Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Mayor (Page 9 of 15)

Crossroads – The most fun I’ve had in a while

Taking the Q for Crossroads and Qsource on accountability never would have seemed like the blast it turned out to be.  I love these group of guys and the “sharpening” that happens on Sunday is monumental.  Lots of laughs today.

First, since I had the Q, I ordered up some good weather.  Runners and the solo rider from the DBC.

Lots of good work put in by all.  Circled up for the announcement, prayers, pledge and COT.

Announcements:  Nothing,  I was told the 5 year convergence was doe and there is nothing left for all of 2020.  Folsom had more in attendance than Gashouse.  Gashouse “Attendee” noted that it had to be that way to cater to the Folsom Q tantrum.

Prayers:  As Def Leppard stated “where do we begin?”  As Seuss posted at Folsom while Sparky was at Gashouse and a comment made about Def being at Gashouse with his blade, the Whetstone program was mentioned.  A comment about a house divided cannot stand.  In all seriousness, the Nation, Def’s M, Sister Acts 2.0, Purple Haze and HIPAA surgery this week.

Pledge:  Seuss ran thru this one quick and got everyone off on the rhythm.  Blart mentioned how much of a bat flipper you need to be to say the pledge faster than anyone else.

COT: Def took us out

Qsource: Good discussion on accountability.  Great discussions by all.  Two things also happened.  Sister Act spilled his vanilla ice coffee with cream.  If you know his affliction for this drink, it was truly a travesty and a comedy of errors.  He made the comment about almost having to lick the parking lot.  After his rant about being charged to little ice last week (because that means they give you more coffee and otherwise you would get a full glass of ice and little coffee), he was not consoled about this fact that he didn’t have to pay for the little ice this time.  We also saw the Eagle from Rankin lake this morning mixing it up with a crow.  According to legend, only the true braves who’s hearts and minds are pure, can have this vision. It’s big medicine.

Matrix – Mayor Style

Two rounds with work on each body part. Reps were x25.


  1. SSH
  2. Don Quixote
  3. MNC


  1. 60 second jump rope or jump in place
  2. Merkins
  3. Wide Merkins
  4. Single Arm tricep extension
  5. Dips
  6. Curls
  7. 21’s
  8. Single arm row
  9. Bent over reverse fly
  10. Squats
  11. OH Squats
  12. Wide cross leg situp
  13. V-up roll up
  14. In-outs
  15. flutter kicks
  16. oblique V-up


I had the lead on the virtual Q.  A lot of concentration and burnout on this one.  Every Minute On the Minute

No disclaimer.

WU:  small and big circles and some swimmers forward and backwards to loosen the shoulders.  Toe touches to loosen the legs.

Thang:  First minute, do three (3) merkins, next minute, 6.  Next minute, 9 and so on up to 30.  That’s a total of 165 merkins inside of 10 minutes.  Repeat the same process, but with squats and then flutter kicks (count your left leg only).

After that, for the cash out plank for 30 seconds transistions for a minute and a half total.  Elbow plank, plank and stretch your hands out as far as you can.  No rest in between.

Announcements:  Check F3Gastonia website (fitness) tab for zoom links to the 2nd Fs that Huckleberry has set up, House of Him bible study, virtual workouts with Gastonia (T,R,S) and F3 Nation (M,W,F).  Stay Active and in touch.

Prayers:  Pillagers neighbor (cancer), Mayors neighbor (cancer), Montross Aunt (cancer), Blarts M (recovery), Healthcare and first responders

Pillager took us out with the COT.

Q-Source (Shield Lock) – 03-29-2020

Good morning Gents – I had Qsource on this topic at Crossroads anyway so it seemed natural to take it via the Zoom.  I have attached my notes in files if anyone wants to review it.  There were lots of good conversation points and we went nationwide with FIAB joining us from the Keystone State.  See bullets below.  I logged this as an informational post so attendees are at the bottom.

  • Shield lock requires you to be steady and committed to the guy to your right and left.
    Shield lock is about accountability.
  • We do better together instead of apart.  No man can see forward and behind him at the same time.  It takes someone looking out for you and shining light on your blind spots.
  • Shield lock requires the 3Ps:  Purpose, Proximity and Periodic (meeting).
    This allows you to be ready for the expected, while staying ready for the unexpected.
  • SL helps you when your in the valleys (flux), but help your brothers when your on the mountain top and they are down.
  • Its difficult to have a shield lock if you don’t agree or align with another person, whether it be religion, home life, etc.
  • A shield lock is 3-5 people, but can be smaller as long as the 3Ps are there.


On another note, I know this time is difficult for some and others don’t agree with direction, but please be mindful and respectful of others.  While some aren’t affected, others are and its difficult on them seeing people not acting seriously to this while they aren’t earning an income.  Reach out to those in need, but please don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask if you need help.  It works both ways.  That’s what the shield lock is about.

Thank you to Hipaa and Montross for rocking and rolling with the virtual madness and Hipaa setting up reoccurring zoom links for the weekly workouts and Qsource.  That takes away the time limits imposed on us cheapskates who will never pay for the full versions if you will.

Attendees:  Stroganoff, Short Sale, Rosco, Montross, Pizza Man, Breaker Breaker, Sargento, Watts Up, Linus, HIPAA, Monk, FIAB, Clavin, Tool Time, Mayor, Kenneth Laub (F3 Name??)


