbacks and complications. That being said, Folsom being relentless as they are, had a Twitter account setup for “MW’s Jacked Up Leg.” Moving along, i sold my F350 truck since I no longer needed it and bought my dads company truck. My dad has some medical issues which validate the need for a Handycap License plate. Now that the back drop has been set, let’s move along to the WO……….I roll into Folsom running a little behind which is not normal of myself. Rather than backing into a spot, I pulled straight in.(this is where I messed up). So, looks like we have a great group, so let’s get it started.


13 PAX total on this episode of PrisonBreak. 12 ran while 1 mall walked. Montross is back at it slowly and on the mend. After a few miles and a bathroom break(myself), we finish up at start.

so…….as we circle up for some COT, Roadie feels the need to point out my afformentioned license plate. Which escalated into yet another continuation of the Leg saga. Therefore, that was the topic of discussion on GroupMe for quite a while.

Prayer requests lifted

YHC took us out in prayer.

Its an honor to be asked to be the Site Q of PrisonBreak. It has truly motivated me to get out there at least 1 more day to workout. Thanks to y’all Folsom PAX who continue to bust balls that pushes us to post and be accountable.


Folsom JJ5K Warmup

YHC seems to sign up to Q on days that fall on big event days F3 PAX are participating in. Remind you, I am terrible with remembering dates to begin with. Anyway, I remained optimistic on the showing even though most Folsom PAX were running the JJ5K or the Stop Soldier Suicide Runs. That being said, I really hadn’t come up with a weinke for the Q, but I knew I’d come up with something. 5:30 hits.


SSH, Toy Soldiers x15IC, Moroccan NightClubs waiting on Roadie to join the circle. Mosey to the park entrance Flag pole.


10 burpees OYO, on our 6 for some LBCs, Sandy Vs, and Flutter kicks x15IC, mosey an alternate route back to the tennis courts. YHC stopped by the truck to grab the highly anticipated, Newly Delivered F3 Deck of Workout cards. Head to the courts.


The thang is rather simple here. The deck of cards have been shuffled and placed in the center of the group of PAX. Rotating clockwise, each flip a card to present the rest with said exercise and rep amount shown. This actually wasn’t as simple as it should have been. There were questions. There were exercises printed that didn’t coincide with Lexicon Folsom were familiar with, but I believe we did a fair job at manufacturing an exercise that seemed to match. With 3 minutes still to work, a Joker was finally pulled, which was a fast mosey around the entire tennis court area. Times up.

Announcements: JJ5k and Soldier Runs

Prayer requests; may God shine through all those who were participating in the benefit runs and may He keep us all safe.

Honor to Q this fine AO. All but 1 PAX who posted also ran the JJ5K. Way to push men! YHC is proud of the involvement of our region. Let’s continue to push hard and show our community how much we care and are willing to work. Til next time,

MW out

“Get better at it”

Yes, Folsom, I know. I’m 2 days late getting my BB posted. At least it hasn’t taken 2 weeks like it did Sister Act. Ok, enough apologizing. I roll into Folsom with a weinke in mind. I’m optimistic for a good turn out considering some of the Folsom regulars have been too weak to fight the fartsack lately. Pulling into the park, I notice Hacksaw getting some EC running in. That HIM has been killin it.  As I pass Hacksaw, I see yet another PAX getting it did, this time it’s Volt. So, I’m feeling rather good about the showing so far. As I go over a few changes of the weinke, others start rolling in. As I’m waiting, I continue to run a saying through my head, “this sucks, but I want to get better at it.” I think that’s what many of say at 5AM, but we continue to do it over and over. Enough of that mess, it’s time to get to work.  5:30 hits

Warmorama SSH, Toy Soldiers x15 IC

here comes Sparky, fashionably late as usual. Moroccan night clubs till he joins the group.

Since YHC forgot to transfer the shovel flag from one vehicle to the other, we took a mosey to the Flag poll. That was most likely going to happen anyway.


Mosey a little detour then back to start, stopping at the tennis courts.


