Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

Author: Mayor (Page 6 of 15)

Crossroads 03-APR-22

Running and rucking.  Some late, some early.  Some ran long, some ran short.

Takeaways:  When you see purple haze running in his all yellow and a headlight, he looks like a minion.  Pockets put some miles in at a quick speed and blamed the refs for the Duke L (haha – he knows what I mean).  Seuss is a paid professional athlete as he’s sponsored to run.  In my haste to use the bathroom after COT, I tried to give Broke $42 dollars to cover my cup.

Announcements:  Community Foundation Run (SFN) 4/9/22, Freight and only Freights Cleanup after workout 4/16/22, Family night at Honey Hunters 4/24, SMR, Jump off Rock half.

Prayers:  Broke, Purple Haze, Huckleberry, Big Pappy, Turtleman

Praise: Pockets (pay), Sparky (son finding Christ)

Pledge, Nameorama, COT (Seuss took us out)

We discussed the four (4) agreements and some lively discussion and 2nd F took place.  I love Sundays!!!!

Gashouse 05-Mar-22

So much talking today.

We all circled up and got it started.


Warmup:  SSH x10 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x25 IC, Arm Circles

1) Mosey to flagpole for pledge, 22 for vets and police.
State mission and principles.
Free, peer-led workout for men.  The mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership
Free of charge, open to ALL men, held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold, led by men who participate in a rotating fashion, end with a circle of trust

2) Mosey up to Grier entrance and run suicide drills from the entrance to each parking spot and back.  We ran this drill for about 12 minutes and got half way.  More spots than I remembered. 

3) Mose over to Presbyterian stairs for some more work

  • perform 20 reps and then hit the stairs for the following:  Merkins, Calf Raises, CDDs, Heels to heaven and lunges

4) Partner up for a modified Dora.  One guy does the work while the other runs around the church lot.  We dont worry about reps here, just working.  When the second partner gets back, we switch exercises.  They were as follows: Squats, Merkins, LBC

5) Back to the stairs for three (3) calf raises at each step going up.  

6) Mosey back to start for our last push.

  • Do 10 reps IC for all
    Mountain climbers
    French Fries
    Michael Phelps
    Plank Jacks
    Freddy Mercury’s

7) Finished with the monthly plank challenge.  We did 1:30.  Short sale claimed he started 30 seconds early, but he was in downward dog so half rep, half time.

8) Stopped one minute early to discuss the most recent podcast by Stroganoff about drugs and how it can affect the family.  Dont feel judged and if your child is having an issue, reach out to someone.  Talk with your children about drugs, sex and all the issues that are coming at them 5 years faster than it did for us.  

Announcements:  F3 Foundation Run 4/9 @ 9:00, speed for need here?, Plank workout from 1st F q.

TAP: Turtleman, SA, Roundup, Watts Up, Dry Rub friend recovering from surgery.

Name-o-rama, COT

Dad’s Camp Option

Come camping. Check your schedule and Hard Commit now!!! Thanks guys!
11th Annual F3 Dads + Kids Camping

All, from the Nantan. The last link is the google document form

June 17th – June 19th 2022
Brian Bottom Campground near Mt. Mitchell. We have reserved the whole area which has 6 campsite. Each site can sleep 30 people.

Entire campground cost is $1100. Cost to camp each night will be $25. Any overage will be donated to F3 foundation. VENMO: @Rudy-Hayden PayPal:

This campground is along the South Toe River. It has potable aqua and National Forest outhouses.

The Sword 28-Feb-22

Folks showed up to run.

Verse:  Mat 5:10.  Persecuted for righteousness sake, not just persecuted.  Remember that.  If you feel persecuted, take that and reflect.  It doesn’t make it right to share or say something just because you feel it.  That ties into to Mat 5:21-26.  Control your anger.  You will feel anger and other emotions, but dont sin our of your anger (Ephesians).

Announcements:  Driver needed for P200 (two names were thrown in the pot).  Contact Sarlacc.

Prayers:  Sister Act (Father in Law), Wichita (Mother), Pappy (Multitude), Tesla, Bed Pan (Travel Mercies).


COT – Sarlacc took us out

Moleskin:  In talking with the weasel shaker, make sure you spell names correctly and pay attention to the how to enter them.  It makes Watts Up and alls job easier.  Case in point is a guy I meant today named Tipman, but spelled Tippmann after the paintball manufacturer.  You can always check to see how they spell it by looking them up on slack. So let it be written, so let it be done.

Bonclarken 20-FEB-22

A handful got up and put a little work in while others slept, cleaned, packed, drank coffee and socialized on a beautiful crisp morning.

Freight ran and the rest did some pain lab style work after Saturdays efforts.


Crossroads 06-Feb-22 (Seuss’s Qandry)

I dont normally get long winded, but this was funny. I got there and a handful were already gone.  Roundup and Dr. Seuss had just finished 5 at 5.  Seuss being the machine he is, wanted more, but looking around, the choices were slim.  SA and Gold Digger were gone so that left Kamala and myself, an immediate scratch or veto.  Next up was Broke, Blart and Def Leppard.  The next question was where.  How about by Pita wheel?  No, I dont like that.  How about the college? Anywhere but the college.  It finally got settled the technology park.  They all went out together, but came back in single file every 30 seconds to a minute.  All of them much stronger runners than me, but fun to watch.