Be Prepared – Crossroads 02022020

Today, aside from the easiest Q in the world (Sundays where everyone either rucks or runs and no need to plan for it), the Q source was on preparedness.  I made sure I had my stuff in a row for today.  A few quick notes from today that were impressed upon me during the reading and study.

Imagine a rowboat is your life.  Keeping the boat upright is the only way to make headway.  You can’t just ride the river.

There are four quadrants (Get Right; Live Right: Lead Right; Leave Right).  You cannot get one out of place.  You cannot start building a house from the top down.  A proper foundation must be in place.

One thing as men that we don’t talk about much is Love.  However, that is the accelerant of preparedness.  This requires a change of heart.  Nothing a man attains in his life has any value until he freely gives it away.  If a man does not love the people he leads more than himself, he cannot put their interests above his own.  When all else falls away, it is only love that will remain.

Get ready for the expected, but be ready for the unexpected.  Disregard the fiction of control and focus on being prepared.

Announcements:  Convergence at Martha Rivers on 3/21.  It will cover all three Fs. Shooting at Allen Tates the same day;  Axe throwing (2nd F) in February;  P200 get a roommate and book your room.

Prayers:  each other, Brokes daughter dealing with strep, the flu and a sinus infection, Blart and his family.

Praise:  Gumby back out in the gloom after surgery

Pledge:  We only had a flag so we asked Montross to hold it up so we can say it, but it got said.

COT:  Blart took us out.

Better than Sargento’s

I was minding my own business preparing my Q at Bulldog when Sargento fired a shot across the bow at poor ol’ Mayor about my workout.  So naturally, being the kind person I am, I let it go and did not reply…..believed no one EVER.


I made him rais his game up and put some work in.

Disclaimer: Done

Pledge: Done

Warmup:  Grass pickers x10IC, MNC x25IC and Don Quixote x10IC.  Done

Thang:  90 seconds of merkins, SSH, Sit-ups, Lunges, Burpees, Flutter kicks for rounds.  Finish up with a few minutes to go so we grab 60 seconds of pistol crunches.  Watts up with 60 seconds of cross leg crunches, Clavin with 60 seconds of plank work and Tube with 60 seconds of six inches.  Done

Announcements:   Convergence 12/28, Not so CSAUP CSAUP 12/20, Christmas Party 1/4/20, Labrynth New Year’s Day at 0700

Prayers:  Dry Rubs M in hospital, Watts Up father-in-law due to fall, Pedals M, Outhouses Dad due to fall, Two women Mayor knows starting to deal with breast cancer, those with addiction and depression during the holidays….reach out to someone if you know, travel mercies during the holiday season.

Q & Q source so good, its criminal

So what we do at crossroads to make it easy, if you have Q source, you also have the Q for that day.  Lucky me, with all the rain and lightning it was my turn.  No early birds at 0600 so I stayed in the truck to avoid the majority of the downpour and Broke, SA and Slaw get out around 0630.  Slaw & SA ran, Broke and I rucked and finished up at 0715.  Lots of puddles to splash in.  Then go inside for some Qsource on Accountability (Team).  Thanks to those that showed up for both.   its a bit of a reach with the title based on the picture, but I went for it.

Back to Back

Duewto a last minute breakout from Dolph, I was asked to pick up the Q.  Broke was highly disappointed to say the least.

5:30 came and its time to go.



Warmup:  Grasss pickers x10IC, Toy Soldiers x10IC, MNC x20IC, SSH x10IC.

Thang:  Mosey to the softball field entrance, start rocking with some 80s Hard Rock playlist for Breaker Breaker and get after it.

777:  Seven exercises, seven reps, seven rounds.

  • Squats
  • Push Ups
  • Sit ups
  • Lunges
  • Burpees
  • V-ups
  • CDDs

Run a lap around the parking lot after every round.  There were some real men out there who pushed the rock today.  I was humbled hard out there when they were on their seventh round and I had just finished five bringing up the six.  I gave them the option to run back to the flag and I would mosey my lap and everyone joined me.

Back at the flag, it was the deck of death.  Each person pulled a card and we did the work.  I don’t remember all the exercises, but there were some monsters pulled.

It was awesome being out there and getting pushed by the other PAX who are killing it.

Announcements:  Convergence 10/19 at the Yank with short 3rd F after with Broke.

Prayers:  Lynn Hamm, Brokes SIL with breast cancer and upcoming surgery, travel mercies for Gump’s M and students on fall break, Def Leppard’s M, Kotters

Praise:  Slim Shady’s sons successful surgery

BOM/COT:  Tophat



It’s the 1st of the Month

I had the Q for Monday 10-1-19.  It’s been a while since I lead and I needed to step up.  It was hot, muggy and rainy….everything needed for an awesome workout.

Warm Up:  Morrocan Night Clubs x25IC, Grass Pickers x10IC and Don Quixote x 10IC.

The Thang:  Mosey to their first corner.  We would do one exercise for 90 seconds and rest for 60 seconds.  In that 60 second rest, we would mosey to the next corner.  The faster you moved, the more rest you got.

Exercises:  Merkins, SSH, lunges, sit-ups, Burpees, Flutter Kicks, Squats.  Repeat until time is up.  Circle back up for a cash out.  Dolph led us with 22 CDDs IC.

Announcements:  Ragnar this weekend with clown car from Belmont Roses 0700, Convergence 10/19 at the Yank (Stowe Park)
Prayer Requests:  Catheters M, Lynn Hamm, Top hats nephew in Army deploying, Brokes sister in law with breast cancer, LT  Graves Mom.

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