Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Medicine Woman (Page 3 of 12)

ChristmasTown ‘19 SpeedForNeed

Man, this year has flown by. Seems like it was just a few months ago when Speed For Need rocked the Christmas Town 5k. I’ve been a part of several SFN events, but there’s just something special about this one. It’s under the lights of the famous Christmas Town spectacle shown every year for well…..every since I can remember. Not is it that, but being the season it is and the environment it’s held, provides F3 PAX the opportunity to give a gift to those with special needs. That gift isn’t just rolling through a town showing the largest Christmas light display around on the coolest wheelchairs ever made, but it’s the gift of love, support, and encouragement to those and their families. Millions of children experience and live with some type of special need. These children truly are special. They deserve awareness, attention, and support everyday. This is where Speed For Need steps in. To be able to see the joy, excitement, and hope in these kiddos’ eyes is what drives the program.

Leading up to this years event, Pizza Man had reached out to the region asking for  Qs to help lead and organize the run. YHC knew I’d be participating in the run and hadn’t heard if anyone had spoken up so I offered. Pizza Man in turn said Dr. Seuss has also offered and that we would plan a co-Q with some guidance and assistance from Pizza himself. Little did I know there was so much to do and organize for such an event. Thanks to Pizza Man for all the preparatory work which left Seuss and I the responsibility of getting our track commanders fitted and buckled in their chairs. We were to make sure our pushers were assisted and of course make sure all have fun.

At around 5:30 pm, we all gather up to lay hands on one another, the track commanders and families for a word prayer for safety and enlightenment during the race. The track commanders were all saying how they were going to win and how we better push them fast as we can push across that line. With a lot of mumblechatter and fellowship, we mosey the group up to the starting line. While waiting for the signal, we all feel a couple rain drops. This rain was supposed to hold off. It’s just 25-30 minutes we are asking for. Anyway, the bottom dropped and it left us asking whether or not to call it for the track commanders. After speaking with the parents and the kiddos themselves, it was confirmed to proceed with the race. So, here we go, drenched by the rain, but filled by the spirits of these guys in the chairs. As usual, Evan is the talkative one and declares he will never be beaten in a race. He is off almost at a sprint and leaving the rest of us to make up some ground. It wasn’t long for Owen, Colton, Megan, Sarah,  and Nathan are hot on his heels. Nehemiah, close behind, is settling in on a good pace. The first mile was over just like that and the track commanders were locking in their paces. No need for water at the half way point for these guys. Let’s keep at it. I must admit, out of every 5k run I’ve ran, this one is the toughest due to the all the hills. This wasn’t an issue for our racers though. They plowed right through it like a jog on a flat track. The neighborhood citizens were cheering them on from every house on the track. This was boosting them into that second wind and  boom, we are at the home stretch. At this point, I wasn’t sure who was leading, but I know everyone of them were winning! As the racers cross the finish line, victory was being proclaimed. Each track commander put it on the line and conquered the mission. Great work guys. Evan, Colton, Nathan, Owen, Sarah, Megan, and Nehemiah were all awarded their Speed For Need medals and the victory party began.

I believe I speak for all of the Gastonia Region PAX who participated in this event when I say, these experiences are a blessing to be a part of. There’s nothing more fulfilling than being able to bring joy to the track commanders in these races. Many of the PAX who participate are actual runners. Some are not, but when it comes down to “Who Pushes Who” in a race, I believe the track commanders are the ones pushing. I know they push me and it’s why I continue to participate. Thank you to all who came out to run, push, setup, or just hang out.

MW and Dr. Seuss out!


Bets were made

It seemed to be just another day at PrisonBreak, but the faces seen on this particular day was anything but. Folsom seems unique in that the group of PAX who mostly make up the AO are on a GroupMe text group and if you thought the mumblechatter at a boot camp was enough, this group puts that to shame. Anyway, bets are made regularly to encourage or trash talk fellow Folsomites into posting.  Roadie was a face rarely seen on this AO day and yes it was part of a bet. The bet was and many times is the purchase of breakfast. Roadie is quick to jump in on these and rarely loses. Sparky owes Roadie breakfast due to the fact Allen Tate, actually posted, to, how he says it, werk. Allen Tate has been providing breakfast for Roadie rather regularly. I’m not sure if there’s some back channel betting, but Anyway, that being said, there was a nice crowd out to actually WORK. Miles were logged.


YHC took us out in prayer

F3 Workouts are held outside, regardless of weather

YHC was a bit optimistic of a big crowd on this fine cool, rainy morning. After all, one core principle of F3 is that workouts are held outside, regardless of the weather conditions. That being said, 5 held account and got some work in.


SSH, Hillbillies, Gravel pickers all x10 IC


Mosey to lower shelter for some Dora.


Partner up; Dora 100 burpees, 200 step ups, 300 SSH. Partner 1 performs amrap exercise while partner 2 runs to the turd shack for 5 hip slapped in cadence. Flapjack and continue until Dora is completed. After several rounds, the hip slapped were switch to a lap up the parking lot and back. With a few minutes left, we get in 22 merkins for the Vets. Now mosey back to start.


YHC took us out in prayer

More race training

another great fall morning at PrisonBreak this AM. Today was like most other running AO days here lately. Most all PAX who posted were training for either the Tuna 200 or the Ocean Isle Half. There were different ranges in distance, but everyone did work.