Announcements:  Flat rock retreat 2/18 (see Sargent), Rooster team, 2nd F Lunch @ JR Cash 2/16, SMR needing runners (See Purple Haze)

Prayers:  Sister Act, Purple Haze, Wire Nut, Gumby, Roundup, Sargento

Old School 05-Feb-22



Principles of F3

Warmup:  SSHx15 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, Moroccan Night Clubs x20IC, Arm circles

Thang:  Jog a lap for a warmup and go to stations. 90seconds of work then take a lap

  1. Slam ball with 10# or 20#
  2. Sandbag clean/press or straight press with 75# sandbag
  3. Jump rope
  4. KB Swings with 24# bell
  5. Goblet Squat with 40# bell
  6. Star crunch
  7. Lunge
  8. Ab Wheel
  9. Upright row or tricep extension
  10. Single arm bent over row

If more folks

  1. Shoulder taps or steering wheel
  2. Band curls
  3. Merkins
  4. Flutter kicks
  5. Hold Plank

It took a lot longer than I thought and I was going to do a triple nickel square but that didn’t happen.

Prayer/praise:  Watts up, Tooltime, Roundup, Purple Haze, Gumby, Huckleberry

Announcements:  SMR needs two runners and an alternate.  Contact Purple Haze.

Q School TBD


COT > Def Leppard took us out.

“There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.”

~Frederick William Robertson



F3 Dads 2022 > Year Plan

Hey all – Just wanted to put this out there and give some details to what I am thinking for this year.  Take a look and let me know if you want to add anything, help in anyway, etc.  This will be my third year and I am looking to try and make this one a little bigger and more involved, but after this year, I will be looking to pass the reigns to the next leader.

March Service work at AOs.  We did this last year, but we didn’t get many results.  The point of this is to get out in AOs you frequent and improve them by picking up trash and showing the community and our children what it is to care for something, how to care for something and taking responsibility for something.  I am  thinking about just the Saturday workout areas so the community can get more visibility of  us out there working out, sees us out there with our kids putting in some beautification and not just using free space.  If you want to hit a M-F work area, awesome.  Take the lead and make it your own.  I am looking at March 12 or March 19 (weather dependent) at 10:30.  If enough people make a showing or discuss as a group, we can organize and meet somewhere for lunch.

April/May – Maybe a spring fling style thing with some field day events and categories for age brackets. I’m always looking for things to do. Probably need help with this one. I am not all that creative. Maybe this could be a family event for all.

Dad Workouts:  June (6/18),  July (7/23) and August (8/20).  I need two dads to help out with each workout.  We will continue to run around to each AO.  I dont know the rotation yet, but will get that dialed in.

September- Dads night at the Honey hunters

October:  Fall fling .  See April or May above.

Only thing to note about the spring and fall is getting tents and games and a location that can accommodate, but doesn’t charge.  Again, if anyone wants to help, please let me know.

Also – If you have something coming up that would be cool, put it out there and see if anyone shows.  If so, great.  If not, you and your kids will still have a great time.


Crossroads 23-JAN-22

Really cold and I didn’t want to do anything since I am just getting into the swing of things from being sick.  Men put in the work with it being 20 degrees, Purple Haze doesn’t understand what flat is and Sister Acts aim is off in the cold weather.


Announcements:  Q School 2/5, Lots of relays coming up

Prayers:  Huckleberry (dad), Stogie (M Covid), Big Pappy (New foster child), Blart (foot), Def Leppard (wrist), Pizza Man (selling house and moving to metro for a bit), Runners for the Biloxi Half, Gumby (MRI), Kelly (Barista – Her mom has breast cancer and having a double mastectomy), Wirenut (Mom having spot on breast looked at.



Folsom 15-Jan-22

We had a good crowd even though the site Q and various others didn’t join us.  I was going to write about it, but better leave the sandy V alone.


Warmup:  SSH x10 IC, Gravel Pickers x10IC, ROL/LOR, MNC x25 IC, Arm Circles

1) Pledge, Mosey to flagpole, 22 for vets and police.
state mission and principles.
Free, peer-led workout for men.  The mission is to plant, grow and serve small workout              groups for men for the invigoration of male community leadership

Free of charge, open to ALL men, held outdoors rain or shine, heat or cold, led by men who participate in a rotating fashion, end with a circle of trust

2) Partner up for lot (going up/down hill) for Dora

3) Mosey to Dragway pond stairs

4) Five (5) calf raises at each stair.  When finished, plank and wait on the six.

5) Dora from that general location up hill to the next speed bump for second round of Dora
Lunges (Each Leg)/CDDs/Leg lifts

6) Mosey to Tennis Courts
Do 10 reps and run to middle of courts and run back.  Repeat
Mountain climbers (count one leg)
French Fries (10 IC-4 count)
SSH (single count)
Michael Phelps (10 IC-4 count)
Plank Jacks (10 IC-4 count)
Freddy Mercury’s (10 IC-4 count)

7) One final lap to help some get to the 10 mile mark on the day, Announcements, Prayer/Praise, Name-o-rama, COT/BOM.

Announcements:  Q school 1/22, 2nd F lunch 1/19 at Buffalo Wild Wings, Rice and Beans ongoing, F3 retreat (15 spots left) 2/18-2/20, need four (4) runners for Smoky Mountain Relay (see Purple Haze), Downhill 1/2 May 13-14,

Prayers:  Gumby, Stogie, Roundup, Big Pappy

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