Four corners/four exercises; Corner 4 will be known as corner 4 and Start. Corner 1=10 burpees, corner 2=20 merkins, corner 3=30 LBCs, corner 4=40 American hammers. This isn’t your typical four corners though. From start, mosey to corner 1 perform said exercise. Mosey back to start. Mosey to corner 2 to perform said exercise, stopping to also include corner 1 work. Mosey back to start. Mosey to corner 3 to perform said exercise, also stopping to include corners 1 and 2 on the way. Continue to corner 4 as mentioned. Now mosey back around again to start. Now partner up for some Dora. Partner 1 runs to opposite end of courts while partner 2 performs exercise AMRAP. Exercises were 100 Squats, 150 Big boys, 200 overhead claps. After all had finished, we still had a few minutes to burn. Circle up for some Mary. All PAX got a chance to call their own exercise which were; Merkins, Freddy Merc, Mountain Climbers, American Hammers, LBCs, there were a few more, but YHC can’t remember. I know, it’d help if I posted the B.B. the day of the WO.

Announcements JJ5K, Soldier suicide run

Prayer requests lifted

YHC took us out in prayer

Nice work men! I know a while back a lot of us wouldn’t have finished this weinke as quick as we did. Goes to show we all are getting stronger. Keep up the good work. Thanks again for the Q. Thanks to all you guys who continue to push me and each other through the exhaustion. You Mennare what motivates me to keep at it. Two and a half years ago I was saying “I hate running.” Today, I still say it, but I add a little more to the expression with “but I do want to be better at it.”

MW out

We All Ran………Again

ÔnWell, I have to admit, I also can be slack with posting a back blast in a timely manner. That being said, the following is what took place during this past Wednesday’s Prison Break session.



looks like there are no ruck packs laying around, so this must mean all PAX are running. After quick watch adjustments by all, we take off to log in a few miles. Return to start to socialize until all PAX had returned.

announcements: JJ 5k, Soldier Suicide runs next Saturday


YHC took us out in Prayer

thanks for the opportunity to Q. Way to push men.


Why Run?

It was another humid morning to start out in the Folsom gloom. The PrisonBreak attendance has been pretty darn good since the AO started and today didn’t disappoint. I’m sure the reason behind this phenomenon is due to the HIMness of the site Q………….or……….his leg.  The Folsom AO started about 2.5 years ago and the amount of running per WO May have reached a total of .5-.75 miles. Which sucked then. For some odd damn reason all of a sudden Folsom decides .5 miles is not enough and it’s gotten carried away to where Folsom hosts 2 running AOs a week! Then, some started with the XmasTown 5k, then the first CSAUP relay, more 5ks, another CSAUP relay and now, some are talking about the P200!!!! What has happened to ole school Folsom? Anyway, cars are rolling in, yes, cars. The Folsom brand has made such a stamp out and about the Gastonia region that not just the stereotypical truck driver posts nowadays. Enough of the chit chat. It’s 5:30 and WomanLeg is not present.


All PAX ran, moseyed, mall walked, or jogged this AM for between 2-5 miles give or take. Some left early and some left late.

Announcements LaborDay Murph at Martha’s

YHC took us out in prayer

It’s an honor to Q and be the site Q for Prisonbreak even though I’m not a “runner.” I hate running, but for some dumb reason I continue to perform said dumbness.

MW Out

Lone Rucker

12 HIMS fought the sack and NES to hit Prison Break this AM. All were well rested and ready to log some miles. Look, Hacksaw brought in an FNG. After several weeks of running Wednesday’s, YHC switches it up to ruck. To my surprise, I was the only one who performed said work. 5:30 hits

brief disclaimer (Hacksaw has already filled the FNG in)



All but myself ran while I rucked. Nothing really out of the norm on this particular morning. After all were satisfied, we meet back at start.  Welcome Stripes(Kyle Haywood)



YHC took us out in prayer

600 in 1

With the big NES classic craze going on around Folsom, YHC has been swamped with programming requests that I’ve gotten behind on my BBs. In case you haven’t heard, the craze I’m speaking of, is the Classic NES mini that was realeased a while back that was loaded with 30 original old school Nintendo games. Well, these little $60 games were selling for triple online but were loaded with over 600 games.  Being the “nerd” I’ve been called, and the fact that I’m an electronics technician, I had pondered attempting to do these “mods” myself. Not like I was going to go in business doing it, but that’s stuff I love to do. Heck, I’d made a killing of if Sister Act. Ask him. Anyway, I was successful and now everyone around Folsom and abroad has over 600 retro games. So, you now get the title of the B.B.