Announcements; Christmas Town 5k


YHC took us out in prayer

The Cooper

on this fine cooler than lately morning, YHC expected a larger crowd for a Folsom beatdown. Many are still on run training only until the races are over this month, so I knew it may end up a lighter than usual crowd. Either way, I knew PAX that posted would get some good work in.



SSH, Gravel pickers, Toy Soldiers all x10 IC

No shovel Flag, mosey to park entrance flag pole for pledge, then mosey back to the tennis courts


The Cooper, or otherwise known as 10-1, a variation of Sparky’s block workout 20-1. Using the first corner of the tennis courts, start with 10 each of burpees, Big Boys, Merkins. Mosey a lap around the entire court area, back to start for 9 each. Continue on until you’ve finished your final 1 rep each and final lap. Men are getting better everyday out there, so some routines are being finished faster each time they’re called. With about 7 minutes left, YHC calls for some core Mary. After 2 rounds, time is up.

ChristmasTown sign ups


QIC took us out in prayer

PrisonBreak 10/2

4 men logged some miles and got better this edition of PrisonBreak. Nothing spectacular really happened, so the BB is what it is. Good job men.


Christmas Town 5k SFN sign ups


Gumby took us out in prayer

Just the 3 of us

Yes, just three PAX came out to PrisonBreak for  some running. YHC was on his own. Gumby and RoundUp were on a mission. Not that I wasn’t on a mission, but mine was at a slower pace. Work was done.


COT; each other, kids and teachers in school.

YHC took us out in prayer

Trash the weinke

YHC was given another opportunity to Q the hottest AO in the region. Today was a little different. The cooler fall air was present. I spent a little time trying to come up with a not so JV weinke to provide the regular Midoriyama PAX. At first, the turnout looked rather light, then just before time to clock in, it seems we have a nice crowd. The group size comes into play heavily for my weinke to workout as planned. So, once 1730 hits, 3 PAX leave the group to get their Iron PAX work in. Well…………That pretty much ruined my plans. It’s cool, YHC can work around it.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Grass pickers all x10 IC


mosey over to the adjacent parking lot where the QIC previously dropped a couple 50 pound bags of deer corn off. Originally, PAX were t number off 1,2 to form 2 teams. These teams would be in competition with each other through a few relay style routines. Without enough for the team deal to work, we split up and made do with what we had. YHC had hand picked some cards from the F3 Workout Deck. We drew a card and while 2 PAX carry the corn a distance and back, the rest would perform that exercise  AMRAP until P1 returns. Relay to the next and draw another card. The Omaha of the weinke ended up with the PAX running 10 rounds of this routine. Mosey up to the upper soccer field for some run work. Line up for high knees across the field and back, then buttkicks, then nur, then lunge, then sprints. Mosey back to the turd shed at start. Ready for some waterfall, or whatever you call it. All PAX balls to the wall while each drop and make a lap around the shed and back on the wall. Once all have completed a lap, recover. The same routine is performed 4 more times in Plank, elbow plank, Wall sits, and frozen dirty hookup position. With a couple minutes left, 22 for the vets.



YHC took us out in prayer.

always an honor to Q at any of Gastonia’s fine AOs. It’s awesome to be a part of this group of men. Until next time, MDub out.

Always Prepared?

Ok, so YHC had a double Q on this fine Thursday. It wasn’t planned that way, but regardless, I was up to the task. The only problem with the Folsom Q was that I had used my new ideas for the Midoriyama Q later in the evening. Being a Folsom OG, it wasn’t hard to wing it. That being said, 5 PAX clock in at 0530.


SSH, Toy Soldiers, Gravel pickers all x10 IC



mosey up to the tennis courts. Whenever you’re short in Q ideas, the tennis courts will always bail you out. Line up for some burpeecides. Run the first court for 1 burpee then back. Run to the second court for 2 burpees and back. Continue to the sixth court for 6 then work back down to 1.  Mosey a lap then hold up at start. 4 corner escalators starting with 10 merkins working up an ex erode each corner to the fourth corner having 10 merkins, 20 CDDs, 30 Squats, 40 LBCs. Mosey another lap. Now circle up for some coretime. Mary style, each PAX call their core exercise and when all had participated a round, we mosey a lap. Rinse and repeat x4-5 until time was up.

Announcements: SSS 5k, JJ5K, Rotary Chili cookoff,(dates were mentioned)

COT; prayers for our 2.0s in school, Myself as I continue to ween off a medication, Montross’s son with adjusting to school

YHC took us out in prayer

Light Crowd

Another wonderful morning at PrisonBreak this AM. There was a relatively small crowd in comparison to recent weeks. As usual Volt was already on the route and when 5:30 hit, there were only 3 more PAX to add to the mix. Bedpan has been training up to push his uncle in the Stop Soldier Suicide 5k and was ready to push a little harder this run. YHC knows that when running with a partner, you actually run a bit faster or further. PrisonBreak posts are my shorter runs fir my Tuna 200 training so I told BP let’s get at it. Barrel Racer was out front pretty quick, but Bedpan and I were looking for some rhythm and I know I couldn’t keep up with him much longer. We settled in for a 5k practice run and turned some good times. Bedpan pushed out his fastest 5k to date! Nice work brother. YHC had a couple firsts myself. Again, running with a partner really does help. Bedpan is ready for his first Speed For Need event and ready to proudly push his veteran uncle.




YHC took us out in prayer

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