mosey to the far parking lot


route 66 walking and Bobby Hurley’s, turn around Route 66 lunging with Squats.

mosey back to start to grab a 50 pound bag of corn from Sparkys truck. Head to the tennis courts. Line up, going in order, each PAX was to call an exercise. Once he calls the exercise, he carries the corn half the distance of the courts area and back while the rest of the PAX performed his exercise AMRAP. Most were called in cadence, while the obvious exercises were OYO. Exercises called(I might have missed one or two);

Hipslappers, burpees, LBCs, merkins, Contra burpees, Low slow Squats, hacksaws, imperial walkers, imperial Squats, nur around the court, Plank jacks, mountain climbers, SSH, American hammers, Moroccan night clubs, alternating lunges, French fries, flutter kicks, little man in the woods(squat position SSH), Mike Tysons.

Sooo, to bring this together, the NES is a multicade of 600 games in 1, not hitting 600, but for sure a multicade of Fun.

Announcements; JJ5k, Soldier runs, Snowbird men’s retreat. Hit me up for dates.


YHC took us out in prayer

Pleasure to Q our fine establishment. The NES has already been responsible for some late night/no posts. Hopefully this will straighten out once the new wears off. If you are in the Gastonia region, I’ll hook your NES up for free. 😉

No Ruckers

it was a rather humid morning rolling up into Folsom for some PrisonBreak shenanigans. There wasn’t much mumblechatter on our GroupMe conversation last night which left me not so optimistic on the turnout. I roll in and Sister Act is right there with me. He takes off as I wait for other PAX and clock in time. Here they come and just in time.

In case you didn’t know, PrisonBreak is actually a Run/Ruck AO which also uses the Folsom facilities. There are a couple routes to venture on depending on whether you Ruck or run. Both however, incorporate the Gaston College campus.

There were no Rucker’s this morning so all took off on their own pace and route. Once 6:10 hit, all but Oompa Loompa we’re accounted for. After a minute of looking, we see his bright red shirt in the distance. Come to find out, he had a Sparky moment down around he lower pond. ShowToKnow for explanations. Anyway, all are back safe so time to clock out.



YHC took us out in prayer

F3 Is Rain or Shine

Knowing the weather peoples were calling for rain and possible storms, YHC wasn’t too optimistic about the turnout at Folsom this morning. After all, a few of the regular PAX have just gone M.I.A. here lately. Anyway, I roll in a little early to assess the situation. It wasn’t until about 5:25 that headlights started pulling in. No rain as of yet and there’s a cool breeze. 5:30 hits.


SSH, Imperial Walkers x20 IC


mosey down and make a lap around the lower parking lot finishing up back at the tennis courts.


YHC calls out for 3 exercises recommendations. Considering I’m not really capable of performing shoulder exercises, I put the Q in the PAX hands. Mumblechatter immediately began about “how many…….what is it……etc “ I continued without clues of what was in mind, even though there was a pretty solid clue on Twitter last night. Exercises finally called, Burpees, LBCs, Sumo Squats.  Now, to get to the jist of it. Sparky had introduced 20-1 a while back using blocks. Rather brutal routine it was. I had a slightly different approach to it. We use the four corners of the tennis courts. 20 of each exercise at corner 1 then mosey to corner 2 for 19 each. You get the point, continue until you get down to 1 of each. Then the mumblechatter chatter got worse “I would’ve called something other than burpees, Bkah blah blah.” Anyway, all took off OYO. Some finished at 7, some finished at 9. Do what you can until Q calls time. After we hit corner 15, the rain hit. Some were saying They should’ve brought soap. Felt pretty good at first, then the downpour came. It lasted a good 15 minutes and was rather refreshing. Once all were nice and soaked I saw 6:14 on the dial so we mosey back to start.



YHC took us out in prayer

Glad to see Def Leppard out on a weekday morning at Folsom. Also glad the others who post weren’t afraid to get a little wet. I won’t call them out, but some messaged in afterwards to say “yeah, it was raining so I rolled back over and went back to sleep.” Way to push men who posted. I think the routine can be finished completely incorporating just 2 exercises or cutting out the warmup, but none-the-less, work was Did. Honor to Q as always.

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